Hidden God

Chapter 85: Slaying the dragon with a horizontal sword


Just one breath later, the opponent's figure suddenly fired a volley of arrows. After the overwhelming arrows set off a layer of dazzling white light that connected the sky and the earth, the sky above my head was instantly covered with arrow light. The moment countless arrows advanced towards my eyes, the dazzling white light gradually faded away, leaving only the sharp whistling sound of approaching airflow and the overwhelming black shadow.

"Get out of the way!" When Ito Moka's scream suddenly came from behind me, the two fastest sharp arrows were already approaching my eyes. The sharp tip of the arrow hit me directly in the eye, but I didn't dodge it. I glared at the arrow's edge with my eyes wide open.

The moment the arrow tip approached my pupils, the long arrow was like a phantom shattered by external force, suddenly disintegrating in front of my eyes, and the overwhelming arrows turned into spots of light all over the sky, like fireflies in the autumn night. The top of my head slowly drifted away.

"This... this..." Moka Ito, who was holding a long knife, was so surprised that she couldn't speak. But I waved my hand gently and said: "It's all just an illusion. There's no need to be afraid. Sit down!"

"Okay... okay..." Ito Moka finally came to her senses at this time. However, before she could sit down, bursts of gunfire rang out on the hillside. Several stone monuments near us were hit by bullets at the same time, and the broken stones flew up like raindrops.

Ito Maka roared: "What are you doing?"

I shook my head and said, "Don't worry. Your men just had some hallucinations. They were shooting at the phantoms. Don't worry, they won't shoot at us. The phantoms can't cross the center of the formation."

"But..." Before Ito Moka could finish her words, the roaring sounds of more than a dozen three-eight ducks came from the air. The bullets fired off sparks one after another on the stone tablets, but none of the bullets passed the innermost layer of the stone tablets. .

Ito Moka, who was holding a long sword, said uneasily: "Mr. Wang Huan, is it really okay if this continues?"

"Don't worry!" As soon as I finished speaking, a bullet hit the ground less than half a foot away from me. The soil splashed by the bullet fell on my crossed legs, but I sat as if I had no consciousness. Not moving at all.

"Wang Huan, the bullet has crossed the line!" Ito Moka screamed uncontrollably, "Let's evacuate quickly, if it's too late..."

Just when Ito Moka stretched out her hand to grab me, dense rain of bullets landed near us one after another. The dust blown away by the bullets rose into the sky. The smell of gunpowder and earth mixed with the wind filled the air, and it was almost impossible to see anyone in the center of the formation. Moka Ito, who had just planned to drag me away from the formation, was already lying on the ground: "Stop everyone! Where are you shooting? Wang Huan..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen here." Although I still sat firmly where I was, I was actually sweating on my palms.

The Taoism is false, the formation is false, and what I said is also false, but Old Man Sun standing outside is true.

In addition to trying to lure out the fifth person wearing the golden mask, I also have another purpose in laying out suspicions...

Although I didn't communicate with Old Man Sun in advance, he should understand what I meant. He deliberately cooperated with me just now because he saw what I was thinking. Only he knows best whether I know how to teach; he is the key to whether I can draw out my opponent.

The reason why I sat still was to let Old Man Sun cut off the vision caused by the golden mask. As long as he is willing to cooperate with me, the fake formation will become real.

Originally, I thought I had a 50-60% chance of getting Old Man Sun to take action, but now I feel less and less sure.

Although there is a long distance between me and Old Man Sun, I believe that with the blessing of the golden mask, he can hear what I am saying. I deliberately said that bullets cannot enter the inner circle, but I am actually talking to him. Ventilate.

Now, the bullet is about to hit me, but I haven't seen Old Man Sun make any move... Could it be that my initial judgment was wrong

Do I get up and dodge bullets

If I stood up now, everything I had done would be in vain, and I might never get another chance to make a comeback. If I didn't get up, the next bullet might hit me.

I could clearly feel that the sweat on my palms was getting more and more, and the cold sweat on my forehead was uncontrollably breaking out.

Ito Moka suddenly hugged me from behind and shouted: "Hurry up! They are out of control, someone is aiming at you!"

"Let go!" My arms vibrated together and I forcefully pushed Ito Moka away. At the same time, Ito Samurai's gun pointed at me.

The time has come to truly gamble their lives. The moment they pull the trigger is the moment that determines victory or defeat.

In an instant, life and death were decided.

In a moment, the situation can be reversed.

After a quick glance at the opponent's trigger finger, I closed my eyes and sat there seemingly calmly, waiting for the next moment of fate.

I'm not afraid of death, but if I don't risk my life to win or lose at that moment, I may definitely lose.

Win or lose, life or death, come on!

