Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 992: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup is drunk (5)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup drunk (5)

Lin Miaotong and Lin Yurou look very similar, they are the kind of classical beauties that I still feel pity for, they are very different from the beauty of today's women, like white orchids blooming in a field of gorgeous red roses, no wonder People who are good at this style may not appreciate it, but those who like this type will be fascinated by it. Si Wei'an and Si Liangyi belonged to the former, while Si Lin and most of the men belonged to the latter. In particular, the mother and daughter are both lovely and pitiful, born with a pair of moist and soft almond eyes, as if there are waves of light rippling in them, which makes people's hearts flutter.

When she was young, Lin Miaotong didn't hide her hostility towards the two brothers very well, but as Lin Miaotong grew up, she became more and more true to her mother, playing with the man between applause and acting as a backup for her, I also want to be grateful for her tenderness to me.

Si Wei'an felt that the old man might be the only one in the world who really believed Lin Yurou's words that "Don't let Tong Tong be named Si because you don't want your sons to be angry, and our mother and daughter have no intention of fighting for family property". , it is very cruel when it is ruthless, but once it becomes passionate, it is really blind.

It's not that Lin Yurou doesn't want to fight for the family property, if Lin Miaotong really changes her surname and registers her household registration under the old man's name, then she will be a legitimate daughter, not to mention whether they are related by blood, the siblings are a matter of certainty. If they become brothers and sisters and cause trouble, it will be a joke. How could a woman like Lin Yurou do such a stupid thing, she had confidence in herself and her daughter, Lin Miaotong was younger and more beautiful than her, why did Si Liangyi look down on her

Of course, Lin Yurou liked Si Wei'an, who was the number one, but Lin Miaotong fell in love with Si Liangyi, and shyly showed her a few times in front of Si Lin, the old man who loved her as his own daughter , and immediately wanted to get engaged to them. If he didn't care about Si Liangyi, he might have knocked Si Liangyi out and sent him to Lin Miaotong's bed.

The old man is getting old, and he has been played around by a woman all his life, and he is a wolf-hearted person, so it's no wonder he does so many inconsequential things.

But he is in good health, and he probably won't die in a short time. As long as the old man is alive, he will be the biological father of the two brothers. No matter how disgusted they were with this father, they would never hand him over to Lin Yurou, mother and son.

There was a little smile on the corner of Si Liangyi's mouth. He was surprisingly good-looking, far surpassing the handsome and unrestrained Si Lin when he was young. His overly handsome face attracted too much admiration. In Si Liangyi's eyes, Lin Miaotong's liking Not as good as the group of strangers who call themselves fans.

After all, the likes of strangers will not make him sick.

He was originally sitting on the loveseat sofa, but when Lin Miaotong was about to sit down, he got up and sat on the armrest of Si Wei'an's sofa instead. Si Wei'an was very satisfied with Lin Miaotong's snake-like movements, and he raised his legs: "Your intentions are almost on the head, and you don't look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue you are. She is flirtatious like a mother whore, I really want to sell it, there are too many people on the street, why are you showing off in front of us?"

He spoke extremely impolitely, Lin Miaotong's eyes were even redder, this time the tears could not be stopped, she looked at Si Liangyi, as if she hoped that he would stand by her side and say a few words for herself. But how is it possible? It was already extra merciful that Si Liangyi didn't add insult to injury.

"Brother, you really misunderstood me, I have no other meaning, I, I am not the kind of woman you said..." Lin Miaotong bit her lower lip, fragile like a flower destroyed by a storm, desperately in need of love people's pity. "Today is Dad's birthday, please don't be unhappy because of me? Dad actually misses you very much, although he doesn't say it, but I can see—"


Si Liangyi didn't have much interest in listening to Lin Miaotong's high-sounding words. To be reasonable, no one would be able to stand facing such a mother and daughter for many years. Although he doesn't live with his father at all now, the mother and daughter have caused him great harm. The nauseous effect of this has not been eliminated until now, which has caused him to be critical and hesitant when taking on costume dramas. After all, the actresses who put on makeup to look like ancient beauties really resemble Lin Yurou's mother and daughter.

The kitten in his arms suddenly barked, and both Si Liangyi and Si Wei'an focused their attention on the kitten. The kitten has revealed its fluffy little head at this moment, and its two tender paws rest on Si Liangyi's pocket, while the azure blue cat pupils are looking at the table - a big cake has been placed there, and it looks very good eat.

"What a greedy cat." Si Wei'an smiled. "Cats can't eat cream, it's best to avoid these things."

Si Liangyi took the kitten out of his pocket, walked over, picked up a strawberry covered in cream without hesitation, and handed it to her mouth, watching her eat the strawberry little by little with her mouth smacking, and then Pick up another one. The kitten's stomach is not big, so after eating two or three pieces, it satisfies its hunger, and then Si Liangyi took off a few pieces of fruit that were piled up on top and put them in, as if nothing had happened, and the cake remained the same as it was before.

