Hidden God

Chapter 113: Survival from desperate situation


The moment the light suddenly came on in the cave, I clearly saw the flames on the lamp panel rushing upward along the pillars of the wooden frame, igniting the ropes used to fix the wooden frame.

When the fire ignited on the rope was like a red snake coiling around the wooden frame, someone screamed in the distance: "The shelf is on fire! Jump down quickly..."

"Don't move!" Even though Black Butterfly ordered them to stop, someone still jumped off the beam. When the opponent landed on the next wooden beam, the crossbar under his feet suddenly made a loud "creep" sound, and the rope tied to the joint of the crossbar suddenly broke, sending strings of fire flying into the air.

The cracked crossbar then turned half a circle in the clockwise direction. The left hand was holding the jumping hand, and the right hand was holding a machine puppet. It was like a seesaw magnified countless times, barely maintaining balance. , stopped in mid-air.

I couldn't help but gasp. No wonder when I just fell down, all I saw were T-shaped wooden frames. It turned out that these frames were not meant to be connected to form a passage, but to be separated when outsiders invaded, forming balance beams so that visitors could not communicate with each other. To take care of each other, we can only fight on our own.

Not long after this idea crossed my mind, there was a muffled sound of the rope snapping from the crossbar opposite me. I subconsciously moved my body, and the wooden beam under me slowly started to rotate, moving me little by little in the direction of An Ran.

The next moment, the ropes broke, the wooden beams rotated, and the crowd screamed one after another in the cave, and all the detective hands were lifted up in the air without exception.

The mechanism in the cave will never be as simple as trapping people in the air. Perhaps, its ferocious appearance will be revealed in the next moment.

Just a few seconds later, I heard a scream in the distance. When I looked back, the machine puppet on a crossbar had moved its position and was slowly moving towards the detective hand on the opposite side along the slide carved on the crossbar. Sliding slowly over. While the opponent screamed repeatedly, he pulled out his gun and fired continuously at the puppet. Although the puppet was flying wood chips under the gunfire, its sliding speed did not slow down at all.

A few seconds later, the wooden beam holding the god-detecting hand lost its balance under the puppet's strokes, and fell straight in the direction of the god-detecting hand. The man was gradually suspended in the air, while the puppet above was hanging in the air. In an instant, he accelerated and rushed straight towards the opponent.

The man suddenly fell into a dilemma. If he lets go, he will fall straight to the bottom of the cave. Who knows what mechanism is hidden in the rolling muddy water below the cave? If he doesn't let go, the puppet sliding down will crush his hands pressed against the edge of the slide.

The hesitation between life and death may only occur in a few seconds, but often those few seconds are enough to change everything.

A few breaths later, there was a strange sound of a pulley crushing fingers under the puppet's feet. When the man's screams rose to the sky, the giant ax lifted by the puppet also fell down in an instant, and one end of the crossbar was bloody. The light burst out, and the man's screams suddenly stopped.

When the bloody corpse fell to the bottom of the cave, it made a strange "plop" sound. When I lowered my head and looked again, a sharp iron thorn with an upright edge was exposed in the splash of water smashed by the corpse. The body inside was being picked up on the tip of an iron thorn and slowly sinking into the water.

The tragic sight of the corpse being pierced by iron thorns was completely submerged in the muddy water just one breath later, but the blood stains on the water still made people shudder.

A detective hand disappeared forever into the secret hole of the mechanism, but the fear caused by the mechanism is far from over.

The machine puppet that killed a detective hand only paused on the edge of the balance beam before falling to the bottom of the cave.

I watched as the machine puppet spun around in the air several times before slamming into the edge of a wooden beam. The detective hand that was picked up at the other end jumped into the air under the violent shock, and fell into the water with a scream. . While scarlet blood flowers floated up from the bottom of the water, one of the man's palms was still stretched out on the surface of the water and struggling weakly. After a long time, it hung down weakly into the water.

I couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. The whole cave fell into deathly silence again. No one knew when the next mechanism would be activated, or which puppet would rise up.

We are all hung on the beam. Once the puppet is activated, no one can escape.

It is impossible for a mechanism to be flawless. Even modern computer-controlled machinery will have errors, let alone ancient mechanisms

There must be a way to crack the mechanism in front of me. Where are the flaws in the agency

Just as I was thinking about it, An Ran suddenly shouted: "Brother Huan, be careful, the mechanism over there has been activated!"

There is no mechanism puppet opposite me, but the wooden beam under me has always maintained balance. The heavy object falling on the wooden beam must be under the wooden beam.

Before I had time to look down, the wooden beam under me suddenly started to rotate. I was pushed away from An Ran, and the other end of the wooden beam slid towards the machine puppet opposite An Ran.

