Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 990: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup is drunk (3)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup drunk (3)

After Si Liangyi came out of the bathroom, he saw the little kitten squatting on the mat by the door, licking its paws and washing its face, which made it look a bit like a cat. Seeing him coming out, she stood up, walked into the bathroom swaggeringly, and then pushed the door shut with her small body. Si Liangyi, who was locked out of the door, looked astonished. He stood at the door for about a few minutes, when he heard the sound of the toilet being flushed from inside, followed by meowing.

That means... let him in? Just to be on the safe side, Si Liangyi still knocked on the door, and waited until there was a meow from inside, before he opened the door and went in. He saw the kitten squatting on the sink, its two paws were white powder, and it was raising it up and barking at him. The meaning is very obvious.

Si Liang understood easily, took a new towel and came over to wipe the water off her paws, then carried her out.

I don't know when it will be officially launched. Si Liangyi has a lot of private time. He is used to not going out or interacting with people. He is used to living such a lonely and lonely life. It is the first time that he has a kitten to accompany him.

For breakfast, I had toast bacon and fried eggs. Si Liangyi’s fried eggs were beautiful and delicious. Unfortunately, Qing Huan was full after eating just one. Si Liangyi made asparagus bacon rolls with slightly fried skin. The browned ones are delicious—Qing Huan likes people who can cook, especially good-looking people who know how to cook and enjoy themselves.

After breakfast, her belly immediately became chubby. Si Liangyi packed up the dishes and sat on the sofa, and she ran to his lap, and he reached out and gently massaged her little belly very understandingly. The cat is very cute when it grows fat Yes, but she is still small, just a milk cat, not too fat.

While rubbing her belly, Si Liangyi was troubled: "... Is it really okay for cats to eat human food?" He still had a tablet computer on his lap, on which were still reminders for novice cat slaves, and the bright red characters repeatedly told him: Do not feed cats human food! Please do not!

Qing Huan glanced lazily, stretched out her claws to slap, and the interface was slapped off. Si Liangyi looked down at her, and called up the typing page: "... what do you want to say, you can use this to tell me." After speaking, he felt a little crazy, and then laughed again. For some reason, he always felt that Huanhuan could listen Knowing what he said, they can communicate.

Qing Huan blinked her blue eyes, stepped on the letter keys with her pink fleshy pads, and said: I don't like typing.

really! Si Liangyi was a little surprised, but also a little clear. He touched the milk cat's belly and asked her, "Can you really eat human food?"


"After that, do you still need to buy cat food? Canned cat treats and the like?"

"Meow meow."

Si Liangyi almost understood a little bit, the milk cat meowed once to express his affirmation, and meowed twice to express his negation. After thinking about it, he thought that this would be enough. Would he still want to force a cat to chat with him? She scratched Qing Huan's belly with her fingers, "Okay, I see."

After that, he hadn't read any one hundred ways to raise a cat. The rules of keeping a cat mentioned in online books were based on ordinary cats, and this one of his was not ordinary... Si Liangyi couldn't hold back and asked again: " Are you a monster?"

"Meow meow."


"Meow meow."

"..." Other than these two kinds, Si Liangyi really couldn't think of any other circumstances under which cats could become able to type. He stared at the kitten on his lap for a while, and felt that she was really beautiful and cute, with blue eyes, pink pads and a small head, so he didn't have to pay too much attention to the occasional strange things. Anyway, he just felt that if it was her...it doesn't matter. Maybe this is the so-called fate? In the past, Si Liangyi never had the idea of keeping small animals. Si Wei'an was afraid that his house would become a fossil and even dragged him to a pet shop, but Si Liangyi had no idea at all.

This is really the first time at the moment, a very novel experience.

The kitten must have been rubbed comfortably, with its belly upturned, its limbs curled up slightly, and its tail dangling slowly. Her meat pad is a perfect pink color, and it is very soft and delicate because it is still a milk cat. Si Liangyi poked it with his finger, and it was so soft that he couldn't help lowering his head, letting her meat pad step on his face, and then Rubbed his face against her belly. The little milk cat has the same shower gel smell as him, and the white fluffy fur is fluttering one by one in the sunlight outside the window, it is so cute as hell.

Fortunately, this is a cat. If it were a girl, Si Liangyi's actions would be sexual harassment. He suddenly remembered something and asked, "Can you become a human?"

"Meow meow."

No... He was a little lost and touched her claws. "In the comics, they will all become human."

Yes, and then the cat-eared girl can still have sex with her master, but what a pity you think beautifully, I won't change. Qing Huan bit Si Liangyi's wrist with her teeth, her teeth were still very small and fragile, gnawing and gnawing only left a handful of saliva, not even a mark.

