Higher Level Wife

Chapter 200: A little farewell is better than a wedding


Jiang Wanying felt unhappy, but she also knew that, let alone Fu Qiuning being favored now, even if she was not favored, as long as she did not leave her aside like before, in terms of etiquette and law, she, an ordinary wife, should go to her room, let alone Aunt Huo, Aunt Cui, and my concubine, Yue Lan. Now she had another thought, and she had run into trouble with Jin Fengju because of her bad intentions several times. She didn't show any displeasure on the surface, she just smiled and said, "In that case, I don't have to bother my sister." It’s time.”

Fu Qiuning didn't like this kind of excitement, but he had no choice at this time, because a group of people came to Fengya Building, and Jin Yanfang who came later saw their family entering, so she said to the Feng sisters: "Well, now the second brother has just come back, his The wives and concubines are all here, so let’s not join in the fun. We’ll just come to my sister-in-law’s place tomorrow to see if there’s anything good to catch the autumn wind.”

After saying this, several people laughed, and walked together from the courtyard of Fengya Building, heading straight to Zhenyue Pavilion.

As the saying goes, a long separation is better than a new marriage, so this night was filled with endless love. After the clouds had settled and the rain had stopped, Jin Fengju stroked Fu Qiuning's face under the candlelight and sighed softly: "I have lost so much weight, which shows how hard these days have been."

Fu Qiuning felt itchy on his face, so he shrank back and said with a smile: "I've said this several times since you came back, and I don't mind nagging you too much. You only talked about me, and didn't notice how thin you were. And I'm also tanned. The sunshine in the Western Region is really powerful." After saying that, Jin Fengju laughed and said, "The sun is not the same everywhere? Even in the capital, when you run outside in the hot weather, you get like this. Why don't you still get a tan? It's the same for you and me. How many times have you told me I've lost weight? My ears are about to get calluses."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "It's really good that you have a better tan. Then the title of the most handsome man in the capital should be given up to Xian. Otherwise, if you, a father of several children, occupy it, wouldn't it annoy other men?" ?" After saying this, Jin Fengju couldn't help but feel angry and amused. He shook his head and said, "Why are you like others, always using these words to bully me? That's right, how are the children's homework during the days I'm gone? How are the children doing? The guys have grown a bit taller, and I see that Zhanyi is not as reckless as before."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Yes, with the pressure of the master, he restrained himself a little. It's just that he and the third girl are thinking about something. I'm afraid I don't know about it, right? It's already autumn, so let's see if we can find an opportunity. It’s best to go to Zhuangzi. Otherwise, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in more than a month. I don’t know how busy I am with the All Nations Civilization Association. I’m afraid the weather will get cold by the time it’s over, and it’s not suitable to go to Beijing at that time. Suburbs."

Jin Fengju nodded and said: "I understand. I just came back from the Western Region this time. Because I solved the problem of the Roushi Kingdom, I shocked the Huaifeng Kingdom. I'm afraid they won't dare to cause trouble in the short term. The border is finally clear." I can have some peace and quiet, so the emperor is very happy and gave me a few days off. You don’t have much left to do, so why not take advantage of these two days to prepare and go to Zhuangzi for a day?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "You should discuss this matter with Second Grandma Wan. I don't care about family affairs."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "I wanted you to take care of it, but it's a pity that you didn't want to. Yes, after I left, did my aunt really come? I thought she might not care about her status, but now that I think about it, I didn't expect Wanying to have such a temperament before, so I really couldn't make up my mind."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Of course I'm here. I asked my mother and Aunt Luo to complain about illness. Your aunt didn't believe it at first, so she came to Fengya Building while I was away. As a result, my mother was already weak, so she dressed up her face a little. That Mrs. Gaoming was delicate and delicate, so she left without even saying a word for fear that she would be sick." As she said this, she remembered that when she came back, she and the others on the Fengyujie floor were laughing so hard that they were laughing with her. He couldn't help but laugh when he told what happened.

"You have such an unforgiving mouth." Jin Fengju chuckled: "You are delicate and rich. Not to mention, my aunt was born in a wealthy family since she was a child, and then married into such a prominent family. She is not like That’s what you said. Since there hasn’t been any trouble, I’m relieved. They finally know how to measure things, and they know that you are now a popular person in front of the Queen Mother and the Emperor.”

"What a celebrity, are you afraid that the civilization of all nations will come to an end and that the Emperor and Queen Mother will destroy the bridge?" Fu Qiuning stopped smiling and sighed softly. Her expression couldn't escape Jin Fengju's eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder: "Don't you still like to teach those girls to sing? Don't you find it hard?"

Fu Qiuning was originally an opera fanatic, and he taught children how to sing opera in modern times. Now that I suddenly started doing my old job, I felt like I was truly alive. Otherwise, how could I have endured such hard work without complaining. When she heard Jin Fengju say this, she said sincerely: "It's certainly hard work, but I would rather work like this than being bored in this house every day, just needlework. You know I love this, Although I have been extremely busy these past few months, I feel so happy when I come back every day. Master, I don’t like intrigues and fights for power, and I am not keen on housekeeping. The only thing I like is this opera. Yes. Those singers and dancers are all good materials in this field. After being together for so many days, I just feel that the relationship has become deeper. Thinking of letting go after the Universal Civilization Conference, I feel empty in my heart. I persuaded myself, People shouldn't be too greedy. It's a rare opportunity for me to sing loudly and openly this time in my life."