"Bang" - the moment the uniform gunshots rang in my ears, I relaxed. Whether victory or defeat, life or death, isn't it all decided by this one shot? Since I can't change the direction of the bullet, why should I be nervous

The lingering sound of the rifle had not faded, the severe pain in my body had not yet arose, and there was no sound of bullets falling around me. Where did their shot hit

When I opened my eyes suddenly, I suddenly saw a huge bat shadow flying in the air. The muzzles of Samurai Ito's guns were all turned into the air, and they were shooting wildly at the bat dragon attacking from the air. However, the opponent swooped down in the sky full of fire, stretched out his wings and pounced on the crowd, instantly cutting off three heads, and then rushed towards the center of the stone monument with blood all over his body.

Is it targeting me

This time, I couldn't pretend anymore. Before the bat dragon could get close, I turned around and ran towards the row of stone tablets behind me. My feet kept accelerating, but the wind behind me roared closer and closer.

The moment the piercing and howling wind came close to the back of my head, I jumped up and threw myself into the gap in the forest of steles. I slid on the ground for a few meters, got into the middle of two stone steles, and then held my head with both hands and pressed tightly against it. on the ground.

The sound of the bat dragon's wings sweeping away the stone tablet suddenly sounded behind me. The broken stone tablet flew past my head in an instant and crashed into the forest of tablets in the distance. When the sound of the bluestone breaking came, the strong wind brought by the bat dragon also swept over my head. When I looked up again, the bat dragon had already fluttered its wings and flew away through the air.

I just glanced at the bat dragon that was retreating, and then I immediately got up and rushed towards the entrance of the shaman's tomb.

At this time, the gunfire on the hillside had become chaotic. All the Ito warriors were looking into the sky and firing. The red beams of light followed the bat dragons as they crisscrossed and swept across the sky, but they were still unable to injure the opponent at all. Rather than intercepting the bat dragon, it is better to say that it deliberately adds a bit of ferocity to it.

The roaring bat dragon was raging across the sky like an overlord, and Ito Moka was also roaring crazily: "Knock it down, hurry up..."

I just glanced at Ito Moka who was roaring with a sword, and I saw the stone monument in the distance flying to both sides like waves broken by a big fish. The horned dragon, covered with blood all over its body, crashed into two tombstones in front of it, broke into the center of the formation, and rushed straight in my direction.

My speed couldn't be compared with the flying horned dragon. In just a few steps, I was approached by the opponent. I could only stand down and draw my sword to meet the enemy. The moment I pointed the blade at the horned dragon, Ito Moka suddenly raised the sword and slashed at the horned dragon. Ito Moka used all her strength to slash the horned dragon's back with a dazzling cold light, but the Bailian long sword in her hand was broken into two pieces on the dragon's back. The moment half of the blade burst into the air, the horned dragon became furious, and the dragon's tail also swept towards Ito Moka. Ito Moka was whipped into the air by the dragon's tail before she could react, and she vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The horned dragon turned its head amidst the roar, and faced me with murderous intent in its eyes. I could clearly see a slender pupil erected in its yellow eyes, and its bloodthirsty and murderous intent emanated from it. His eyes rolled out.

I raised my knife and aimed it at the horned dragon's forehead, and the muscles in my hands tensed up. Although there was no true energy bursting from my long knife, it still exuded overwhelming killing intent. The long knife with cold light and murderous intent seemed to be pointing at the standing horned dragon with the force of creating the world.

The horned dragon seemed to be frightened by the fierce murderous intention. He lowered his head slightly, and then pressed the two dragon claws to the ground. His back was slightly arched while accumulating power. The dragon's tail that was sweeping back and forth just now has stopped at this moment. , slightly raised into the air - the horned dragon was also preparing to strike.

After just one breath, Qiu Long and I stood up and sprinted toward each other. Although there was only a short distance of more than ten meters between us, smoke and dust were rising up from our feet. The center of the formation was filled with dust and dust, and the sharp claws of the horned dragon collided with the long knife in my hand.

With a loud sound like the clash of gold and iron, two of the horned dragon's claws and toes were cut off by me, and I also took three steps back under the opponent's impact. As soon as my feet were firmly planted, the sharp teeth of the horned dragon were already coming towards me.

As I retreated step by step, I turned my long knife and stabbed into the opponent's mouth. Although the horned dragon was huge, it was not as high as my waist when lying on the ground. I stabbed the knife diagonally downward before it could push into the dragon's mouth, and the tip of the knife struck it. Visit the Horned Dragon’s Tooth Hall. The cold blade slid inwards, and the hornet dragon's huge mouth, which had been opened to the extreme, suddenly closed. I felt my hand sink, and the long knife was immediately deflected.

At the critical moment, I gave up the knife, took a step back, and kicked the knife handle with all my strength. The half-exposure of the long knife sank into the dragon's mouth with my kick, and dripping blood suddenly spurted out from around the dragon's mouth. However, I took the opportunity to retreat and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

The dying roar of the horned dragon also rose into the sky behind me.