Hidden God

Chapter 69: Arguing and not moving forward 2


Ito Moka was also suppressing her anger: "Wang Huan, before we take action, I want to ask you a question. Why did Ye Xun leave the word 'Feng Shui'? I think he asked you to follow that clue to reinforce , rather than letting you follow the traces he left. Do you think I am right?"

"You're a piece of shit, get out of here!" I had exhausted the remaining patience in my heart, raised my hand and struck Ito Moka with a knife.

Ito Moka instantly drew her sword and raised her hand to face me. After the two knives collided in the air, Ito Moka took a few steps back before stopping. Although my knife did not hurt the other party, it opened the wound on her shoulder. The bright red blood instantly penetrated her clothes and came into my sight.

Ito Maka held up a long knife and shouted angrily: "Stop everyone!"

The three Ito warriors who had already drawn their swords all retreated to their original positions in an instant. Ito Moka gritted her teeth and said: "Wang Huan, since you insist on going your own way, then just follow the direction of Ye Xun! We will wait for you here for a while. If you can't find Ye Xun, come back and meet us."

Ito Moka had already said what she said, so I couldn't continue to take action, so I simply stopped the long knife in my hand and chased down the grass blades that had been stepped on. But not long after I chased him out, there were no traces of anyone passing by on the ground. Looking around, there were continuous woods everywhere, and there was no trace of Ye Xun anywhere.

Cold sweat broke out on my head instantly, but my vision became blurry.


Ye Xun had already told me to control my emotions. My hidden dangers have not occurred since I entered Pingtianhai. This time something unexpected happened, it was too late for me to suppress my emotions.

Can't faint, can't faint, I still have to find Ye Xun...

Although I tried my best to control myself, I lost consciousness after just a few seconds.

I don’t know how much time passed, but I vaguely heard someone talking in Japanese: "Miss... no, young master... why should we save Wang Huan? He only has his own interests in his eyes, and it is impossible to cooperate with us sincerely. Now that we've found the clue, why not take action ourselves?"

Someone continued what the other person said: "Wang Huan's punch broke Kurokawa's arm. It is impossible for his hand to recover again. We can't just let this grudge go."

Ito Moka said in a deep voice: "Have you finished speaking?"

"First, Kurokawa intercepted Wang Huan at an inappropriate time, which is obvious to all. The person who broke the cooperation first was Kurokawa himself, and he should indeed receive a lesson."

"Second, without Wang Huan, it would be difficult for us to get out of the secret realm. Kurokawa has been wronged for the sake of the Ito family. This is my incompetence."

"Young Master, don't say that." Several people spoke at the same time and knelt down to Ito Moka. Ito Moka stopped him: "Get up. I will not let the Kurokawa matter go. After the mission is over, I will seek justice from Wang Huan in a samurai way. But before that, no one can act out of emotion again. We must be sincere Cooperate, the fate of the Ito family is in our hands. Please."

"Yes!" I heard several Ito warriors agree to Ito Maka in unison.

Ito Moka said: "Keep an eye on Wang Huan and wait for Lu Xinyao to come back."

Lu Xinyuan isn't there? Although I didn't open my eyes, I could hear the movement nearby. There was indeed one person missing among us. Where did Lu Xinyao go

When I was about to get up, I heard Lu Xinyao rushing back: "How is Wang Huan?"

"I'm not awake yet." Ito Moka said, "Have you found any clues about Ye Xun?"

"No..." Lu Xinyao said, "I searched for about five kilometers, and Ye Xun didn't leave any clues. I guess Ye Xun must have discovered something, so he deliberately left the word 'Feng Shui' behind. Only the solution Only by solving the mystery left by Ye Xun can we find him."

Ito Maka asked worriedly: "Will Wang Huan believe it?"

Lu Xinyao was silent for a while before saying, "I hope I can explain it to him! Do you have any clues here?"

Ito Maka said: "Tomoda is a Feng Shui master among us. He has surveyed the nearby Feng Shui and found nothing special. I suspect... I suspect that the clues left by Ye Xun have a deeper meaning."

Lu Xinyao said: "Chinese Feng Shui is divided into four schools. Which school does Tomoda follow?"

Someone responded: "The Feng Shui I learned in Japan was not from the Chinese sect."

Lu Xinyao said: "Then let's wait for Wang Huan to wake up! Japan's Feng Shui has long since declined. Even in its heyday, only some superficial knowledge was learned, and the advanced Feng Shui has not been introduced to Japan. Wang Huan is Xue The descendant of the demon fox, his Feng Shui skills should be pretty good, maybe he can see something."