"But it doesn't matter, you are so cute, even if you don't turn into a human, you will definitely be the cutest kitten in the world." Si Liangyi said sincerely.

Qing Huan meowed in affirmation, and patted Si Liangyi's hand with her paw as a reward for his idea.

He was actually amused by a cat, and felt that his dull life was full of happiness and joy. Usually, Si Liangyi would read a book in the study room or watch a movie in the audio-visual room, but today he spent most of his time with a cat, and he never tired of it.

After an unknown amount of time, the phone rang suddenly. Si Liangyi glanced at the caller ID and didn't answer it. He persistently called this number several times, but he ignored it in the end. Qing Huan glanced at it curiously, and he grabbed her fleshy body and brought her back. Finally, the phone stopped.

A few minutes later, the phone rang again, this time it was Si Wei'an calling, and Si Liangyi had a good relationship with this brother, so he didn't turn a blind eye. "Hello."

The other end of the phone didn't know what was said, Si Liangyi's eyes turned cold, Qing Huan grabbed his shirt from his lap and climbed up, and climbed onto his head extremely nimbly, lying on top of him and listening Telephone.

Si Wei'an said: "... come back for dinner tonight? It's the old man's birthday."

Si Liangyi said, "Oh."

"Oh, to return or not to return?"

"Let's see."

"..." Si Wei'an almost scolded him. "If you don't come back, the old man will very likely come to you in person."

Si Liangyi smiled lightly: "Does he dare?"

Si Wei'an: "...Brother, let me ask you, brother, I work hard every day, just want to hold the family property in my hands, and when the old man dies, I can share more with our brothers. You always do this Come back and confront him, what belongs to us will be snatched away by that woman and the little bastard sooner or later."

Qing Huan stretched out her claws to grab the phone, almost falling, Si Liangyi quickly supported her, and made her stay more stable on top of his head. This look must be a little funny, but he didn't care at all: "I know, I will go back tonight."

Only then was Si Wei'an satisfied: "Okay, hey, you have a cat, don't you?"


"I'll bring you some toys tonight. I took zongzi to take a bath that day. I bought a lot of them without even looking at them. It turned out that there were a lot of cat toys mixed in."

The kitten wasn't heavy, but Si Liangyi took her down carefully, "...you bring it, and ask her if she likes it tonight."

Si Wei'an was dumbfounded, what's the matter, he's going back to the old man's place for dinner and he still has to take the cat with him? !

But he didn't have the chance to continue asking because Si Liangyi had already hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, Si Liangyi touched the kitten's tender paws, as if he was talking to himself, but also seemed to be asking her: "Will those toys like it... probably not, because you are not an ordinary kitten." ah… "

Qing Huan held down his restless hand with her paws, stroking her pink meat pad all day long, and sooner or later she was callused out. You must know that her small meat pads are very delicate, how can anyone touch a cat like this.

Around the afternoon, Si Liangyi changed out of his home clothes, put on a pullover and jeans, and stepped on a pair of sneakers. His hair is dyed sorrel, and he has a sense of fashion if he grabs it casually. When he wears sunglasses and a mask, his face is basically invisible, but his personality is too prominent, and he belongs to the kind of person who is very conspicuous in the crowd even if he covers his face.

Qing Huan was also dressed by him, a pink lace skirt, but no shoes on her feet. After all, Si Liangyi needed to pinch her pads to relieve pressure at any time. It's not uncomfortable to wear cat-specific clothes, at least it makes Qing Huan feel that she is not running naked. She was sitting on his shoulder. This was not an ordinary cat, but an elf, so the cat bag and cage that Si Liangyi bought were of no use.

A handsome pink kitten sits on the shoulder of a man with outstanding temperament. This combination is very eye-catching. People in this neighborhood are staring at him. However, Si Liangyi doesn't care. He deliberately walks more steadily. , lest the kitten fall off his shoulders, a fall is no joke.

Si Liangyi is a very mysterious actor. He has no agency or agent, and the film appointments are all screened by Si Wei'an's secretary. He does not have his own social account on the Internet, and he never interacts with fans.

He probably doesn't know how many fans he has, and he doesn't care about his popularity. No hype, no relationship involvement with people, the origin is a mystery, but because of this, it is even more charming. Most of Si Liangyi's fans are mixed with joy and sorrow. The joy is that his boss beats other people with countless outstanding works in the international super line. The sorrow is that he has not seen anyone for many years and has no news. This person is doing it at this moment. What, they know nothing.

But that's it, I still like it.