Hidden God

Chapter 25: Where to go


I'm also thinking about how to deal with the next thing...

My classmates will definitely not hide anything for me, and they might call the police as soon as they go out, so that they can clear up the relationship with me.

But what about me? What can I explain to the police? Even if they believed in the existence of the Water God and my escape from the Jieyu Stone, how could I explain to them the deaths of Chen Mingyu and others

Do I really want to wander around the world and be on the run for the rest of my life

I was extremely irritable for a while and couldn't help but reach out to touch the cigarette, but found that I had already smoked out all the cigarettes.

Ye Xun threw a box of cigarettes to me at this moment: "I dug it out in the villa."

As soon as I lit the fire, Ye Xun said, "Actually, you don't have to worry. If you really get caught by the police, just leave everything to me."

"No." I immediately shook my head and said, "I'm not a charlatan, but I have a charlatan spirit. I can't do this kind of thing."

"Idiot." A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Xun's mouth.

Before I finished smoking, I suddenly heard a scream coming from the villa: "Wang Huan, help! Ah—"

Ye Xun and I rushed into the villa at the same time. When we rushed to the second floor, there was already chaos above. The water god in the basement of the villa ran out at some point and was running around in the house.

Ye Xun and I wanted to rush in, but were blocked by the people coming out of the door.

I grabbed a classmate who was blocking me, threw him out of the door with both hands, and finally managed to get in.

At this time, several classmates were scratched by him. Several girls were so frightened that they shivered in the corner. Someone was using a stool to make random calls to the water god. But the more they fought, the more panicked the water god became. After grabbing the arms of several people in succession, he finally rushed out of the house.

Ye Xun and I drew our swords at the same time and stabbed the water god in the chest. The two long knives penetrated each other's body in no particular order, but we kept running wildly until we pinned the other party to the wall, and then we stopped and retreated at the same time.

When the two of us were two steps away, the water god stretched out his hand to pull out the long knife on his body. After several times of force, the palm with frog webs finally hung weakly by his side. When he looked at me for the last time, there was clearly relief in his tearful eyes.

When he looked at me for the last time, I didn't know why I felt stuffy in my heart, as if there was something stuck in my chest that I couldn't spit out.

The water god clearly still had nostalgia for life in his eyes, but he could no longer tolerate this world. Living is nothing more than being imprisoned in a space of tens of meters. Death is a kind of relief for him. However, that water god is probably about the same age as me, and I can also understand his final attachment.

At that moment, I clenched my fists unconsciously and turned to look at Ye Xun - maybe, I should consider wandering around the world like Ye Xun.

While I was silent, Dong Xiaowei asked in a trembling voice: "Wang Huan, what on earth is that?"

"Water God, I only know him as the Water God." I looked at the classmates around me, "Which of you has been hurt by the Water God?"

None of my classmates wanted to speak, so I could only say again: "I'm asking you about something serious. If you are injured by the water god, you will be poisoned, and you will become like the water god."

I pulled off the gauze on my arm a few times: "I was also injured by the Water God, you can see for yourselves."

Half of my arms were covered with green frog skin, and that frightening dark green looked extremely dazzling under the light.

Someone just looked at it and cried "Wow": "I was hurt by the water god..."

Zhang Shu suddenly stood up: "I want to go to the hospital, I don't want to become a monster..."

"Stop." Dong Xiaowei rushed forward and grabbed Zhang Shu, "Can the hospital treat our injuries?"

"I don't care..." Zhang Shu struggled desperately, "If it can't be cured here, I will go to the capital. If it doesn't work in the capital, I will go abroad! I don't want to become a monster, don't..."

Dong Xiaowei shouted while crying: "What will happen if you go abroad? Maybe, we will all be arrested as monsters and sent to a research institute for research. Do you want that..."

Zhang Shu, who was still struggling just now, was stunned. She was stunned for only a few seconds, as if she had been drained of all her strength, and fell limply to the ground. She looked at the door blankly, as if she was stupid, unable to say a word.

Dong Xiaowei is right. If we really find a hospital, we might be sent to the research institute soon. Although our lives will not be in danger, it is not much different from being imprisoned; perhaps, entering the research institute , still can't escape the fate of becoming a water god.

Everyone understands these things, but precisely because they understand, it makes people even more desperate.

Dong Xiaowei looked at me and said, "Wang Huan, haven't you been checking legends these days? Have you found any clues? Can we still be saved?"

