Hidden God

Chapter 6: The Legend of the Shark King


Dong Xiaowei's body blocked my sight. From my perspective, I couldn't see anything clearly except the dark bottom of the table.

But Dong Xiaowei was clearly trembling with fear, and Zhang Shu, who was leaning behind her, buried his head in the arms of a classmate and trembled into a ball.

I took a deep breath, squatted down suddenly, and looked at Dong Xiaowei's feet from a distance of about one meter - there was nothing under the conference table except a dark shadow.

The moment I lowered my head, the classmates around me couldn't help but scream. This time the shouting was more violent than the last time, and their screams echoed throughout the conference room.

Dong Xiaowei seemed to have seen something, and he fell off the stool amidst screams. He rolled and crawled into my arms and held on to my hand tightly: "There is something, there is something." Grab my feet!"

I was half-crouched on the ground by Dong Xiaowei, unable to stand up, so I could only hold Dong Xiaowei in my arms and drag her behind me.

Before I had time to look under the table, I heard a loud bang from the door of the conference room, and then someone yelled: "Why are you shouting? If you don't write a review properly, what are you doing? You don't even want to go out, do you?" I will send you to the detention center right now. Get out of here!"

"It's not... we... we..." A girl cried and wanted to explain, but she couldn't even say a complete sentence.

At this time, the director of the police station also came over: "Forget it, let them go. They are just children. There is no need to argue with them. Just pay more attention to them in the future. Someone is here to protect you, you go!"

My classmates were eager to leave here quickly. After thanking the director one by one, they rushed to the door.

Although we are all in our twenties, we are still a group of children in front of the director who is in his fifties. Perhaps, his child was about the same age as us, which made him feel compassionate.

I walked up to the director and whispered: "Thank you."

When the director was about to speak, I spoke first: "My name is Wang Huan. I hope you will write down my name. If I also disappear, you must remember to have seen me."

The director couldn't help but frowned, but didn't say anything. He just waved his hand to signal me to leave quickly.

A police officer led me to the door of the police station: "Your protector is outside, just follow her."

After leaving the police station gate, we were still some distance away from the yard. I thought the person who came to protect us was at the gate of the yard, but until we all walked out of the police station, we didn't see that person anywhere.

As I walked forward, I said to myself: "It's strange. Didn't it say someone was protecting us? Where is that person?"

Someone responded: "You don't care where people are, as long as we can come out. Who wants to stay in that damn place! Let's go back to the hotel quickly, pick up our things and leave. This is not a good place."

The further I walked, the more I felt something was wrong. I whispered as calmly as possible: "Something's wrong. We have no relatives here. Who will come to protect us? Let's go back to the police station."

"Are you crazy?" Zhang Shu exclaimed, "We just came out of there and you want to go back? What are you going back for?"

I turned around and said to Zhang Shu: "It's safe to go back. Who bailed us out? Are you sure?"

Before I finished speaking, I saw a figure appear behind Zhang Shu and the others: "Tour guide!"

The person standing behind us is indeed the tour guide who disappeared on the ship. Without saying a word, the other party revealed half of a boy's body from behind, put a hand on the boy's shoulder, and said quietly: "We meet again."

"Ah—" Zhang Shu screamed and pushed me forward, "Wang Huan, hurry up..."

Zhang Shu was not the only one who was panicked. More than ten people all hid behind me. Only the boy who was held down by the tour guide stood there with a pale face and shivered. I touched the dagger in my pocket with one hand and said in a calm voice: "Why are you back?"

"Come back to pick you up." The tour guide's voice sounded extremely cold in the night.

As the tour guide spoke, a large amount of water suddenly gushes out from under her hair. As the winding water flowed down her face, the tour guide also raised his head, revealing a round eye from the hair stuck to her face: "You should know what you have done. No. No one can leave until the debt is paid off."

"What did you say?" I shouted angrily, "Are you a human or a ghost?"

The tour guide hugged the boy and moved sideways step by step to the lake not far away: "I was originally a human, but because of you, I was dragged into the lake. Until the debt is paid off, none of you can leave. , no one can save you."

The boy who was held down by the tour guide was about 1.8 meters tall and weighed at least 1,560 pounds. In the hands of the tour guide, he was like a weightless paper man. She dragged him step by step towards the lake. .

"Stop!" I rushed to the tour guide in a few steps, grabbed his collar with one hand, pulled out the knife with my right hand and stabbed him in the stomach. After the several-inch-long dagger sank into the opponent's stomach with a "pop" sound, the tour guide not only did not let go, he even raised his head and smiled at me: "You can be said to be the only one who has no debt, or you can be said to be in debt. The most people. Just wait, I will come to you sooner or later."

