Hidden God

Chapter 78: May all your wishes come true


My figure was falling rapidly, but suddenly a shadow came over my head, and the murderous wind also rushed behind me, and even the monster opened its bloody mouth behind me. , and put its jagged fangs close to the back of my head.

I desperately wanted to fall faster, but the falling speed was not under my control. I could only resign myself to fate and close my eyes, waiting for my death or my head to be dislocated.

In a flash of lightning, I suddenly heard a gunshot in the distance. The next moment, the monster's screams suddenly started behind me, and the air spurting from his mouth also passed by my ears.

At that moment, he was even close to less than two feet away from me. If no one shot me in time, he would fly into the sky with my head in his mouth.

Lu Xinyao, no one will save me at this time except Lu Xinyao.

As soon as this thought flashed through my mind, I ran straight into the deep pit that was smashed by the monster and fell down. The clods of soil that had been smashed by the monster had been crushed into pieces by his struggle. That's why I didn't fall and break my muscles and bones. Even so, I struggled at the bottom of the pit for a while before I stood up.

At this time, the gunfire on the ground became more and more intense, and the two big guns roared into the sky one after another, followed by the explosion of grenades. Ito Akikawa had already put all his wealth in order to deal with the two monsters. If he could not take down the opponent again, , even if I rush out, there will be no other results.

I pulled out my long knife and looked up at the hole above my head, and slowly backed into the hole. Now, no matter who loses or wins outside, I can't go out rashly, but I can be sure that the winner will definitely appear again. At the edge of the cave entrance, after I took five or six steps back, I saw several figures jumping down from above.

As soon as the leader, Ito Moka, landed with her feet on the ground, she quickly ordered: "Search for Wang Huan, be careful that he is ambushing in secret."

Ito Moka failed to find my location at the first time, and immediately judged that I was hiding nearby. Five or six flashlight beams were also shining in the surroundings at the same time. She quickly lowered her head and used the cover of the rocks in the cave to look into the cave. Back away quickly.

Although my movements were gentle, I still couldn't hide it from other people's ears. I had just taken a few steps away when I heard someone shouting: "There's something moving over there."

In the blink of an eye, five or six flashlights hit me at the same time. Unable to avoid it, I simply stood in the corner covered by the rocks with my hands behind my back, looking at Ito Moka without saying a word.

"Wang Huan?" Ito Moka shouted tentatively: "Wang Huan, you'd better just go ahead and capture me!"

I deliberately shouted loudly: "The mountain god is here. The mountain god is calling us. The mountain god's spiritual pet has appeared, and the mountain god's true appearance will surely come. The mountain forest roars, the earth roars, and the mountain god's anger will bury everything."

"The ancient souls will surely return. The king of the underworld will come to the world..."

I don't even know what I'm talking about. In short, I'm just imitating the Japanese Kurokawa who turned blue after being hit by an arrow and talking nonsense.

I knew that I couldn't outrun their bullets. As long as I dared to turn around, I would be beaten into pieces by Ito Moka's men. The only way to escape was to bet that Ito Moka would not shoot rashly.

While I was talking, I paid attention to Ito Moka's movements. They couldn't see my eyes rolling back and forth in the dark with just the flashlight, but I could see some of them trembling slightly through the light coming from the hole, especially Ito. It smelled so good that cold sweat broke out on her forehead: "Who are you?"

I ignored Ito Moka, and after I finished speaking, I threw my head back and fell over. The flashlight beam that originally hit my body also passed through my body and shone deep into the cave at that moment.

I raised my head and took the opportunity to follow the direction of the beam and see a half-open stone door.

There are indeed secrets in the cave.

In just a short moment, I lay motionless on the ground. I don't know who fired two shots at me. When the bullets jumped up and the soil clung to my feet, I almost flew into the air. I jumped up from the ground. Fortunately, I suppressed the urge to turn around and run away, so I didn't expose any flaws.

Yin Teng Zhenxiang said in a deep voice: "Go over and see what's wrong with Wang Huan?"

"Yes-" Someone responded and came closer to me.

When the other party cautiously approached me, I deliberately opened my eyes wide and showed a look of death. The latter first kicked me twice tentatively. Seeing that I didn't respond, he squatted down with a flashlight in his mouth. On the ground, I reached out and touched my neck. I didn’t wait for the other person’s palm to approach, and I violently pushed my palm towards the person’s face. After I put the flashlight on my palm, I could clearly feel the flashlight going down the other person’s throat and passing through it. Sliding in, he was completely submerged in the other person's mouth in the blink of an eye.