Jin Fengju never expected that his wife would say these words. He held her in his arms for a long time and said with a sigh, "Where can there be a woman like you? She doesn't want to have the power of the housekeeper in her hands, but she is willing to teach people how to sing." .Actually, if you really like this kind of life, what's the difficulty? Just because I'm afraid of your hard work, I never dared to mention to the Emperor and Queen Mother that there are other stories in this Huangmei Opera. But when I watch your opera, I'm afraid There are dozens of them, right? If you still want to live like this after the Civilization Meeting, tell the Queen Mother and the Emperor. They all love to listen to operas. I don’t know how happy they will be to know that you are willing to continue rehearsing new operas. Look, Isn’t this the best of both worlds?”

Fu Qiuning had always only thought that after the All Nations Civilization Conference, the opera troupe he taught would be "blown away by the rain and the wind." He had never thought about this aspect. Now think about it carefully, right? People in ancient times only had this kind of entertainment, but the Queen Mother and the Emperor also loved watching theater, and she had more than twenty or thirty Huangmei operas in her belly. When the time comes, I just say that I will rehearse a new play, and I can do what I like without being bored at home all day. I also gained the favor of the old queen mother and the emperor. As long as this holy family lasts forever, my mother and Aunt Luo can live in their own home for a long time. They don't dare to object to the Zhenjiang palace even if they want to. This is really the best of all three. .

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel so happy that her heart trembled. She couldn't help but kiss Jin Feng on the cheek and said happily: "I'm so confused that I didn't think of this. But no, as long as the Queen Mother and the Emperor like to hear it Drama, I have so much stuff in my stomach, why should I worry? It’s even possible that I can discuss with you all to create a few new dramas. Although I have little talent and little knowledge, I am like three Zhuge Liangs and a cobbler. Those musicians and singers and dancers are all talented, how do you know they can't do it?" Because the more he talked, he became more and more excited, and his face glowed with infinite brilliance.

Seeing her so excited and happy, Jin Fengju felt sweet in his heart, but at the same time he felt a little emotional. Because he hugged Fu Qiuning's arm tightly, he only frightened the other person, and said quickly: "No, just now After working for an hour, what else do you want? Even though you are young and vigorous now, you still have to take care of your body. What’s more, I have to take care of things for Zhuangzi tomorrow. I just want to wait for you to make arrangements outside. , let’s set off.”

Jin Fengju had no choice but to give it up after hearing what she said. Suddenly he remembered something again and said with a smile: "Just because I was happy, I almost forgot about this matter. Didn't you ask me to keep an eye on good people for Yujie earlier? I happen to have a good candidate in my hand. " Before he finished speaking, Fu Qiuning's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Really? What kind of person is he? Come on, tell me."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "When I went to the Western Regions, I was with the soldiers every day. Later, I got to know each other well. There was one guard among them who I thought was good. You know, these imperial guards are all descendants of nobles or noble families. , few poor people are selected. This one is an exception. He was originally a nurse of General Liang's family. Because he was young and strong, the family could not afford to support him, so he was sent to the general's mansion to be a slave. After watching those guards practicing martial arts for a while, I got started. General Liang liked him because he was smart, so he took him with him when traveling. One time when he was hunting, he happened to catch the eye of Prince Rong and recommended him to the emperor in person. He made an exception and joined the Royal Guards. I think he is very motivated and a nice person. But because his family is poor, he has paid off his debts with his salary now, and he is not a public person, so no one except his parents and brothers knows that he is already a member of the Imperial Guard. The carp leaped over the dragon's gate. That day I mentioned Yu Jie's matter to him. I was originally worried that he would be upset and dislike Yu Jie's status as a slave. But he didn't and was very happy. I thought this was probably because his family was used to being poor. , so no one has proposed marriage yet. If we take over now, otherwise when he hangs around for a while, there will be rumors outside, and by then, those who propose marriage will not be able to cross the threshold of his house. "

Fu Qiuning originally thought that Yujie was a maid. The social hierarchy in ancient times was very strict, so it was best to have a servant butler, so she thought that she would only be a good person. But I didn't expect Jin Fengju to be able to give such a handsome young man. For a moment, I couldn't believe it was true. Naturally, I was happy for Yu Jie, and then I heard Jin Fengju say: "He is from a poor family, and you are not that coy. Tell me, if I go to Zhuangzi this time, I will simply take him with me, and you and Yu Jie can take a look. Look, if you feel satisfied, let’s settle this matter, how about it?”

Fu Qiuning naturally agreed. Because of such an exciting event, he couldn't sleep. Jin Fengju had traveled all the way, and the excitement of a long separation was better than a newlywed. At this time, the excitement had passed, and he only felt drowsy. Fu Qiuning beside him was tossing and turning again, making him Can't always fall asleep. So he hugged her with his eyes closed, and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "It's all my fault. Seeing that you are so excited now, I should have known I shouldn't have told you at this time. Well, you can't I’ve been busy for so many days, why don’t I get some sleep now, I’ll be busy again tomorrow.”