Later I learned that although there was a school of Feng Shui in Japan and Feng Shui was once prominent in Japan, the art of Feng Shui in Japan had completely declined after the Meiji Restoration and was even classified as superstitious. Today, there is not much market for so-called "geologists" in Japan. On the contrary, things like divination and fortune-telling occupy a high position in Japan.

Tomoda said that he had studied Feng Shui, but he probably followed the script, and Tomoda did not learn the real Feng Shui technique.

I clearly heard a few sounds of moving bodies from Tomoda's direction. He probably wanted to refute Lu Xinyao but tried hard to restrain himself from speaking.

I waited until they stopped talking, then slowly opened my eyes and sat up. Lu Xinyao was the first to speak: "Wang Huan, you're awake. You've been unconscious for nearly four hours. During this time, Ito Moka and the others have been guarding your safety."

I looked up at the sky, then nodded in the direction of Ito Moka and said, "Thank you."

Ito Maka nodded and said: "You're welcome, we are partners."

Lu Xinyao stepped forward and explained to me for a while, and then I finally agreed to the matter.

I followed up and asked: "During the time I was unconscious, didn't Ito Akikawa and the others come over?"

"No." Ito Maka said, "I just heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from the direction of the cave. Moreover, they also used mortars, but the Ito family's samurai never came over."

I asked again in a deep voice: "Speaking of mortars, I want to ask, why did you still cooperate with me since you could bombard me with cannons?"

I dare to conclude that Old Devil Ito's desire to cooperate with me was by no means a temporary decision. He should have had a plan in advance. However, it makes no sense to explain why Old Devil Ito fired two cannons at the beginning.

Ito Moka said: "I don't know how to explain this matter. It was indeed the ancestor who ordered the samurai to fire at that time."

I frowned slightly and changed the subject: "You said you just observed the Feng Shui nearby. Where did you observe it?"

Tomoda pointed to the high road in the distance: "It's over there."

"At least the direction is right." I was secretly worried as I walked towards the high ground.

The mysterious Snow Demon Fox was most likely a Feng Shui master. They thought I was the descendant of the Snow Demon Fox, and they took it for granted that I was proficient in Feng Shui.

In fact, I don’t even have a superficial understanding of Feng Shui, not even as good as the little devil Tomoda. The only time I came into contact with Feng Shui when I was growing up was on the antique street. The people selling antiques knew a little bit about Feng Shui, just to fool the customers. In fact, if you listen carefully, they only talk about a few words. There are so many more people. Neither can I.

My dad told me before that he asked me to read Feng Shui books when I had nothing to do, so that I could support my appearance, but I wasn’t interested in these things and didn’t bother to read them. I learned a few Feng Shui formulas from uncles on the street just to deal with errands. .

I have asked them before if those formulas are useful. They told me: "Others say it, and you say it too. If you say it too much, it will be true. Besides, these Feng Shui formulas are all made by the older generation." Those who come here from the west don’t have a lot of serious stuff to say. Those who are good at Feng Shui are all hanging out in the fortune-telling street. Who sells antiques? "

I even told Ye Xun these things as a joke. He also knew that I didn't know Feng Shui, but why did he carve the word "Feng Shui" on the tree? What exactly was he planning to remind me

Could it be that Ye Xun wanted me to go up to a higher place to see it? This reason makes no sense!

I was in a mess inside, but still remained calm on the surface.

When I stood at the top of the high ground and looked around, I couldn't help but frown. All I could see was a sea of trees swaying in the wind. Apart from that, there was only a trench that seemed to divide the sea of trees into two halves.

At first glance, the stretching sea of trees looks like a flat plain. How can there be any feng shui to speak of? Could it be that the "feng shui" Ye Xun mentioned was in that trench

It dawned on me. No wonder I thought the trench was weird at the beginning. It turned out that I had overlooked an important issue - in order to survive, the roots of trees buried underground will continue to extend outward. The bigger the tree, the farther the roots extend.

There were no big trees within three to five meters on both sides of the trench, and there were no tree roots extending from the trench. In other words, the trench was a restricted area for trees, and tree roots were not allowed to grow into the trench.

There must be some kind of power hidden in that trench that can change the laws of nature.

I waved my hand and said, "Go down and follow the trench. We may find the next intersection of Pingtianhai."

Just as I was about to stand up, Tomoda stopped in front of me: "Mr. Wang Huan, with all due respect, can you explain where you came to such a conclusion?"

Ito Moka said solemnly: "Tomoda, you have gone too far."

Tomoda argued: "Young Master, I don't see anything special about that trench. If Wang Huan doesn't have a reasonable explanation, I don't recommend taking such a risk. After all, our time is limited, and setting off blindly is not a wise choice. "

I put my hands behind my back and said coldly: "I will explain to you, can you understand?"

Ito Moka hesitated and said: "Mr. Wang Huan, I think what Tomoda said makes sense."