Hidden God

Chapter 101: Exploring God List 2


Yu Feng was afraid that I wouldn't understand, so he hurriedly explained: "You can choose any of the brushes here. You can take whichever one you want. You can also write whatever you want about the content of the couplet. Write whatever comes to mind."

A person standing at the front of the crowd saw me standing still and said with contempt: "If you don't know what a couplet is, just write 'one two three four five, five four three two one'." It’s embarrassing anyway, don’t care how embarrassing it is.”

I said calmly: "Then if I write 'Spring is full, the world is full of pigs and the garden is full', no one will mind, right?"

"Presumptuous!" The man was furious.

But Li Shenxian laughed and said: "If you have the ability and the courage, I won't mind at all. Okay, stop talking nonsense and hurry up and take action!"

Ye Xun was about to go over to get the brush, but I stopped him with my hand: "I'll do it!"

As soon as I turned around, the Mi Tian sword came out of its sheath with a roar. The light of the sword traveled several meters like lightning. The tip of the sword suddenly flew down towards the two iron plaques. A series of sparks shot up. I had already sheathed the sword. , stood back to where he was.

The man just now said sternly: "You dare to cheat?"

Yu Feng's face darkened: "Zhang Chen, when will it be your turn to make the decision in the Fifth Division? Before Li Shenxian speaks, you'd better shut your mouth. Otherwise, I don't mind teaching you what the rules are. "

When Zhang Chen looked at me with a livid face, I raised my head and turned around without even looking at him, but I clearly heard the other person clenching his fists loudly.

Li Shenxian's face turned gloomy and he said, "Why don't you choose a writing brush?"

Li Shenxian and I looked at each other and said: "With this question, you are not only testing people's wrist and internal strength, but also their eyesight. The brushes on your pen holder seem to be heavy, but in fact each one is If something is reconnected after being interrupted, as long as the hand strength is not good, it will break in the middle before writing a few words."

"Even if I hold the broken pen with my hand, there is still a mystery hidden in your iron plaque. Both iron plaques have been tampered with by you. The two iron plates look like a whole, but in fact, you use them from top to bottom. Three different metals are made. The hardness of the metal is different. If you don’t grasp the severity of the stroke, the words you write will not only have different shades, but will also be extremely ugly and worthy of being thrown into the pit."

Li Shenxian waited for me to finish speaking, and couldn't help but raise his thumb: "Good eyesight. Kids, did you hear it clearly? People can see through the mystery of the couplets the first time they come here. I'm afraid many of you can't even do it now." Don’t you understand?”

Zhang Chen whispered: "Maybe Yu Feng told him."

Li Shenxian stood up and walked in the direction of the couplet without even looking at the other party.

For some people, ignoring someone is a greater form of contempt. He thought he was jumping up and down, but in the eyes of real experts, he couldn't even be considered a clown, let alone treat him as an opponent. A real opponent must at least be evenly matched.

Li Shenxian walked a few steps but suddenly turned back and said: "Trying the sky will make the sky scared; testing the gods, the gods will be panicked. Did you come up with it yourself, or did someone teach you?"

"I thought of it myself." I didn't expect Li Shenxian's reaction to be so big. It's just a couplet, does it remind him of something else

Li Shenxian's eyes quickly returned to Gujing Wubo's look: "That's right. Put this couplet away and send it to my room. I want to keep it for my collection. Come with me and go to the second level."

After Li Shenxian led us into the hall, he pointed to the wall opposite the hall door and said, "That's the second level."

"A limerick?"

I couldn't help but look back at Yu Feng. What is written on the wall is indeed a limerick: "The second test of poetry?"

Yu Feng said sternly: "Read the content of the poem first."

I turned around and thought:

Gods and demons from all over the world are in the painting, so how dare you paint a green and red painting

The romances of the ages are all in the laughter and conversation of our generation.

Hongzhuang flicked her finger and the wind and clouds moved, and the crazy scholar suppressed the frightening dragon with one hand.

The wolf walks calmly in the underworld, and madly holds the Soul Calming Bell alone.

Playing the sword and composing songs are free and easy, and you can control the dragon and the wilderness at will.

Why are there so many people talking about heroes? Who among us is the hero here

This poem has no literary grace at all, but it exudes a kind of madness that despises the heroes.

I couldn't help but ask: "Who wrote this?"

Yu Feng did not answer my question, but pointed to the other side: "That's the list of gods."

I turned my head and looked at the "Detective List" with big red and black characters: "One evil, two good overlords, four thieves and five gangsters are unparalleled. Two demon foxes in Qingqiu in the snowy land, ghosts and ghosts appear after the impermanence."

Below these four sentences is a series of rankings, but at the beginning it says "Eleventh Lei Yi Zhangjun".

I frowned and said, "Those four sentences are about the top ten on the list of gods?"

"Yes." Li Shenxian said with his hands behind his back, "If you are not in the top ten of the list of exploring gods, you are not qualified to be sung and praised. As for the poem you just saw, it is about the five unique skills of exploring gods."

