Higher Level Wife

Chapter 192: Aunt Huo


So after bidding farewell to the Queen Mother and returning home, she first went to see Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang, and then returned to Fengya Building. When Yu Niang saw her master coming back, she hurriedly took him out and said with a smile: "This is a day trip, really. Yes, even the royal family can't order people like this. They only kept me worried for a day. Yu Jie and Jian Feng followed grandma, which was okay. It only hurt me. They were asked to stay and look after the house tomorrow, and I went to serve. Grandma, there is always a backbone."

Jian Feng and Yu Jie both laughed and said: "Then go ahead. Once you go there, you will know that once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea. Do you think we are with grandma? Don't be stupid, we can't see grandma until the evening." In front of me, we just sat in the room and felt bored. We didn’t have to do any work. It was just so idle that we were panicking. Since you think this is a good job, you can go tomorrow. We still wish we were in Fengya Building. I happened to be watching the little girls cleaning up the yard. You are a soft-faced and kind-hearted person, so you may not be able to subdue them."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Okay, let's just say a few words to each other, Yu Niang, I'm not at home today, but has anyone come over? Is the young Marquis back?"

Yuniang said: "I'm back. I came here specially. I saw that grandma hasn't come back yet. I was going to pick her up in person. The master of Pianqingwan Pavilion had an old heartache, so Qiuxia came specially to ask me to come over. , so I went to Qingwan Pavilion. Before I left, I said that if grandma comes back, I will ask my slave to ask grandma when she will pick up my aunt from the palace. "

Fu Qiuning remembered what he had said to Jin Fengju last night. He couldn't help but pat his forehead and sighed: "I have been busy all day today, and I actually forgot about this matter. I really don't have time to talk about it. Fortunately, the basic things have been discussed with the musicians. The singer said that the Emperor and the Queen Mother did not specify when they wanted me to go to the palace, so I will simply go later tomorrow, and I will go to the palace with me to pick up my mother."

Yuniang smiled and said: "Auntie is so happy to know that grandma cares about her. I'm afraid she hasn't moved around much since the day she entered the palace. She just happened to go out for a walk now. Yes, Auntie Huo is here. I said that I saw my grandma liking those Western snacks last time, so I sent another pack, but seeing that grandma wasn’t there, I left without saying anything.”

Fu Qiuning asked in confusion: "What kind of medicine is Aunt Huo selling in this gourd? Why are you so close to me all of a sudden? If you want to send snacks, there is no woman or girl who can't come to deliver them, but come here in person. She used to be the same as Aunt Xu." She is so competitive that even Mr. Jiang may not be able to subdue her verbally. Why are you so humble and petty in front of me right now?"

Yuniang smiled and said: "I think it's because grandma has a good temperament and now I dote on grandma, so my aunt wants to climb a big tree first? It's unknown."

Fu Qiuning slowly shook his head and said: "Not necessarily..." Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a childish voice outside the door: "Yu Niang, what do you know? This kind of courtesy for nothing is either adultery or theft. If you see that Aunt Huo in the future, just take it. Beat the broom out." As he spoke, Jin Zhenyi stepped through the door first with his chest puffed out, followed by Jin Zangfeng, brother and sister and Jin Xiunan behind him. Everyone had a look of dumbfounding on their faces.

The four children saluted Fu Qiuning, and she looked at Jin Zhenyi and said with a smile: "It seems that your father has been more friendly to you these days. Is it time to go to the house to unveil the tiles? How about Aunt Huo? After all, She’s also your third wife, you just say that about her, how can there be such a rule? If your father hears it, you will be the first one to be swept out with a big broom. "

Jin Zhenyi curled his lips and said: "Auntie, you don't have to scare me with daddy. Now that daddy is gone, why do you have to pretend to be cool in front of us? I don't believe you don't want to drive Aunt Huo out with a broom. You used to live in Wanfeng Xuan, don’t you just don’t want to cause trouble? Now, right and wrong come to your door every day, how can you like it in your heart? "

Fu Qiuning looked at Jin Zangfeng and asked: "Did Brother Yi receive any praise in the school today? Look at him showing off his talents. What does it mean to come to the door every day for right and wrong? Aunt Huo didn't say anything. Besides, you didn't eat the snack. ? You really want to demolish the bridge before you can cross the river. Listen to me, these words should not be said by your children, let alone a big family like you. I am not scaring you, your mother went there Zhuangzi, how long have you forgotten the scars? Don’t forget that your father hates sowing discord and stirring up trouble."

Jin Zhenyi remained silent, but his eyes were full of disdain. Fu Qiuning smiled bitterly to himself, thinking, what do children know? I feel that the adults are all telling the truth, but in this world, in this big house, all that matters is superficial kindness, so we can only be careful to guard against those secret things. well! I would rather be at the age of children at this time and just be responsible for being innocent.

