Hidden God

Chapter 89: It was secret back then


Old man Sun has finished all the scenes he needs to do, so he won't talk nonsense anymore. He continued: "Although the Japanese soldiers captured the mountain stronghold, they also paid a heavy price. I originally thought that this battle was a sure thing, but none of us expected that the old patriarch of the Xiao family actually escaped. Looking for Without him, there is no way to find the secret of Ping Tianhai."

"We led people to dig three feet outside before we found the entrance to the second floor near the Sun and Moon Pillar. However, there were not one but seven entrances there. At that time, after discussing with Ito, we decided to attack It is divided into seven routes and enters the second floor of Pingtianhai from different entrances.”

Outside Pingtianhai, there is another entrance as I expected. Old Japanese Ito followed me this time, which can only mean that someone changed the original entrance, making it impossible for him to enter and exit the second floor the same way.

Old Man Sun continued: "According to our initial thoughts, after we entered, we should meet at a certain place. However, until all the people we brought in were dead, we did not find another team."

Old Man Sun raised his head and said: "Although we didn't find anyone else, we found the golden mask. Everyone found a golden mask."

I looked at the other person and said, "So, the number of people who got the golden mask was not three but seven?"

"Yes!" Old Man Sun nodded and said, "At that time, we relied on the golden mask to get together. However, we soon discovered that not all of the seven of us were alive."

"Those who have not experienced the situation at that time cannot imagine the despair and fear we felt at that time. At that time, I wished I could go crazy. If I were crazy, I would not know what fear and suspicion are."

Even though decades had passed, Old Man Sun still brought up the incident with unconcealable fear in his eyes, which shows how deeply the golden mask left a deep memory on him.

Old Man Sun finally calmed down his emotions before continuing: "The seven of us stayed together for more than ten days. During these more than ten days, the three of us finally figured out part of the function of the golden mask, and we were able to kill him first. Only after killing those four people did they escape from Pingtianhai."

I interrupted Old Man Sun and said, "What do you mean by killing him completely?"

Old Man Sun said: "Even their souls were killed together. So they will never be able to use the golden mask to transfer their souls."

In my opinion, there is no such thing as a golden mask transferring souls. The function of a golden mask is to copy people's memories. However, Old Man Sun probably does not have this concept in his head. It is easier to possess a soul than to copy memories. Let him accept it.

Old Man Sun said: "Originally, the three of us wanted to kill each other together and monopolize the golden mask. However, we found that no one could do anything to the other, so we had to let it go."

Old Man Sun glanced at Ito Mingchuan with resentment in his eyes, and the latter snorted coldly and turned away.

Old Man Sun continued: "At that time, we had already grabbed seven masks. Three of them were lost inexplicably. Except for the masks we fastened on our faces, they had never been moved. They were only stuck to my chest. That mask survived.”

Ito Mingchuan gritted his teeth and said, "You really have an extra mask."

Old Man Sun ignored the other party: "After we escaped, we agreed to go our separate ways. Yin Teng said that he lost an elite unit and had to go back to explain, so he returned to Japan."

"Scar, also known as Takeo Takahashi, stayed here with me. At that time, I didn't know Scar's true identity and always thought he was a fur trader. He said: After such a big thing happened, my family I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to go back, so I wanted to hide in the mountains with me, so I agreed.”

Old Man Sun paused here and said: "Although the three of us have not made any agreement, we all know that sooner or later the three of us will meet again and return to Pingtianhai to get our lives back."

Old Man Sun said: "Later, the things I told you became true. When Scar Cat and I were in the mountains, we worked as bandits to make a living. Ito Mingchuan also brought people back once, here After building the Jin Daxian Temple, a small group of Japanese soldiers left behind and left."

Old Man Sun looked at Ito Mingchuan and sneered: "He thinks he is very smart. From that time on, I knew that he and Scar were in the same group. He deliberately built a Jin Daxian temple and made it for Jin Daxian. He got a golden mask exactly like his, just so that Scar could quietly observe if anyone would come and take away the golden mask?"

I looked at Old Man Sun with a sneer and said, "You clearly knew their purpose, but you never revealed it. In fact, you had the same plan as them, right?"

"Yes." Old Man Sun nodded and said, "In addition to wanting to see if the Xiao family will come back, I have other thoughts. I'm afraid that after exposing them, Scar and I will fall out on the spot. I'm not afraid of Scar, I'm afraid What’s more, I can’t deal with the Xiao family by myself, so I have to find a helper, right?”

"Well! Keep talking." I couldn't help but nodded. Old Man Sun's concerns were reasonable, and he probably wasn't lying.

