Hidden God

Chapter 5: evidence


There are some things that you cannot think about. The more you think about them, the more confused you will become.

First is Fuxian Lake. The travel brochure said that there are seven mysteries in Fuxian Lake. I saw four of them in one day, but they were all specious.

The blue light at the bottom of the lake should be a blue halo, not an ancient city floating on the lake like a mirage.

The ancient city under the lake is at least a hundred meters deep into the water. Without diving into the water, even if we can see the city walls, it is impossible to see the underwater streets.

According to the legend of the dead in the ancient city, some people saw a large number of complete corpses preserved in the underwater ancient city, like a natural human body library. The corpses underwater stood sideways on the bottom of the lake. The male corpses leaned forward and the female corpses leaned backwards. They also swam with the flow of the water, as if they were alive. Why did I see the underwater streets but not any "living people" moving

I did see a big fish in the lake, but the travel brochure didn’t say that the fish can eat people!

What did I see after arriving at Fuxian Lake? Is it something legendary, or a secret that lies beyond the pages of paper

There is also the mysterious death of Che Chi and the others.

Before we reached the center of the lake, Chechi and the others had already sunk into the ancient city at the bottom of Fuxian Lake, which meant that they had already left the hotel. When the phantom of the ancient city appeared in Fuxian Lake last night, I saw Che Chi taking pictures. I haven't seen him since the phantom. In other words, they are likely to leave the hotel within five or six hours.

But why did Li Ming say he saw Che Chi? Now that Li Ming is dead, I can't find anyone to confront him.

And Ye Xun, he hasn’t appeared since I saw him on the roof. Where did he take that guy to? Who is Ye Xun, and does he have any connection with these strange things we encountered

When I was thinking wildly, a policeman shouted: "Who is Wang Huan, come in."

"I am." As soon as I walked into the office, I felt something was wrong with the policeman's face. After looking at my ID card, the policeman said, "I understand that you young people like to have fun and seek excitement, but please don't make a joke about calling the police."

I was immediately confused: "Comrade police, what do you mean?"

The policeman's face darkened: "Now, are you still planning to report a false police report? This is a police station, and the police are not uncles and aunties who play with you."

I immediately became angry: "Why do you call me a false alarm? We did encounter strange fish on the boat, several people died, and the tour guide also disappeared."

The policeman stretched out a finger and tapped me in the air: "Okay, okay, I'll explain everything to you today. You said there are twenty classmates coming to travel together, right?"

"Yes!" As soon as I finished speaking, the police pulled out a record sheet from the computer: "Look for yourself, there are only sixteen people in the travel company's record, and there are no Li Ming or Che China you mentioned. Four people. How do you explain that?"

I just glanced at the record and was confused. It clearly said that Che Chi and the others were late and abandoned the group.

The policeman put the hotel registration book on the table again: "In the hotel registration, there are still sixteen of you. Don't tell me that your four classmates checked into the hotel without registering."

I just flipped through it and saw all the check-in records, and there was indeed no Chechi or his name on them. But my actions made the police suspect that I was guilty of committing a crime. The police did not believe that I could read the registration book so quickly: "How about it, what else do you have to say? We understand that young people want to be famous, but they have to take the right path." …”

At that time, I was already confused by a series of strange things, and I wanted to prove that what I was telling the truth was true. Before the policeman could finish speaking, he interrupted: "No! There is also that ship, and I am still on the ship." The corpse of a classmate.”

When I got off the boat, I didn't take the two severed hands with me. Before I left, I specifically asked the boat owner not to touch the body and wait for the police to come.

The policeman who was still educating me suddenly darkened his face: "You are still talking nonsense! Do you think anyone will play with you? We have already found the boat owner, and he said that is not the case at all. The interview record is Here, do you want to take a look?"

It's over, now I have no evidence whatsoever.

After being stunned for a few seconds, I immediately reacted: "I have Chechi's home phone number. You can call and ask if they are here."

The policeman's expression looked like he could squeeze out water: "Do you really think our police are irresponsible? I will call Chechi's parents in front of you right now. You can listen to it yourself."

The police picked up the phone and played a number and pressed the speakerphone: "Mr. Che? I'll ask Wang Huan to talk to you on the phone."

I just said "hello" to the phone, and a deep voice of a middle-aged man came from the other side of the phone: "Are you Wang Huan, Xiaochi's classmate? It's not me, the uncle, who is talking about you! You guys love to play, I know, but you can’t go too far! Listen to me and apologize to the police comrades quickly. Reporting a false police report is a big or small matter. Don’t let it affect your graduation just for fun!"

