Hidden God

Chapter 21: Sacrifice


Only now did I see clearly that the sarcophagus we were hiding in was not a perfect fit. There were several small cracks around the coffin for some unknown reason, and the firelight from outside penetrated into the coffin along these stone cracks.

As soon as I lay down on the gap in the coffin and took a look outside, intensive gunshots rang out from the cave...

The cave we were in didn't know when a blazing fire was ignited on the fire path surrounding the wall. The entire cave was already illuminated as bright as day. Chen Mingyu's men raised their guns and fired wildly in all directions, bursts of inhumanity. Loud screams echoed one after another in the cave...

Water God

The first thing I thought of was the Water God. They never appeared just to ambush Chen Mingyu. The original hunter became the prey in an instant.

Although I haven't seen the Water God appear in front of me yet, I'm sure that when their bullets are exhausted, the Water God will fight back.

Sure enough, after just a minute or two, someone retreated behind his companion to change*. But at this moment, the Water God passed through the fire net of bullets and suddenly pounced into the crowd...

After a water god entered the crowd, the nearby men and horses instinctively turned their guns. Normally, their reaction was correct, but at this moment it was a fatal mistake. The second and third water gods jumped into the crowd one after another, breaking up the opponent's formation.

Chen Mingyu's men were still firing wildly, but they could no longer form an effective fire network. After a while, they were completely dispersed by the water god and began to fight on their own. After one bodyguard after another was jumped by the water god, the harsh sound of teeth tearing bones followed.

After Chen Mingyu's most effective bodyguard killed two water gods in a row, he was thrown near the coffin by a monster that suddenly appeared behind him. Before the other party could get up, a water god threw himself next to the coffin. After a strange sound of sharp teeth tearing his throat open, blood burst out. The water god also raised his head in an instant, with bloody teeth. A piece of torn meat rested on the edge of the coffin.

I couldn't help but threw my head back, and my head hit the coffin lid, and there was a loud "thud" sound from the coffin.


I immediately tightened my grip on the dagger. If this muffled sound alerted the Water God, a fierce battle would probably follow.

When I nervously looked at the gap in the coffin, a dark yellow eye also followed the gap in the coffin. Ye Xun and I leaned on both sides of the coffin in unison, but I could still feel the eyes moving left and right outside the coffin, as if looking for traces of Ye Xun and me.

When Ye Xun and I were trying our best to curl up and retreat to both sides of the coffin, the coffin lid above our heads opened a gap, and a claw with fine scales stretched out from outside the coffin. After Xun Xun swayed a little twice, he touched along the edge of the coffin in the direction of Ye Xun.

The eyesight of the water god outside must be very poor, otherwise it would not choose to reach out to test, but should look inside the coffin.

But even so, Ye Xun and I couldn't hide near the Water God. It was only a matter of time before we were touched by it.

Just as I was about to draw my sword, I saw Ye Xun, who was retreating a little, making several gestures to me. He probably meant to tell me not to move. I could only stare at the opponent's palm.

After a few seconds, Ye Xun reached the point of no retreat, and the Water God's raised claw almost touched the tip of Ye Xun's nose. The latter twisted his body into a strange posture when the Water God raised his claws, and actually lowered his head against the coffin. The Water God's claws almost touched the coffin board against Ye Xun's hair. .

Ye Xun had either practiced contortion techniques or bone-shrinking techniques. A normal person's body would never be able to achieve this level of flexibility.

Before I could be surprised, the water god turned his paws and touched in my direction.


It was impossible for me to twist my body in a limited space like Ye Xun. When the water god came over, I had no other way to go but to draw my sword.

I grabbed the dagger and slowly raised it, pointing the tip of the knife towards the gap in the coffin. I knew that cutting the water god's claws with a knife would not have any effect. Only by stabbing the water god into its eyes when it turned around could the water god be seriously injured.

Just when I was ready to take action, there was a loud noise from the coffin lid, as if something heavy hit the top of the coffin, and the water god's arm was caught on the edge of the coffin.

Before I could figure out what was happening outside, the Water God withdrew his arm after a scream, and firelight once again penetrated the gap that was originally blocked by the Water God. It seems that the other party is chasing the opponent who just landed on the coffin.

I immediately moved closer to the coffin and looked towards the cave again. I saw that there were fewer and fewer people around the coffin, and the screams outside gradually died down. I couldn't help but feel anxious: "Ye Xun, I have to go out. I can't let Chen Mingyu die."

Chen Mingyu can only be caught but not killed now. He is a cunning old man. I can think of things, and he even thinks more than me. If Chen Mingyu can't be caught, my classmates might be ripped apart by his men. I can't bet that Chen Mingyu didn't make any arrangements.

