Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 998: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup dream (1)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup dream (1)

"Brother, thank you! I don't hurt anymore!"

The little boy was skinny and skinny, with bigger eyes on his face, his skin was sallow, and he looked very unhealthy, but what was even more frightening was his left arm, which was only half left. He is very small, especially thin, so his actual age should be younger than his real age. At this moment, with his face up, he was smiling at a young man in white, as if his physical disability didn't make him so pessimistic. "I can go home now! Thank you brother!"

Qing Huan bent down and stroked his hair. The hair was dry, yellow and thin, and it looked like it was caused by long-term malnutrition. She smiled slightly: "Be careful, don't be fooled again."

"Understood!" The little boy nodded vigorously, he will definitely be careful, and will never be caught again!

Qing Huan watched the little boy go away, turned around and returned to the hastily built shack, and continued to see the next patient. She met the little boy by accident. When he met, he was being tied to a tree by several grown men, and one arm had been chopped off in half and thrown into a boiling pot. The little boy fainted from the pain, but the group of men stared at the rest of his body in a daze—thin is a little thinner, maybe it can be eaten, and eating bones is better than eating grass roots and bark

They are all starving to death! The animals in the family slaughtered and dried their furs, boiled them and ate them. If they didn’t eat any more, they would really die! These few people are gangsters who live in the west city on weekdays. When they have nothing to eat at home, they go to steal it. Everyone is hungry right now. They have no choice but to trick a child into killing them and eating them. The barbarians came here before winter, and now winter is just over, and there is nothing in the fields, so what else can they eat if they don’t eat people

Qing Huan rescued the little boy, but he could only stop his injuries. The little boy came out to look for food. His parents were all starving to death. He also had a younger brother and a younger sister who wanted him to take care of him. The younger siblings were crying out of hunger , he had no choice but to go out to find something to eat. The people he met on the road said that they knew there was a place with wild vegetables, and the little boy was tempted, so he went with them. How did he know that there were no wild vegetables at all, but he almost became a meal on his plate? .

Qing Huan rescued him and gave him a few steamed buns, which he carried carefully in his arms, the injury was not completely healed, but he was worried about his younger siblings, and was already in a hurry to go back. How could it not hurt? It was just to give him medicine to stop the bleeding, and there was nothing else to do in time.

If this place continues to be barren like this, there will only be more people cannibalizing people.

Xijiang, located in the corner of the Zhou Dynasty, was the most backward, poorest, and hardest place to survive in the entire Zhou Dynasty. Only exiled people would come here. In addition, Hu people came here and there to burn, kill and loot from time to time. Their life was very difficult. At the same time, it also led to a sharp decrease in the number of women, because Hu people not only robbed money and food, but also robbed women.

Although it is not pleasant to say it, in Xijiang, incidents of co-wives have gradually occurred. Every winter just after the beginning of spring is the most difficult time. There is no food at home. I tightened my belt and endured the winter. I ate all the young leaves that sprouted in spring, but I still couldn’t get enough. Xijiang has a large population, how can they live like this

This is a terrible place. Since Xicheng is the main city in Xijiang, the situation is slightly better. Cannibalism is common in other places, and it only happens occasionally here. When Qing Huan appeared in Xicheng, it was not that no one thought of her.

A beautiful young man with thin skin and tender flesh is really too attractive. Although he doesn't seem to be wearing anything, just looking at him makes people feel that he is rich and... delicious.

However, this situation improved after all the people who went to grab it were interrupted and thrown out with their hands. Not only that, but she also built a shack to treat people. She suffered from long-term malnutrition, and many people in the city fell ill. If anyone who has never done anything bad goes to ask for help, she will help, and even get some food and medicine from her.

There is a long line outside the shack every day, very long, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Qing Huan turned around and went into the shack, and found two more people inside, both wearing the armor of the Western Frontier Army, when she saw her, she knelt down: "Young master! Please help!"

She tilted her head: "Save whose life?"

"Our master is in danger, and all the doctors in the city can be hired, but they are helpless. I heard that the young master has returned to life, so we come here to ask you for help!"

The two of them knelt down directly and kowtowed three times to Qing Huan. The ground is hard, and they don't feel pain. Qing Huan stretched out her hand to help them up: "There's no need to be too polite, just take me wherever he is."

Her words were gentle, without any arrogance, on the contrary, she was very pure and kind, which made both of them very grateful. They hurried out with Qing Huan, only to find that their horse was gone! Qing Huan was not surprised: "Don't look for it anymore, it must have been taken away, killed and eaten."

The horse is not important at this time, what is important is the life of the prince! As soon as the two of them joined forces, their eyes met, they held up Qing Huan's arms at the same time, and immediately jumped over the eaves and walls. Qing Huan enjoyed a human-flesh flight, and the taste of it is really indescribable.

