Hidden God

Chapter 9: Things are unpredictable


The boss was talking about the strange rock fish, one of the "Seven Mysteries of Fuxian Lake". What he described was basically the same as what was in the tourist brochure. The only difference is that the boss used the "God of the Lake" to explain the answer to the mystery of "no fish coming back and forth".

The boss sat down with a smile: "Little brother, if you are interested, I will tell you about the Lake God."

I smiled and looked at the boss and said, "I just want to hear what's going on."

The boss said calmly: "Brother, you must have heard that Yunnan is also called Dianbian and Diandi, right?"

I nodded and said, "I know more or less."

The boss smiled slightly and said: "Before the Han Dynasty, Yunnan was not incorporated into the territory of any country. It was not until the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that Yunnan surrendered to the imperial court. Let's not talk about what happened after that. Before that, Yunnan only had tribes and no country. You should understand, right?"

The boss obviously meant something in his words. I couldn't help but frown and said, "Boss, if you have anything to say, just say it."

The boss was half-leaning on the chair: "Brother, I guess you're not here to buy anything, but here to inquire about something, right? Did you meet the lake god asking for your life?"

I was suddenly shocked, but on the surface I remained calm and said, "Your joke is not funny."

The boss proudly pointed to the two girls behind me and said, "If you came by yourself, I really can't see anything. It's a pity that you shouldn't have brought them here. The two of them couldn't calm down and saw King Shark I panicked. Especially her... "

The person the boss was referring to was Dong Xiaowei: "You have been running around in circles with me, just because you don't want me to see your true purpose. She is different. After seeing the photo, she was impatient to know what I would say next. . She sold you out."

"I admire you!" I gave the boss a thumbs up, "You are worthy of being an old man."

People in the antique shop are the most observant. In the antique business, if you can't tell whether your customers are interested in it, then you really don't have to mess around. I thought I had no flaws, but those two girls sold me out without any composure. Now that my bottom was exposed, I simply said: "I did run into some trouble, otherwise I wouldn't have come to ask about it. If the boss has anything to say, just tell me."

"Okay!" the boss said unhurriedly, "I still say the same thing. There are many tribes in Yunnan, and there have been countless changes in kingship. Therefore, there are countless legends about Fuxian Lake. If you have time, you can go Ask about the legend of the Fuxian Lake God, and I guarantee you will hear at least ten versions."

The boss looked at me and said word by word: "If you have time, you can try one by one to see which legendary lake god is the master of Fuxian Lake. But what you lack most is time."

I looked at the boss calmly and said, "So?"

The boss pointed a finger at himself: "So, the only one who can tell you the truth is me. If you want to survive, take out your fox bell in exchange for it."

I looked at the boss coldly and said, "How do I know whether what you said is true or false?"

The boss said proudly: "A person who dares to make money from the dead people in Fuxian Lake doesn't know the truth? Of course, you can also verify whether my words are true or false. I'm not in a hurry."

The boss has figured out my weakness, so of course he won't be in a hurry.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at the other person, already thinking of catching him first and then asking him for the truth, but the boss calmly knocked on the corner of the table. What he probably means is that there is an alarm device there, and if I dare to do it, I will definitely not get any favors.

I pushed away the photo in front of me and stood up, saying, "See you later."

When I turned to walk out, the boss suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute. You can pick three swords and take them away. A broken sword can save you once, and three swords can save you for three days. If you change after three days If you have an idea, you can come back to me."

According to my own temper, I would turn around and leave, but Zhang Shu pulled me tightly and said: "Wang Huan, please bring three swords! In case... we still have classmates... "


Now I can't wait to go back and give this silly bitch Zhang Shu a slap in the face. Now that I am at a disadvantage, if she adds this sentence again, the boss will be even more emboldened.

However, she had already said what she said, and I couldn't pull her back even if I tried. I simply turned around and took two bronze and one iron three long swords with the best appearance from the table, wrapped them in cloth, and took them out of the antique shop.

When I walked out of the antique shop, Dong Xiaowei said cautiously: "Wang Huan, it's all our fault for causing trouble for you."

"Forget it." I waved my hand and walked to the meeting place without saying a word.

I went back with a glimmer of hope.

If my classmates find out about useful legends or find the old man, maybe I can deduce some clues. If it is true as the antique shop owner said, then my last clue must fall on the iron sword I carry under my arm...

I set the meeting place in a rented yard from the beginning. No one dared to go back to the hotel. We had to find a place to spend the night. We couldn’t have more than ten people gathering on the street waiting for dawn. Fortunately, most of us carry cash, my mobile phone is fine, and my bank card can be used to transfer money, so renting the yard for a few days is not a problem.