Li Shenxian solemnly said: "Dong Xiao, Nan Ru, Xi Lang, Bei Kuang, and Ren Hengxing are collectively called the Five Jue. They regard the world's heroes as nothing, and no one can surpass them in the hands of Tan Shen. Ren Hengxing said bluntly, 'Who are we here? No one can refute them. They are legends like gods in the hands of Tanshen."

When I looked at the limerick again, I couldn't help but be fascinated by the five unique skills of exploring the gods.

Li Shenxian pointed to another wall and said: "My second question is to write down the height you want to reach on that wall. You can write down where you want to be on the ranking list."

"If you have confidence in yourself, you can also write down that you want to be the sixth master of the God Detector."

The smile on Li Shenxian's face faded: "I can give you half an hour to think about it. The timer starts."

Ren Tianqing ran to us and whispered: "Not only do you have to write your names in a while, it's best to write your own titles. Your name is Wang Huan, and his name is Ye Xun. How about you guys call them 'Xun Huan Shuangjiao'?"

"Two prides seeking pleasure?" I rubbed my forehead with my hands and said, "Thankfully he didn't call me Ye Piao, and I didn't call him Wang Qing."

Ye Xun glared at me fiercely: "Think quickly."

Li Shenxian's question is neither difficult nor easy.

Li Shenxian is not only testing your positioning of yourself, but also testing your ambitions and goals for the school.

The most difficult thing for people is to recognize themselves, and the even more difficult thing is to recognize the future. But Li Shenxian just asked us to write these things clearly in public.

If you write it too high, it will make people think that you have just arrived and don’t know what the sky is and how high it is. If you write it too low, it will make people look down on us and think that we have no courage and courage.

I also know that the best way now is to hide my weakness and write a goal that is neither good nor bad.

But why should I hide my clumsiness

I raised my head and looked between the white walls, and Mie Tian unsheathed my hand again: "The twin swords of gods and ghosts, Ye Xun and Wang Huan. I would rather see Yama than the sword, and I advise you not to encounter the twin swords."

When I put away the knife, Li Shenxian put his hands behind his back and said, "That's not a small tone. However, you haven't decided where you will be ranked in the future?"

I said calmly: "I wrote my name next to Wu Jue, which means: He can replace it."

As soon as my words came out, the hall immediately fell into silence. Just a few seconds later, the whole hall burst into laughter.

"Is this person crazy? He still wants to replace Wu Jue?"

Someone walked over and said, "Hurry up and show me what the new generation of Wu Jue looks like. I have to fawn over them quickly. They are the ones who will reach the top in the future..."

"You're a bitch!" Before the man could finish his words, Ye Xun suddenly stabbed him in the mouth with a knife. The man was caught off guard and his tongue was pressed flat by the tip of Ye Xun's raised knife, and a cut was made at the corner of his mouth.

The detectives in the hall suddenly became quiet, and I quickly looked around at everyone's faces.

Li Shenxian put his hands behind his back and smiled silently, Yu Feng frowned slightly, Ren Tianqing's little face turned pale with fright, but Zhang Chen's eyes showed a smile: "What do you want to do?"

Ye Xun didn't even look at Zhang Chen. He grabbed the handle of the knife with one hand and turned it suddenly. The man's teeth were immediately smashed by the blade, and blood burst out from his mouth. Although Ye Xun didn't kill the other party, he silenced him.

Ye Xun calmly took back the blood-stained sword and said: "Who else wants to know how to master the magic and ghost swords? We will accompany you."

Wherever Ye Xun looked, everyone took a few steps back in unison.

Li Shenxian smiled lightly and said, "You two are quite courageous. You dared to hurt people on your first day here."

I looked at the other person calmly and said, "Isn't this your third question?"

"Hahaha..." Li Shenxian smiled and said, "I really like you more and more. You answered this question well. You can be classified as a fourth-grade Qingfeng."

Later I learned that Qingfeng is divided into nine levels, with ninth level being the lowest and first level being the highest. After reaching level four, you are eligible to join the five sects of Tanshen. However, many people still choose to apply for membership after reaching the first level, because the higher the level, the better the treatment they will receive.

As soon as Li Shenxian came up, he designated me and Ye Xun as the fourth-grade Qingfeng, which immediately caused a commotion. Zhang Chen was the first to stand up: "Mr. Li, it would be too hasty for you to directly position them as the fourth-grade Qingfeng. We people who have served in the Detective Hand for many years have never obtained the fourth-grade Qingfeng. Why do they have it?" "

"It depends on their vision, courage and strength." Li Shenxian said coldly, "One of you, before the second question, either deliberately hides his clumsiness, or is cautious, and has the courage to shout "I want to surpass the five extremes" No, why are you talking about testing gods? So, none of you have experienced the third question."

I understand what Li Shenxian means.

If the newcomer did not cause dissatisfaction among others during the second question, then there would be no third question.

Zhang Chen frowned and said, "That being said, it would be unavoidable for Ye Xun to hurt someone..."

"What's wrong?" Li Shenxian said coldly, "I can't control how other branches do things or teach people. People in my Northeast branch have to be like wolves and tigers. If you want to eat meat, you have to be ruthless. , stand firm."

"If you want to eat shit, then do whatever you want. Don't eat it in front of me. It doesn't matter how much you eat."