Higher Level Wife

Chapter 212: Don't bring it upon yourself


Bai Lu was shocked when she heard Jin Zangfeng's words. She didn't know that her young master was fearless. Then I saw Jin Zhenyi scowling at Jin Zangfeng, jumping around and shouting "traitor" and other words. I was even more horrified. I immediately made up my mind to send a few servants to follow closely and never let Jin Zhenyi leave the house. .

Here Jin Zhenyi let Jin Zangfeng reveal his thoughts, and was so angry that he went back to the room and stamped his feet and cursed. Jin Xiunan was embroidering flowers on a chair nearby and said without raising his head: "Brother, please calm down. What the eldest brother said is right." , not to mention that the conference will start the day after tomorrow, and we can all go, why do you have to go and join in the fun now?" After saying that, Jin Zhenyi said angrily: "What do you know? Everyone is going in today, and I don't know how many stalls are there. There is a long queue outside, but there won’t be such a grand occasion the day after tomorrow. The Emperor and Queen Mother have already decided to come, so where are the hawkers allowed to stand, so only tomorrow can we really see the excitement."

The more he talked, the more annoyed he became, and he couldn't help complaining to Jin Zangfeng. These boys looked at him too closely, and they followed him even when he went to the toilet. If he continues like this tomorrow, doesn't he not have to go anywhere? Just as he was murmuring, he suddenly heard a little maid outside say: "Master Yi, Miss Third, the young Marquis has sent someone to ask you to go over to the small flower hall."

Jin Zhenyi felt a shiver in his heart, and the bloody courage he had just had suddenly disappeared. Could it be that Jin Zangfeng, an unjust guy, told dad about my intention? That's really bad. He had only racked his brains to go out before, but now he finally realized that he was afraid and fell behind Jin Xiunan, moving towards the small flower hall step by step. Several young men followed him, and they all couldn't help but laugh, thinking to themselves Where is our young master going? I wish I could take one step forward and three steps back.

Finally arriving at the Little Flower Hall, Jin Zhenyi complained that his sister was walking too fast. Looking up secretly, he saw Jin Fengju sitting on a chair, with no expression of joy or anger on his face. Fu Qiuning was beside him, whispering something to him. Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao were sitting on the two chairs on the right. His heart was pounding, thinking that my aunt was probably complaining about me to my father, right

Seeing them coming in, Jin Fengju raised his head and was about to speak when he suddenly saw Jin Zhenyi cowering in fear. Seeing that he lowered his head and looked around, he frowned and said coldly: "Zhenyi, you Did you get into some trouble in school again? Tell me as soon as possible, lest I go find out and suffer the consequences for you."

Jin Zhenyi was feeling guilty. He was so frightened that he knelt down and swore: "Dad, I have never caused any trouble. Although I haven't recited the Four Books yet, I can already recite hundreds of poems. I don't believe that Daddy is taking the exam." one time."

Jin Fengju asked doubtfully: "Since you didn't cause any trouble in school, what are you guilty of?" After saying that, he looked at Jin Zangfeng and asked: "Is your brother really not in trouble? Don't hide it for him, otherwise you will also be implicated. "

Jin Zangfeng stood up quickly and replied: "To tell you what my brother is doing, my brother did not get into trouble. My husband also praised him for his talent in poetry."

Jin Fengju glanced at Jin Zhenyi again, but his tone softened, and he snorted: "In that case, why do you show such a guilty conscience? What's the use of being talented in poetry? First, memorize the Four Books and Five Classics by heart. If you can make achievements in eight-part essays in the future, this can be regarded as a serious learning spirit."

Hearing what he said, Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "That's not to say, everyone has their own things that they are good at, and I can't ask all the children to be like you just because I am excellent in this area. Brother Yi, since He has a headache about the Four Books and Five Classics. I think he likes riding horses and shooting arrows. How could he know that he will not be able to take up martial arts in the future? When Brother Xuan and Feng'er take up the literary profession, the next generation of our Duke Jingguo will be considered to be both civilized and martial."

Jin Zhenyi liked hearing Fu Qiuning's words very much. He always looked forward to riding a tall horse and galloping back and forth on the battlefield killing eight hundred enemies. Seeing that my father's expression had softened a lot, I finally let go of my anxious heart. Looking at this scene, I thought to myself that my thoughts had not yet been exposed. While thinking about it, I heard Fu Qiuning ask them to sit down, so they sat down next to Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao.

