Hidden God

Chapter 119: Branches outside the node


Black Butterfly wanted to say something more, but she swallowed it back and followed us silently.

The coffin arranged by Zhuge Wuhou passed through a mountain. I didn't even know where I was sent. I wandered around in the mountain for most of the day before I finally wandered outside.

As soon as we found a place to stay, Black Butterfly came to our room with a pale face and said, "Wang Huan, the people from the Palace of Punishment are here."

I glanced at the black butterfly and said, "If you come, you will come. What else can you do?"

Black Butterfly said: "You don't know, they are here to investigate. The message from the branch told me to wait where I am. This means that the people who came to the execution hall are not good! The video of Zhao Qiang's death must have been circulated. They won’t let it go when they return to the execution hall.”

I asked calmly: "Then what?"

Black Butterfly was so anxious that she stamped her feet: "Why are you not anxious at all?"

I spread my hands and said, "What should I be anxious about? Zhao Qiang didn't die in my hands. If they want to investigate, they can just investigate. I don't believe it. Can the Palace of Punishment still charge me with random charges?"

Black Butterfly looked at me for a long time before shaking her head and leaving my room. After she left, I whispered to An Ran: "Have you got all the evidence you have?"

"Foolproof." An Ran made a reassuring gesture.

This time we came here to perform a mission, it was actually a game between Qingfeng and Xingdian. Although Xingdian has innate advantages, Qingfeng is not an easy person to deal with. There must be someone behind Yu Feng and the others. She would not be unprepared when she sent An Ran over. Therefore, I dare to conclude that Enron also has a piece of evidence.

An Ran checked his own records and said, "Brother Huan, we have evidence. Why didn't you tell me when Black Butterfly came over just now?"

I said calmly: "I don't believe in Black Butterfly. After all, Black Butterfly is not from our side, and I'm not sure what the relationship is between her and Xingdian. If Xingdian really wants to frame me, Black Butterfly is The most effective witness.”

After I finished speaking, I lay down on the bed and said, "I'll take a nap first, and we'll talk about other things when the time comes."

I slept until night before An Ran woke me up. When I sat up, the people from the Hall of Punishment had already entered the room. The leader, a young man with a hooked nose, said, "Your name is Wang Huan? Come with me."

I said calmly: "Is this how you plan to take me away?"

The other party said slightly angrily: "You still want us to carry you away in an eight-carat sedan chair?"

I sneered and said, "The police need a summons when arresting someone. You are planning to take me back for questioning with nothing. Are you taking yourself too seriously?"

The other party suppressed his anger and said: "The detective hand is obliged to cooperate with the execution hall."

"Then do I also have the right not to cooperate with the torture chamber?" I asked coldly, "Don't stress my obligations first. I'm only talking about my rights now."

The man said angrily: "Are you trying to play tricks on me?"

My face suddenly sank: "I gave you Xingdian three points of face, so I said so many words to you. If it were another person, I would only take action."

"You..." Just as the man was about to speak, the corner of my eye had already glanced at the pillow on the bed. There was a black leather-wrapped corner exposed underneath, which at first glance looked like an uncovered gun handle.

The man opposite me was suddenly shocked: "What do you want to do?"

"I have to ask you about this!" I picked up a pipe casually. "If you want to ask, you can go here; if you want to take me away, you'd better bring something out."

The man's chest rose and fell several times before he said, "Okay, let's ask questions here."

"Wouldn't it be over already?" I reached out and touched under the pillow. The man opposite me immediately put his hand on his waist: "What do you want to do?"

"Smoking." I took out a lighter wrapped in black leather from under the pillow, lit the cigarette and took a deep breath before blowing out smoke rings and saying, "Friend, would you like to have one too?"

The man was so angry that he said, "I don't smoke."

I immediately asked again: "What do you call your friends?"

"Li Wenzhong." The other party replied subconsciously before saying coldly, "I am asking you now, not you asking me."

"You said, you said..." I smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Li Wenzhong didn't make things difficult for me later. He just wanted to investigate Zhao Qiang's death. Moreover, Ye Xun and An Ran were not avoided during the investigation.

Li Wenzhong asked about it for about half an hour before he said: "Take out the video of your time. I need to compare it."

I nodded to An Ran, who passed the document directly to Li Wenzhong without saying anything else. Everyone knows that electronic files can be copied in several copies every minute, so there is no point in getting entangled in them.

But what happened next was beyond my expectation. Li Wenzhong took the video and never showed up again. He just arranged for people to leave us in the hotel. Li Wenzhong booked the entire hotel and provided us with good food and accommodation, but he refused to show up.

I stayed in the hotel for three days and met black butterflies in the corridor several times. Every time they saw me, they hesitated to speak, which made An Ran and the others confused. Finally, An Ran couldn't bear it any longer: "Brother Huan, what do you think Li Wenzhong is trying to do? What is he doing, is he putting us under house arrest?"

