Hidden God

Chapter 114: The first question


I was relieved when Ye Xun landed safely, but at this moment the mechanism at the end of the crossbar moved in Ye Xun's direction.

The mechanism puppet seems to be activated as long as someone shakes the crossbar. No matter how slight Ye Xun's movement is when he lands, the puppet will also activate accordingly.

Ye Xun only paused for a second before drawing his knife and rushing towards the puppet. The sharp blade curled up in the air, like a wildly spinning strange snake that instantly broke the ax handle in the puppet's hand, then drilled open the opponent's chest and came out from behind the puppet.

When the broken battle ax in the puppet's hand fell to the ground, Ye Xun also stood in the middle of the crossbar close to the incomplete puppet, and finally pressed the tilted crossbar back to its original position.

Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, Black Butterfly had already shouted sharply: "Wang Huan, do you dare to kill my people?"

I looked at Black Butterfly coldly and said, "I will kill anyone who wants to touch my brother, including you."

When Black Butterfly was about to speak, An Ran had already shouted: "Brother Huan, Xu Mei, what time has it been? You two, please stop fighting. If we do it again now, none of us will survive."

The black butterfly glared at me fiercely and turned away. She seemed to be thinking about how to make herself safe temporarily, but I kept looking for the bats that had just scattered in the cave.

Bats can't dig holes, so they can't dig through a coffin that's several inches thick and get into it to settle down. There must have been a mechanism installed in the coffin in advance to allow the bats to enter and exit freely. At the same time, it would explode on its own under certain circumstances and release the bats.

What is the significance of Zhuge Wuhou releasing those bats in the secret cave? Are these mechanisms alone not enough to stop the incoming enemy

After a thought suddenly popped into my head, I immediately shouted sharply: "Be careful of those bats!"

As soon as I finished speaking, countless bats flew out of the shadows of each wooden frame, each looking for a target and pounced on the nearby detective hand. After I shot the bats flying toward me three times in a row, the swarm of bats that came toward me turned around indifferently and flew into the darkness.

At this time, a scream suddenly came from a place not far away from Ye Xun. I watched a bat land on the back of the nearby Detective's hand, like a hungry ghost lying on a person, and moved inch by inch along the opponent's spine. Crawled over the man's neck.

The opponent clearly knew that there was a bat crawling behind him, but he did not dare to reach out and touch it. As soon as he moved, the puppet on the opposite side would activate. He did not have the courage to jump out from the beam, so he could only let the bat Crawl behind yourself.

Just a few seconds later, the bat clung to the other person's neck, bit open the scalp on the back of the person's head, and stretched out its bright red tongue to quickly lick the other person's bleeding wound.

Half of the blood that flowed from the back of the man's scalp was licked into his stomach by the bat, while the other half dripped on the beam.

The man was so frightened that his voice lost his accent: "Team leader... Team leader, save me! Save me! The bat is sucking my blood..."

I know that the saliva of vampire bats contains something similar to an anesthetic, and the prey will not feel pain when its blood is sucked by it. The reason why the man screamed at the top of his lungs was because he was too frightened.

Black Butterfly shouted loudly: "Ye Xun, please help me save him."

Ye Xun shook his head and glanced behind the man twice: "No, the bat is too small, I can't touch it with my angle."

Ye Xun was right above that person, so it was easy for him to pierce the bat with an arrow, but it would be difficult without hurting the other person. The most likely result would be that Ye Xun shot the bat to death with an arrow, He also took that man's life.

It was something that Ye Xun who was closest to the opponent couldn't do it, let alone the detective hand who was far away. More than ten of us just watched each other being sucked by bats.

After a short moment, the man's voice began to get weaker and weaker, until the man was silent, and the bat lying on him fluttered its wings. As soon as the bat reached mid-air, it was shot down by Ye Xun with an arrow.

At the same time, I saw the man who had just been bitten to death by the bat move slightly.

I thought I had seen it wrong at first. Unexpectedly, just a moment later, veins suddenly popped out in the man's hands, and the skin exposed outside the cuffs shriveled up at that moment, like a waxy yellow film. It stuck tightly to his hand. The man's body raised its head slightly...

evil Dead

The first reaction in my head was "Corpse Transformation". When I saw the man slowly climbing up with his hands on the crossbar like an animal, I realized that I had thought wrong.

According to legend, the limb joints of a mutated corpse will become extremely stiff and will not bend at will like a normal person. However, the man was not only moving, but also moving very fast.

"Wang Ming, what's wrong with you?" Black Butterfly just called the other person, and the person turned around suddenly. Black Butterfly didn't know what he saw on the other person's face, and couldn't help but let out a scream.

