Hidden God

Chapter 71: Ye Xun's mask


When Ito Moka landed on her feet and rushed towards me with her long sword drawn, Tomoda, who landed one step behind her, suddenly stopped her and said, "Young Master, don't forget the Lord's order."

"But Wang Huan saved me." Although Ito Moka was roaring, she stopped.

Tomoda said in a deep voice: "Wang Huan's kindness in saving us is important, but the fate of the Ito family is even more important. Young Master, you should understand my lord's painstaking efforts."

Ito Moka bit her lip and took a few steps forward, bowing deeply to me with tears in her eyes: "I'm extremely sorry. Mr. Wang Huan, I will always remember you."

"I don't need you to remember!" I roared and kicked Ito Moka unexpectedly.

The latter didn't expect that I would take action while I was hanging in the air, so I kicked him in the chest and fell backwards. However, I kicked the wall behind me with my feet, exerted my strength on my legs, and jerked out. The more than ten fishhooks hanging on my body tore my skin almost instantly and fell out bloody.

When I threw myself on the ground covered in blood, several of Ito Moka's men took action at the same time and rushed towards me with their swords.

I was about to take action to meet the enemy, but there was a sound of crossbow arrows breaking through the wind in my ears. A crossbow arrow grazed my helix and flew past me, nailing it at the feet of Tomoda and others. When the latter pulled away, I exclaimed: "Ye Xun!"

That's Ye Xun's crossbow arrow, I recognize it.

But when I turned around, my heart suddenly sank. Ye Xun stood on the edge of the trench, holding a crossbow in one hand and a long knife in the other, but wearing a golden mask with ferocious features on his face.

"Ye Xun!" I don't know how the golden mask came to be worn on Ye Xun's face, but I know that it is definitely not a good thing. At that moment, I didn't even care that there were four warriors watching eagerly behind me. I stood up and rushed towards Ye Xun.

Ye Xun cut off the fishing line hanging on Lu Xinyao with a wave of his hand, turned around and rushed into the woods without saying a word.

"Ye Xun, Ye Xun... you wait for me..." When I rushed up to the ditch in a few steps, I saw Ye Xun standing on the edge of the woods with his back to me. He slowly turned around, rolled his eyes at me twice, and then gently He raised his right hand.

"Ye Xun..." As soon as I took a step, I saw more than twenty weird people with only one meter in height, ferocious faces, black bodies, and bark armors flashing out at me as soon as they appeared. Pointing over, murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

At that moment, I just felt cold all over.

Ye Xun is instructing the weirdo to attack me? Has he been controlled by the Golden Mask? Or has he become another person

When I subconsciously wanted to grab the long knife, I missed it. My knife had already been thrown outside. Apart from two box cannons, what other weapons did I have on me? But do I really want to draw a gun against Ye Xun

Just when I didn't know what to do, Ye Xun's finger suddenly swiped outward, and all the weirdos suddenly dwarfed, squatted on the ground and blew out flying arrows. As wooden arrows less than half a foot long flew side by side, I instinctively stood up and jumped. In an instant, my body was one meter off the ground. The crossbow arrows that broke through the wind flew past my soles, and behind me There was also a scream.

Tomoda, who had just popped his head out of the ditch, was shot into both eyes by flying arrows at the same time, and fell back into the ditch with a scream.

Ye Xun is saving me!

At that moment, I was ecstatic, but Ye Xun turned around and walked into the woods without saying a word. The weirdo following him suddenly divided into two sides, making way for me. I tried to chase Ye Xun, but Lu Xinyao stopped me in place: "Ye Xun is weird..."

"Get out of the way!" I pushed Lu Xinyao away and chased after him in a few steps. Lu Xinyao stamped her feet fiercely and followed me into the woods.

As soon as the two of us reached the edge of the woods, the weirdo behind us fired another salvo, forcing Ito Moka back to her original position. Gunshots also came from the direction of Ito Moka.

I didn't care to watch the exchange of fire between the two sides, and quickly chased Ye Xun into the woods. Ye Xun in front of me was walking slowly through the woods. No matter how I called him, he never looked back. After I accelerated my pace twice in a row, I realized something was wrong. Ye Xun has been walking slowly in front of him as if he were taking a walk, but I couldn't catch up with him.

I've heard that there is a secret method in Taoism called "shrinking the ground into an inch" that can allow a person to move a few meters in one step. Even if the pursuers fire arrows at once, it will be difficult to injure the opponent in the slightest. However, I'm sure Ye Xun doesn't know this kind of Taoism. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been chased in such an embarrassing situation several times.

I stopped suddenly: "Ye Xun, if you are Ye Xun, just stop and say something to me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Xun didn't seem to hear what I said and was still moving forward step by step. I gritted my teeth and raised my gun and pointed it at Ye Xun's vest: "Ye Xun, stop right there!"

