Higher Level Wife

Chapter 199: Return


At this time, Jiang Wanying could not see any hint of jealousy or resentment on the surface, but of course she felt something else in her heart. Yin said with a smile on his face: "In that case, I will ask people to go to the house to clean up the house and put in the utensils and other things. It happens that there is a garden behind the house with all the pavilions and pavilions. It is the safest place to practice acting. This We also need to prepare the people to serve, money and food, and yes, we also need to arrange a kitchen over there... "

While she was talking, others also contributed ideas and suggestions from time to time. Fu Qiuning felt a constant buzzing in her ears, which made her head hurt. However, when she looked at those women, their faces were all red. She smiled bitterly in her heart. It turns out that ten women are more powerful than five hundred ducks. Finally, after Jiang Wanying went out to arrange various things, she felt her ears calm down.

"Why don't you follow Miss Wan to take a look? It's because you have been with those singing and dancing girls for a long time. If something happens, you'd better know more about it. Otherwise, I'm afraid something will be missed."

Mrs. Jiang suddenly spoke, which made Fu Qiuning stunned. He thought it was strange, how could you still think that your niece is not doing things well? But she smiled lightly and said: "You are too worried. Sister Wan is used to doing these things, so there must be rules. I only know how to sing, so interfering with these housework will make it more chaotic." She said this As soon as she said this, Mrs. Jiang felt something in her heart. She couldn't help but look at Fu Qiuning a few more times. She thought to herself that she usually hated her but had never looked at her seriously. Now that she looked at her, although she was not pretty, she was dignified and her body was full of dignity. She has such a virtuous and virtuous charm, but her body is a bit thin, and she may not be able to have children.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but say "Hi" in her heart, secretly thinking that it would be better if she didn't have a good child. Now she has taken Feng Ju's soul. If she gives birth to another son and a half, Wanying will still have a foothold in this family. Land? What's more, she has four children under her knees. Now she has no biological children, so she can do her best. If she does, she doesn't know where to put those four children, right

Because I was thinking silently, after a while, I heard that the musicians and dancers from the palace had arrived. Fu Qiuning hurriedly went out, and Jiang Wanying also came out of the mansion. Together they welcomed these people to the backyard of the new mansion and arranged their accommodation. The maids also sent bedding one after another. It turned out that the palace also sent twenty or thirty palace maids. , brought some important gifts and other items. Two more eunuchs came over and said that the Duke of Jingguo didn't have to worry about money, food, etc. They had transferred from the palace themselves, as well as three or five cooks. In short, they were so thoughtful that Fu Qiuning and Jiang Wanying didn't have to worry about anything.

Men and women are on guard. Fortunately, the male musicians are monitored by guards, eunuchs and officials sent from the palace. The female musicians and singers and dancers are also guarded by female officials from the palace. The residences in the two houses are also separated. Unexpectedly, there is something fishy. Because Duke Jingguo's residence was also from a wealthy family, the female officials were very polite. After the arrangements were made, they went to see Mrs. Jin specifically. It was past noon when everyone was done.

Fu Qiuning returned to Fengya Building. It was already past lunch time. Aunt Luo and Aunt Yu knew that she had been busy and had not eaten yet, so they ordered people to go to the small kitchen to cook fresh food. Fu Qiuning waved his hand and said, "I'm sleepy, and I don't want to eat anything." If you have anything, bring over some snacks and just eat a few pieces." As soon as he finished speaking, Xian Fengyujie hurriedly went out. After a while, he had already picked up the chicken fat rolls, white sugar cakes, and jujube cakes newly made in the small kitchen. Wait for snacks to come.

After eating some snacks and taking a full nap, Fu Qiuning felt a little more energetic, knowing that he would be busy again from the next day. But think about it, you can sing your favorite opera and return to your old profession. This is also very good. After all, it is quite satisfying.

Since these singing and dancing girls set up camp in the nearby Jin Mansion, more people come and go every day. The maids from each house often use one or other excuses to go to Fu Qiuning, listen to a few words, and then show off to the sisters when they come back. , because after coming and going, although there was only such a troupe in the Jin Mansion, it was extremely lively every day.

More than two months have passed in the blink of an eye. Although the weather is still hot, it has become much cooler after an autumn rain. However, this autumn rain actually continued to fall, and there were only a few sections left in the rehearsal of the play, but it could not be completed. The Queen Mother in the palace was so anxious that she just wanted to listen to the opera, but she couldn't, so she had to calm down.

"What's wrong with your play now? But is it all finished?"

When he woke up that morning, the autumn rain was pouring. Fu Qiuning knew that he could calculate the progress and there was no need to worry, so he sent the two girls to the house to tell them that they could continue practicing by themselves, or take a rest when they were tired. She herself was chatting with Aunt Luo and Aunt Yu at home.

"Anyway, there are only a few words left, don't be in a hurry." Fu Qiuning drank tea with a smile, then looked at Qiu Yu outside, and murmured: "I have been away for three months. Originally, I only said I would be back in one month, but I don't know. What happened to us that we are so entangled with him now?" After she finished speaking, Yu Shiluo Shi also became worried, saying that Jin Fengju had been in danger in Jiangnan before, and it would be better not to make the same mistake this time.