As he was thinking about it, he heard Jin Zangfeng smile and say, "Mr. Jin today said that my second brother's handwriting and studies have improved. He also said that he would praise his second brother when he meets dad one day, so he is so happy."

Fu Qiuning nodded and said sternly: "Happiness is happiness, remember not to get carried away, otherwise you will definitely be extremely happy and sad." After saying that, he raised his head and asked Yu Niang: "Is the kitchen tidied up? Once it is tidied up, let's start dinner. , just because I came back late today, even the children did not eat on time. There is no need to do this in the future. If I stay in the palace, you will eat on time. My food will be heated in the pot and wait for me. It’s the same thing when you come back to eat.”

Yu Niang agreed, and then heard Fu Qiuning say: "Yes, Yu Niang, why haven't you gone back yet? How long have you been married? Are you going to leave your home and career? I'm afraid your husband is complaining about me somehow. . Yu Jie, tell the kitchen to pack some vegetables and rice in food boxes for Yu Niang to take back to eat, and then find two safe women to take her out." He also asked Yu Niang: "Be careful on the road, you don't have to come so early tomorrow. , Now there are more maids in Fengya Building, and they are becoming more and more careful in cutting Fengqiuyu. I will promote two big girls in the next few days, so you don’t have to hang around here all the time."

Yuniang agreed to leave. Fu Qiuning and the children had finished their meal here. She had not supervised the homework of Jin Zangfeng brother and sister for a long time. After Jin Fengju stepped into the door of Wanfengxuan again, these things slowly fell into place. His father took over. Today, because she heard that Jin Zhenyi was praised by her husband, she felt happy and said to Jin Zangfeng: "Go and show me your homework."

When Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan first came here, they hardly stayed in Fu Qiuning's room except for eating. But now, like Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao, they like to go here whenever they have nothing to do. Originally, Fu Qiuning said that they did not need to say hello, and they did so in the first few days, but now it is different. Every day, like Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao, they come over to say hello early in the morning, and then have breakfast and go to school. Although they have not been together for a long time. Long, but Fu Qiuning could feel that the hostility of the two children towards him was slowly weakening.

Perhaps he was very tired during the day, so Fu Qiuning slept very sweetly that night. When he was woken up by Yujie early the next morning, he was still in a daze and couldn't open his eyes. He finally woke up after washing his face.

"Grandma rarely sleeps so soundly. The slave girl and Jian Feng couldn't bear to scream. They just thought that today they have to go to the palace to pick up their aunt, and they have to go to the palace to deal with errands, and they have to be cruel. Jian Feng. Feng, the shrewd one, who never gets ahead of this kind of thing, pointed at me, saying that my grandma and I have been together for a long time, and even if she gets up, she can’t take it out on me. Grandma, listen to it, watch her To the wise.”

Yu Jie laughed while talking, and Fu Qiuning couldn't help but smile and said: "This is a serious statement. Naturally, I feel more sorry for you. I won't talk about anything else. I just talk about the hard days in the beginning, when Yu Niang and the children were not there yet." When I came here, didn't you accompany me through it all? It's just that now that you are older, you can't always serve me like this. The dowry girls from other families have probably become my concubines now, but we It doesn’t work here. I don’t have that intention, and I don’t think you have that intention either. My ex-errand has already told me, asking him to help keep an eye on it. If there is a good person who can help you connect the dots, you will have two children this year. You're ten years old, right? You can't be an old girl around me."

"Grandma, are you really annoyed with me? I didn't mean to ask you to get up early. Isn't there nothing you can do about it? Why do you have to do something to me at this time? It's so embarrassing to say such things." Yu Jie bit his lips and stamped his feet, holding on to his hands. The action of combing hair is gentler.

The master and the servant were talking, and Jin Zangfeng and others got up. Bai Lu sent two brothers, Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan, over. The four children paid their respects. Jin Zangfeng said, "Mom, are you going to the palace today? What's this errand for?" When will it be over? Look, there are bruises under my eyes. How can there be such a laborer?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "What bruises? The dark circles under my eyes are just black eyes. They are also bruised. I don't know who thought I was beaten by someone. Now there are four months until the Universal Civilization Conference. Time is tight, so naturally I just have to be busy. You don’t need to worry about me, just study hard in school. Remember especially not to cause trouble. When you should retreat, take a step back. When you shouldn’t retreat, you can’t lose your identity as a big family. I don’t care about others. , but you brothers and sisters, although you have different mothers, are all the children of the young marquis, so you should naturally become one, do you understand?"

Jin Zhenyi muttered: "I say this every day, I don't think it's troublesome for aunt." Although his tone was impatient, he still called aunt.