Ye Xun just paused for a moment before taking steps again. I raised my hand and fired two shots in the sky: "Ye Xun, if you don't stop, I will really shoot."

Ye Xun finally stopped: "I am Ye Xun, just follow me."

Although Ye Xun's voice was a bit hoarse, I could tell that it was indeed his voice.

After I hesitated for a moment, Ye Xun had already taken steps towards the depths of the jungle. Lu Xinyao grabbed the corner of my clothes and whispered, "Be careful, I think something is wrong with him."

I also felt that something was wrong with Ye Xun, but at this point, I had no choice but to move forward.

I gradually went deeper into the jungle, and black figures emerged quietly from behind the woods. Everyone was wearing armor made of bark. Those armors had been worn on them for who knows how many years. The lines between them have long been filled with dust, and the armor also has a shine that seems to have been caused by long-term rubbing of resin.

The bodies of those soldiers looked unusually tall, standing behind the trees like a group of fierce-looking black bears waiting for prey.

Bears are one of the objects of shaman worship. To this day, some people who believe in shamans still regard bears as their ancestors.

I remember Maka Ito said that the Ito team once encountered the guards guarding the shaman's secret treasure. Are these people the guardians of the shaman's secrets

I have been following Ye Xun, and my eyes have never left the gathering of more and more wooden armored warriors. Lu Xinyao held her guns tightly and whispered, "Are they dead or alive?"

"Living people." I whispered, "They are all breathing, so they should be alive."

While I was talking, Ye Xun stopped at the entrance of a cave with a black bear flag hanging. I don’t know how many years have passed on that large flag, and many places have been chipped. Although someone used hemp thread to sew it up and mend it, it is still difficult to cover up the vicissitudes of the military flag.

Xiong Zhuan’s military flag

I tried hard to recall the records about military flags in the "Book of All Things", but there seemed to be no mention of which king's division would use a black bear as a symbol.

Ye Xun said in a deep voice: "This is an elite soldier assigned by the Liao Kingdom to the shaman as a guard. It was named Xiong Zhuying by the great shaman."

Ye Xun tapped the golden mask on his face with his hand: "They only obey the command of the golden mask, and I happened to get a golden mask."

My heart suddenly sank: "Where did your mask come from?"

"I picked it up." Ye Xun said solemnly, "I know you may not believe it, but I did pick up this mask. After I came out of the cave, this mask was thrown in front of the cave. There was only one thought in my mind at the time, which was 'pick it up and put it on'."

"As a result, after I put on the mask, I could never take it off again. The people from Xiongzhen Camp also brought me here and worshiped me as a god."

The more I listened, the more I felt something was wrong: "What do you mean by leaving the word 'Feng Shui' behind?"

"Deliberately diverting the attention of Ito and the others. Only by keeping you separated can I have a chance to take you away." Ye Xundao said, "When they focused all their attention on Feng Shui, I also asked the boy scouts from the Xiong Zhuang Camp to go out in the woods. I quietly ambush you and successfully rescued you."

"Boy Scouts? No wonder they are so short." I couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Since they are boy scouts, it means that the Xiongzong camp is a group of living people that thrive, which is at least better than meeting a group of dead people who can fight and kill, right

Ye Xun suddenly turned his head, looked at me with stern eyes and said: "Xiong Zhuying, no one is allowed to approach the shaman's secret hideout. Now, all Xiong Zong's people are here, can you use them to keep all those Japs behind?" ?"

"You can try." I said solemnly, "But you have to let them obey my command, and you have to capture Ito Moka."

"No problem." Ye Xun waved to someone and whispered a few words in the other person's ear, and the latter hurriedly left the cave.

I suddenly asked: "Ye Xun, are you injured? What happened to the deer hanging on the tree?"

"I'm not injured. The deer on the tree was made by Xiong Zhuying to entertain me." Ye Xun waved as if he was afraid that I wouldn't believe it, and soon someone brought a large porcelain pot filled with blood. bowl, and respectfully handed a bark pipe with the muxin'er removed to Ye Xun's hand. Ye Xun put one end of the tube into the mouth of the mask and took a few sips of blood before saying: "Wearing this mask means you can only live by drinking blood. That deer is the tribute they gave me."

I said in a deep voice: "Is it really impossible to take off the mask?"

"It should be so..." As Ye Xun spoke, a line of blood had already flowed down the edge of the mask, and stuck to his snow-white clothes drop by drop. In a short time, Ye Xun's white clothes were stained. Blood-red color, "Since I put on the mask, I felt that it was connected to me. Now, with just a slight touch, I feel as if my face is about to be uncovered and the pain is excruciating. I don't dare to try."

While Ye Xun was talking, several soldiers from Xiongzhengying had already dragged the four tied up people in front of us. Ito Moka reluctantly raised her head and said: "Mr. Wang Huan, between us..."