Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 989: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup is drunk (2)


It probably took Si Liangyi a long time to realize one fact: his cat seems to be too obedient.

The nail-cutting tutorial given on the Internet gave the cat all kinds of uncomfortable reactions, but he didn't see any of them. Even after he carefully cut one tender paw, she took the initiative to stretch out the other tender paw.

Qing Huan, who had her nails trimmed, tried her paws, tsk, let alone scratching, she couldn't do it even scratching. She stepped on Si Liangyi's arms, her long, fluffy tail swayed twice, and she was picked up by him and placed on the dining table. On the table was a cat bowl with a small fish pattern, filled with cat food, and beside it was an open cat bowl. Canned food and a water dispenser for cats are also on the table.

"What's the matter?" Si Liangyi waited for a while, seeing that she was just sitting gracefully on the table but had no intention of eating, so she couldn't help asking.

Qing Huan meowed, stretched out her paw and moved the cat bowl aside, but she didn't expect that the bowl was so heavy that she couldn't move it.

"Hmm... don't like this brand?"

Next, Qing Huan's eyes were wide open. Si Liangyi bought cat bowls with different patterns and shapes. They were lined up in a line. Each bowl was filled with a kind of cat food, and every kind of canned food was also opened. He bought one, and it happened to be placed from the head to the end of the table, and then he looked at her expectantly: "You can choose what you like, and it doesn't matter if you don't eat the others."

But to his disappointment, the kitten was still sitting on the table. So he thought again, is it because he is still a milk cat that he needs to drink milk? Fortunately, he thought of this before and bought several brands of cat milk powder.

A row of cat food, a row of cans and a row of cat milk, the kitten is still unmoved.

This time, Si Liangyi was at a loss. He sat on the chair opposite the table and stared at the kitten, and finally lost in those blue eyes. Remembering that his brother Si Wei'an might have experience raising a dog, he made a call. It was unbelievable on the other side of the phone: "Oh my God! Could this be my ruthless brother! You even call me!"

Si Liangyi asked straight to the point: "What if the cat doesn't eat cat food?"

"Huh?" Si Wei'an thought he had heard wrong. "What did you say?"

"I brought a cat back today, and she refuses to eat cat food, canned food or cat milk powder." Si Liangyi frowned, "Don't you also raise small animals?"

"Then can a cat be the same as a dog?" Si Wei'an retorted disdainfully. "Zongzi can eat everything, and even steal it." His dog has a good appetite for everything and is not picky at all. "But why did you remember to keep a cat? A cat is harder to serve than a dog. I am the master of the dog, and the cat is the master. With your nature, do you have a cat? Can the cat bear it?"

Si Liangyi hung up the phone in a snap, and couldn't get any useful information, so there was no need to continue talking nonsense, leaving Si Wei'an hopping over there, and accidentally let the zongzi steal the chicken legs from his plate.

"Why don't you eat anything?" Si Liangyi touched Qing Huan's head. Her head was small, fluffy and cute. As if responding to his words, she meowed, and Si Liangyi smiled wryly: "I don't understand... what do you want to eat?"

After being in this world for three months, Qing Huan wandered around the food stalls in various restaurants every day, but of course she would not eat canned cat food. While meowing, she drank Si Liang Yi and went to the kitchen. While waiting for the delivery, Si Liangyi took out the meat from the three-door refrigerator and defrosted it, preparing to make dinner.

Now he looked down at the milk cat spinning around his trouser legs, and seemed to understand what she meant. "You... want to eat human food?"


Si Liangyi hesitated: "Not too good... Cats can't eat what humans eat."


"... Well, you go outside and wait, I'll cook for you."

Si Liangyi read the tips for newbies on raising cats before, in which a line of bold and widened words was emphasized: Don't feed cats human food! Please do not!


While thinking, he quickly cut meat and washed vegetables, and pressed the switch of the pressure cooker by the way.

Because it is what cats eat, so he tries to use as little oil and salt as possible, but washes it with mung bean powder to remove the smell of meat, cuts it into thin shreds and fry it until it is cooked. Bring it to the bar in the kitchen and push it in front of Qing Huan.

Qing Huan yelled at him as a thank you, and finally ate. Si Liangyi was relieved, and used the remaining ingredients to make himself a plate of fried noodles with shredded pork. He looked deserted and tasted light, but compared to Qing Huan's bowl of shredded pork bibimbap, the fried noodles were more oily , and put some peppers, onions, green peppers and carrots, the colors are really beautiful. While watching the milk cat eat, Si Liangyi rolled up the noodles with a fork and put them in his mouth to chew.

