Hidden God

Chapter 52: Fairy Tales 3


When I was about to draw my sword, Ye Xun suddenly shouted from behind me: "Get on the bridge!"

The long knife in my hand was ready to be swung forward. After hearing Ye Xun's shout, I took a step back, got up and jumped to the single-plank bridge. As soon as I stood up, I felt a strong wind rising up with my figure.

Police dogs are also jumping. I was in mid-air and couldn't turn around at all, so I had to bet on who could jump the farthest in the shortest time, between me and the police dog. After my legs instinctively swung twice in the air, there was also a message on the clothes behind me. There was the sound of dog paws scratching through the fabric.

I moved forward slightly and almost fell off the single-plank bridge with my feet. I quickly moved two steps to stabilize my body. When I stood in the middle of the single-plank bridge and looked back, the two police dogs that rushed to the bridge seemed to have encountered a ferocious beast. They clamped their tails and lay motionless on the ground.

"Come here quickly, the police are coming." When Ye Xun called me, he had already stepped on the edge of the single-plank bridge. Does he want to kick the bridge

"Hurry up!" When Ye Xun said again, I had already jumped under the bridge, but Ye Xun flew up and kicked the single-plank bridge into the abyss under the bridge.

At the same time, the armed police shouted: "Stop, don't move, put your head in your hands!"

"Run—" Old Man Sun was the first to rush towards the distant mountains and forests. We all know that we must not let the police catch us. Not to mention the corpses on the mountain that we cannot explain. The few guns we carry alone are enough to put us in jail for several years. Old Man Sun only shouted once, and everyone flashed towards the forest.

"Bang" - the first shot of the armed police sounded. I immediately quickened my pace and rushed towards the forest like crazy. I was still a few meters away from the forest when gunshots rang out from behind, and several bullets flew past my ears. I held my head with both hands and rolled forward suddenly. The dense bullets almost followed me and chased me until I fell into the grass in the forest. The turf blown away by the bullets was still shooting around me. I lay down on the grass and rolled several times to hide behind the big tree, but the bark was already flying behind me.

I wanted to use the police to hold Jin Daxian back, but he did the opposite and led the police to my head. Now we were being chased by the police and he left calmly.

I felt secretly resentful in my heart and hid for a long time before the gunfire from behind stopped. I quietly poked my head out and took a look. The armed police who were chasing me had already guarded the entrance of the cliff on the opposite side. It seemed that someone was mobilizing equipment to build a bridge across the cliff.

Old Man Sun, who was not far away from the cat, shouted softly: "This way... this way... crawl forward..."

I followed Old Man Sun's example and slowly crawled out a certain distance with my limbs close to the ground, then ran forward. But the more I ran, the lower I felt, as if I was running downhill. Before I had time to ask where Old Man Sun was taking us, another cliff appeared in front of us. Standing at the edge of the cliff and looking around, there was only a vast forest sea. The almost airtight green leaves are rolling as far as the eye can see, which is indescribable. No one knows what mysteries and secrets are buried in this untouched virgin forest, but we have to become uninvited guests who break into this world.

Old Man Sun tied the rope around the tree and said, "Hurry up your hands and feet. When we get down, the police won't be able to catch up with us."

I looked at Old Man Sun coldly: "You'd better tell me where this place is, and why didn't those wolf dogs dare to pursue me just now?"

Scar smiled and said: "This is called Pingtian Forest, also called Pingtian Sea. In the past, our hair was hidden in it. The little devils surrounded us three times, but they couldn't do anything to us. Anyone who dares to go down to Pingtian Sea No one came out."

Scar stretched out his hand and I pointed back: "The place we jumped over just now is called the Cliff of Life and Death. There is a saying from the time of the Liao Dynasty: Officers and soldiers cannot reach the Cliff of Life and Death, and gods cannot enter the Pingtian Sea."

"Let me tell you, Pingtianhai is where all the great immortals live. No one can leave without worshiping the gods. Little devils don't understand this. If they come in, they can't get out. We have road signs given by the great immortals. I want to You can go wherever you go and kill whoever you want. After so many years, I am finally back! Haha... "

When Scar burst out laughing, he was glared at by Old Man Sun, who immediately changed his words and said, "Wang Shenxian, don't listen to my nonsense. I'm just trying to bully you."

I turned to look at Old Man Sun: "Old Sun, tell me, what's going on?"

Old Man Sun said: "Scar said, 'Officers and soldiers cannot reach the Cliff of Life and Death, and gods cannot enter the sea of peace.' It is true, but it is not as evil as what he said. Somehow, there is no bridge over the Cliff of Life and Death, so there is only one Wood, and that wood must be found in the right place, otherwise it will definitely not be able to be built, and even if it is managed reluctantly, it will fall off if someone walks on it. The location of the single-plank bridge has been passed down from the past. The armed police are looking for If you don't get to that place, don't even think about building a bridge in this life. When they come down from a distance, it will be a few days later, and we will have already gone far."

