Higher Level Wife

Chapter 198: Kaofeng


Suddenly, the maids outside said in unison again: "My aunt and the three girls are here." Then a maid lifted the curtain and rushed inside and said: "Grandma, my aunt and the three girls are here." Before they finished speaking, Jin Yanfang and the three Feng family members The girl came in, and Jin Yanfang smiled and said: "Nowadays, there are rumors in the house about how decent my sister-in-law is. The emperor and the queen mother praised her, and the opera is also very good to watch and listen to. Only those who I envy, I and my mother She said that next time she comes to the palace, she will let me play the role of the maid next to her, so I can listen to the show first and then talk about it."

Everyone laughed for a while, then heard the sound of footsteps outside, but it was Aunt Huo, Cui Shi, and Yue Lan coming together. Each brought a gift, but Aunt Huo's gift was a bit expensive. It was actually a red agate bracelet. Fu Qiuning saw that the bracelet was as red as blood, and he couldn't help but be surprised. He secretly thought that red agate of this color was really rare, so thanks to Huo Qiuning, It's really strange that my aunt is willing to give up. Why is it that these few times she comes here, her gestures are getting bigger and bigger each time? It was just some snacks before, but now it is such a good bracelet. With such a good thing, wouldn't it be better for her to use it to curry favor with Jiang Wanying? After all, I don’t care about things at home. Because I was secretly wondering, I thought that being courteous for no reason was not a good thing. Even Brother Yi knew that she was not good. Could it be that I would get carried away

Their hearts were wary, but their faces were smiling more and more enthusiastically. Seeing the sun rising, Jin Yanfang and the Feng sisters didn't seem to like dealing with Aunt Huo, Cui, and others, so they left first. Here Cui and Yuelan also stood up to leave. Aunt Huo seemed to want to sit for a while, but Cui pulled her up, so she showed her face as a close sister and said earnestly: "Sister, although she is in the limelight these days, she is... You can't sit in the mansion. What kind of person is our master now? Sister, you have to be careful, don't let him be seduced by some fox while you are away.

Fu Qiuning's heart moved, and she secretly thought that Aunt Huo suddenly said such a ridiculous statement, which seemed to mean something. Could it be that she saw some signs? On the surface, he stood up calmly and said with a smile as he walked out: "Listen to what she said, but you still haven't woken up after drinking last night? What kind of fox? Our Duke of Jingguo's Mansion is What kind of family? Where can you find such an amazing person? Are you worried because I haven't been to your place these days? You don't even think about it, didn't I set out to work at the border half a month ago? There is no one Can he get back Yue's hard work?"

As he said that, he sent the three people out. Cui Shi and Yue Lan both smiled and said yes. Only Huo shook his head and said with a smile: "If sister doesn't listen to sister and doesn't take strict precautions, the consequences will be immediate." After saying that, he left with a sneer. Fu Qiuning watched their figures disappear outside the courtyard gate, and was lost in thought for a while before turning back to the house.

"Auntie, what does that woman mean? What is Hu Meizi?" Jin Zhenyi asked curiously, but Fu Qiuning scolded: "Aunt Huo is drunk, and where is Hu Xi? Hurry up and forget these words. . Be careful and your father will beat you when he comes back." After saying this, Jin Zhenyi curled his lips unconvinced and said: "My father will not beat me for this, I am not ashamed to ask."

This time, before Fu Qiuning could speak, Jin Zangjiao smiled and said, "Come on, why don't you see my brother being so shameless to ask questions? Now you think of being shameless to ask questions. I don't see you being so eager to learn in school."

Jin Zhenyi raised his head and said, "How do you know I don't ask questions in class? Ask eldest brother, I ask my husband a lot of questions now, and Mr. Qian'er even praised me." After saying that, he turned to Jin Zangfeng and said loudly: "Brother To be fair, sir, did you praise me? Don't take revenge on me because of what happened before and say I'm talking nonsense."

Jin Zangfeng had always been calm and never took such trivial quarrels to heart. Seeing that his sister and brother insisted on dragging him into it, he had no choice but to say: "Yes, brother Zhenyi is now more studious than before, and his poetry is getting better and better."

Jin Zhenyi was even more proud, but he heard Fu Qiuning say to the point: "Your father has said countless times that poetry is the last chapter, and he wants you to read the Four Books and Five Classics carefully. What achievements have you made now?" Before he finished speaking, Jin Zhenyi lowered his head. , then raised his head again and shouted: "Ah, I remembered that there are two big words I haven't written yet. I'll go to the study first."

Fu Qiuning was angry and funny. He stood up and said, "Okay, we have to eat soon. Which study room are you going to? You can only do these superficial things." After saying that, he said to Jian Feng: "Send someone to the small kitchen to have a look. If Now that the food is ready, let's put it in the dining room. The children have to go to school after dinner."

