Higher Level Wife

Chapter 106: Reunion


Then he asked about some homework, and then looked at the big characters written by Jin Zangfeng. Jin Feng held up a few words of praise. The boy who praised him blushed and said with a smile: "Dad, don't just praise me. Brother Zhenxuan is smarter than me. Now He is no less diligent than me, and his homework is better than mine, but not worse than mine."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Since I had you as my brother as a role model, Zhenxuan has indeed been a lot more diligent. This is all due to you as the brother. These fathers know it all." After speaking, he looked up at Qiu Ning and said : "In terms of talent, Zhenxuan is very good. It's a pity that no matter how calm he looks on the surface, I know in my heart that he is very impetuous. Now that he is familiar with books and explanations, it doesn't matter. I just read. After two years, you will know whether he is really dedicated to learning if he can sink into it, study it carefully, and integrate this knowledge with the eight-part essay."

Fu Qiuning nodded and said, "I'm right. I'm most afraid that children will rely on their own intelligence and end up being fooled by their intelligence." Yin said to Jin Zangfeng, "Okay, you and daddy can sleep here. I'll take Jiao'er there." Sleep together with Yu Niang. Let Yu Jie wait on you two outside." Now that there is more charcoal, there is no need to save on charcoal fire. Only two rooms are burned, so everything can be arranged.

Sure enough, in the middle of the morning on the second day, the maid from the old lady's office came over and asked Fu Qiuning to come over. It turned out that Jin Luanfeng had returned from other places, and the house was very lively. The old lady thought of Qiuning, so she asked her to come over. Qiu Ning knew she couldn't push him away, so she had no choice but to change her clothes and go to Kangshouyuan with her two children.

In Fu Qiuning's impression, Jinluanfeng's first wife, He, was just a quiet woman. Now when she arrived at Kangshouyuan, she saw everyone gathered around her to congratulate her. The usually quiet He was also radiant and smiling. He responded as if he was a different person.

"Second Grandma Ning is here." Luo Cui saw Qiu Ning and hurriedly came up to greet her, laughing and scolding: "Those little hooves at the door must be busy watching the excitement in the hall. They didn't even know when Grandma was here. They are really ignorant. After Fu Qiuning came back from her parents' home, the old lady ordered the whole family to treat her as Jin Fengju's real wife. In the past, there was only one second mistress, Jiang Wanying, but now she has Qiuning, and both of them are Jin Fengju's wives, so They were distinguished by their names. Fu Qiuning became the second grandmother Ning, and Jiang Wanying became the second grandmother Wan. The pronunciation of the character Gai Yinying and the character Ning were similar, making it difficult to distinguish them.

"Don't blame the maids. It's really because the hall was so noisy that no one heard them even if they shouted." Fu Qiuning replied with a smile. At this time, everyone also saw her and greeted her, and she responded one by one. Where did she end up? In front of his wife, he smiled and said happily: "Congratulations to my sister-in-law. I heard that I will go home together today. You and your wife usually spend less time together and stay apart more. Now you can finally relieve the pain of missing each other."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Mrs. He quickly returned the gift and said with a shy smile: "My brothers and sisters are usually serious people, so why are you teasing me like them? It shows that you are not good."

Aunt Huo smiled and said: "Why are we joking? Why don't you look at yourself today? You are so beautiful and shocking. I said that I can't bear to leave your lovely wife at home, and he will do it by himself." Running around.”

Fu Qiuning said with a smile: "As the saying goes, people feel refreshed when happy events happen, and it is also said that a farewell is better than a wedding. But my sister-in-law is just radiant today." After saying this, He heard Mrs. He laugh and said: "Don't think you can take advantage of me. , Speaking of which, isn’t the second master always being sent out by the emperor? Don’t you often have more separations than newlyweds?” After saying this, everyone laughed.

Just as she was enjoying herself, she heard the maids at the door shout again: "Second Grandma Wan is here." Before she finished speaking, Aunt Xu sneered and said: "It's always been like this, she wants a whole room of people to wait for her, no matter what What's the matter? I always have to play the leading role and steal other people's limelight. I don't know why I delayed it for so long."

Fu Qiuning saw that the old lady and Mrs. Jiang both looked this way, and hurriedly said softly: "Sister, you don't have to say that. Sister Wan is in charge of the whole family's affairs, so she is naturally very busy." Before he could finish his words, Mrs. Xu sneered. : "If sister is really considerate of her, you are also a grandma. I have been praising you in front of us these days. Why don't you move in together and help sister Wan manage the house. In this way, the two sisters It’s not like I’m tired anymore.”

Fu Qiuning knew that Mrs. Xu was deliberately provoking. When she saw Mrs. Jiang's expression changed slightly, she smiled calmly and said: "It's just for no reason. I won't bear this trouble. Look at Sister Wan, knowing that today This Kangshou Yuan must be very lively. According to her thoughts, she would like to spread her wings and fly over to join in the fun, but she got stuck by something and couldn't get through. How could she be as comfortable as I am?"

"What are you planning behind my back? I heard it." Jiang Wanying came out from behind the screen and smiled very affectionately at Fu Qiuning: "Okay, I caught you today, right? I think you still have How can you deny it, tell me, what bad things are you saying about me, and do it so blatantly?"

"Hurry up and congratulate your sister-in-law. What are you doing here just talking?" Fu Qiuning smiled, pushed her to Mrs. He, and gently changed the topic.

