Higher Level Wife

Chapter 109: leave


Seeing that it was getting dark, everyone washed and cut all kinds of ingredients and put them on the table as Fu Qiuning said. Mrs. Jin picked up the chopsticks and everyone started eating. It's just that this hot pot is about being lively, and the rule of eating in the Hou Mansion is to eat without talking or sleeping, but from the expressions of everyone, it can be seen that they are eating very happily.

Jin Fengju, however, said goodbye to everyone and went out without waiting for the table to be served. He was also responsible for delivering the dinner to the emperor. Previously, I was worried that the sauce would not taste good. Furthermore, I also wanted to see how Qiuning prepared the dishes. They were all very simple things. After reading them twice, I felt confident and left.

All the way to the palace, there was a eunuch waiting for him, so he went to the small kitchen first, ordered people to put down the ingredients, etc., and told the eunuch who served as the dining room how to get them, so there was a young eunuch here who led him to the emperor. Among the palaces dedicated to dining, the name of this palace is also interesting. It is called "Food is Heaven". It was specially named by the current emperor after he ascended the throne. The palaces where dining has always been adjacent to Qinzheng Hall, there is no special name.

As soon as he stepped in, he heard a familiar voice laughing: "Let us wait until now and tell you, how should we punish you?"

Jin Fengju was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh: "Why is sister here? Brother-in-law is here too? I have met Prince Rong and Princess Rong, yes, where is the emperor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the emperor came out from behind the screen and said with a smile: "I saw you haven't come over yet, so I went inside to read for a while and let Lun'er and Princess wait for you here. How about that? You said you wanted to Bring me something novel to eat, what is it?"

Jin Fengju quickly knelt down and said with a smile: "This thing is simple. I don't know if it suits the emperor's taste. But when I ate it, I liked it very much. I also heard that the emperor has lost his appetite these days. So I couldn’t help but use it as a filial piety.”

Princess Rong Jin Yanqiu has always been a Xifeng-like character, the best at adjusting the atmosphere. After hearing what her brother said, she couldn't help but smile and said: "It's such a good thing to say, it makes me more curious. I think it won't be a problem for you." So shallow, what kind of good thing can make you praise it like this? The emperor doesn't know, he has never revealed a word in front of us. Fortunately, the emperor is considerate of us and allows us to come over and enjoy this delicious meal. Otherwise, I don’t know when I will remember that he has an older sister and brother-in-law who haven’t eaten yet.”

What he said made the emperor laugh. Jin Fengju ordered Li Dezheng to pass on the meal. In a short time, the table was filled. The hot pot, vegetables, sweet potato slices, vermicelli and meat slices were placed in the middle of the table, surrounded by the emperor's favorite food on weekdays. There are dozens of dishes. Fortunately, the royal table is big enough, otherwise, there would be no way to place so many dishes.

Jin Fengju briefly talked about how to eat hot pot. Li Dezheng had already prepared a small bowl of sauce for the emperor. Prince Rong and Princess Rong personally prepared the vegetables and meat for the emperor. Li Dezheng took it and tested it with a silver needle. In the dish.

When the emperor ate it, he was full of praise as expected. Prince Rong and Princess Rong were even less likely to spoil the scenery, not to mention that it was indeed delicious.

As soon as the meal was finished, the emperor stepped down from his seat, stretched his arms and said: "In these many days, I have had a full meal today. I wonder where you came from to eat this way. On weekdays, I only know how to eat. When you eat sauerkraut, you don’t know that this vegetable also has a special taste?”

Since Jin Fengju was determined to clear Fu Qiuning's name, how could he not make good use of this opportunity? He quickly carried her out and explained the story in detail. The emperor was very puzzled and said with a frown: "Prince Zhenjiang's Palace? Remember, isn't your wife the granddaughter of Duke Lu?"

"Yes, she is an ordinary wife. That day, my parents heard that Fu Qiuning, the daughter of the Prince of Zhenjiang, was both talented and beautiful, so they went to ask for a hand in marriage and betrothed me to be my wife. However, she has been weak and sick since she got married, so in the evening breeze Xuan Jingyang is also a very virtuous person, and I can't bear to disturb her with trivial matters, so Wanying is taking care of all the matters in the house. Now that Fu has recovered from her illness, this hot pot is what she used when she was free from illness. I figured it out.”

With just one word, Jin Feng gave Fu Qiuning the right to invent hot pot. Thinking of the wide-open almond-shaped eyes of that woman who was extremely afraid of trouble, she felt a little happy in her heart. Fu Qiuning wanted to hide quietly behind others, but he couldn't let the other party get his wish. Otherwise, he would probably have to keep that promise and look for beautiful women for the rest of his life.

Although he said it very euphemistically, the emperor still didn't understand the connection in his heart? He glanced at Prince Rong and Jin Fengju meaningfully, and said with a smile: "I train my son, but you will have to endure hardships."

