Higher Level Wife

Chapter 206: anger


Han Qixue heard what Feng Zhuzhu said so clearly that she couldn't refute it. But in her heart, although she also admired Jin Fengju, she always felt that things would not be as simple as Feng Zhenzhu thought. Because I was stunned there, I didn't know what to say for a long time. Seeing her like this, Feng Zhenzhu couldn't help but sneered again: "Okay, you can't catch a tiger's den if you don't say it. Today, I just tested it with words, and I scared you like this. What's there to be afraid of?" Yes? If, thanks to my blessing, you could become his aunt, then you would have to thank me."

Han Qixue's face turned red after saying this, but when she saw Feng Zhenzhu looking at the direction where Jin Fengju disappeared, he turned around and walked towards Fengya Building. Here Han Qixue followed her footsteps and looked at her upright back. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, secretly thinking that the second sister looked like she was destined to win, but she didn't want to think about it if the young marquis didn't succeed and you were too proud. By then, if Second Grandma Ning annoys us again, what will you do

But it's useless to think about it now, because after going in and talking to everyone for a few words, Jin Yanfang saw that Aunt Yu was a little sleepy, so she left knowingly.

Fu Qiuning really didn't realize what the Feng sisters were thinking. After all, she was the soul of a modern woman in her heart. Although she had joked with Jin Fengju at that time, she couldn't help but take it personally. How could such beautiful three girls be willing to do it to others? Concubine, I heard that when their father was alive, he wanted to send them to the palace. Now, even if the family is in decline, it is time to find a rich young man to be his wife. There are many children everywhere. Jinfengju.

On this day, the rehearsal of the entire play "The Match" was finally completed. He spent two or three days practicing repeatedly. After confirming that there was no problem, Fu Qiuning returned to the Duke of Jingguo early, thinking about meeting Jin Fengju and asking him to do it tomorrow. After going to court, talk to the Emperor and the Queen Mother to see when they can enter the palace for a performance. When I came to the study, I saw a few boys waiting outside. When I saw her coming, I hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "I didn't expect grandma to come here at this time. I am reading in the study. The little boy will inform grandma." .

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "Don't disturb your master, I can just go in by myself." He opened the door gently and went in. Before entering the back room, he heard two girls Cai Lian and Jasper whispering there. , Fu Qiuning only heard the intermittent "I met a few times... It's strange... Why don't you care at this time... I don't look happy..." A few words, she was wondering, there seemed to be a lot of lotus and jasper in the room. What? When I looked up and saw her coming, I couldn't help but be startled. I jumped up and said, "Why did grandma come in so quietly? She scared us so much that those little monkeys didn't even know to announce it."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "They said that the young marquis was reading a book, so I didn't order them to report it. What were you two muttering about just now?" She asked inadvertently, with no intention of intruding on people's privacy. She just wanted to listen. When the two women seemed to mention something else about Jin Fengju, they asked further. Unexpectedly, Cai Lian Jasper's face suddenly turned red, and suddenly she heard Jin Fengju say: "Is Qiu Ning coming? Why don't you come in?"

Cai Lian said, "I've called grandma. Grandma, please go in quickly. I'll talk to you later."

Fu Qiuning asked curiously: "What's going on? You're so sneaky. It's rare to know if you look at me." Yin smiled and went into the inner study. The lotus and jasper people here looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

When he came to the room, he saw Jin Fengju leaning in the chair, holding a book in his hand, looking at her, and said with a smile: "Why don't you wear more clothes? There is a north wind outside today, although it is not like late autumn. , you should be careful not to catch a cold." After saying that, Fu Qiuning laughed and said: "Although it is a north wind, it just sweeps away the sultry heat in summer, I think it is good. Are you reading a book? This is my first time. You look like you're sitting still."

Jin Fengju laughed loudly, stood up and stretched, saying: "I was tired from reading, so I leaned over. There were no outsiders around. Who would have thought that the Second Mistress would come to inspect my place? Come on, but there are What's the order? Say it quickly so that you can hurry up and do it for your husband's sake. Otherwise, if you are a little slow, you may not be smiling at this moment."

Fu Qiuning made him laugh and shook his head: "Listen to what you said? Am I the shrew with the lion's roar in Hedong? But I really came to you to discuss something. "The Match of Heaven" has been fully rehearsed. After that, you will go to court tomorrow and report it to the Emperor and the Queen Mother, and let them choose a day and let them enter the palace to perform."