Old Man Sun had already wrapped the rope before he spoke: "I'll get off first, and you guys should follow."

After Old Man Sun climbed down from the top of the cliff like an ape, I stretched my head and took a look at the bottom of the cliff before nodding to Ye Xun. Old Man Sun brought us here inexplicably. Although it made people feel unsure, it was impossible for Ye Xun and I to go back and face the armed police. The only way was to follow him down to Pingtianhai.

When Ye Xun and I landed on the ground one after another, we saw Old Man Sun and the others sticking out their buttocks and worshiping at a small temple made of stone. There were three lit cigarettes in front of everyone.

Old man Sun saw me coming down and quickly picked up three cigarettes: "Two gods, come quickly and worship the mountain god. After worshiping the god, we can enter Pingtian Sea."

I turned my head and glanced at the small temple with a wooden bench: "I have never worshiped gods in my life, because I am an immortal myself, and I am afraid that they will not be able to bear it if I worship."

Old Man Sun's face turned pale with fright. He gestured several times with his hands and almost came up to cover my mouth: "Don't dare to talk nonsense, don't dare to talk nonsense!"

"Having said it all, he can still come out and chew my hair?" I waved my hand, "Don't do anything useless, let's move forward quickly."

Old man Sun looked at the small temple with a white face, then glanced at my face, and then led us deeper into the forest. I stepped on the fallen leaves that were half up to my calves, looked at Liuzi walking in the team, and lowered my voice and said, "Ye Xun, did you pay attention to Liuzi just now? Is it normal?"

Ye Xun shook his head slightly and said, "I didn't pay much attention. I'm also wondering, how did he get down?"

I couldn't help but narrowed my eyes and looked at Liuzi. When people go crazy, most of them don't know what danger is, and they won't listen to others. It's unreasonable for Liuzi to behave more and more like a normal person in times of crisis.

There is also Old Man Sun. He is obviously leading us to a certain fixed place, but the grudge between him and Jin Daxian does not seem to be fake. What happened to this person made it increasingly difficult for me to understand. If it weren't for the Golden Mask, I wouldn't have followed him.

It's not that I haven't thought about arresting Old Man Sun and asking him for his secrets, but this is not a wise choice. I'm not familiar with this mountainous area and there's no one to guide me. Even if I know the secret, I can't find it. It's better to pretend I don't know anything and see what Old Man Sun wants to do.

There is also Liu Zi. Now I am a little confused whether he is really crazy or fake.

When I stared at Liuzi's back, Old Man Sun suddenly stopped: "Wang...Wang Shenxian...Da Xian'er is here..."

When I looked in the direction of Old Man Sun's finger, I saw a stone tablet about two meters tall among the fallen leaves not far away. On the stone tablet, which is as flat as a knife, there is a picture of a man being lifted up in mid-air by a wooden stake. The wooden stake penetrated his abdomen and passed out from his back. Bright red blood stains flowed from all sides of the wooden stake. This is the only thing on the stone tablet. s color.

I turned around and asked, "What is that?"

Old man Sun said: "That's the death reminder stele... If someone offends the great fairy in the mountain, the death reminder stele will come out. Whoever is painted on the stone stele will die, just like the way of death on the stone stele."

Old Man Sun greeted me without waiting for me to say anything: "Quick, quick... come here, everyone, come here and kowtow to the Great Fairy'er. No one should stand, kowtow quickly!"

Old Man Sun almost shouted his last words. Everyone in the group, except Liu Zi, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the stone tablet. After a while, blood started to flow from the foreheads of several people.

Old Man Sun was still urging: "Don't stop, hurry up and kowtow, hurry up!"

When I hugged my shoulders and looked towards the stone tablet, a crack suddenly exploded in the middle of the stone tablet. Then, like a snake letter split into two branches, it went straight to the top of the stone tablet and spread out. In the blink of an eye, the stone tablet was split into pieces. It has four petals.

As the exploded rocks fell to the ground, they shattered again in the air. The two-meter-high stone tablet instantly shattered into a pile of stones and fell to the ground in front of my eyes. Just as I was about to lift my foot forward, the stones that were originally piled up in one place seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure of the air, and slowly fell from top to bottom. It slowly turned into fine sand and seeped into the surrounding fallen leaves.

Old Man Sun sat down on the ground: "It's over! The Great Fairy is going to kill someone!"

Scar stood up and cursed loudly: "Why don't you blame me? You all kowtow without knowing your sincerity! It's okay now, the Great Fairy is angry, you just wait to die! Turtle calf stuff, you think you have two The gun was cocked right away, right? I asked you to kowtow, but you are not sincere, and you won’t be able to find a tune even if you cry for a while... "

I said coldly: "Hey, what about you? Don't criticize me there. What's the matter if I don't kneel down? If you have the ability, just come over openly. If you don't, just shut up. Don't fart there." …”