Prince Rong and Jin Fengju hurriedly knelt down. One shouted, "My son is grateful to my father for his kindness." The other solemnly said, "A good wife will bring less trouble to her husband. I am able to have a good wife like Fu, which is a blessing accumulated over many lifetimes." "

The emperor then nodded, let them get up, and chatted a few more words before letting them leave. Here Li Dezheng served tea. The emperor took a sip and said with a smile: "Although Prince Rong has an upright temperament, there is only one good thing. Even when he is successful, he is not arrogant, and when he is frustrated, he is not depressed. This is really rare."

Li Dezheng's heart skipped a beat, but he kept smiling in response. At this time, he didn't dare to say a word, otherwise he would not only arouse the emperor's suspicion, but also implicate Prince Rong, which was really unwise. "

Jin Fengju did not go to Wanfengxuan that night. However, early the next morning, as soon as Fu Qiuning got up, she heard someone calling the door outside the courtyard. It was still dark at that time, so she hurriedly opened the door herself, and saw that Jin Fengju and Jin Ming were already there. Jin Ming was neatly dressed and standing outside the door. Behind Jin Ming, there were a dozen people who looked like guards, all holding things. "

This is the first time Fu Qiuning has seen someone who looks like a guard. Jin Xianghou's qualifications are not enough to have guards with swords. At most, they can only protect the courtyard. I think this is the bodyguard Jin Fengju brought with him when he was an imperial envoy.

Seeing her coming out, Jin Fengju said: "I'm leaving now. I didn't worry about you before I left, so I came here to take a look. These things were given to me by the emperor yesterday. I picked a few for you and Feng'erjiao. Son. During the time I am gone, I must let them study hard. You have worked hard too. When you have nothing to do, go to the old lady's place to relieve your boredom and make the old lady happy." After that, the guards came forward and put the things away. On the tiled wall in the courtyard.

"Thank you for remembering me." Fu Qiuning quickly blessed him. Jin Fengju nodded and looked at Fu Qiuning, but she never spoke again, so he sighed sadly. Although there were thousands of words in his heart, they only turned into one sentence at this time: " Take good care of yourself and wait for me to come back." After saying that, he turned around and left. The wind blew his red cloak, making a hunting sound. Snowflakes fell from the sky, and the group of people were far away in the snow in the blink of an eye.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect. Fu Qiuning looked at the things placed on the tiles and didn't know what to feel in his heart.

Her throat seemed to be clogged and uncomfortable. She knew very well what Jin Fengju wanted her to say, but she could not agree lightly with these words. Once she was moved by his affection at this time and agreed to his words, she would of course feel temporarily at ease. There is also a lot less worry and guilt, but I am afraid that after he comes back, I will no longer think about having a peaceful life.

"Human nature is selfish, and I am no exception. I'm afraid the young Marquis is the same, so... I'm sorry." Seeing the group of people finally disappear, Fu Qiuning sighed softly, closed the courtyard door again, and removed the things on the brick wall. It took several moves before they were all moved back into the house.

At that time, Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao also woke up. They were very surprised when they saw an extra screen on the kang. Then they looked at Fu Qiuning packing jewelry. The two children were so smart that they hurriedly came up and asked, "Mother, is it right?" Daddy is here? Where is he?"

"Your father received the decree and went out to do things again." Fu Qiuning sighed: "He just came here specially before setting off, asking you to study hard. Look at those pens, inks, paper, inkstones and jade pendants. They were all given by him. Your father works very hard outside on errands so that you can have the glory and wealth you have now, so you must study hard and be able to help your father share his worries when you grow up."

Hearing that Jin Fengju had already set off, the two children couldn't hide their disappointment. Jin Zang said with a flat mouth: "Will daddy come back during the New Year? Didn't mother say that New Year's Eve is a day for family reunion?"

"It's hard to say whether your father will come back, but your grandfather and uncle will be back soon." Fu Qiuning said with a smile, but saw that the two children looked uninterested, shook his head and said: "We have never met grandpa. And uncle, they don’t like us either.”

"Who said that? Didn't Daddy never come here before? But when he saw Feng'er and Jiao'er, didn't he also like Feng'er and Jiao'er very much? So in the past, we lived too far away, and you suffered Because of my mother's status, your father and grandfather don't come here often, which is why you have this misunderstanding."

Fu Qiuning comforted the two children with gentle words, but looked towards the window, imagining that it must be snowing heavily outside, and Jin Fengju must have already ridden out of the city at this time. It was freezing cold, and even the canal could not sail. But he still didn't know what kind of dragon's pond and tiger's den were waiting for him. When he thought about this, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Several days passed like this, but there was no news from Yangzhou. Fu Qiuning didn't go out except sending his two children to school every day and paying greetings to the old lady. Jiang Wanying and others must have learned well and didn't come to disturb them, but the monthly payment was gradually delayed. But at this time, Fu Qiuning already had a lot of gold and silver given to her by Jinfeng Li, so she didn't take it seriously at all.