Hidden God

Chapter 115: First question 2


Only then did I realize that An Ran was probably a little afraid of heights. He had been holding on to the wooden beam with his hands and feet from beginning to end and did not dare to let go. Now it was harder for him to walk over than to reach the sky.

I was so angry that I said, "Stop talking nonsense, listen to me and come here. This is our last chance."

"I really don't dare! Brother Huan, run away by yourself!" An Ran was really crying now.

"I'm going to fuck you up!" If An Ran wasn't my companion, I really wanted to shoot him! How long had it been and he was still lying on the wood and not daring to get up? Is fear of heights worse than death

Just when I was feeling dizzy with An Ran's anger, the screams of vampire bats flew through the cave again. As large bats flew through the air, I quickly loaded my bullets and fired several shots, but I couldn't stop the bats flying everywhere. I watched a large number of bats surrounding An Ran.

I shouted sternly: "An Ran, why don't you get up?"

An Ran cried: "Brother Huan, I don't dare... Just leave! I'll hold on for you..."

"Fuck you!" I raised my gun and shot down two bats. "Anron, if you die here, I will find a man for your wife right away when I go back. If I don't sell her to a bad old man, I will follow you Your last name!"

"What?" An Ran's eyes suddenly turned red, "Say it again!"

it works

I haven't known An Ran for a long time, and I don't know him very well, but the resentment between him and his wife is really unbearable for me. No wonder the old woman I threw out of the car called An Ran a little bitch.

I can't tell the difference between little wolf dogs and little milk dogs among girls, but I know one thing, that is, dogs are loyal to their owners, and even the weakest dogs know how to protect their owners. I just wanted to test whether An Ran would ignore life and death for Luo Qianqian.

It appears this is working.

I immediately said sharply: "I keep my word. I can't touch your wife, but I know several bitches who can do anything. If you don't believe me, I will... "

"You bastard!" An Ran stood up suddenly and ran towards me. I immediately put away my pistol and went straight to meet him.

When the two of us collided in the middle of the crossbar, I reached out and lifted An Ran up: "Lie on my back, and I'll take you to jump down."

"Brother Huan!" An Ran didn't react until then.

"Lie down and don't move, don't let the bat bite you." I stepped on the middle of the beam with my feet in a herringbone shape: "Ye Xun, you jump over with the black butterfly on your back, and we can escape together."

The balance beam-like design in the cave is actually a mechanism designed for Qinggong masters. No matter how powerful a person's qinggong is, he cannot fly at will like in the movie. He must land when he can. As long as he cannot land in the middle of the balance beam like a bird every time, the mechanism will definitely be triggered. The final result will not be falling. If you fall into the water, you will die at the hands of agencies or vampire bats.

The only way to escape is for two people to start together and land on both sides of the balance beam. Only in this way can you maintain your balance and continue jumping to a safe place.

This method seems simple, but in fact it is a test of trust between partners.

The two people who stood up and jumped not only cooperated perfectly, but also had to absolutely trust each other, even more than they believed in themselves, in order to survive the ruthless test of the balancing mechanism. Any hesitation in the entire process would be fatal.

I carried An Ran on my back, and asked Ye Xun to carry the black butterfly on his back, just to prevent the weight difference between the two of us. The rest depends on how the two of us cooperate.

I shouted loudly: "Ye Xun, come this way, jump to my side, hurry up!"

While I was shouting loudly in the direction of Ye Xun, Ye Xun jumped up from the crossbar without hesitation, leaping towards me with his feet in the air. At the same time, the bats flying in the air suddenly changed their direction and swarmed towards Ye Xun.

Ye Xun's hands had to be used to maintain his balance. He didn't have an automatic firearm on his body, so he could only watch the bats approaching.

"Fire, aim and hit!" An Ran and I pulled the trigger at the same time, but we were afraid of hurting Ye Xun and did not dare to fire at the center of the bat swarm. The seemingly fierce gunfire flashed continuously around Ye Xun, but it could not stop the siege of the bats at all.

At first, I could still see Ye Xun's advancing figure among the bats flying all over the sky. In the blink of an eye, my sight was blocked by the bats that covered the sky.

"Ye Xun—" I was sweating profusely in anxiety, but there was a sound of steel needles breaking the wind from behind the bat group. The vampire bats that were dancing in the sky just now seemed to be beaten by frost and snow. The fallen leaves fell in pieces amidst the slightest sound of wind - the person who took action was Black Butterfly, and only her steel needle could exert its power like a rain of flowers all over the sky.

Ye Xun also stepped out of the air at this time and flew towards my left side. The black butterfly lying on his back suddenly screamed: "Move to the right! If you place your foot like this, the wooden beam will tip over!"