Jin Feng raised his eyes and said happily: "Really? All the performances are over? Oh, this is really good. Wait, I will enter the palace immediately. It is better to catch the sun than to catch it, so let's perform it tonight, don't talk about the Queen Mother, the Emperor, Even I can’t wait. I usually only listen to you sing a few verses, but now that you have performed the whole song, I don’t know how moving it is..."

"What are you busy with?" Fu Qiuning stopped Jin Fengju, interrupted him, shook his head and said with a smile, "Let's talk about it tomorrow. Those singers and dancers are so tired these days that their voices are almost hoarse, so let them rest. Now you I'm still sitting here reading, I'm a little tired, but I don't know if you would allow me to stay here for a while."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "My lady has your destiny, how dare you not obey it? Please take a seat, I will let you pick the lotus and jasper to serve tea."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "You don't have to use good tea. I feel thirsty and hungry right now. I don't have the time to taste it. Just ordinary tea will do. Bring me two more plates of snacks. Don't laugh at me for looking ugly after I eat." Luo, Jin Fengju unexpectedly kissed her on the cheek, and said with a smile: "Everything about you is like a treasure in my eyes, how can I despise you being ugly?" When Fu Qiuning raised her pink fist to hit him, he He ducked out of the way.

The couple were drinking tea and eating while talking. Half an hour later, Jin Ming suddenly came in. Apparently he had something to report. Fu Qiuning left the study and thought about going back to Fengya Building to take a rest. Just as she walked out of the yard, she heard someone shouting behind her. When she turned around, she saw Cai Lian and Jasper chasing after her.

Fu Qiuning was secretly wondering, thinking, were they really going to tell him something? In fact, it was just a casual question just now, but why did these two girls take it seriously? Yin stopped and smiled and said, "What's the matter? I just asked casually. You don't have to tell me your own affairs. After all these days, don't you still know my temper?"

Cai Lian Jasper glanced at each other, then looked around to make sure there was no one around, and then said softly: "It's not us who are talkative, it's just grandma, this matter is really outrageous, I'm afraid as time goes by, What kind of joke will it make? I don’t know why Second Grandma Pianwan, a person who used to be so resolute and resolute, can’t even rub a grain of sand out of her eyes. I think that when my father was kind to my grandma, she would be embarrassed again and again. Obstruction, who would have thought that now I would become a hands-off shopkeeper and ignore this matter. We sisters are worried day and night. Grandma happens to be here today. Even if grandma doesn't come, we still have to find a time to go. Let’s talk to grandma.”

Fu Qiuning couldn't help but laugh and said: "What you said is of great importance, but if it's like this, how could Grandma Wan turn a blind eye to it? That's all, tell me first, what is it? I'll see and then To make a calculation."

Cai Lian and Biyu looked at each other again, and then Biyu took a step forward and whispered: "Grandma has been busy rehearsing operas in the mansion these days, so I'm afraid she doesn't know what's going on in the mansion. Those three girls from the Feng family I don’t know why, but they often appear near our study. Sometimes when we go out with the young marquis, we will meet them unexpectedly. When asked what they are doing, they just say that they are just walking around or admiring the chrysanthemums and osmanthus. Grandma Think about it, isn’t this a joke? If we talk about osmanthus and chrysanthemums, what can be better than in the garden? Even the old lady’s courtyard is better than the few scattered flowering trees near the study. The old lady likes them, so why doesn’t she go to Kangshou Yuan to admire them, but she always comes to the study?”

Fu Qiuning's face changed color slightly and he frowned: "Is there such a thing?"

Cai Lian also stepped forward and said: "No, once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but in the past half month, we have met four or five times by chance. Although I look calm on the surface, what is he like? People? Biyu and I both felt that I knew something about it. Grandma said that the three girls of the Feng family were also from noble families. Although their family is in decline now, they have always learned those female precepts, right? Even the girls in our family are not so bold, but they have put aside the girl's shame. This... This doesn't look like a lady from a big family, it looks like those in a brothel... "

Before he could finish speaking, Fu Qiuning coughed slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "I know about this, don't spread it. Those three girls are also pitiful, maybe it's just accidental, and don't spread rumors, it's not true in front of me. Don't say anything."

Cai Lian and Bi Yu agreed. Here Fu Qiuning walked all the way into the garden, his chest almost filled with anger. Although she warned her in front of the lotus-picking jasper, it was only for the sake of the reputation of the Feng sisters, and she did not want them to be ruined because of this incident, but it did not mean that she was really calm and would not be hurt by this incident. anger.

What is the worst character in a romance novel? It's a mistress. What's more despicable than a mistress? It’s just that the good sisters turned into mistresses.