"Don't move!" Ye Xun seemed to have figured out what I meant, and lowered his voice and said, "Look carefully, not everyone outside is dead."

When I changed my position and looked outside, I saw that although some people were captured by the water god, they were not killed. Instead, they were held and kneeled not far from the coffin. Chen Mingyu was suddenly pinned down by a snake-shaped water god. in.

Before I had time to breathe a sigh of relief, my heart couldn't help but rise again - the water god holding Chen Mingyu could no longer withstand the stimulation of blood. He tentatively moved his head to Chen Mingyu's side, and the nearly foot-long snake Xinzi came out of its mouth. The edge slowly spit out, like two trembling threads sweeping towards the side of Chen Mingyu's neck.

Even a big shot like Chen Mingyu couldn't help but curl up and tremble like a quail in the wind under the stimulation of Snake Letter. But the water god didn't stop because of Chen Mingyu's fear. Instead, it pressed close to his ear and opened a snake kiss with exposed fangs.

I pulled out the dagger and was about to push the coffin lid, but Ye Xun rushed over and held my palm firmly.

Just when I was about to speak, there were several roars coming from outside. When I looked out along the seam of the coffin, the water god had already let go of Chen Mingyu and stood tremblingly beside Chen Mingyu.


I remember that voice! Isn't that the ape who lost a leg in the villa

Beasts have a strong desire for revenge. The ape lost a leg, but stopped his companions from killing Chen Mingyu. Was he preparing to take revenge himself, or did he have other motives

Just when I was wondering why, the last scream in the cave died out. From the sound, I could probably tell that except for the few people kneeling on the ground, there were no other living people in the cave.

The next moment, a large number of water gods gathered around the coffin, and I was immediately shocked.

Are they going to open the coffin? If that were the case, Ye Xun and I wouldn't even have the ability to resist. I subconsciously reached for the fox bell in my pocket, but Ye Xun poked me twice with his hand, telling me to wait and see what would happen.

I understood what he meant, but I still couldn't help but hold the fox bell tightly in my hand.

The water gods outside gathered about one meter away from the coffin, and they all knelt down and kowtowed to the coffin.

When the ape's voice came again, it was no longer the roar like before, but a low and rhythmic whistle, especially the tail end of the whistle, which could even last up to three or four seconds.

When I put my ear against the coffin to hear what the other party was doing, the coffin we were hiding in moved towards the altar again, but this time the speed was much faster than before.

Is the Water God offering sacrifices

These water gods are a tribe living in caves. They have their own territory and their own gods to worship? That ape is not only the leader of the water god, but also the wizard of the tribe. He is presiding over the sacrificial ceremony

As soon as this absurd idea came out of my head, I felt the coffin tilt upward suddenly - the water god had indeed sent the coffin to the altar, and placed it upright in the center of the altar.

After a while, I suddenly felt the coffin sink suddenly, and the sound of rocks rubbing against the outer wall of the coffin suddenly started. I clearly felt that the coffin was sinking into the center of the altar inch by inch, and a burst of cold water suddenly gushes out from the bottom of the coffin.

Only then did I notice that there were two rows of round holes for water under the coffin, and the cold water poured into the coffin from there.

What I thought of was that as long as the coffin sank to the same level as the altar floor, the coffin would be filled with water, and Ye Xun and I would both be drowned in the coffin alive.

From the moment the coffin sank, all the water gods roared like cheers. The ape's voice happened to be at the end of the coffin, and the sacrificial ceremony should have officially begun.

"Let's do it!" When I pulled out the dagger and looked at Ye Xun, the latter nodded slightly, took out a sheathed Miao knife from the guitar case, held it in his hand, turned around and lay down in the coffin filled with cold water. , supported the coffin lid with both feet and said: "Get ready."

As soon as Ye Xun's voice fell, his feet suddenly exerted force and kicked the lid of the coffin, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, upright from the coffin. The moment the coffin lid pressed against the edge of the coffin head and stood upright in the air, Ye Xun and I stood up at the same time and jumped out of the coffin together.

No one expected that there were two people inside the coffin. It wasn't until we jumped out of the coffin that the ape kneeling on the ground looked up at Ye Xun in shock.

At the same time, Ye Xun unsheathed his sword, held the handle of the sword with both hands and slashed diagonally towards the ape's neck.

Although the Miao knife is named after its long and narrow blade, which is shaped like a He Miao, it is extremely powerful in close combat. After Ye Xun struck down with his knife, the blade swept across the ape's neck. The opponent's head fell to the ground on the spot, and the blood in his cavity instantly sprayed into the air. The ape's head rolled down towards the altar, and below were dozens of water gods covered in blood...