Hidden God

Chapter 74: Ye Xun's Mask 4


When I frowned and looked at Ye Xun, I heard his voice ringing in my ears: "We'll do it in a while, you have to lose, you know?"

I looked sideways at Lu Xinyao, and when I saw that there was no reaction from him, I knew that the speaker was indeed Ye Xun.

I nodded calmly, and Ye Xuncai stood aside. Not long after, the soldier from the Xiongzheng camp who left came over and handed the long knives of Ye Xun and I respectfully into our hands.

Ye Xun pointed the knife at me and said, "Let's do it!"

"Wait a minute." Lu Xinyao said coldly, "Your two men are still here. What if you ask them to help you after a while?"

"You don't believe me?" Ye Xun was furious.

Lu Xinyao said contemptuously: "Let me believe you? Why do you want me to believe you?"

"Okay..." Ye Xun pointed at the two soldiers, "Come here and kneel down."

The two soldiers knelt on the ground without hesitation and lowered their heads. Ye Xun took a step forward and slashed one of the soldiers' neck with a knife in both hands. But his sword with the sound of wind only cut open the opponent's skin, not even hurting the opponent's muscles and bones.

Although the soldier kneeling on the ground was bleeding profusely, he remained motionless. Ye Xun shouted angrily: "You two commit suicide! commit suicide! commit suicide—"

The two soldiers stood up with dull expressions, swung their battle axes and struck on their heads, one after the other lying dead on the ground.

Ye Xun turned around and shouted: "Wang Huan, follow me..."

Before the other party finished speaking, I suddenly struck out with a knife and slashed directly between the other party's eyebrows. The sharp blade slightly cut into the mask, and then swept down the tip of the opponent's nose. The golden mask on Ye Xun's face suddenly split into two halves and fell to the ground.

"Ye Xun!" As I put the knife away, I suddenly felt numbness in my hands and feet.

I originally thought it would be Ye Xun under the mask, but who would have thought that it turned out to be a face I had never recognized before. But I felt that the other person looked very similar to Ye Xun. At first glance, it looked like a close brother of Ye Xun standing in front of me.

What the hell is going on

I was stunned on the spot with the long knife in my hand. After the other person saw me, he subconsciously reached out and touched his face. After his fingers paused on his face for only a few seconds, he let out a scream like a woman's, his eyes protruded outward at the same time, his face turned green and purple for a moment, and his whole body fell with a "pop" sound. fell to the ground.

When I took a step forward, grabbed the man's hair and lifted his head up, the other person's face slowly turned dark as if he was removing makeup, and his facial features moved back to their original positions.

I just watched a person change his appearance before my eyes. I couldn't help but be stunned for five or six seconds, then I grabbed the person's head and knocked it to the ground: "Damn it, pretending to be Ye Xun!"

I took off the other person's backpack and threw it to Lu Xinyao: "There is a gun in there. Take it and follow me."

Ye Xun didn't know how to shoot a gun, but he brought out a lot of bullets and two box guns from Old Man Sun, which could be used by Lu Xinyao now.

Lu Xinyao put his backpack on his back: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the cave in Xiongzhen Camp to find someone to settle the score."

I quickly rushed back to the cave where the banner of Xiongzheng camp was hung, leaned at the entrance of the cave and shouted: "Sick Yangzi, I'm here, come out..."

I shouted for a long time but no one in the cave responded. Lu Xinyao couldn't help but said: "Are you mistaken?"

I said loudly: "It can't be wrong. There will be no one except Bingyangzi. Bingyangzi will never dare to deal with others face to face in his life."

I shouted to the cave: "Bingyangzi, don't you like beautiful women? Lu Xinyao is right next to me. If you dare to come out and snatch her, I will treat you as a man. I just saw a woman and couldn't move her legs. Why don’t you dare to see people now?”

"Aren't you the famous Jin Daxian? Don't you say that whoever you let die must die? What's wrong now? You don't even dare to show your face?"

Lu Xinyao cooperated with me and said, "Are you mistaken? He is really in the cave, why didn't he react at all?"

I sneered and said, "Old man Sun told me about Bingyangzi's past. Sun Xianwen was frail and sickly since he was a child. He has been bullied. His psychology is extremely distorted and he also has a strong inferiority complex."

"The reason why he became obsessed with playing Jin Daxian is because after wearing the golden mask, he doesn't have to show his ugly face to others, and he can also get a sense of satisfaction that everyone is in awe of him."

"When he played the role of Jin Daxian in the village, he tasted being respected by others, but he did not dare to blatantly dominate. Because he knew that there were too many people who could deal with him. At least he did not dare to resist the police. Once If a serious crime is committed and the police let him search the mountain, he will have no choice but to die."

