Hidden God

Chapter 64: Mask ownership


I was silent for a while and then said: "At that time, I was just planning and didn't think about where to start. It wasn't until I saw the Japanese soldiers in the woods that I started planning."

I pointed at the decapitated corpses and said: "If you want to disguise your men as ghosts, you don't necessarily have to use the corpses of Japanese soldiers. It might be more realistic to use something else. For example, mountain spirits and water monsters are good." choose."

Ito was really surprised and said: "So, you guessed Takeo Takahashi?"

"Yes." I hugged Ito Zhen, "I asked you to chop off people's heads just to anger Scar and make him come out to find me; later, I asked you to tie up all your men, which is equivalent to killing the person who can be controlled by the scar. The number of people has shrunk between the few of us. However, I am afraid that Scar will see the flaw and dare not tie you all up. I can only bet that he will come to me directly. Fortunately, I was right. "

Ito Shindao: "Then how did you escape Takeo Takahashi's curse?"

I pointed at Ye Xun: "I told him early in the morning that once he finds something wrong with me, he will stab me immediately. It doesn't have to hit my vitals, as long as it hurts me. From the time I sat on the ground, closed my eyes and rested, I I have been hinting that Ye Xun will save me at the critical moment."

This principle seems simple, but is actually very difficult. This was not only a test of my psychological quality, but also a test of my trust in Ye Xun. Only by persistently believing that Ye Xun can wake me up at the critical moment can I get rid of Scar's control.

Ito Zhen murmured to himself: "What you did is too risky."

I shook my head lightly and said: "Although my method is risky, it has some effect. Moreover, I have some very bad news to tell you - there is more than one golden mask."

Ito looked up in shock and said, "What did you say?"

I held up the golden mask and said, "Scar did make me fall into an illusion, and the entire illusion was very real, but the illusion he created cannot kill people in person."

After I told everything I had experienced: "Scar also wanted to kill me through psychological suggestion, but his method was very clumsy and even made me see the flaw from the beginning. After that, he kept chattering Describing to me the scene in which he was stabbed to death was nothing more than an attempt to deepen my fear. But it was of no use to me."

"That's why I speculated that there are at least three golden masks. One is used to create hallucinations, one is used to psychologically suggest killing people, and one is used to control the opponent's thinking. The three can work together seamlessly. If one is used alone, it can be easily cracked by the opponent."

I sent the mask to Ito Zhen and others: "Take a closer look at this mask. What does it look like?"

The golden mask I took off from Scar's face is in the shape of an inverted triangle. The face is long and narrow, the top of the head is flat, the eyes are slender, and the mouth is protruding outward. At first glance, it feels like a combination of animals and humans.

Ito looked at it carefully for a while and then said: "Some of them look like foxes, no, they are weasels."

"Yes." I nodded, "Among the legends about the Northeastern Great Immortals, Hu and Huang Taixian are the most charming. The identities of Hu and Huang Taixian are foxes and weasels. This mask is made of weasels and is closely related to shaman worship. The characteristics of the creatures are very consistent.”

"Yes..." Ito Makoto nodded frequently: "The academic community has specifically studied the fascinating legend of the weasel, and concluded that the gas released by the weasel's glands can interfere with the human brain nerves and cause mild hallucinations. The same is true for foxes. "

I took the mask from Ito Makoto again: "That's why I said Scar's mask can only make people temporarily fall into hallucinations."

When everyone was silent, Lu Xinyao said: "If your guess is correct, since they can make us fall into hallucinations again and again, and even fall asleep for a long time, why don't they just kill people, over and over again? Use illusions?"

I shook my head slightly and said, "I didn't understand it either."

Ito Zhen said: "Mr. Wang Huan, now that you have obtained a golden mask, what should we do next?"

While I was pondering, the ninja standing behind Ito Makoto suddenly said: "Have someone put on the mask."

The ninja used standard Chinese, which everyone could understand: "Mr. Wang Huan, since you have speculated that wearing a golden mask can accept the memory of the previous person, why not let others put on the mask? In this way , can’t all doubts be easily solved?”

"No!" I said decisively, "Speculations can only be speculations before verification. Besides, who can predict what will happen if someone puts on a golden mask? Once the other person becomes the second Scar , everything we have done before will be in vain.”

The ninja shook his head and said: "Mr. Wang Huan doesn't need to worry about this. We have many warriors who are willing to sacrifice for the family. Even if they face life and death, they will never flinch."

As the ninja spoke, he threw three cross darts and cut the rope on the captain: "Come here and tell Mr. Wang Huan about your loyalty to the family."