When I looked sideways, I saw a stone slab hanging under my wooden beam. It was that stone slab that kept the wooden beam balanced. But now, the rope hanging the stone slab ignited a fire for some reason. It won't take long for the rope to be completely burned by the fire. When the stone slab hits the opposite side of An Ran, that is the moment when I can't control the crossbar and falls into the water. An Ran will also be thrown into the air in the violent earthquake and die.

"An Ran, hold on." I pressed the crossbar with both hands, stood up from the wooden beam, and jumped up suddenly with both feet. The crossbar under my feet just tilted up a little, and I forced it back, even faster than before. It turned out to be a bit more sinking.

When the stone slab on the other end of the crossbar suddenly rose upwards, I kicked the crossbar hard with my feet and flew away in the direction of An Ran with the help of my feet.

At the same time, the horizontal beam I was originally on also spun half a circle with my kick, throwing the stone slab into the air.

The slowly burning rope could no longer withstand the force of the flying stone slabs, and it suddenly broke the moment I jumped into the air. The stone slab without a rope suddenly flew into the air, and together with me, it fell down on the wooden beam where An Ran was.

I am in mid-air, but my heart sinks to the bottom.

It is impossible for me to calculate mechanics, distance, parabolic fall, etc. clearly in just a few seconds. If I dare to jump in the direction of Enron, I am completely gambling on my life.

If the bet wins, the two of us can have a chance to survive; if we lose, the two of us will be buried together at the bottom of the cave.

Now, the stone slab flew with me towards the wooden beam where An Ran was. It would be okay if it couldn't hit the wooden beam. Once it hit the beam, An Ran and I would definitely die.

Between life and death, the most common thing to do is to close your eyes and let fate happen, but I don't even dare to close my eyes now - our life and death are in those few seconds. Once I close my eyes, I will miss the victory. Negative seconds. I can only open my eyes to see if I am alive or dead.

In just a flash of lightning, the stone slabs whistling in the strong wind scraped against the edge of the wooden beam and fell into the water. Before the water splashed by the stone slabs had subsided, I jumped into the middle of the wooden beam where An Ran was.

Before I could stand firm on my feet, the crossbar suddenly tilted in the direction of An Ran. The puppet on the other end suddenly moved and rushed towards me with its battle ax raised high.

After barely standing still, I suddenly turned around and rushed straight towards the puppet. Within a distance of only two or three meters, I pulled out Mie Tian and slashed diagonally at the puppet's shoulder with my sword. Mie Tian's sharp blade instantly cut off the ax handle in the puppet's hand, and I rushed in front of the puppet and slammed into it.

After a sudden loud noise, the wooden puppet was knocked into the water by me, but I stepped on the crossbar with flying sawdust and rushed to the opposite side of An Ran. It wasn't until the wooden beam regained its balance that I squatted down on the beam with trembling legs, and cold sweat dripped down my head, falling drop by drop on the wooden beam.

After a long time, I finally regained my composure: "An Ran, are you okay?"

"No...it's okay..." An Ran's voice was also trembling. After such a journey between life and death, no one can deal with it calmly.

A thought flashed through my mind: Zhuge Wuhou didn't want to kill everyone. Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to design this kind of balance beam-like mechanism. He just needed to not set up a wooden frame and let the water rush us all into the cave. Who can survive in a trap full of iron thorns

There must be a way to survive in the secret.

I tried to turn around: "Ye Xun, how are you doing there?"

The beam where Ye Xun was sitting was the same as me. There was no machine puppet on it, but what hung below was not a stone slab but a coffin.

When my eyes fell on the coffin, I was suddenly shocked. There are stone slabs hanging on the other wooden shelves. Ye Xun would not hang a coffin there for no reason.

Just when I wanted to remind Ye Xun to be careful, the coffin hanging on one end of the crossbar suddenly exploded on its own. Dozens of bats swarmed out of the broken coffin and flew in all directions.

The beam at Ye Xun's end suddenly sank. Ye Xun, like me, stepped on the wooden beam and jumped up, flying straight to the nearby beam and flying down. Ye Xun is different from me. He is a master of the inner family. He has practiced Qing Gong and can walk in the air for a short time. It is easier for him to find a place to stay.

Who would have thought that before Ye Xun was flying in the air against the wind, the detective hand lying on the far beam raised his pistol at him. He must be afraid that Ye Xun would fall on his own beam and bring him in too. Bottom of the cave.

Just as the man was about to take aim, I already shot him with my hand. The man was thrown several feet away by the bullet, and fell into the water without even shouting. The wooden beam that lost its balance suddenly rose into the air at this moment - the place where Ye Xun landed was gone!

"Use the flying claw quickly!" I knew clearly that Ye Xun had no time to get the flying claw in his backpack, but I still shouted subconsciously.

Ye Xun, who was in the air, suddenly took action and struck the raised horizontal beam with a palm from the air. The wooden beam that was pushed aside by a puppet was knocked back to its original position by Ye Xun's palm force, and he himself landed on the beam without any danger.

Ye Xun's skills improved again.