Higher Level Wife

Chapter 210: Lose ground


Fu Qiuning shook her head and said with a smile: "It's such a happy event. If you say that, you just call me old." After finishing her words, she saw that there was Kangshou Yuan in front of her, and there seemed to be some discussion, so she was surprised and said: " What do you mean? Who dares to raise a voice in the old lady's garden?" As he spoke, he hurriedly entered the yard. I saw more than twenty large bamboo baskets placed on the wide green brick path in the middle of the courtyard, all containing palm-sized green and black crabs. At this time, the baby was still crawling slowly, spitting out a few drops of foam from time to time.

"Huh? Could this be the hairy crab from Yangcheng Lake that I mentioned before? Grandma, look at it, this head is really big. I have never seen a crab of this size." Many maids and boys gathered around the crab basket. At this time After hearing Yu Jie's words, he saw Fu Qiuning and everyone bowed to see him. Suddenly, Jin Ming came in from the courtyard gate. When he saw Fu Qiuning, he smiled and said, "Hey, Second Mistress is here too? I'm just about to deliver crabs to Fengya Building." After that, he directed a few servants to distribute the crabs. The kitchens and courtyards of each house. Due to the wealth of Duke Jingguo's palace, everyone's house also has a small kitchen, but there is no dedicated cook. It is convenient for the maids and masters of each house to make snacks, sweet soup and the like in their free time. Of course, boiling crabs is no problem either.

Fu Qiuning went up the steps. The little maids at the door opened the curtains with smiles, and Jin Fengju's voice was heard from inside. Turning around the screen, I saw him sitting next to the old lady, talking about the origin of the crab. Sure enough, it was sent from Yangcheng Lake. Mrs. Jin, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Fang both listened with smiles.

"Hey, sister, you're late today. We've almost finished dividing the crabs before you come here." Jiang Wanying saw Fu Qiuning come in. Even though she didn't want to care about Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning's affairs now, at this time, she couldn't help it. I want to find out the signs. Because when Jin Fengju came in, she, Aunt Huo and others were all there. Mrs. Jiang thought that her son had neglected several wives and concubines recently, so she ordered him to send someone to send crabs to Qingwan Pavilion first. She did not dare to confine her son anymore, because Fu Qiuning Now he is also a popular person in front of the Queen Mother and the Emperor. However, it was appropriate for him to comfort his wives and concubines in these small matters.

Jin Fengju also knew that Fu Qiuning would not care about this, so he agreed. Sure enough, Fu Qiuning said with a smile: "I heard that a lot of crabs from Yangcheng Lake could be delivered this time. I just saw it in the yard and I was wondering why there were only twenty baskets? It turns out that most of them have been distributed. It’s really not easy to say, Yangcheng Lake is seven or eight hundred miles away from here, right? Why are the crabs still alive?”

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Of course they are alive. Although it is far away, it is only more than a day's journey for a fast horse. As long as these crabs are not put in salt water, they can live for several days. It happens that this moment is also their fattest time." When the time comes, you can have something fresh to eat.”

Everyone was chatting and laughing, and Jin Fengju was about to leave. Although the old lady favored him the most, he was already a married man, and it would be against etiquette to continue to stay in the upper house of this group of children and dependents. However, before the maids could help open the curtain, Jin Ming's voice was heard outside: "Sir, someone has come from the palace and said that the emperor has issued a decree telling you to enter the palace immediately."

Jin Fengju's expression changed, he stepped out, frowned and said softly: "Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know. It was Eunuch Guo who came to convey the order in person. It seems to be no small matter." Jin Ming replied respectfully, but saw Jin Fengju frowning tightly and saying to himself: "Nothing major has happened in the court recently, and It's approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival, what big event can happen at this time?" Even so, he still hurried back to his room to change clothes, and then went to the palace with the eunuch who was delivering the oral instructions.

Because of such a sudden incident, the originally harmonious family suddenly lost the intention to joke. Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Fang all left. Jiang Wanying also had something to do. Aunt Huo, Cui Yuelan and other female relatives also left. Only Fu Qiuning and Yu Jie were still here. Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "Old lady, don't worry too much." , Your Majesty, it is because you value the young marquis that you often send out such edicts. Everything will be fine. A few days ago, you said that you liked the pattern of Yujie, but now you are about to send her to marry after the New Year. She is dead, so this time I specially ordered her to come over and give the old lady a few more knots for later use."

"It's hard for you to still think about this matter." Old Mrs. Jin sighed, but she didn't care much about Yu Jie's marriage. She just said softly: "Since the year when Feng Ju got the holy family, there have been countless times now. Such a thing. If it does not bring harm to oneself, it will be extremely glorious. However, the power of God is unpredictable. I am only afraid that he will fall from a high place at any time. Maybe as people get older, they will become more and more frightened, alas!"

