Higher Level Wife

Chapter 123: compromise


"You will enjoy it." Seeing Jin Fengju come in, she stood up, but heard the other party laugh and say something, then walked over and stood side by side with her, looking at the spring light in the courtyard, she nodded and said: "These flowers are all beautiful." It's open, it's really annoying, that rose tree is the best, and the roses on the fence are also good, are you the one who made them?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "How can I get here by myself? Naturally, Yujie and Yuniang also helped. Now that we have those people you sent, look, is this yard a little neater and cleaner?"

Jin Fengju nodded: "Indeed, I said that I should have given you some help a long time ago, but you just said that you love peace and quiet and refuse to ask for it. How about it? Do you know the benefits of having more people today?" As he said that, he saw Fu Qiuning looking towards Looking at the big gecko in Jin Ming's hand, he smiled and said, "I saw it in the garden. The little thing that ran out at this time was quite interesting, so I caught it for you to play with."

Fu Qiuning snorted coldly and said, "Other wives and grandmothers have cats and dogs in their houses. It would be better for you to catch a gecko for me to play with." Although he said that, he finally stepped forward and poked the gecko's tail with his hand. , causing the little thing to twist around, she couldn't help but laugh and said: "Don't tell me, it's quite interesting."

Yu Jie and Yu Niang broke the flower branches and ran over to see the gecko. They were both surprised and said: "This thing came out at this time? It's really rare." After saying that, they all poked at the gecko, which made the gecko impatient. , twisting around desperately, but it’s because in Jin Ming’s hands, he can’t break free at all.

Jin Ming was surprised and said: "Why are the people in grandma's room so bold? They are not afraid of it."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "What's there to be afraid of? Although we don't have many such things in the north, in the summer, if you light a lantern and talk outside, you can often see one on the wall of the courtyard. It likes to eat mosquitoes. What if in the south? , I’m afraid it’s already everywhere by now, and there will be more in summer, and it doesn’t sting or bite, so what are you afraid of?”

Yu Jie also smiled and said: "No, speaking of which, the four-legged snake is also at a disadvantage. Everyone is afraid of snakes, but it takes up the word snake in vain. Just because it has four extra legs, no one is afraid of it. "

Jin Feng raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly. He turned to look at Jin Ming and said, "Does this gecko have any purpose? For example, is it for medicine or other purposes?"

Jin Ming smiled and said: "What's the use of this thing? It's just lying on the wall of the courtyard to eat mosquitoes in the summer. When I was a child, my mother said that hundreds of years ago, when women were still popular with palace guard sand, it was The main ingredient is that now the gecko sand has disappeared long ago, and these geckos can be regarded as escaping."

The three words "Shou Gong Sha" were like a thunderbolt, hitting Fu Qiuning on the head. She swayed, looked at Jin Ming sharply, and said hurriedly: "Gonggong sand? Gonggong sand is actually made of geckos? It...how is it going to be made?"

Jin Ming originally mentioned it accidentally, but suddenly he saw that his grandmother was interested in him. How could he, a grown man, talk about "gongshu sand" in front of the head of the house? He scratched his head in embarrassment and stammered: "This... specific... slave... slave doesn't know... my mother probably... probably knows, but unfortunately she... she has been gone for several years. If grandma is... interested, it is better to find her Ask an... older woman? Maybe she'll know."

Jin Fengju saw Fu Qiuning's face turn pale, and his heart couldn't help but "thump". A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, but he didn't have time to catch it. She couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong with Qiu Ning? Didn't you just say you weren't afraid of geckos? Why are you so scared now?"

Fu Qiuning thought, which of your eyes saw me scaring the gecko like this? But now is not the time for bickering. After taking a look at Jin Fengju, I saw that his face was calm and a little doubtful, and there was no trace of pride or excitement in his eyes, which showed that this matter had nothing to do with him. Since it wasn't Jin Fengju who got through to Jiang Wanying and used despicable means to force her into submission, then it was Jiang Wanying's own insidious means. For a moment, Fu Qiuning felt angry, disdainful and helpless at the same time. He thought to himself that I still have to rely on the man in front of me to survive. Will all my persistence be just a joke in the end

"Qiuning, what's wrong with you?" Jin Fengju saw Fu Qiuning's body trembling, her lips pursed tightly, as if she was gnashing her teeth, but there were tears in her eyes. She couldn't help but become more and more anxious. He took her hand and said, "What's the trouble with you?" , just tell me, is there anyone in this house who I can’t be the master of?"

Fu Qiuning looked at him intently, feeling like he had a thousand words to express, wanting to question loudly, wanting to accuse angrily, wanting to tell the man in front of him the truth at all costs. However, all these emotions finally turned into a sigh of regret.