Because the rehearsal was so good, Fu Qiuning got a rare day off. She remembered that the Queen Mother smiled and said yesterday that she should have a good rest. If Jin Fengju was at home, she could rest for two more days. But now he is not at home, so she has a day off. Just relieve the fatigue. At that time, Fu Qiuning rolled her eyes and kept complaining in her heart, thinking bah! Do you think I am the kind of woman who can only exist depending on a man

But no matter what, having a holiday is a joyful thing. Even Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang knew that she was working hard and specifically told her to have a good sleep today and not to go to the upper room to set rules. However, despite this, the four brothers and sisters Jin Zangfeng still had to be sent to school. The two children had not had dinner with their mother for a long time. After the meal, they left. Fu Qiuning was about to eat some snacks and change clothes in a hurry, but heard the maids laughing and saying, "Grandma is confused? Aren't you at home today?" No need to go to the palace." She then remembered and couldn't help but smile.

Although I still felt a little tired, I couldn't sleep, so I just sat on the couch and watched the maids outside the window as they were busy feeding the birds, watering the flowers, and sweeping the courtyard. And thinking about where Jin Fengju should be at this time? When will you probably come back? Is it dangerous to go to the army this time

After a while, Aunt Mei and Jin Yanfang went to Kangshou Yuan to pay their respects, but they came over again. The girls in this big family don't have much fun on weekdays. They just work as female celebrities and visit each other when they have free time. Therefore, Baochai, Daiyu, Tanchun and other girls in Dream of Red Mansions hang out with each other every day. Now that Fu Qiuning has gone to the palace to rehearse, this Fengya Building has been deserted for many days. Finally, she is at home today. How could anyone let this opportunity pass

As she was talking, she suddenly saw a maid rushing in from outside the courtyard door. She was already outside the door in a moment, and came in as soon as she lifted the curtain. She said hurriedly: "Grandma, there is a decree from the palace. I want grandma to accept the decree by name." , Grandma, hurry over, the old lady and the others must have changed their clothes and are waiting."

After saying this, the Fengya Building immediately became busy. Jian Feng, Yu Jie and others hurriedly changed Fu Qiuning's clothes and hurried to the front yard. Sure enough, I saw that the incense table had been set up in the large courtyard, and Mrs. Jin and others were standing there. Seeing her coming, they walked to the incense table and knelt down, waiting quietly for the eunuch who delivered the edict to announce the edict.

"The emperor's edict was granted by Heaven: The wife of Marquis Fengju, who is inlaid with gold, is virtuous, virtuous, and has both good looks and good looks..."

The distinctive shrill voice of the eunuch echoed throughout the courtyard. However, the emperor's promise to Fu Qiuning for his fifth-grade imperial edict was finally fulfilled. He also rewarded Fu Qiuning with some gold, silver, jewelry, colored satin, etc., which was incomparable to the generous reward given to Jin Fengju that day. However, this was given to Fu Qiuning as a woman, how could he not envy others.

The final decree was that it was really hard for Fu Qiuning to travel between the palace and the Duke's Mansion every day. Therefore, the musicians, singers, and dancers were sent over, and Fu Qiuning was ordered to teach in the Duke's mansion, but she was not allowed to leak out, and she was encouraged to teach with all her heart.

After this decree, Fu Qiuning was naturally happy. From now on, he no longer had to run around. There were no cars in this era. Although sitting in that sedan or carriage was not tiring, it was time-consuming. In order to rush to the palace, he had to get up half an hour early every morning. . Now that the Emperor and Queen Mother are considerate, she will naturally save worry and effort. Even the masters and servants of Duke Jingguo are mostly beaming with joy. Although the emperor said that secrets are not allowed to be leaked, you may not be able to sing such a play even if you listen to it ten times, not to mention how spies from other countries can fool around. Entering the capital city of Daning? Even if you take ten thousand steps back, you won't be able to learn all the drama even if you sneak in. Therefore, the emperor is only nervous about the Civilization of All Nations, so he is so cautious. It doesn't hurt for them to enjoy a little drama occasionally.

The whole family was happy and sent away the eunuchs with big red envelopes. Everyone also rushed to congratulate Fu Qiuning. After noisily entering Mrs. Jin's upper room, Jiang Wanying smiled and said: "My ancestors and sister only care about being happy, but now that so many people are coming soon, where are they going to arrange it? Even if we don't have to worry about money and food, we still have a place to live. I don’t have to worry about the place, but it’s really hard to find a place to rehearse this play. The emperor also ordered that no secrets be leaked. It’s the dog days of summer again, so even in the house, the windows must be opened. When the music starts, isn’t it? Did everyone in the house hear it? Speaking of which, only the garden where the emperor once visited is still idle... "

Before he could finish speaking, he heard Mrs. Jin say flatly: "This won't work, we can never use that garden." Yin also began to ponder, and suddenly Mrs. Fang stepped forward and said with a smile: "Old lady, now our house has been renovated. Xin, I originally said I was going to move there, but there are a lot of things going on these days, so I still put off moving. Now that such a big happy event has happened, why not free up the big house for Feng Ju’s wife? . Although those opera girls are actors, they are from the palace. This status cannot be lightly treated casually. It makes people look down upon our Duke's palace. What do you think, old lady?"

Mrs. Jin smiled and said: "It's a good idea to be serious. What do you think of Qiuning?"