I smiled lightly and said, "If I'm not mistaken, they should be looking for Ma Dai's tomb."

"What?" An Ran suddenly became anxious, "We have deduced the secret of Ma Dai's tomb, why should they? No, I have to find someone to comment."

I laughed and said, "Can't the Palace of Punishments also have access to the restricted area of mythology? Why can't they go there? Besides, we are just speculating. What we can guess can be guessed by others. The Palace of Punishments has a thousand reasons to block you." return."

"They..." An Ran was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Black Butterfly! Black Butterfly must have leaked the secret! When you guessed the location of the next secret burial, I didn't record it. Who else could it be than Black Butterfly who leaked the secret?"

An Ran stood up and said: "I said that Black Butterfly has been watching how we hold it in these past few days as if we can't poop. It turns out there is something wrong with her. No, I have to ask her for comment."

"Where are you going? Just pack your things honestly!" I waved my hand, "If you really get involved with someone in the past few days, remember, run as fast as you can, and don't let anyone get killed. , otherwise it would be difficult for me to explain to Yu Feng."

An Ran was startled: "Brother Huan, what do you mean?"

I squinted my eyes and said, "I deliberately told Black Butterfly what I said. The speculation that Ma Dai's tomb is the second secret treasure seems reasonable, but in fact, there is a huge loophole. That is, if Ma Dai If he is ordered to build a second tomb, then his tomb will not easily appear in front of the world. More than 70% of Ma Dai's tomb may be just a fake tomb to hide the public's eyes."

An Ran said anxiously: "You said it was a 70% chance, why didn't you calculate the 30% chance? What if it is the 30% chance?"

I said with a serious expression: "I calculated the 30% probability and asked you to prepare to escape. If Li Wenzhong were to encounter the other 30% chance, he would not be able to come back."

"What did you say?" An Ran was startled.

I explained to An Ran: "Think about it for yourself, why did Zhuge Wuhou keep concealing his secret skills, and even refused to let Wei Yan take charge of the army and go another route several times? That's because he was guarding against someone."

"You are thinking too much." An Ran denied, "During the Three Kingdoms period, besides Sima Yi, who else would Zhuge Wuhou be afraid of?"

I sat up slightly and said: "He is afraid of people who remember the secret skills of the machine. The skill of the machine has completely disappeared from the historical data after the death of Zhuge Wuhou, and the wooden ox and the horse, and Zhuge's divine crossbow will never be heard again. This can only show that Zhuge Wuhou was at that time He deliberately hid the mechanism technique because he was afraid that after his death, the mechanism technique would fall into the hands of others."

"Moreover, Zhuge Wuhou not only hid the art of mechanism, but the Eight Formations Diagram also disappeared from the sight of future generations. Among Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan and his disciple Jiang Wei, which one knows the Eight Formation Diagrams and which one is proficient in them? Which one of the Qi Men Dun Jia knows the secret art of traps?"

"Zhuge Liang did not teach his disciples secret skills but only the art of war. He was simply afraid that someone would kidnap Jiang Wei. At that time, his most valued disciple would not be able to keep him."

I said in a deep voice: "Wei Yan is following Zhuge Liang. He can also guard against that mysterious force. Once Wei Yan is allowed to travel alone, especially through Ziwu Valley, he will definitely be pursued by that force. Once Wei Yan is lost, Zhuge Liang's secret will be revealed It’s like losing half of it.”

"No!" An Ran retorted, "Zhuge Liang only killed Wei Yan after his death. If the force you guessed wanted to capture Wei Yan, they would have done it long ago. Why wait until Ma Dai kills him?"

I waved my hand and said, "Have you forgotten that Zhuge Liang kept his mourning secret after his death, and even used a dummy to scare Sima Yi away? He could scare Sima Yi away with a dummy, why can't he scare others? The two things are completely different. Similar things."

"One more thing!" I paused slightly and said, "If Zhuge Wuhou wants to pass down the secret art of mechanism, he has many ways to choose suitable disciples. The worst is to hand over the secret art of mechanism to a subordinate he absolutely trusts. , you can also find a successor. Why should he go to all this trouble?"

"The three test questions left by Zhuge Wuhou are not so much testing the disciples as they are testing the incoming people. His questions must have targeted the weaknesses of some people. If he finds out what Wuhou secretly concealed, he was prepared for it. Ninety-nine percent of people will not be able to pass the test of Zhuge Wuhou."

I looked at An Ran and said: "So I said there is a 30% chance that Ma Dai's tomb is a trap. Once you fall into it, you can't get out. If Li Wenzhong goes, he will definitely lose his troops."

An Ran's expression changed: "I understand. I'll pack my things right away."