Higher Level Wife

Chapter 202: Travel


Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "What do you know? I just look at the face of Brother Yi and Miss San. Although Brother Yi was unworthy in the past, at least he has a good nature and is filial. Alas! The adults are scheming, but the childish What's wrong? What's more, I also have my own plans. Don't you think about it, will Aunt Xu still be favored by me in the future? Even if she returns to this house, she will just live with her children. This way Why don't I give it away generously? I don't expect my family to say that I am a virtuous person. I just do everything based on my conscience. After all, this conscience is also mixed with my own selfishness. Do you think I am a saint?"

Only then did Yu Jie wake up and couldn't help but giggle. Although she hated those villains, she also didn't like people who blindly repay evil with kindness. She always felt that her grandma seemed to be too sweet-tempered and soft, almost like a saint. . After hearing her words today, I realized that she has her own ideas in everything. She was easily unwilling to compete with others, but she would never compromise. This made her feel relieved, so she curiously asked: "Grandma left me alone, but what else do you want me to do?"

Fu Qiuning looked at her for a while, then sighed and said softly: "I remember you said before that you were trafficked by kidnappers when you were a child, but you didn't even know that you had parents, right? After saying that, seeing Yujie nodding, she said: "In that case, I will make the decision for you, but I still have to ask for your opinion. Your father has found a marriage for you..."

After saying what Jin Fengju said, she saw that the expression on Yu Jie's face was unpredictable, but in the end it became a little sad. She asked strangely: "What? Maybe you have someone in your heart, so you don't like what I have done to you." Arranged this marriage?" After saying that, Yu Jie said melancholy: "Grandma, I know my own family affairs, what is my identity? I'm just a slave, but that man is a guard. Even now, his family is still ignorant, No one came to propose marriage, but if you find out in the future, won’t you regret marrying a slave like me? Then even my father will complain. Why bother? Instead of looking at their faces everywhere at that time, I might as well stay with my grandma. So what if I never get married next to you? Serving grandma, I think my life is quite comfortable."

Fu Qiuning agreed with Yu Jie's point of view in her heart. She had always thought that "women can't live without men." If not, how could she have persisted for so long under Jin Fengju's tender offensive, and in the end she was still Mrs. Jiang? Jiang Wanying worked together to force her, and then she committed herself to the other party. It's just that the etiquette in this era is strict. If Yu Jie doesn't marry, he will end up alone. If the other party is really reliable and honest, this marriage is really good. After thinking about it, he mused: "Well, your worries cannot be said to be unfounded. In that case, when I go to Zhuangzi this time, the man will also accompany me. You can see for yourself when the time comes. If you think you can do it, , I will ask you to send someone to talk to his parents. If you still think like you do today, I won’t force you."

Yu Jie then smiled and thanked Qiu Ning. She made up her mind and said to herself that no matter what, I would just tell grandma that I don't want to get married and that would be the end of it. So the master and the servant chatted for a while, and when they saw the golden phoenix coming over, Yu Jie hurriedly went down to prepare tea and other things.

Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao had never left the house when they were so old. Even though their father came to Wanfengxuan later, because Jin Fengju was busy with official duties, he never took the children out to play on the street, so when he heard that there was Naturally, I was happy about this opportunity, so many people in Duke Jingguo's Mansion didn't sleep well that night. But when we woke up early the next morning and organized what we needed to take out, everyone was in high spirits.

Several large carriages had parked outside the house, Jin Fengju was riding a horse, and Fu Qiuning was sitting with his four children and Yujie Jade Lady Jian Feng. The other cars were Aunt Huo, Aunt Cui and their children, as well as Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen, as well as their concubine Yuelan and their maids. There was another carriage, which was pulling bedding and other items. Before dawn, several carriages set off towards the outskirts of Beijing in a mighty manner.

Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao were very excited along the way. They opened the curtain of the carriage to look at the scene outside. When they came out of the back alley, the street became lively. There were people selling various snacks and jewelry, and there were also jugglers. In short, it was extremely prosperous. Just when he was dazzled, he saw Jin Fengju coming over with a few candy figures in his hand, handed one to each of the four children, and said with a smile: "Have a try, this is what I used to eat when I was a child, but now it's common." They are all made by the chefs in the house, but they are rarely bought on the street."

Fu Qiuning looked at the joyful expressions of the four children and couldn't help but smile: "Children are really easy to deal with. A few candy men coaxed them away. Yes, did you give it to the second and fourth girls behind? But don't let anyone do it. Say that you favor one over the other." After saying that, Jin Fengju smiled and said, "You still need to remind me, how can I not worry about it?"