"Sister-in-law, of course I also want to congratulate you, but don't think about sending me out like this. I'll settle the accounts with you one by one when I come back." Jiang Wanying nodded with her hand at Fu Qiuning, Xu and Huo, and others. There was a smile on his face, and those who didn't know it really thought that Jin Fengju was so good at managing the family that he could subjugate several exquisite women.

While everyone was talking and laughing, they saw Jin Fengju and Jin Luanfeng walking in. He immediately blushed, fearing that her sisters-in-law would make fun of her, so she hurriedly hid behind the crowd. The two of them met the old lady here. Mrs. Jin smiled and asked Jin Fengju: "It's too early to go to court today. The emperor didn't keep you?"

"It's almost the New Year, what are you doing here at this time? There's nothing important to do with the government anyway." Jin Fengju replied with a smile, and then said to the old lady and Mrs. Jiang: "I just received a letter from dad, saying that he and his eldest brother have set off on a journey. , I think I will meet him in three to five days, and I will definitely be able to return to Beijing before the new year."

As soon as these words came out, others just paid it back. Old Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang were really happy. He nodded and said, "That's good. That's good. You write back and tell them to be careful. There's a lot of snow these days and the road may be difficult. It doesn't hurt to go slower. Safety is the most important thing."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "I just remembered to ask this now, how can I have time? Everyone is on the road, the itinerary is uncertain, and sending the letter is in vain. I have told you in the previous letter, so many people are following, so it doesn't matter if you want to come." Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang both laughed. Mrs. Jin said to Mrs. Jiang: "Listen, listen. No wonder the emperor values him so much. He is more careful than the two of us. Your master has really paid for his son in vain."

Mrs. Jiang hurriedly smiled and said: "Our family has good feng shui, and Fengju is not alone. Aren't Luanfeng and Pengzhan both good and sensible children? What's even more rare is that all three of them are successful in their careers. Let me tell you, Fengju and Pengzhan It's just a matter of being an official. It's just a matter of Luan Feng. How can we make the business so big? Nowadays, we have a store wherever we go. This is really gratifying. It's a pity that due to the status of Hou Men, we can only It’s hard for that child to manipulate behind the scenes, but he can handle everything properly.”

On days like this, Mr. Jiang would naturally not only praise his son. Even so, his words were both overt praise and covert criticism. Scholars, farmers, industrialists, and merchants, no matter how big the business was, it was still not as good as being a small official, not to mention Jin Fengju and Jin Pengzhan is not a petty official, especially Jin Fengju. He is a true minister of the emperor and a pillar of the country, so Mrs. Jiang can't help but be dissatisfied.

"Look at what my mother-in-law likes." Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning happened to be together, and Fu Qiuning couldn't help but laugh softly: "This son of yours is really showing off to her. Everyone in front and behind has enough money to show off. I do. I don’t accept it. My eldest brother is obviously no worse than you in business. It’s just because of the ancestral rules that he doesn’t take businessmen seriously. But you also make a lot of money and receive many rewards. I can’t even take you away from me in terms of money. It’s so frustrating.”

Jin Fengju couldn't help laughing and said: "Are you complaining about your eldest brother? Don't tell me, you are probably the only one in the whole family who has such insight. It is said that women have long hair and short knowledge, but Qiuning, you are an exception. Fortunately for me You and your elder brother are both knowledgeable, otherwise..." He shook his head. Fu Qiuning knew what he was thinking. Indeed, if the brothers hadn't been able to work together and were only instigated by these women to compare and compare in secret, they would have turned against each other long ago. How could we still be like this? The prestigious gold-encrusted Marquis Mansion? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional, secretly wondering where the Jin family's ancestral tombs are buried? Is this blessing too generous? If it were in a house-fighting novel, it would be like having a golden finger.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Jin Fengju speak again: "Yes, I just told my elder brother about your hot pot, and he was also very interested. I have sent people to the nearby Zhuangzi to get the food. I want to come in the evening I'll be back soon, and I'll thank you for your help when the time comes and show off your skills."

Fu Qiuning exclaimed: "Isn't it? Are you really in such a hurry? I don't know if my jar of chive flowers is enough." As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone next to him laughing: "What chive flowers? You can climb this too." Countertop? My sister likes pickles, so I'll give you a few jars so you can eat them all." But who is Jiang Wanying

Fu Qiuning knew in her heart that at such a moment of family reunion, Jin Fengju came to talk to him. How could Jiang Wanying endure it? What's more, if others see it, I don't know how to chew my tongue. So he smiled slightly and said: "It's not pickles, it's chive flower paste. It has another use. I think my sister will know it when I get there." After saying that, he walked to Mrs. Jin and gave the golden phoenix to Jiang Wanying.

Jin Fengju didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Seeing that the Xu family and the Huo family were not lagging behind, Baba caught up and sighed inwardly: If I had known this, why would I have married so many people in one go just for gambling? I am in vain for my ability to govern the country, but I cannot even manage the family well. I don’t know how those ministers in the DPRK and China, who have more wives and concubines than me, balance this backyard. "

While it was being lively, I suddenly heard a commotion outside, and then Jin Ming hurried in. Without even having time to pay homage to the old lady and Mrs. Jiang, he said anxiously: "Master, someone from the palace has issued an order. Please invite me and the old lady, ladies and gentlemen." Hurry and prepare to receive the order."