Ye Xun not only turned a deaf ear, but also hugged Black Butterfly's legs with both hands, controlling her on his back.

I saw Ye Xun was about to hit the ground, his feet staggered outwards, and he quickly moved to the side of the beam. The moment the wooden beam under my feet suddenly lifted up, Ye Xun suddenly turned his body in the air, kicked the raised wooden beam, and took advantage of the moment when the wooden beam fell slightly, and used two more kicks to raise the wooden beam. The beam stepped back to its original position, and he himself stood on the side of the beam.

Ye Xun and I have already stood firm, the black butterfly is still screaming loudly, and An Ran on my back is still shaking. The guy was so frightened that he buried his head on my shoulder, not even daring to raise his head. . I was so angry that I slapped him hard on the forehead: "Put your head up and shoot if a bat comes. Ye Xun, let's go."

When Ye Xun nodded slightly, the two of us jumped together, went straight to an empty wooden beam and jumped down.

As soon as the two of us got up, we heard Black Butterfly exclaim: "That's a trap!"

Only then did I react. This cave is full of mechanisms. The designers back then could not have left us a completely safe place to stay. Those seemingly safe places may be the most dangerous places.

But Ye Xun and I had already jumped into the air. Ye Xun had Qing Gong and could turn around and jump back to his original position, but I could only jump onto the beam with my eyes open.

The moment I was about to land, Ye Xun suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled out the flying claw connected to the rope, and threw it in front of me. The moment I reached out and grabbed the end of the rope, my feet fell towards the target at the same time.

As soon as I stood firm on my feet, I heard a sound like a blade scraping a scabbard from under the wooden beam. When I looked sideways, a sharp knife nearly a foot long suddenly ejected from the wooden beam less than two feet away from me, standing brightly on the beam.

In the blink of an eye, blade after blade shot out one after another at a distance of less than half a foot, arranging towards my feet. The sharp knife is the murderous intention hidden in this mechanism.

If I wanted to survive, I had to jump off the beam immediately, otherwise I would have to watch my feet being pierced by the blade.

If Ye Xun is not on the other side of me, I will jump elsewhere without hesitation, but I don’t know if Ye Xun is ready now. If I jump outside without him being prepared, the person who will die will be Ye Xun.

The moment I turned my head to look at Ye Xun, I found that the beam not far away for me to stand on suddenly started to rotate for some reason. If I don't get up, the wooden beam will get further and further away from me, and I will have no chance to escape.

An Ran screamed behind me: "The knife is coming, Brother Huan, jump quickly!"

"Shut up, you can't die!" I roared and gritted my teeth tightly, hooked my fingers together tightly, and stepped straight on the wooden beam - I knew clearly that no matter what I did, Even if I tighten the soles of my feet, the severe pain of being pierced by steel knives will not diminish even a little bit. It is just a subconscious action on my part. This is similar to the way people would unconsciously tighten their muscles when getting an injection, waiting for the needle to go in. There is a truth in the meat.

A moment later, four blades popped out along the sides of my feet. The sharp blades almost cut open the uppers of my shoes, but did not hurt my feet. If I had moved just a little bit, I would never have escaped the fate of having my feet pierced.

I lowered my head and glanced at the blade next to my leg, and then looked at Ye Xun with cold sweat on my face. Ye Xun's face was also pale and dripping with cold sweat, but his feet also didn't move at all.

While my heart was pounding, the beam under my feet suddenly moved, and the entire T-shaped wooden frame seemed to be pushed by someone, slowly moving towards the platform.

Ye Xungang was about to speak out, but I waved my hand to stop him: "Don't move around yet, let's check the situation before talking."

The wooden frames that were originally blocking our front moved to both sides as if they were being manipulated, making way for Ye Xunluo and I; every time the beams that Ye Xunluo and I rested on passed through an area, they got out of the way. The T-shaped frame will soon return to its original shape, and it will still appear to be haphazardly blocking various intersections.

The T-bar brought me to the platform where the coffin was placed, and it still showed no intention of stopping. I couldn't help but pull out Mie Tian, holding a knife in one hand and a gun in the other to look at the coffin in the distance.

At this moment, there was a loud noise under my feet, as if the pillars of the wooden frame hit the edge of the platform. Before the shock from under the shelf ended, the blades at my feet retracted to their original positions, and the wooden beams in the air slowly tilted downwards. The agency obviously wanted to dump Ye Xun and me on the platform.

I turned to Ye Xun and shouted, "Be careful, I'll go down first."

When I jumped towards the platform, Ye Xun also flew over and landed lightly beside me.