The carriage left the city gate in a blink of an eye, and walked towards the suburbs. There was nothing lively to see, but the scenery was good. There were towering green mountains in the distance, and a river like a jade belt surrounded the front of the mountain. The wild flowers and grass nearby were lush and green, and even the air was full of flowers. It was filled with the fragrance of green grass, which only made the people behind the gate of the mansion feel relaxed and happy. Most of the people in the several carriages stretched out their heads to take a look.

Jin Fengju then smiled and said: "After the All Nations Civilization Conference, there will probably be kings from some vassal countries who will not leave so early. The emperor may invite them to participate in the autumn hunting. Feng'er is almost ten years old. This time I will bring him with me." He's going..." Before he could finish, Jin Zhenyi on the side became anxious and raised his hand: "Although my brother is older than me, he is not as good as me in horseback riding and archery. Dad, please take me there, take me there."

Jin Fengju almost choked, and said angrily: "You can ride that little horse and shoot that little bow. How dare you claim to be riding a horse and archery? What's more, you are only eight years old during the Chinese New Year, so it's still early."

Jin Zhenyi shouted in dissatisfaction, and Jin Zhenxuan also looked at Jin Fengju eagerly, making him realize that these unintentional words had stirred up a hornet's nest among several boys, and he quickly said with a headache: "Let's talk about it later, as long as you all behave well when we go out this time If you are obedient enough, daddy will consider it." After saying that, even the usually gloomy Jin Zhenxuan couldn't help but cheer loudly.

After walking for about half a day, we finally arrived at the Jin family's farm in the countryside. The people here have naturally received the faith a long time ago and are already well prepared. Aunt Xu is not in this village, but in another village two miles away. He also knew that since Jin Fengju had kicked Aunt Xu out, it was naturally impossible for him to go to the village where she was to rest openly. He just turned a blind eye when Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan passed by.

Therefore, as soon as he arrived at Zhuangzi and knew that his mother was two miles away, even Jin Xiunan, who was as steady as Jin Xiunan, was a little unable to sit still. Fu Qiuning looked at the two children fidgeting and said helplessly: "I haven't eaten yet. During lunch, I won’t let you go there at all. After lunch, I’ll let your father take a nap, and then I’ll send a few suitable people to take you there.”

After hearing this, Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan quickly tried to calm down. They were just seven-year-old children, so they had no sense of concentration. After finally finishing their meal, they saw Fu Qiuning and Jin Fengju entering the house. They were watching helplessly, but they saw the rain. After stepping out of the door, knowing that she was going to send someone, the brother and sister looked at each other, their hearts beating like drums.

But he said that Yu Jie went all the way to the guards brought by Jin Fengju outside. These guards were all on vacation because they came back from the Western Regions. Jin Fengju also reported to the emperor, and these dozens of people followed him to the village. Although the friendship ranged from fawning to fawning, But you will have to pay money afterwards. So I met Yu Jie who was following the Second Mistress. One of the guards knew Yu Jie. He was the unlucky Yang Ming who was sent by Jin Fengju to pretend to be a ghost. He has now been promoted to one level. Becoming a third-grade imperial guard with a sword, he was the first to greet me and said with a smile: "Miss Yujie, what are your orders when you come here?"

Yu Jie was startled and asked in confusion: "How do you know your slave's name?"

Yang Ming was suffocated, and secretly cried out in his heart: Damn, I asked you to show your attentiveness, now it's okay, has the secret been revealed? If I had told this girl that I was the one pretending to be a ghost that day, I would have kicked the three-inch golden lotus out. Yin quickly smiled and said it was the young Marquis who said it. Although Yu Jie was puzzled as to how Jin Fengju could mention his name in front of a group of guards, he didn't ask any more questions. He looked at Yang Ming and said, "Master and grandma sent me over to talk to you and pick a few suitable ones to protect Master Yi." I'll go to Zhuangzi, two miles away, with Miss Three, and be back before evening."

"Okay, I understand." Yang Ming agreed with a smile, then looked back at the guards behind him, and called a few names at random. Yujie watched him finish the order here, and noticed that one of the people seemed to be staring at her. She was unhappy at first, wondering why the Taoist master had brought the prodigal here this time. But then he remembered what Fu Qiuning said before, and couldn't help but look up, and met the eyes of a handsome guard.

Even though Yu Jie had a cheerful nature, she couldn't help feeling dizzy at this moment. After thanking Yang Ming, she hurried away. A few selected guards also followed behind her. In a moment, she came to the gate and saw Bai Lu. When several maids and Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan were waiting there, there was a black oil carriage outside the door.

Yujie told Bai Lu a few more words to watch them here personally, and then turned around to report to Fu Qiuning without mentioning it.