The man was staring at the black butterfly one second, and then suddenly turned around and looked towards me the next moment.

When I saw that person's face clearly, I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. The skin on the other person's face was like fabric that had been scalded with boiling water, with layers of wrinkles gathered together; the two eyes, which were full of bloodshot eyes and horrifyingly red from the inside out, were opened a few times wider than before. At first glance, it looked like someone had torn off his eyelids, leaving only a pair of uncovered eyeballs exposed.

Saliva was dripping from the corner of the man's grinning mouth, and he was whimpering in his throat. He looked like a mad dog ready to bite.

I've heard before that vampire bats carry rabies bacteria, but no matter how fast rabies attacks, it's impossible for a person to turn into a mad dog in just a few minutes, right

The mouth of that bat must have carried some kind of virus that had never been discovered before, which was why the man mutated in such a short period of time.

The man looked back and forth between me and Black Butterfly several times, as if he was choosing a target. I had already raised my pistol, but I heard An Ran's trembling voice: "Brother Huan, Brother Huan, the person behind you... the person behind you is also crazy."

I turned my head slightly, and out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of a figure squatting on a beam in the distance. The other person was more like a mad dog, his bloodshot eyes staring motionlessly at my back.


Just now all of our attention was focused on the man whose head was bitten open by a bat and he was sucking blood crazily, but we didn't know that the other bats had quietly chosen other targets. They must have been more than just two people bitten by the bat, but we don't know who else was injured.

Just a few seconds later, the two people in front of me and behind me jumped up at the same time, leaping several meters towards their respective goals. When I felt the strong wind coming from behind me, I suddenly inserted the pistol in my right hand under the armpit of my left arm, pointed the muzzle of the gun behind me, and pulled the trigger.

The moment Magnum's roar was deafening, the strong wind blowing from behind me suddenly stopped, and the sound of the body falling into the water was loud.

The man named Wang Ming rushed towards the opposite side of Black Butterfly at that moment. His target was not Black Butterfly, but the puppet opposite Black Butterfly.

When I wanted to come to the rescue, there was a hollow sound in the pistol - I still hadn't adapted to the Magnum, and even though I had fired five shots, I still aimed and shot instinctively.

When I tried to reload, the crazy Wang Ming had already fallen to the end of the crossbar.

The black butterfly didn't wait for the opponent to touch the crossbar before flying up, stepping on the void and falling quickly in the direction of Ye Xun: "Ye Xun, save me."

Black Butterfly's Qinggong was better than Ye Xun's. She wasn't afraid that she wouldn't be able to land on the crossbar. What he was afraid of was that Ye Xun would suddenly knock her into the water.

"Save her!" I was also afraid that Ye Xun would not rescue her, so I couldn't help but remind him.

It is true that Black Butterfly and I have a hostile relationship, but Black Butterfly cannot die yet. I don’t know whether the other party has sent the video to the Xingdian headquarters. If I leave the other party’s life or death unchecked, if the video has been passed on, our most favorable witness will be gone. Then we will have endless troubles. .

Ye Xun raised his palm under my gaze. I quickly shouted again: "Ye Xun, don't do it!"

Before I finished speaking, Ye Xun had already slapped away the puppet beside him, making way for the black butterfly. The latter obviously took Ye Xun's initial action as an attempt to prevent him from climbing onto the crossbar, and the strength of the wind under his feet unconsciously weakened a bit. It was this small amount of force that caused her to fall to the bottom of the cave, just an inch away from the crossbar.

"Help..." As Black Butterfly subconsciously called for help, Ye Xun quickly grabbed the other person's palm and pulled her to his side.

When Black Butterfly subconsciously stretched out her palm, she probably didn't even think that Ye Xun would risk being dragged into the bottom of the cave to save her. It wasn't until she was pulled up to the beam that she leaned on it as if her whole body was weak. On Ye Xun's body.

Ye Xun shrugged his shoulders and pushed Black Butterfly's head away: "Be careful yourself."

When I saw that the other party was saved, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the screams of the Detective Hand started one after another in the cave.

I only turned my head and looked half a circle, and saw at least four mutated detective hands flying and swooping in mid-air, rushing towards my former companions. Those infected with mutations never seem to care about their own life or death. Even if they fall into the water and die together with the other party after overturning the crossbar, they will jump away without hesitation.

If this continues, sooner or later we will have to push those people into the water.

How can I help myself

As my brain was spinning, I held a pistol and shouted to An Ran: "An Ran, listen to my order. I will count to three, and the two of us will run to the middle together. You just run forward, and I will control the balance." . Wait until the middle, and the two of us will be safe."

Unexpectedly, An Ran actually cried out: "I don't dare!"