But he didn't notice it when he bent down, causing the kitten to lick a mouthful of the cream, because the movement was too wide, the beard was all over the cat's face, Si Liangyi immediately rubbed her on his sweater when he brought her back.

He's very clean, but it wouldn't be so unbearable if it was the cat.

Si Wei'an stared at it for a while: "Are you really giving the kitten something to eat? Aren't you afraid of eating it to death?"

Si Liangyi gave him a cold look this time, and then carried the kitten to the bathroom with one hand. Si Wei'an stood there dumbfounded, what's wrong? What did he say wrong? What happened to his younger brother's indifferent and disdainful eyes before turning around? As a wise and powerful elder brother, what stupid thing did he do to make Si Liangyi look at him like this

After entering the bathroom, the kitten took the initiative to stretch its head towards the faucet, and its willingness to clean was very obvious. Si Liangyi first wiped her cat's face and beard, and then cleaned his sweater, but it was so wet that he could only blow it with a hair dryer.

The kitten stayed beside him quietly, and when he finished blowing, she took the initiative to hook the thread of the sweater with her paws, climbed up deftly, and returned to his pocket.

It really is an elf, only elves can be so cute.

After going out, today's protagonist, Si Lin, has arrived. On his left is Lin Yurou, who is wearing a crescent white cheongsam, and on his right is his youngest son, Si Shaoyan, who has just turned six years old. Next to Lin Yurou is Lin Miaotong. It looked like the eye circles were still a little red, but she didn't cry.

As soon as he saw Si Liangyi, Si Lin turned cold: "Are you bullying Tong Tong again? How many times have I told you that you are so much older than her, even if you don't like her, you can't treat a woman like this?" child!"

Si Liangyi didn't even sit down, he turned around and left with the kitten in his arms. Si Lin slapped the table angrily, he just wanted to show his father's prestige in front of his son, you know he hasn't seen his second son for almost a year, and he doesn't usually go home at all. I thought to myself, but what he said was so domineering and autocratic, but it was a pity that Si Liangyi never bought it.

Si Wei'an, who bought it, was not polite: "Then I have to learn from you all the time. It's the belly of a grown-up wife. It's just money. Our family doesn't lack this."

Si Lin didn't have a heart attack, but he felt that sooner or later he would get a heart attack from the anger of these two sons. One is an actor who does not do his job properly, and the other works honestly but makes troubles. The only thing in common is that the two brothers are also disobedient.

In the end, he compromised: "Stop! Who told you to go, don't you know what day it is today?"

Si Liangyi stopped in his tracks without looking back: "My mother's suicide anniversary."

That's true, on Si Lin's birthday eighteen years ago, he spent time with Lin Yurou's mother and daughter outside, took them to the playground, and bought Lin Miaotong ice cream for her while his wife was at home. Slit his wrist and committed suicide.

Si Lin's expression turned ugly in an instant. For so many years, he has been enjoying the wind and the rain, and lived a happier life than anyone else. But when he gets old, he will miss his children. His two sons are better than the other. Excellence cannot be compared to Si Shaoyan, who only knows how to act like a spoiled child. In the future, the Si family will definitely be inherited by these two brothers, there is no doubt about it. But Si Lin loves Lin Yurou and her two children very much. Although Lin Miaotong is not his own, he is still worried about what will happen to the mother and child after his death, so in front of the eldest son and the second son, he always behaves I'm very partial, I just want to tell them that I value their mother and daughter very much, so you brothers should also treat them kindly.

It's ridiculous, Si Lin thinks about himself and others, if he puts Si Liangyi and his brothers on it, he doesn't know how to make a fuss, and he himself still thinks that he is still the majestic and tall father in the hearts of his sons.

"This cake is delicious." Si Liangyi turned his head slowly, without any smile on his face. "Happy birthday to you. Remember to put incense on my mother and let her know that you have another birthday today, but it's a pity that she is not here."

He came back to celebrate Si Lin's birthday? Don't be kidding, he came back to make trouble for them.

He knew Si Lin too well. When he was young, he was decisive, wise and calm, but when he was old, he would inevitably become confused. If he licked his face to please his filial piety, Si Lin would not take him seriously. The more indifferent he was, the less serious he was. Being polite, Si Lin valued him more, to put it bluntly, cheap. Didn't Lin Yurou also understand this back then, and that's why she repeatedly rejected Si Lin as a married woman but appeared in front of him again and again, and that's why she let Si Lin be sure to win her

Seeing this, Si Wei'an also pushed the bowls and chopsticks away: "I'm leaving too, the company still has something to do."