"Maybe..." I just said three words, and Zhang Shu's eyes lit up: "Wang Huan, do you really have a way to save us? Please tell me..."

Zhang Shu seemed to remember something after seeing my eyes: "Wang Huan, we just said you killed someone, but it was actually because of fear. We are all classmates, don't say you didn't kill someone, even if you did kill someone, We will also help you hide it. You think so, right?"

The rest of the students also responded: "Yes, Wang Huan, we are all classmates..."

I waved my hand feebly: "Don't talk about this yet, help me search in the villa to see if there are three bronzes. When you find them, help me bring them over."

I really don't want to say anything more to them. Some things, once they have been said out loud, will make people think they are false no matter how you go back on them. However, if they really wanted me to die without rescuing them, I still couldn't bear it at that time, so I could only send them away so that I could be out of sight and out of mind.

They searched almost the entire villa but could not find the shadow of the three bronze trees, but they brought a lot of other bronzes.

While my classmates were looking for things, I sat in the living room without saying a word. It was not until they all came back that Ye Xun said, "All the bronzes in the villa have been found. Let's see if there are any clues. "

I looked at Ye Xun and said, "I think I know Jianmu's location."

Ye Xun was surprised: "What did you say? Where is Jianmu?"

"Jianmu fell into Fuxian Lake."

I slowly explained: "According to my initial inference, Jianmu is divided into three layers: upper, middle and lower. The lower layer is connected to the underworld, the middle is the human world, and the upper layer is heaven. Under the Jieyu Stone, there should be the roots of Jianmu. That’s where the underworld is.”

"Since ancient times, people have respected gods and feared ghosts. People yearn for heaven, and ghosts and gods yearn for the human world. Therefore, building a tree should also be a process of opening up layer by layer from bottom to top."

"When we saw the altar under the Jieyu Stone, the Water God was worshiping the gate. After that door is opened, the Water God can enter the human world through the gate. Perhaps, they will truly integrate the monsters who are neither human nor ghosts into the human world."

When Ye Xun heard what I said, he couldn't help but frown and said, "There are three holes in your inference."

"First, since the water gods can come out from under the boundary fish stone, why do they worship the four blocked gates?"

"Second, where did the water gods come from? Are they water gods transformed from humans, or do they exist in this image of neither humans nor ghosts from the beginning? If they are water gods that changed later, then they should know that Jianmu is no longer there Is it still useful for them to worship there?"

"Third, the Water God's goal is to track the bronze tree. What do they want from the bronze tree? You haven't explained this clearly."

I shook my head and said: "I haven't found any clues about what you said. I can't explain anything now. However, one thing I am sure of is that the water gods under the Jieyu Stone are stronger. They are the original water gods. , and they also have some persistent beliefs about the sacrifices leaving the cave, so I say they are the original water gods."

Ye Xun and I have both fought against the water gods, and I can clearly feel that the water gods under the boundary fish stone are much stronger than the one in the villa. At least they have a terrifying ferocity.

I continued: "But what they didn't expect is that the passage connecting the human world no longer exists. The consequence of opening the stone door is that their lair will be filled with lake water."

"Among the seven mysteries of Fuxian Lake, there is the secret of the vicissitudes of life, which is the conjecture of why the ancient city of Fuxian Lake sank at the bottom of the lake. Someone has already given the answer to this conjecture. It is because of changes in the earth's crust that the original ancient city sank overnight. It sank to the bottom of the lake."

"If I guessed correctly, the cave was initially connected to the ancient city of Fuxian Lake. If the water god's sacrifice is successful, they should be able to return to the ancient city from underground."

I paused for a moment: "Perhaps, they were originally people from the ancient city, but they were sent underground for some unknown reason, so they have an almost crazy obsession with returning to the world."

"I think that when they walk through the passage, they should have some kind of ritual to restore themselves to their original state. Moreover, the exit of the passage is in the temple that Chen Mingyu and the others have sneaked into, and even the bronze tree Underneath, otherwise, the Water God would not insist on retrieving the bronze tree."

When I said this, I couldn't help but said to myself: "These are just my conjectures. We have not looked carefully at the things in the cave, nor have we seen the words or words left on the altar. Pictures, so I can only guess where I think it is reasonable.”

Ye Xun was silent for a while and said: "I admit that your conjecture makes sense. Now that you have determined the location of the roots and trunk of the tree, where is the crown that represents the heaven?"