Three people limped up to us: "Please believe in our loyalty to the family."

I squinted my eyes and looked at the ninja and said: "My friend, even if they are loyal to the Ito family, what does it mean? Can you guarantee that they will not turn into scars and lurk among us, waiting for opportunities? I don't want to stand aside. Watch out for your opponents and watch out for your companions.”

The ninja said disapprovingly: "If Mr. Wang Huan is worried that they will fight back immediately if they put on masks, the worst we can do is stand ready and shoot them immediately if there is any problem with them."

"If what Mr. Wang Huan is worried about is that they will turn into Takahashi Takeo and lurk against us, then it would be better to solve it. I can let them commit seppuku after telling them useful information. If they can't do this, Not a samurai from the Ito family."

The ninja turned to the three captains and said: "After you commit seppuku, I will take your ashes back to the homeland. Your names will also be remembered by the Ito family."

"This is our honor!" When the three people bowed to the end at the same time, their eyes showed the enthusiasm of anticipation.

Damn, little Japan is crazy again. In the past, I had heard that all the little Japanese who had been brainwashed by Bushido were crazy. Now, I have seen it.

When I was about to retort, Ito Makoto said: "Shinobu, you have gone too far. The golden mask is Mr. Wang Huan's trophy, and it is his right to deal with it how to deal with it. You have no information to force Mr. Wang Huan."

The ninja shook his head and said: "Young Master, when I propose to let people wear golden masks, I am sacrificing the family's warriors in exchange for the greatest benefits. From this point of view, it is our Ito family who is making selfless contributions. But Mr. Wang Huan is sitting back and enjoying the benefits. …”

Ito Zhen didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking before he roared: "Watch your words."

"Yes!" The ninja bowed and continued: "Although my words are inappropriate, everything I said is an indisputable fact. I think Mr. Wang Huan should understand."

Ito was really acting with that ninja. When he reprimanded the other party, there was no anger in his eyes, and there was even a bit of certainty in his eyes.

I said coldly: "No matter how many reasons you have, I will not hand over the mask now."

The ninja said solemnly: "I want to know, what is Mr. Wang Huan's reason?"

"Are you ordering me?" With my eyes slightly cold, Ye Xun suddenly touched me from behind, and I swallowed back the next words.

Ninja said: "Mr. Wang Huan, I need to remind you that we are cooperating now. We have already achieved everything you asked of us, but I can't see the sincerity of cooperation in you."

Lu Xinyao hesitated for a moment before stopping the translation and said to me: "Wang Huan, the Japanese are very trustworthy in cooperation. Once you deceive the other party, they will not cooperate with you again. If you really do, can you hand over the mask? Please explain the reasons directly, after all, this is related to the basis of cooperation."

While Lu Xinyao was talking, the Ito family warriors also came over one after another. One of the captains said coldly: "Young master, with all due respect, Wang Huan has no sincerity in cooperation from the beginning. He is just taking advantage of the Ito family." It’s just resources. There is a saying in China that people forget their loyalty when they see benefits. Isn’t Wang Huan just that kind of person? Young Master... "

Ito Zhen waved to stop the other party: "Mr. Wang Huan, the cooperation between us has always been very pleasant..."

I interrupted Ito before he could finish his words: "I don't like talking nonsense. I've wasted too much time with you. If you two feel that the cooperation is a loss, then we can terminate the cooperation immediately. Ye Xun, let’s go.”

As I turned around, the sound of gun bolts suddenly sounded around me, and more than thirty black guns were pointed at me at the same time. I smiled lightly and said, "Finally revealed his true nature as a robber? What do you want me to say?" , you are just a bunch of jackals, no matter how polite you pretend to be, you just put powder on your buttocks, why can't you block those assholes."

Ito's eyes were red: "You have never believed me?"

I sneered and said, "Why should I believe you? Just because of your extremely pretentious Bushido? Facts have proved that my judgment is absolutely correct."

I raised the golden mask in my hand: "You can order the shooting and see if I can destroy the golden mask before you kill me."

While Ito was hesitating, the ninja shouted sharply: "Get ready!"

At the moment when thirty people's eyes were bursting with murderous intent and approaching me at the same time, Ye Xun held the knife in his hand, but I held up the gold and sneered: "If you don't do it yet, what are you waiting for?"

"Wang Huan, you bastard!" Lu Xinyao suddenly took action and grabbed Ito Zhen. The latter was caught by Lu Xinyao on the spot without any precautions, but the ninja beside him pulled out his long sword in an instant. knife.