Old Man Sun said: "The little Japanese man has been guarding the Jin Daxian Temple for more than ten years. Later, for some reason, he withdrew them all at once. He didn't even take away the weapons and equipment, and just threw them in the Jin Daxian Temple. .”

"I didn't know what was going on at first, and then I saw Scar secretly crying his heart out, so I knew something must have happened. I went down the mountain alone to inquire, and then I found out that Little Japan had surrendered."

"At that time, everyone in China was happy, but I was scared! If people knew that I led the Japanese to destroy three villages, would they still be skinned alive and eaten?"

Old Man Sun swallowed his mouth and said: "I was so frightened that I ran back to the mountain, found a scar, and hid the weapons left by Little Japan. Just in case someone really wanted to catch me. , so I can be prepared. After so many years, I have to maintain my guns and ammunition every once in a while. Otherwise, this gun would not be so new."

I couldn't help but look down at the gun in my hand, but Old Man Sun whispered: "At that time, maybe I thought too much, right? One person in three villages within a radius of fifty or sixty miles was killed by a little devil. If there aren’t any left, does anyone know what’s going on?”

"After Scar and I hid for a few years, the People's Liberation Army came, and the two of us handed over our guns and became common people. We told the People's Liberation Army that we were survivors of the massacre, and we robbed the Japanese of their guns and kept fighting. I didn't dare to come down in the mountains. The People's Liberation Army believed our words and not only didn't make things difficult for us, they also built me a house and divided the land for me, so we settled down."

Old Man Sun said: "After that, people started to move down the mountain one after another. As time went by, no one knew who was doing what before. The people who moved here were all curious about the Golden Immortal Temple here, so I just told them what they were doing before. The things I told you were told to others."

"People here have believed in the Great Immortal since early on. They believed me when I said I had a nose and eyes. They also regarded me as an Immortal. They like to come to me for advice on big and small matters. I can only make up stories after going back and forth. It’s become a real thing.”

When I heard this, I felt dumbfounded.

This is probably the characteristic of legends. In the beginning, there are some true ones and some false ones. The further it goes on, the less true it becomes and the more false it is. In the end, it is no longer possible to tell the true from the false, and the false becomes true. No one knows what the truth behind the legend is. Let alone know the purpose of the person who released the legend in the first place.

Didn't Old Man Sun himself create a golden immortal that hundreds of people believed in

Old Man Sun looked at my face and then said: "The three of us have known each other's identities since we entered Pingtianhai. When I saw Yin Teng, I knew that he was deliberately hiding his identity."

"At that time, I guessed that he must have something going on and couldn't expose himself easily, so I quickly made up a story and let myself die in front of you. Scar followed suit."

I looked at the other person and said, "Are you saying that when I saw you vomiting blood, it was actually an illusion?"

"Absolutely!" Old Man Sun looked at Ito Aikawa and said, "The three of us haven't seen each other for decades. No one knows how far the other can use the golden mask, so we tried each other's depth that night."

"All the strange things you encountered that night were actually the three of us doing it together. Scar and I wanted to kill Ito's men, but Ito's target was you."

Old Man Sun said: "Ito probably thought that you and Ye Xun didn't know their purpose and might sincerely cooperate with him, so they stopped midway. I found out that Scar deliberately kept a hand against Ito, so I backed away. Come out. If we had been working together that night, Yin Teng's people would have let at least half of us stay."

I stared at Old Man Sun and said, "I can understand why you took action against Old Devil Ito. What is the scar for?"

"Scar also hates Ito." Old Man Sun said: "Although Scar didn't say it directly, I know that he has been waiting for Ito to help him restore his identity so that he can return to Japan, but Ito has always ignored him. Question. His disappointment in Ito turned into hatred. Especially after the opening, his hatred of Ito not only did not diminish, but grew day by day. Therefore, he wants to kill Ito more than I do."

Old Man Sun looked at me and said, "It's true that Scar hates Ito, but he is still Japanese. If you pour urine on the dead man's head and make him jump out unbearably, he will be the first to die in your hands." people."

I said calmly: "Is there a fifth person among the people we fought that night?"

"There should be." Old Man Sun said uncertainly: "When we had a conflict, I felt that someone was secretly fueling the flames, but I wasn't sure whether he was one of Scar and Yin Teng, or someone else. Man. A lot of the reason why we stopped in the middle was because of him."

I turned to look at Ito Akikawa, who nodded slightly and said, "That's true. At least I still haven't figured out who the person who made the sun and moon rotate is?"