Hidden God

Chapter 27: Fish array


The police didn't say anything anymore, but the more they didn't say anything, the more panicked my classmates would become. After a while, someone said: "Actually, we..."

He only said four words, and I felt a "thump" in my heart - that guy is usually the most timid, and he can't stand being deceived. If he is put in the hands of the police, he will be able to trick him into telling the truth in just a few clicks.

Before the man finished speaking, Zhang Shu quickly took over: "Actually, we also want to find Wang Huan. If we see Wang Huan, we will definitely persuade him to surrender."

"That's good." The policeman said calmly, "I'll leave you a phone number. If you see Wang Huan, you can contact us."

The police didn't say anything anymore. They were probably writing their phone numbers. After a while, they pretended to be casual and said, "Where are you going to play?"

Zhang Shu was probably afraid that others would let the news slip, so he rushed to answer: "We are going to take a boat to Gushan Island to have a look."

"That's not possible!" the policeman said. "Now you have to register with an ID card to take a boat. If you don't have an ID card, you can't take the boat."

"What should we do?" Zhang Shu cried.

Zhang Shu's emotions were real. She was most concerned about whether she would really turn into a monster. She was the most worried about not having a boat to ride on, but her expression might mean something else in the eyes of the police.

The policeman smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't go to Gushan Island. It's not bad to eat fish by the lake and look at the lake view."

"How can that be done?" Dong Xiaowei followed the policeman's words, "I heard that the Ten Scenic Spots of Gushan are the key scenic spots of Fuxian Lake. We still have a tourist mission here. If we don't finish it, our graduation thesis will be completed. I can’t hand it over. What should I do?”

"Are you from the tourism department?" the policeman said after asking, "Let's do this. I'll write you a note. You can take it to Director Meng of the Cruise Management Office, fill in your ID number truthfully, and ask him to issue a note for you. Green light.”

"Thank you... thank you..." After Zhang Shu quickly thanked everyone, he thanked them for a while before sending the two policemen away.

I heard the police leaving, and just as I was about to get out of the water, I was stepped back by Ye Xun.

What does he mean by not letting me out

Although I couldn't figure out what Ye Xun wanted to do, I still stood in the water according to his ideas.

Zhang Shu came back quickly, and soon there was a slap and Zhang Shu shouting on the lake shore: "Xu Jian, do you want to kill someone? Did you just want to admit that we have met Wang Huan?"

The Xu Jian who was beaten was the one who spoke just now. Xu Jian whispered: "That policeman was right..."

"Yes, you go and surrender!" Zhang Shu finally lost control, "Let the police arrest you and send you to the research institute! Why don't you go..."

Except for the sound of Zhang Shu beating and scolding Xu Jian, no one on the shore spoke. But I know that Zhang Shu and Xu Jian are two representatives among our classmates. Although I don't know how many people each of them accounts for, I know very well that it is no longer possible to twist them into a rope.

At this time, Ye Xun also let go of his feet, and I emerged from the water and said: "Forget it, stop making trouble. Those who want to go to Gushan Island with me can continue to move forward, and those who don't want to go should go back!" After three days, you can call the police or whatever, but don’t move around for three days.”

"No!" The first person to object turned out to be Zhang Shu, "No one can leave. We must go to Gushan together. Anyone who wants to go back and call the police now just wants to kill everyone. I will never agree!"

I have to say that Zhang Shu was very provocative. Several students who were still hesitating just now lowered their heads and refused to speak.

Seeing that no one had any doubts, I followed them towards the tourist area. Ye Xun still fell behind with me, following them from a distance. After Ye Xun walked some distance away, he said: "It seems that you were right to bring them out. If they really want someone to call the police, we will never be able to outrun the police speedboat on the lake."

When I was silent and refused to speak, Ye Xun added another sentence: "Are you afraid that their lives are in danger? Say something you shouldn't say. When encountering this kind of thing, you can only live or die. If your judgment That's right, maybe the two of us will be stuck on Gushan Island and not be able to get out. For some things, just do your best. The more you force it, the worse the result may be."

"Maybe!" Now I can only say maybe.

We didn’t speak any more all the way to the cruise management office. The person in charge of contacting Director Meng was Dong Xiaowei. It would have been more appropriate for Zhang Shu to go over to this matter, but she insisted on staying to organize her classmates, so Dong Xiaowei could only go over.

I know what Zhang Shu is thinking. He is afraid of people secretly calling the police. But this is good, at least I don’t have to worry about being blocked by the police in the lake.

Dong Xiaowei went for a long time before coming back: "Director Meng said that all the tickets for the daytime boat were full, so we should wait for the eight o'clock boat in the evening. I discussed with him for a long time before he agreed to let the boat take us around. A trip around Gushan Island is like visiting the night view of Fuxian Lake, but you’ll have to pay an extra boat fee.”