By the time I rushed back to the meeting point, all my classmates were already back. As soon as I saw them, my heart sank. More than a dozen people looked as if they had just cried, their eyes were red and swollen, and their faces were stained with tears. You knew without asking that they must have been frightened again.

I threw the three swords on the table: "What did you find out? Tell me one by one!"

The legends brought back by my classmates are indeed all kinds of, but the results are exactly the same - whoever touches the silver mackerel in the lake will be dragged into the water to fill the lake, and no one can escape.

I suppressed the irritability in my heart and said, "Who has heard about the old man?"

"I..." Zhang Hao's lips were trembling as he spoke, "I... I heard that the old man died the night before yesterday. Before he died, someone saw him carrying a person on his back to the lake, and then the two of them fell together. Once you enter the lake, you never come out again..."

Zhang Hao's voice became lower as he spoke: "I heard someone say that someone called the old man and asked him what he was doing. The old man didn't look back, but the man he was carrying did. The man was lying on the old man with disheveled hair, waiting for him When he turned back, a pair of fish eyes emerged from his hair. The man who called him was so frightened that he sat on the ground and watched helplessly as the old man walked into the lake step by step, causing the lake to cover its top."

"The locals say that the lake god is pulling people to fill the lake! The ancient city under the lake is not full of people yet. The lake god will pull people to fill the lake every year until the entire ancient city is filled. Wang Huan, let's It’s over!”

Zhang Hao was about to cry again while talking. I raised my hand and gave him a mouthful: "Hold it back, aren't we still alive?"

I beat Zhang Hao until he stopped moving, and then I sat on the chair and began to think about whether the legends brought back by my classmates had anything in common. Before I could figure out the key, I heard Zhang Shu talking about our trip to the antique shop.

After she finished speaking, my classmates all looked at my face. Someone hesitated for a long time before saying: "Wang Huan, why don't you... why don't you give your bell to someone else? How many bells do you have?" Let’s put money together..."

"Fart!" I yelled angrily, "Do I have to give him whatever he wants? He later asked Zhang Shu to stay with him for the night. Are you going to tie him up too?"

"That's different." Someone retorted, "Money is something external to the body. What can be more important than life?"

I said angrily: "It's true that money is an external possession, but that kid is taking advantage of someone else's misfortune. Can't you see it?"

Zhang Shu rushed to say before I could finish my words: "We have already told you how much your pair of fox bells cost, and we are willing to compensate you. At worst, we will issue you an IOU. Wang Huan, everyone's safety is at stake now." Are you reluctant to part with such a pair of bells in your hands? Besides, we don’t want your things for nothing.”

"You can't afford my fox bell." I also know that money is an external possession, but I really can't swallow this breath. That boss is obviously taking advantage of others. It's not that my classmates can't see this, it's just that they care more about getting results from their bosses. In their opinion, I should give up the fox bell in exchange.

Someone among the crowd whispered: "I think you also want to take advantage of the situation, right?"

"Who the hell is farting!" I was immediately furious. They saw that I was really angry, and no one was willing to speak again. Of course, no one admitted that they were taking advantage of the situation.

Only Dong Xiaowei said softly: "Wang Huan, don't be angry first. Don't get emotional, everyone. What the boss said may not be true. Let's wait until tonight to see the results."

Dong Xiaowei originally wanted to calm down the matter, but someone said: "What if something happens again tonight?"

Zhang Shu took the lead and asked me: "Wang Huan, what do you think we should do if something happens again tonight?"

The anger I had just suppressed was aroused again: "Whoever dies will be unlucky, what the hell does it have to do with me?"

"You..." a girl said with tears in her eyes, "Wang Huan, you can say this, thanks to us being classmates for four years. We all misjudged you."

I looked at him with a gloomy face: "It's not too late to see clearly now. You'd better stay away from me."

Dong Xiaowei saw that I was angry again and quickly pulled me into the courtyard: "Wang Huan, please stop saying a few words. We are all classmates. If you were replaced by them, wouldn't they hope to get the fox bell?" Want to exchange the news? Don’t be angry first and sit down for a while, okay?”

"Yeah!" I sat in the yard for a long time, until it gradually got dark, then I opened the door and walked into the house, picked up the iron sword, wrapped it in clothes and carried it in my hand, and asked Dong Xiaowei Said, "I'm going out to do something, please be careful."

Dong Xiaowei's face turned pale with fright: "Wang Huan, what are you going to do?"