I suddenly became anxious: "No, I really saw Che Chi..."

The middle-aged man on the other side of the phone sighed and said, "Xiao Chi, talk to your classmate."

Before I could react, I heard Che Chi's voice coming from the other side of the phone: "Wang Huan, what are you doing? Zhang Shu and the others called me one after another, and they all said that I died in the water. . We are all classmates, are there any of you who curse people like you? I was living well at home, why did I die in the water? "

I heard the sound of the car driving, and there was a "buzzing" sound in my head. Che Chi was obviously dead, but so many of us saw him, how could he be able to talk to me? At this point, I really can’t say anything clearly.

I was stunned for a second and then immediately shouted: "Who are you? We have your photos on the phone, don't think..."

"That's bullshit! Don't you know how to use Photoshop?" Che Chi shouted on the other end of the phone, "How about you change your phone and I'll video chat with you."

"Just change it." I reluctantly picked up my phone and made a video call to Che Chi. Che Chi's face soon emerged from the video: "Wang Huan, take a good look to see if it's me, if it's me!"

When I saw Che Chi's face, I couldn't help but feel chills in my body. The video does show Che Chi's face, and he is pointing at his nose and roaring, but his eyes are motionless, and the pupils in his eye sockets are clearly unfocused. He was talking to his phone, not looking at it.

Those are the eyes of the dead! I'm video chatting with a dead man.

But how could I explain what was happening to the police? Will they believe in the resurrection of the dead

While I was holding my phone in a daze, Che Chi suddenly turned off the video. The policeman in the room also said: "Do you see clearly? Now, do you have anything else to say, or what evidence do you want to provide?"

"Our classmate..." I was about to say, "Our classmate has photos of playing with Che Chi on his cell phone," when another policeman knocked on the door and walked in: "Director, the transcript is ready, please take a look."

The director flipped through the transcript a few times and threw it on the table: "Read it for yourself! Your classmate has admitted that he made a false police report and said that you were the organizer of this trip."

I glanced at the transcript and saw that the top one was signed Zhang Shu. I knew without looking that she must be blaming everything on me. I simply shut up and stopped talking.

It's no use explaining anything now.

The director said: "Xiao Liu, please bring them all to the conference room first, let them write a review first, see what their attitude is, and then decide whether to detain them or not."

That director was clearly showing mercy. Based on the current "evidence", he could send me directly to the detention center, but he still gave me a chance. I reluctantly nodded to him and followed the policeman into the conference room.

All my classmates were sitting in the conference room, each holding a pen and looking at the white paper on the table in a daze. The policeman who brought me over said, "Hurry up and write your self-criticism. Young people like to have fun. We can understand that. If you admit your mistakes, the director will not make it difficult for you. Write it down quickly!"

After the policeman finished speaking, he closed the door. After I heard him leave, the anger I had been holding in my stomach immediately came out: "Are you all so stupid? Why did you admit that you had nothing wrong? Now we are reporting a false police report. Got it!"

Zhang Shu stood up crying and shouted in a hoarse voice: "What should I do if I don't admit it? We don't have any evidence. Che Chi and Yang Honghao even called us. I was so scared that I couldn't even stand. What did you say about calling the police?" ?”

Some people also said: "We have no evidence, who will believe those who tell us?"

I knew they were telling the truth, but I still couldn't help but get angry: "Don't you always like to take photos? Where are the photos? Show them to the police!"

Dong Xiaowei whispered: "All my photos are gone. I don't know who deleted my photos."

I grabbed the phone from Dong Xiaowei's hand and looked through it several times, but I didn't keep a single photo from the time we set out until now.

Others also put their mobile phones on the table one by one: "Our photos are gone too..."

It’s easy to explain if one person’s photo is lost; but if there isn’t a single photo of a group of people left, how can we explain it

Someone whispered: "Can't we just see a ghost?"

The man's words suddenly made people feel scared. I even felt that someone was squatting behind the curtains of the conference room and watching me quietly. When I subconsciously looked behind the curtain, several people also turned to the window: "Wang... Wang Huan, do you think there is anything behind the curtain..."

Before he finished speaking, Dong Xiaowei, who was sitting at the conference table, retracted his feet on the chair, hugged his knees and sobbed softly: "Wang Huan... under the table... there is someone under the table, and he is grabbing my feet. …”

The people in the room were suddenly frightened and fell into a mess. Several girls screamed and hugged each other, and the rest of the people huddled on the chairs around the conference room.

I slowly walked towards Dong Xiaowei: "Don't be afraid! Don't move, let me take a look..."