Before I could say anything, Zhang Shu rushed over and said, "Isn't that just right? Let's figure out how much it will cost. Let's find a place to rest first and wait until eight o'clock in the evening."

Dong Xiaowei took the money to contact the cruise ship, and Zhang Shu took his classmates to rest. I didn't dare to go to crowded places, so I found a place by the lake to take a nap. By the time Ye Xun woke me up, it was already dark.

The boat boss didn't even count the number of us, so he led us onto an open cruise ship and drove towards Gushan Island.

From the moment I got on the boat, I heard the boat boss muttering in a low voice: "What time is it at this time and you are still going out on the lake? What can you see in the dark?"

The cruise ship we took was obviously not suitable for night navigation. The lights on the ship could only illuminate a distance of three to five meters at most. We had no other lighting equipment. Even if the cruise ship sailed around Gushan Island, we could not See something of value.

The cruise ship soon approached Gushan Island and began to circle the island from south to north. The boss of the boat said: "In front of you is Sheshen Cliff. You can still see it while it's not dark now, but you won't be able to see it in a while."

When I looked toward the island in the direction pointed by the boat boss, I saw a protruding cliff. Before I could clearly see the scenery on Gushan Island, I heard the rapid sound of water splashing around the cruise ship from all directions.

When I looked down, my scalp felt numb—it was a fish! Countless fish swarmed toward our boat in dense numbers, and in just a short moment, they surrounded the boat. The area that the cruise ship's lights can illuminate is full of blue fish spines and twisting fish tails, and further away are the dark shadows of the fish.

"Fish array!" the boat boss exclaimed, "Why did the fish array surround the boat? Have any of you offended the lake god? If so, jump off yourself quickly, so as not to hurt others!"

My classmates were all so frightened that their faces turned pale and they couldn't even shout. The boss of the boat stamped his feet and said: "Tell me quickly, who offended the lake god? Have you ever killed a shark? Or who was chased by the water god? Speak quickly!"

I rushed to the boat boss in one step, pulled out the dagger and pressed it on his neck: "Let me drive the boat. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will throw you off first."

"The boat can't sail... Oops -" As soon as the boat boss said this, I grabbed his neck and stabbed his thigh with a knife.

I know that the boss of the ship is implicated by us, but now is not the time to get emotional with him. I have to use whatever method can get him to sail the ship as quickly as possible.

"I'll drive..." the boat boss hissed, "If we can't drive back, we'll all feed the fish. Don't blame me."

"Lean toward the mountain, that's over there." The place I was referring to was a rock near the water below Gushan Island. Although the place was not big, it wouldn't be a problem for more than ten people to stand on it.

Our cruise ship is an iron-clad wooden boat driven by a propeller. When we travel through such a dense school of fish, it won't take long for the propeller to be stuck by the dead fish, and we won't be able to return to the shore; but the cliff is only two meters away from us. At a distance of thirty meters, it is still possible to rush forward with all your strength.

The boss of the boat gritted his teeth, suddenly turned the bow of the boat, and rushed towards Gushan Island against the school of fish. Dead fish smashed up by the propellers burst out of the water onto the lake, and the cruise ship slowly pushed forward.

"Hurry up! Hurry up..." The distance of just a few dozen meters seemed extremely far away in my eyes.

"It's not going anywhere! The engine is going to break down!" the ship's boss exclaimed, "I advise you to..."

"Get out!" I turned around and grabbed a bucket of diesel from the stern of the boat, rushed to the front of the boat and poured it into the water. Ye Xun took out a lighter from my pocket, lit a towel on the boat and threw it overboard.

The raging fire immediately spread against the water, and the "sizzling" sound of the fish's scales burning was even more endless.

The school of fish surrounding the cruise ship was so dense that most of the herrings were squeezed onto the surface of the water. When my bucket of diesel went down, it was like lighting a fire on the back of the fish. The burned herring immediately jumped out of the water, then fell back into the water with a crackle of fire, struggling desperately to dive to the bottom of the lake. The cruise ship that was originally held back by the fish was pushed forward a few meters at this moment, breaking out of the sea of fire and heading straight for the rocks in the distance.

I watched the rock getting closer and closer to us, but before I could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a muffled sound from behind the cruise ship, and the boss of the ship exclaimed: "The engine has stalled!"

Now we are still five or six meters away from the rock. This distance, which we usually ignore, has now become a gap blocking our way out. While I was spinning around in a panic, Ye Xun had already picked up the rope on the bow of the boat that was used to fix the hull, jumped up from the boat, and landed on the rock like a wild goose. The moment Ye Xun turned around, I saw a look of horror on his face.