Fu Qiuning had to comfort the old lady for a few words. Yujie knew that at this time, he only needed to concentrate on tying the knot and should not interrupt. It wasn't until the evening when Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Fang came over again, steaming crabs in the kitchen, that they saw Jin Fengju hurried back.

When Mrs. Jin saw that he was fine, she let out a long breath. Then he asked him: "Why are we summoning you so urgently today?"

Jin Fengju saw that he was surrounded by close relatives, and only the Feng sisters were outsiders. Moreover, it was not a confidential matter, and everyone in the capital would know about it sooner or later. So he said: "Prince Hong didn't know what he did, which made the emperor furious. He granted Liuzhou, Shandong, to him and asked him to go to Liuzhou to become a vassal from now on. So we went to persuade him for a while, but the emperor was determined. It seems that there is no room for change in this matter.”

Although Jin Fengju said it lightly, everyone in the room was horrified. But Jin Fengju didn't sit down, and just said: "Dad ordered me to go to the study, so I just came to see my ancestors. Please don't worry, I will go to the study right now." After saying that, he left.

No matter how shocking the news is, everyone knows it is good news. It's just that even the emperor's biological son was relegated to another place, so everyone naturally felt sad in their hearts. After serving Mrs. Jin for dinner, Fu Qiuning and Yu Jie felt worried on their way back to Fengya Tower.

"Qiu Ning." Suddenly he heard someone shouting from behind. Fu Qiuning turned around and looked. What a coincidence. Jin Fengju was right behind her. Seeing that she and Yu Jie were the only ones at this time, the young marquis smiled and said, "I really am in a hurry." What a coincidence, I was afraid that only the crab legs would be left when I come back, and now that you master and servant are also rushing back, you must have steaming fresh crabs to eat."

Fu Qiuning and Yu Jie couldn't help but laugh at the words. Jin Fengju saw a melancholy look on Fu Qiuning's face and winked. Yu Jie understood and ran away with the excuse of going back to have crabs cooked. Here Jin Fengju took Fu Qiuning's hand and said softly: "I know Qiu Ning is still a little sad in her heart. Indeed, even if Prince Hong is completely defeated this time, otherwise, as long as there is a little leeway, the Holy Emperor will not let him surrender." . The Prince of Zhenjiang has always been on the same page as Prince Hong, and they are truly both prosperous and deprived of each other. But you have to think on the bright side. Finally, mother and Aunt Luo have not been implicated. At this time, your father must not dare to Come here and ask for someone. They have been miserable for half their lives, and now they don’t have to go back to that deceiving place. Wouldn’t it be great?”

"After all, why did the Emperor become so angry?"

"I don't know the details. I just listened to Eunuch Li's message. It seems that Prince Hong sued Prince Lie for something, which made the old man furious. This disposition is probably related to this matter. It's just that a while ago. Prince Lie and Prince Hong have always had frequent contacts. Now that my brother-in-law is in the limelight, logically it is time for them to join forces. I was cautious and nervous about this for a while. Before going to the Western Region, I repeatedly asked my brother-in-law, why? In the blink of an eye, it’s going to be dog eat dog?”

Fu Qiuning muttered: "It's really puzzling." After saying that, Jin Fengju laughed and said: "Well, don't think about it too much. Prince Hong is irritable and suspicious, and Prince Lie is arrogant. Except in front of the emperor, Apart from the show, others couldn't believe it even if he put on the sincere and sincere face of Corporal Li Xian. He and Prince Hong were together for profit, and he had the upper hand at the moment. Maybe he gave up in words for some unknown reason. Prince Hong is jealous. This is also possible."

Fu Qiuning couldn't help laughing and said: "Since he is such a idiot, why would the emperor choose him as the crown prince?" After saying this, Jin Fengju couldn't help but laugh, shook his head and said: "You don't have to be so merciless. , he is also a prince after all, and he was the backer of your family, okay? Although he has many shortcomings, he also has advantages. He is generous and spares no effort to win over people. When he uses you, he will really treat you with all his heart. However, using When he didn't arrive, he would naturally abandon it like worn out shoes, which would also add insult to injury. If it weren't for his enthusiasm, your grandfather and father might not have given up their determination to follow him that day. "

Fu Qiuning said: "They are the prince and the prince, so they are of great influence to Prince Hong. They have always been treated with courtesy, so they are determined to do it. It's just been so many years, why don't you look at the fate of those who are not reused? It’s really a blinding eye.”

Jin Fengju sighed: "I have done too many wrong things before, how can it be so easy to back out again? This is one wrong step and one wrong step after another. That's right, don't tell your mother and Aunt Luo this news for the time being. After all, they are your father's women, so they will inevitably feel uncomfortable hearing the news, and your mother is not in good health."