Hidden God

Chapter 3: City people


After the figure huddled in the corner came into my sight, the corner of my eye once again met that dark red, round eye. As soon as our eyes touched for a moment, the figure that was half exposed from the corner immediately shrank back.

I pushed away Dong Xiaowei who was leaning on me, turned around and chased towards the corner.

Dong Xiaowei, who was almost pushed down by me, screamed behind me: "Wang Huan, what are you doing?"

"Go to the bathroom." I rushed to the corner without looking back.

Behind the corner is the end of the viewing platform. Except for a drainage pipe, only one person can barely stand on it. Up above is the roof of the three-story hotel, and below is the green belt of the hotel.

I didn't hear the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and there were no signs of being crushed on the plants in the green belt. The guy must have climbed upstairs.

"Why are you climbing up the stairs to use the toilet?" Dong Xiaowei screamed, and I had already grabbed the drainage pipe and climbed to the top of the building: "It's cool up there. Don't peek."

Before I finished shouting, I saw Ye Xun sitting on the roof. The latter was carrying a guitar case on his back, leaning forward and sitting on the tiles of the roof. When he saw me coming up, he nodded slightly to me.

I looked at Ye Xun: "Why are you here?"

"You can see clearly here. Didn't you come up too?" Ye Xun's answer left me speechless. But I always feel like there's something wrong with him. I looked up and down at Ye Xun several times but didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so I said "Excuse me" and jumped back to the platform from the roof.

As soon as I landed, Dong Xiaowei looked at me with a strange expression: "You really... ran to the roof..."

"Ye Xun is also on the roof. It feels good up there." I said casually, leaving the blushing Dong Xiaowei behind and slipped back into the room. I was dragged away by Dong Xiaowei just now and didn't have time to take a closer look at the situation at the door of the room. When I rushed back, someone had already cleaned the door of the guest room, and the water stains wiped by the mop on the floor had not yet dried, especially The area in front of my room was specially sprayed with disinfectant.

When I looked at the water stains on the ground, I suddenly woke up. No wonder I felt something was wrong when I looked at Ye Xun just now. There were water stains on his trousers. He definitely wasn't sitting on the roof at the beginning. The two of us probably jumped on the roof one after the other.

Also, Ye Xun's body leaned forward slightly instead of leaning back. The roof has a herringbone slope, and people sitting on it should lean back rather than lean forward, unless Ye Xun is blocking something.

I was facing Ye Xun head-on. He was not tall and could not block a person. What if what Ye Xun wants to block is not a person, but something long and thin


The guy who escaped in front of me must have been caught by Ye Xun. He tied the guy with something like a rope and threw him to the back of the roof. He pulled the rope and sat on the roof, so his body leaned forward. .

I still haven't mastered my ear skills. My classmates were cheering at that time, and I was talking to Dong Xiaowei. I didn't hear the sound of Ye Xun's hands on the roof, so I didn't suspect anything else.

I turned around and ran back to the roof, but apart from a few crushed roof tiles, there was no trace of Ye Xun there. However, I can at least be sure that Ye Xun did do something on the roof.

Ye Xun was able to restrain a guy almost as big as a man, throw him over the roof and sit down calmly in just ten seconds. He was by no means an ordinary person.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong, so I couldn't help but find the front desk of the hotel. After finally calling the receptionist out, she reluctantly asked: "What do you want?"

I pretended to be casual and said, "I want to check, which room does a man named Ye Xun live in?"

The waiter subconsciously replied: "This time it is reserved by your company. No one lives here except you. No one has checked in in the past few days."

The waiter didn't react until he said this: "Why do you ask this?"

My dad once taught me that to see if a person is lying, you have to stare at his face and don’t miss any change in the other person’s expression, not even his gaze. If someone in the antique business cannot do this, you deserve to be cheated to death.

Although I didn't stare closely at the waitress's face, I didn't let go of her expression: "Someone opened my door just now and looked into my room. My classmates would not do such a thing, except for the one named Ye Xun, who else can do this? You said you didn’t have Ye Xun here, didn’t you mean to deceive me?”

The waiter's face suddenly turned pale: "Don't talk nonsense. How could something like this happen in our hotel?"

I put one hand on the counter and leaned forward slightly: "What do you mean the hotel can't have trouble? How did I open the door? How did the person get in? If you don't give me an explanation, I will call the police immediately. "

"Don't, don't..." The waiter looked around to make sure there was no one else nearby, and then whispered, "Don't talk nonsense. If some words get out, our business will be out of business. There is... someone pushing at your door. When you were there, did you see a fish eye?"

I frowned. At that time, I just thought something was wrong with that eye, but I didn't think about the fish's eyes. Now that I think about it, only fish's eyes have that round shape.

I nodded calmly and said, "How do you know?"