"That's all." Fu Qiuning smiled bitterly and shook his head. Jin Fengju's anxiety was not fake. For this affection and the occasional heartbeat in daily life, maybe she could only let nature take its course. In fact, I have long known in my heart that in this male-dominated era and in this intrigue and intrigue in the palace, it is impossible for me to persist for a lifetime, right? Now I just hope that my heart will not sink completely.

"Qiuning." Jin Feng was anxious and grabbed Fu Qiuning's hand: "Do you still remember my words? As long as you are in this house, I will not let you get hurt..." Before he could finish, he suddenly Fu Qiuning smiled again before meeting and said softly: "I remember. I remember a lot of what you said. When the time comes, please don't default on your debt, little Marquis."

Jinfeng held his breath, thinking that Qiu Ning was still using his promise to talk about things, so he felt a little depressed. All the previous doubts were thrown away. He wanted to deal with it, but he didn't want to do it again and again in front of Fu Qiuning. Lie again and again. So he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Fu Qiuning knew that he had gone astray, but he did not correct him. He stood up and said, "Are you here for something today?"

"Can't I come over if nothing happens?" Jin Fengju sat down instead, looked at the flowers, plants and trees in the yard, and suddenly said softly: "Actually, I really like it here. Every time I see you, this yard is full of life. The plants make me feel very peaceful and peaceful in my heart, and my mind is much clearer. Qiuning, you regard this place as a paradise, but in fact I don’t think so too? It’s just that it’s too remote.”

Fu Qiuning sneered: "A paradise is one that is far away from the bustling city so that it can be quiet and natural. But you are too far away. Do you know that you can't have your cake and eat it too in this world?"

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "That's the same truth. It's just...that's all, I think about it again, there is indeed no house like Wanfengxuan in the backyard, but I remember that there is a residence near the gate of Yongcui Garden. The one called Fengya Building is very similar to Wanfengxuan. Although it is in the garden, it is very close to the garden gate, and it can barely be regarded as being in the backyard. Since you are unwilling to move to the backyard, and Wanfengxuan is so remote, How about we make a compromise?"

Fu Qiuning thought that this was good, at least he was a little distance from those people. What's more, those who can live in the garden in "A Dream of Red Mansions" are treated like the Twelve Golden Hairpins. Now my talents and virtues may not be as good as those of the daughters of the Red Mansions, but I can live in the same or even better place than them. , what else are you greedy for? Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "Fengya Tower? I don't dare to bear this name. I am just a layman, how dare I call it Fengya?"

Jin Fengju smiled and said, "What's the point? If you don't like it, just call it Wanfengxuan, just change the plaque. Finally, when I see you smiling, my heart drops. I really am a broken person." In your hands, even in front of my brother-in-law, I have never spoken with Xing Xing like this."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Are you going to talk to me carefully? This is strange. You are the young prince, and I am just your wife in name. How dare you bother me to talk to me carefully? Unless it is someone I felt wronged, so I deliberately made such a pitiful appearance."

Seeing that she finally looked different from before, Jin Fengju slowly felt relieved and secretly thought that it might not be a big deal, but why? I seemed to have thought of something just now, but I didn't catch it. As he was thinking about it, he was about to ask Fu Qiuning again when he saw a young man running over and saying, "Second Master, I asked you to come over. Several adults from the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of War and the Criminal Department are here. They seem to be here to congratulate our Second Master on his promotion." matter."

Jinfeng raised his head and said, "Really? Didn't you say it would take two months? Why so fast? Didn't you become a young minister of Dali Temple?" As he spoke, he said to Fu Qiuning: "Don't stay out for a long time. Today It's a bit cloudy, I'm afraid of rain, and you're wearing such thin clothes, so you might catch cold. But I'm going to go out front to socialize." After saying that, he walked out of the corridor, went down the steps and headed towards the door.

"Master." Suddenly he heard Fu Qiuning calling from behind. Jin Fengju turned around and saw Fu Qiuning standing leaning against the pillar with a smile, and said crisply: "Are you coming over tonight? If you don't come over, we won't prepare your dinner." .”

Jin Feng held up his gaze and looked at the beautiful woman far away, smiling and chanting. She was like a beautiful epiphyllum blooming quietly, which was indescribably moving. Even the words were as clear and sweet as pearls falling on a jade plate. I couldn't help but feel a tremor in my heart. I smiled and said, "I figured you just wouldn't want to part with this meal, so I won't let you save it. Tonight I Come here and ask Feng'er and Jiao'er to prepare their homework, I will ask them tonight."

"Yes, I got it." Fu Qiuning smiled and nodded. Seeing Jin Fengju's back disappearing outside the gate, his heart suddenly felt empty. However, thinking that this guy would appear in front of him again in the evening, for some reason, he couldn't help but feel a little joyful expectation. .