Scarlet blood spurted down the corner of the opponent's mouth. I grabbed the opponent's pistol and fired continuously in the direction of Yin Teng Zhenxiang. In my haste, I didn't have time to aim and fire four shots, but I didn't even kill anyone. Instead, he exposed himself to the opponent's gun.

The Yin Teng warriors who had dispersed began to fight back violently just a moment later. In an instant, at least five people were firing at me at the same time. I lifted the body on the ground and blocked it in front of me and backed away.

The opponent's body was bursting with blood in the fierce gunfire, and I was walking forward step by step. After I retreated for more than ten steps in a row, I guess the corpse in my hand could no longer block the opponent's bullets. He simply released his hand and pointed the gun at his opponent.

At that moment, I clearly felt that when the Yin Teng warrior and I pulled the trigger at the same time, the short gun in the opponent's hand suddenly exploded, and sparks burst out from the barrel and shot backwards. The other person's eyes, blood instantly spurted from his eye sockets. Before the man could scream, he was shot through the forehead.

At the same time, five gunshots came from the air in no particular order.

I immediately tensed up my body and stood there clenching my teeth - five people shot at me at the same time within a distance of less than fifty meters. It was impossible for them to miss me. The difference was whether they would hit me with one shot. My vitals killed me on the spot.

I didn't even expect that what I was waiting for was not severe pain, but five screams. When I opened my eyes and looked, the Yin Teng warriors opposite had already thrown their guns on the ground, and some people were shaking them desperately. Holding the injured palm, some people covered their eyes and screamed loudly.

All five people's pistols were exploded

Before I could say anything else, I turned around and ran towards the stone gate.

After I ran a few steps, I suddenly realized that I shouldn't run towards Shimen. I should break through while the opponent doesn't have a gun in his hand!

Although there are still five or six people on the other side, I may not be without the strength to fight, but rushing towards the stone gate will put myself in an unknown crisis.

My premonition of the crisis came precisely from the guns in my hands. The guns in the hands of those Yin Teng warriors were all "Southern Fourteen Years Style", which is what ordinary people often call *.

The pistol was known as the worst pistol in World War II, and was even nicknamed a suicide pistol by the US military. Not only was the firing pin easily damaged, but misfires, chamber jams, and magazine clips also frequently occurred.

Although I was shooting rapidly just now, I was also worried, fearing that the barrel of the gun would explode in my hand. However, it is impossible for five gun barrels to explode at the same time, right

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, unless someone told me that he had tampered with the gun in advance, I would never have believed that such a thing could happen in front of my eyes.

Just a moment later, I suddenly felt a chill in my body - I just thought: How great would it be if all the other party's pistols exploded at once

Is this what I wish for? Absolutely not. Things like wishing to come true can only be regarded as a good wish at best and will never happen in reality. Unless there are ghosts and gods protecting you secretly.

The cave I rushed into was guarded by monsters, and the stone door was half open. It even rejected Ito Maka's request for a divine dance... I didn't know what was hidden here, so I rushed in. The danger involved was even greater than that of the duel. The vine is so fragrant.

When I wanted to look back, I saw someone behind me holding up the 38-year-old Gai.

Someone broke in again

Before I could see how many people were coming from the other side, I saw four gun muzzles spraying fire snakes at the same time. The dazzling red light flashed in my eyes, and I instinctively jumped to the ground.

Now, it was impossible for me to break out of the encirclement in the opposite direction. I could only crawl up and rush into the stone gate on the opposite side. Until I stopped leaning against the stone gate, the gunshots behind me were still roaring and chaotic. They were also approaching me quickly under cover of gunfire.

I reached out and fired a few shots at random, then took out the flashlight from my backpack and shined it into the cave.

What I saw at first glance were endless stone tablets. The gray stone tablets started five or six steps away from the cave entrance and continued to the depths of the cave. At first glance, it looked like someone had moved an endless cemetery. Into the cave.

After the flashlight beam fell on the stone monument closest to me, I couldn't help but take a breath - I had seen this stone monument before.

Just after we entered Pingtian Sea, we were blocked by a stone tablet with a picture of a wooden stake penetrating the human body. The stone tablet turned into powder in front of our eyes, and Xiao Zhanzi also died because of the pictures on the stone tablet.

I remember Old Man Sun also said: That stone tablet is called the Death Stele. As long as the stone tablet appears, someone will die.

What did he say at that time

While I was desperately trying to recall the scene at that time, the footsteps of Samurai Yin Teng gradually approached the stone gate.

There are only two choices left in front of me. Should I go deep into the cave to deal with the opponent, or should I risk my life and go out to fight