The tour guide dragged the man towards the river as if nothing had happened, but I subconsciously let go of my hand. No matter who it was, it was impossible to remain calm after being stabbed in the stomach with a dagger, unless he was already dead.

As the tour guide walked towards the lake step by step with a dagger hanging on her body, lines of blood mixed with the water dripped down the trembling handle of the dagger and fell to the ground. She also left a line of bloody footprints on the road by the lake.

However, every time the other party took a step, the footprints left on the ground began to fade. After just a few steps, the scarlet and dazzling footprints turned into puddles of clear water.

Before I could react, the tour guide had already dragged the boy into the water, and the surging lake water was over their heads in an instant.

Just a moment later, the tour guide poked half of his head out of the turbulent lake water, and put one hand on the head of the boy who was still struggling: "I will come back and ask you to return the knife to me."

The tour guide was obviously immersed in water from the nose down, but her voice was clear and could be heard. As the dark red blood continued to surge upwards from the bottom of the water, the guide's fingers on the boy's scalp began to slowly tighten, forcing him into the water bit by bit. The boy rolled his eyes that were starting to turn white and stretched out his hand desperately: "Help...save me..."

"Stop!" I was indeed scared, but I couldn't just ignore him. When I reached the edge of the lake in a few steps, there was only a vortex stained with blood in the lake. The two people in the water had already fallen to the bottom of the lake and disappeared.

I stood blankly on the edge of the lake for a long time. The more I looked into the lake, the more I felt like there was a pair of eyes looking at me through the lake. The other party seemed to slowly stretch out his hands in the undulating lake water, touching my toes, as if he could break the water at any time and drag me into the lake.

After I subconsciously took two steps back, I suddenly heard Dong Xiaowei calling me from behind: "Wang Huan, Wang Huan, what are you doing? Don't scare people, come back quickly, come back quickly!"

It was okay that Dong Xiaowei didn't shout. When she shouted, I didn't dare to stay by the lake any longer. I turned around and ran towards her. It wasn't until I turned around that I saw Dong Xiao was the only one left on the road: "Where have they gone?"

"They all ran away..." Dong Xiaowei pointed into the distance with a cry, "They all ran over there."

I pulled Dong Xiaowei and chased her for several hundred meters in the direction of her finger, and then I caught up with my classmates at the edge of the park.

"Wang Huan, you're back..." Zhang Hao's first sentence in our class was, "Are you a human or a ghost?"

I suddenly became furious, and I caught up with him in a few steps and pulled him up from the ground: "You said I am a human or a ghost? If I were a ghost, I would tear you apart first!"

I dragged Zhang Hao, who was pale with fright, in front of me: "Tell me, what did you do? The tour guide said that you were in debt, what happened?"

Zhang Hao burst into tears immediately: "It's all Li Ming and Che Chi. They insist on catching some mermaid and implicated us all."

My heart thumped: "What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

But Zhang Hao only focused on crying and couldn't say a word. It didn't matter that he cried. More than ten people cried together. I was upset by their crying: "Stop crying, are you all crying in mourning?"

Dong Xiaowei sobbed and said: "Wang Huan, stop scolding, I tell you..."

"The day we first arrived, you went back to the room by yourself. Che Chi suggested that we go to the lake for a barbecue, so we rented a stove at the hotel. We played until dark, and Che Chi saw a big fish in the lake, and he kept It swims not far from us and always sticks to the shore."

"At that time, Che Chi ran back to the hotel to find some fire hooks, and together with Li Ming and Yang Honghao, we killed the fish. At that time, we dragged the fish out of the water and joined the big fish. Shadow."

"We were having fun when an old man suddenly ran over, pointed at his nose and scolded Chechi and the others, and knelt down in front of the big fish and kowtowed vigorously. He said that we killed the shark in the lake, the king of sharks. There must be blame, let us kneel down and kowtow to the shark."

"Li Ming argued with the old man for a long time. Seeing that we didn't believe it, the old man picked up the fish and threw it into the water. At that time, Che Chi wanted to go over and grab the fish, and we were afraid that he would make the old man angry and get into trouble. When my son came, I stopped him. When the old man left, he kept saying that we were seeking death and committing evil."

Dong Xiaowei stopped at this point: "We did nothing except kill the fish."

I recalled that when I was looking through my classmates’ cell phones, I seemed to have seen them take a picture of a big silver-white fish: “Where’s the cell phone? Who has a photo of that fish on their cell phone? Show it to me.”