The waiter lowered his voice again: "Don't be afraid, and don't tell anyone about this. Just wait a moment. I will give you something. You can put it by the door when you sleep. It will be fine. Just wait for me."

Not long after the waiter left the counter, he mysteriously brought out a plate covered with red cloth: "Don't worry, if you don't tell anyone, our boss won't treat you badly. There will definitely be a red envelope when you leave."

I reached out and lifted the red cloth on the plate. Inside was a half-cooked piece of meat cut into squares and two hard-boiled and peeled eggs. If this thing were placed in our northeast, it would be used to sacrifice the dead.

I turned around and looked at the hotel entrance, and I had the impression that there seemed to be a plate like this there. There is indeed such a thing over there, but it's just a little more than what I have in front of me.

I looked at the waiter and said, "Is there a dead person in your hotel?"

The waiter shook his head vigorously and said: "Don't talk nonsense. This is the custom here. Don't ask so many questions. Just do as I say and you will be fine."

"Will that thing find anyone else?" I'm not afraid myself. What I'm afraid of is that that guy will find someone else.

"No, absolutely not. Otherwise, would I still dare to stay here?" The waiter shook his head repeatedly, "Actually, it's not as serious as you think. Most people who live here have seen it. It never hurts anyone. , it’s just scary.”

The waiter pointed to the plate and said: "If this thing is gone tomorrow morning, you can come to me and I will clean the door for you. If you don't dare to live in that room, I will change your room now."

"No, I understand." As I walked to the guest room carrying the plate, I kept thinking about whether to tell others about this.

If you say this kind of thing, no one may believe it, and it will not have any effect other than being a spoiler. Besides, that guy probably fell into Ye Xun's hands. If there was only one guy like that, everything would be fine; if there was still the same thing, he would probably only go to Ye Xun.

In a sense, Ye Xun is helping us solve our problems. My perception of Ye Xun has also changed a lot.

After I threw the plate at the door, I sat leaning on the bed for half the night. Until Dong Xiaowei came to call me in the morning, nothing strange happened again. According to the schedule, we should visit Fuxian Lake today and overlook the ancient underwater city.

Dong Xiaowei and I rushed to the lakeside pier after breakfast, but we waited at the pier for a long time and still didn't see our class's car coming. Dong Xiaowei and the others called several times but no one answered the phone. Several boys went back to the hotel to look around, but there was no trace of Che Chi. The tour guide kept urging: "Please try to contact me again. The boat won't wait for you! If people don't come after a while, we really have to sail."

Dong Xiaowei hesitated and said: "Wang Huan, you have quick legs and feet. How about you go back and look for me again?"

Before I could say anything, Mr. Zhang Shu got angry: "What are you looking for? Che Chi is so old, doesn't he have any sense of time? So many of us are waiting for him, doesn't he have a clue in his heart? We have already looked for him. Twice! How long ago did Li Ming and Yang Honghao go, and you have to go find him again. If we go off in a different direction, do we still have to wait for Wang Huan? I don’t care, if he doesn’t come, I will get on the boat. You Failure to build Fuxian Lake is his own loss and has nothing to do with us."

Although Zhang Shu's words don't sound good, most people agree with them. I felt a little angry: "When Li Ming and the others come back, we will all get on the boat regardless of whether Che Chi comes or not."

While I was talking, Li Ming ran back alone: "Che Chi has diarrhea. Yang Honghao accompanies him to the hospital. Let's go first."

Dong Xiaowei said: "Didn't Che Chi feel fine when he had barbecue yesterday?"

Li Ming said as he walked to the boat: "I have a stomachache in the morning and in the evening? They said, let us just take a few more photos of them."

I originally wanted to ask a few more questions, but everyone else had already boarded the boat, and the tour guide was already arranging for the boat to leave the shore, so I didn't ask any more questions. The boat drove until it was close to the mountains along the coast before stopping. The tour guide pointed to the calm water and said: "God is kind, the sea is calm today, and you can see the underwater city wall. Everyone..."

Before the tour guide finished speaking, a group of people all rushed to the side of the ship. I was pushed aside by my classmates and did not move forward. Once he’s had enough, it’s never too late for me to watch again. I had just taken out my cigarette, and before I lit it, I heard Zhang Shu screaming: "Che Chi... Che Chi, and Yang Honghao... the two of them are in the water..."

I was just stunned for a moment, and more than a dozen classmates became a mess. Some people ran to the cabin, some took the phone and wanted to call the police, and several girls were so scared that they cried.

I separated from the crowd running back, took a few steps to the side of the boat, lowered my head and looked into the water.

The first thing I saw was a city wall twisting and floating in the ripples of water. Just a few seconds later, the shadow of the city wall that was still in the water seemed to have solidified, and the momentum of breaking through the water surged towards my eyes.

At that moment, I clearly saw two figures standing on the city wall—Che Chi and Yang Honghao.