As he was talking, he heard someone's voice in the yard. Fu Qiuning felt strange. He secretly thought that it was such a rainy day. There was no need to go to the room to say hello. Everyone was just doing needlework in the boudoir. How come there were still people coming? So he asked: "Who is talking in the yard?"

"As for grandma, it's sister Luocui who is here." After the little maid opening the curtain outside the door finished her report, she saw Luocui come in, but she took off her coir raincoat and clogs on the corridor, and said happily: "Grandma and the two of you Auntie, go to the bedroom quickly."

"What's the matter? But the princess is here?" Fu Qiuning was confused, secretly thinking that Luo Cui looked so happy, it must be a good thing, otherwise he would not have been able to succeed like this. Yin then stood up and asked Yujie to find some clothes for him to change, but he heard Luo Cui purse her lips and say with a smile: "It's not the princess who is here, but the princess is here, and there is just such a little movement? Then I don't know how to prepare."

"This is nonsense. Last time the princess stayed at home for a few days, but she didn't see any preparations." Fu Qiuning finished speaking with a smile, but Luo Cui also smiled and said: "What's the point? Last time the princess came back in anger, originally It's against the rules. Otherwise, why do you think the old lady is so upset? If the real princess is to return to Ning, wouldn't it take more than a month to prepare? He is a prince, not much worse than the emperor. On weekdays, only the wife goes to the palace, where is the princess? Can you come back casually? Well, grandma, hurry up and clean up, you will know what a good thing is when you get there."

"You're a girl who knows how to play tricks." Fu Qiuning was helpless. At this time, Luo Cui saw that Yu Shi and Luo Shi were unmoved. He was about to urge them, but then he thought about it. They were probably unwilling to go to bed because of their status. This is human nature, so I didn’t mention it again. Aunt Luo and Aunt Yu just thought that Luocui was inviting her casually to save their face. How could she interfere in other people's affairs when they were living here as guests? So I happily pretended not to hear what I just said.

After Fu Qiuning finished cleaning up, Yu Jie held up the oil-paper umbrella for her, but Fu Qiuning snatched it away and said, "You can hold the umbrella yourself, I don't need you to hold it for me." After that, she looked at the yellow He sighed and said: "This umbrella is strong, but ugly. Our father promised me that day, saying he would go to Jiangnan to buy me that kind of peach-red and willow-green oil-paper umbrella, but he was so busy that he couldn't find it. Do you have time to think about this? I can’t bother him with such a trivial matter.”

At this time, the three of them had already left Fengya Building, and they saw Luo Cui saying in surprise: "It turned out to be thanks to grandma? It's weird, let's just say why did we suddenly think of bringing that to everyone..." Before he could finish his sentence, he realized that he had He almost made a mistake and was too busy to say anything. But she saw Qiu Ning looking at her doubtfully, and suddenly a hint of surprise flashed on her face, and she said with a smile: "But the young Marquis is back? He... did he buy an oil-paper umbrella? Otherwise, why would you say that?"

Luo Cui slumped her shoulders in frustration, knowing that she could no longer hide this, so she could only smile and said: "Isn't it the person grandma misses day and night who has come back? In addition to the specialties from the Western Regions, she also brought two boxes of oil paper As soon as I took out the umbrella, everyone loved the patterns so much. I immediately asked the second wife and my aunt to grab a few of them. Grandma, hurry up, or I'm afraid that by the time you arrive, there won't be any leftovers."

When Fu Qiuning heard that Jin Fengju was back, his heart couldn't help but beat, and his steps suddenly became brisk. Suddenly I heard Yu Jie behind me giggling: "Sister, what you said is wrong. Why do you let you look through the things that I gave to grandma? You must have sent them to Fengyalou in person..." Before he could finish speaking, Fu Qiuning was cruel He glared hard and spat: "What nonsense are you talking about? Is that the kind of person you are?"

Luo Cui smiled and said: "Grandma, don't panic, I'm afraid I really arranged it this way. Don't worry, even if Yu Jie leaks the news, I will definitely keep it a secret for grandma and prevent them from taking her things." She said and laughed. , Qiu Ning gritted her teeth in anger, but the road was slippery in the rain, so she couldn't chase her. Seeing that she was leaving the garden, she couldn't help but quicken her pace.

When we arrived at Kangshouyuan, the rain gradually became heavier, but the sound of rain could not cover up the laughter coming from the house. When the maids in the corridor saw Fu Qiuning coming, they quickly opened the curtains and rushed to report the news inside.

He took off his coir raincoat and wooden clogs in the corridor. As soon as he walked in, Fu Qiuning saw the figure sitting next to Old Mrs. Jin. He couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. He secretly thought that he was really running around outside and had lost so much weight. His face was also tanned. , turned into wheat color. But even though he was agitated in his heart, his face didn't show anything. He was still calm and dignified when he met Old Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang.

Mrs. Jin knew that Jin Fengju must be tired from traveling all the way, so she said: "I'm afraid Fengju is tired. Qiuning, take him back and arrange for him to bathe and eat well. Look, he has been running around for two months." , I’m so thin. I’ll send more meat, eggs, fish and shrimp from the kitchen these days. I also have a few ginseng sticks here..."