"On the one hand, he wants to be king and dominate, but on the other hand, he is timid and can only live in a cave to house his golden immortal."

While I was talking, I was paying attention to what was going on in the cave. My words really struck a chord with Sick Yangzi, and there was already a slight noise in the cave. I continued: "When Bing Yangzi saw Xiong Yanying, the desire for power in his heart could no longer be controlled. Nothing in this world could tempt him more than controlling a tribe and living a life like a king. "

"Bingyangzi easily controlled the tribe, but he was afraid that he would be caught up and take everything away, so he had to kill Ito Aikawa."

"At the beginning, he was still cautious and listened to my words, trying to lure Ito Akikawa into the ambush step by step. But after a while, he forgot about it."

"He thought that by deceiving Ito Akichuan, he could let the Xiong Zhu battalion rush into the enemy group. He thought that by letting the Xiong Zhu battalion rush into the enemy, everything would be fine. In fact, he was wrong."

I said with a sarcastic tone: "He was deceived by the plot in the anti-Japanese drama. Little Japan's combat effectiveness is actually very powerful, especially after it is equipped with weapons. It is impossible for Xiong's battalion to fight hard. He is Little Japan’s opponent.”

"That bastard Bingyangzi didn't wait for the battle to end before he swelled to the extreme, and he couldn't wait to set his sights on you."

I sneered and said, "That idiot Bingyangzi is dreaming of being an emperor. He wants to find a young and beautiful queen to have children with him in this barren valley. But why doesn't he want to think about it? , which woman is willing to be with him?"

I shouted at the entrance of the cave: "Hey, sick Yangzi, as a man, what can you give your woman? You can only let her dream with you every day, right? Do you know what a 3D movie is? You can't even You haven’t watched TV a few times, have you? Can you make a candlelight dinner for your woman? Don’t light two sticks of white wax, but make a funeral hall?”

I said in a cold voice: "Bingyangzi, no matter how useless a man is in this world, he will at least get a ring for his woman, right? Do you have such ability? You give your woman a piece of shit? By the way, I Forget, you can make people dream! As long as you dream, everything will be there... "

"Fart! I'll kill you -" the roar in the cave turned into a harsh scream soon after, "Give me back the mask! Give me back the mask..."

"Let's go!" When I pulled away and ran towards the cave, Lu Xinyao pushed away the safety of the pistol and followed me.

I only ran twenty or thirty meters away when I saw a thin man grabbing a stone and throwing it at a woman's head. He yelled like he was crazy: "Give me back, give me back the mask." I… "

Although the woman had a bruised head and blood, she pressed something tightly with her body, and would rather die than let go. I took a few steps forward and kicked the man away.

Lu Xinyao stepped forward, raised his hand and shot two shots to break the opponent's legs.

I looked down at the woman lying on the ground. The back of her head had been smashed to pieces, and there were cracked bones in some places. Such an injury is irreparable under the current circumstances.

The woman took out a blood-stained golden mask from under her body with difficulty: "Help me... take revenge..."

The woman died before she finished her words...

If I am not mistaken, she should be the woman that Bingyangzi snatched from the mountain. Bingyangzi has always taken her with him, and she has been looking for opportunities to take revenge, and now the opportunity has finally come.

When I stretched out my hand to close the woman's eyes, the sick man whose legs had been broken by Lu Xinyao crawled over to me crying: "Give me back the mask, give it back to me! That's my thing, that's mine life…”

I raised the mask in the air and waved it twice: "If you tell me the truth, I will return the mask to you."

"Okay!" Bingyangzi's already desperate eyes shone with light again, "As long as you return the mask to me, I can do whatever you want."

I said coldly: "Are you always following us?"

"Yes, yes..." Sick Yangzi seemed to be unable to feel the pain anymore, and he just said whatever I asked.

I asked quickly: "How did you get in?"

According to my initial thoughts, Ye Xun, Lu Xinyao and I were the first to enter the second level of the sea of trees. Bingyangzi must have been blocked by old devil Ito. How could he run in front of us

Bing Yangzi said: "I came in from the beginning. I didn't come in by the way you took. My mask led me to find another way. It's been three or four days since I came in."

I couldn't help but frown. According to Bingyangzi, he should have broken into the second floor when we just entered the sea of trees. Then who are the people dealing with us outside

I asked in a deep voice: "Then let me ask you, are the words that Old Man Sun told me true or false?"

Bing Yangzi said: "What he told was the truth, but it was also a lie. Let's put it this way! The man named Sun forgot who he was at first, but now I know whether he remembers it or not."

I frowned: "What do you mean? Please explain it clearly to me."