After a while, the milk cat finished eating, walked towards him, and stuffed his little head into his cup to drink water. Si Liangyi didn't think it was unhygienic. She let her drink to her heart's content, then walked to the edge of his plate, opened her mouth and grabbed a noodle and pulled it out. She couldn't move it, so she just moved her mouth and started eating, and kept eating. Almost buried his face in his plate.

Si Liangyi touched her paw, and she held his hand with her paw while eating, and took away a piece of green pepper. Si Liangyi saw with her own eyes that she specially picked spicy side dishes to eat, is this something a milk cat should do? !

She drank most of the water in the glass, and the last half of the cat almost fell into the glass. Si Liangyi had no choice but to open the refrigerator, but the kitten suddenly jumped over and meowed at the orange juice in the refrigerator.

The meaning is obvious.

Then she licked the juice and he drank iced mineral water. One person and one cat got along harmoniously.

In the end, Si Liangyi disposed of all the canned cat food and cats on the dining table outside. He felt... His cat was probably different from ordinary cats, but he didn't feel surprised or surprised, but took it for granted. He thought, maybe she will suddenly become a human in the next second, and he also thinks it should be.

Is he crazy

Something seems to be pulling him somewhere, and he doesn't hate this feeling at all.

After dinner, he used to read a book for a while before taking a shower and going to bed, so he would spend about an hour in the study room, and he also brought the kitten in. She probably didn't want to read, because he hugged it around the book wall, and she Still looking uninterested. So Si Liangyi stopped reading, hugged the cat and went to the bedroom to turn on the TV, then gave her the remote control, watched her take pictures with her tender paws, and finally got a picture of a TV station showing a sitcom. stop.

Before Si Liangyi packed up and was about to take a bath, he asked the cat, "...do you want to take a bath?"

She tilted her cute little head, stared at him with big blue eyes, and even meowed, eager to jump off the bed, but was stopped by Si Liangyi in time.

The water was put in the bathroom, and he also got a small wooden basin to put in the bathtub, which was just the size of her, and it stayed on it securely. Si Liangyi wiped her body with her own shower gel, and said while wiping: "I don't think... you probably don't need those products for cats... But you look too small, I'll buy you a baby later Baby shower gel, it should be more suitable... Do you need to scratch here?"

She wanted it with a meow, and Si Liangyi washed her clean, wrapped her in a bath towel, wiped it, and then dried it with a hair dryer—but he remembered clearly that it was said on the Internet that it is best not to overdo it after a cat enters the house. Take a bath in a hurry, because it will give them time to adjust, and most cats are afraid of the sound of the hair dryer.


Sure enough, he didn't raise a cat, maybe an elf or something

Si Liangyi was used to drinking a glass of wine before going to bed, but he didn't expect this milk cat to stand up on his chest, arching its head into the goblet, and licked its little pink tongue several times before it was satisfied. Si Liangyi felt more and more that she was not a cat anymore, probably because there was a wonderful and interesting soul inside, but she just used the appearance of a cat. So he treated her just like a human being, as if one person and one cat could communicate.

Qing Huan found herself a little hair loss. She rolled on the quilt and lost several strands, and felt a little distressed. Only people with hair loss can understand this feeling. Si Liangyi was afraid of turning over and pressing her down, so he put her next to the pillow and leaned against his head. Qing Huan pressed Ya Si Liangyi's face with a soft pad, curled up into a fluffy ball beside his head, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

But the TV was not turned off all night, so she woke up before dawn the next day, and lay down at the end of the bed to watch TV.

Si Liangyi had a strange dream all night, and after waking up, he didn't remember anything, he forgot everything completely, but his heart was extremely heavy and sad, which gave him a faint headache. Every time he wakes up, he doesn't remember these weird dreams, which is why he has been alienated from others since he was a child. He feels that he does not belong to this world, but there are some things he should do, such as living, such as being an actor.

It was as if it was written in the script, but he just regarded his own life as a drama, and acted it out according to the development of the plot.

The kitten's tail was flicking back and forth, Si Liangyi sat up, the kitten turned around and walked over, and sat down beside him. On the snow-white and fluffy cat's face, a pair of eyes were as blue as the sea, like a starry sky.

Si Liangyi kissed her two tender paws: "Good morning, baby."

The cat face can't make an expression like "smile", so Qing Huan expresses her tenderness by rubbing her face. She followed Si Liangyi to the bathroom, watched him brush his teeth and wash his face, but was carried out while he was addressing his physical needs. Si Liangyi's expression was a little strange, and he probably didn't know why he couldn't go to the bathroom in front of a cat and closed the door. Qing Huan just scratched it with her paw and sat down by the door, waiting for him to come out.

... In fact, she didn't want to watch him go to the toilet, after all, she didn't have that kind of habit.