With the wind blowing all the way, Qing Huan was very glad that she was dressed as a man, with her hair tied up high, otherwise the strong wind would have blown her into a lunatic.

She didn't even enter through the main entrance. The two men in armor flew her over the roof, and then kicked open the door. There were two elderly men inside. He got up from the bed and asked, "How is it? Did someone bring it? This is the young master?!"

Qing Huan has only been here for two or three days. After she stood still, she gently patted the dust on her body, and looked at the young man lying on the bed.

He had a handsome face, but his face was extremely pale due to excessive blood loss, and his closed eyes told Qing Huan that he was in a very bad condition now. So she gave a light salute to the two little old men first, then sat in front of the bed to catch the young man's pulse.

The four looked at her nervously.

After a while, she laughed: "It's okay, there is no fear of life, I will protect his heart and lungs, and he will recover in a few days." She took out the brocade box and opened it to reveal two rows of golden needles of different lengths.

Seeing that she was about to stab the needle into the prince's heart, the little old man became nervous and was about to stop him, but was stopped by the young armored soldier: "Second elder, we have nothing to do now, let's treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. All the doctors in the city said that the prince is too seriously injured and cannot be saved, but this young man said that he can be saved, so how about we just believe it once?"

After hearing this, the two little old men stared at Qing Huan even more nervously, watching her stab the prince's chest with a gold needle, even a few needles on the top of the head and temples, they almost didn't cry out, but soon they Found a miracle happened! The wound that had been bleeding continuously because the weapon was poisonous actually stopped bleeding slowly! Before this, they used a lot of gold-chuang medicines and they were fine. If the bleeding continues like this, the prince will really die!

Now they have trust in Qing Huan. When she wrote the prescription and told them to boil four bowls of water into one bowl, the two young soldiers immediately agreed, took the prescription away quickly, and went to the warehouse to find the medicine. The two little old men directly knelt down to Qing Huan: "Thank you! Thank you! You saved our Da Zhou, you saved our Da Zhou!"

Qing Huan blinked, and helped the two elders up: "Xiaosheng is young and foolish, wouldn't it be a shame for you two to kneel down, please get up quickly."

Once this person got old, he was easily excited, and the little old man burst into tears. They really thought everything was over! If the prince is dead, then they really have nothing!

Taking advantage of the gap between decoction, they briefly talked about the matter with Qing Huan, and asked her to stay in the mansion to prevent the prince's condition from getting worse. After all, no one but her can heal such an injury.

The person lying on the bed is none other than the nephew of the current Holy Majesty, the former grandson of the emperor, Song Jin who is now named the king of Xijiang.

His biological father was the former crown prince, but unfortunately he was weak and sick, and passed away at a young age. The late emperor was greatly saddened, so he named his son Song Jin the eldest grandson of the emperor, but half a year ago, the late emperor died of illness, and a mutiny occurred in the court. He forced the palace before the late emperor passed away, and announced to the world that the late emperor passed on the throne to him.

Everyone knew whether it was true or not, but the Third Prince had been plotting for so many years, and he always pretended to be so perfect that even the first emperor didn't see it. Coupled with the fact that the first emperor was ill, he died without paving the way for the emperor's eldest grandson, which is really strange.

But in any case, the third prince has already ascended the throne as the emperor, and the first thing he did after ascending the throne was to designate the former emperor's eldest grandson as the king of Xijiang, and choose a day to rush to Xijiang.

How is this different from exile? Even if the Great Zhou was exiled, very few people were exiled to Xijiang, not to mention what kind of "Xijiang King" was conferred by the emperor! Who can be king in this area of Western Xinjiang? It is false that he crowned Song Jin king, but it is true that he wanted to kill him on the way. They did not know how many times they went through ambushes and plots along the way, and they disguised themselves many times to avoid them on the way, but they still encountered an assassination before they arrived in Xijiang. Song Jin was hit by a poisonous arrow in his chest. The miracle medicine given is continuing life, and there is only one miracle medicine, which guarantees that Song Jin is still alive, but the wound cannot stop the bleeding. The doctors in Xijiang came and said it was hopeless. They overheard people saying that someone was visiting the doctor for free in Xicheng , then with the idea of being lucky, he sent the two best people behind him to pick up Qing Huan.

The king of Xijiang cannot die. If he dies, I will be sorry for the painstaking efforts of the first emperor, and I will also be sorry for the veterans who followed him all the way. They refused to be loyal to the new emperor, so the new emperor exiled them together, thinking that their old bones would die on the road, but unfortunately they held on.

Fortunately, one of the two elders was a former tutor, and the other was a prime minister who returned home, so they barely got rid of them. After all, the current imperial court has been guarded like an iron bucket. Anyone who dares to oppose the new emperor will have his home ransacked Genocide.