"I have nothing else to do with you. Tomorrow I was ordered to go to Lingji Palace to make some arrangements. It happens to be the busiest place there tomorrow. You are usually in the house and don't go out much, so I plan to take you boys with me. Go lively and lively…”

Before Jin Feng could finish speaking, Jin Zangfeng and the others were fine, but Jin Zhenyi was extremely disappointed when he suddenly got such news. He couldn't hide his ecstasy, and suddenly jumped up from his stool, waving his little The arm shouted: "Is it true, Daddy? Oh my god, it's great, great. This way I don't have to think of a way to get out. Daddy, you have to keep your word, you don't even know those boys are looking at me It's so tight that I can't even shake it off when I go to the toilet, and I can't use the urine escape... "

When he said this, he saw that his father's face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot. Fu Qiuning, after being stunned for a moment, lowered his head and tried his best to hold back his laughter. He couldn't help but wake up, but it was too late, and he felt scared. , just as he was about to kneel down, he saw Fu Qiuning raised his head, coughed twice, suppressed his smile, and then said to Jin Fengju: "Brother Yi has been pestering me for half an hour about this matter. In the end, I am still I don't dare to let him go out and take risks. Now that I have guards with me, I think it will be safe. Don't be too angry, he has always been such a character. It's not like you don't know that for this punishment, it is a bit too harsh, and It’s not like there was anything wrong. What’s more, he’s a boy, so why wouldn’t he like to join in the fun? His ecstasy and loss of temper right now is understandable.”

When Fu Qiuning said this, Jin Fengju's complexion finally changed from coal to pot bottom. Although it was still dark, it was not that powerful. Jin Zhenyi didn't know that he had escaped. At this moment, he couldn't be more grateful to Fu Qiuning. He wanted to go up and hold her thighs and call her mother.

Seeing Jin Zhenyi still standing there stupidly, Jin Fengju couldn't help but feel angry and funny, and scolded: "Now that you know everything, why don't you go back and make preparations? Your father and I don't know how many things I have to be busy with. How can I expect that?" Shall I go pack your clothes and money?"

Jin Zhenyi finally woke up, jumped up in a hurry, knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Jin Fengju, and ran out happily.

"Brother Yi is really happy." Fu Qiuning shook his head and smiled, and said to Bai Lu who had not yet gone out: "Go back and help pack up Brother Yi and the third girl's clothes. Remember, give him more tomorrow." Bring some boys."

Bai Lu agreed and went out. Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao were also very happy here. They each went back to their houses and asked Jinzhuan Luhua and the big girl to help them pack their things. Seeing that there was no one around here, Jin Fengju said to Fu Qiuning: "I have changed my wedding invitation and found someone to marry me. It is very appropriate. Ling Yun's mother will probably come over tomorrow to propose marriage. Although you are marrying a slave, Yujie has followed you. For so many years, I have helped you take care of Feng'er Jiao'er. Her future husband is not comparable to Zhang San. What I mean is that you take her to the old lady and let the Ling family know that we treat this maid Yu Jie differently. Ordinary people. My wife doesn’t care about these things, and her temperament is not as lively and easy-going as the old lady. What do you think?”

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Of course I am happy, but the old lady needs to talk to her carefully, otherwise our ancestors will not be happy in the end."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Didn't you see that there are often poor relatives in the house, but they can come over if they have some relatives or friends? It's because the old lady likes to be lively and likes to give to others. Later I told her, I say you can be a good person, but you can’t be a bad person. Some people take the money back home and eat, drink, whore and gamble. Why should we help such people? Therefore, there won’t be so many people coming to play in the autumn wind. Otherwise, I’m afraid the threshold will be high. It’s about to be broken through.”

Fu Qiuning sometimes went to pay his respects and did see a few strange relatives. Only now did he know what was going on. This reminded her of Jia Mu in Dream of Red Mansions, but until now, she had never seen a poor relative who was as simple and shrewd as Grandma Liu, let alone experienced "Grandma Liu entered the Rongguo Mansion for the second time" lively.

So the plan was decided. After dinner, Fu Qiuning called Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zhenyi into his room. He took out four heavy purses from the box, gave them one each, and said with a smile: "These four purses are the same. They contain two taels of silver and two hundred copper coins. Your father is on official business tomorrow. I don't know how busy he is. In this way, you can't ask others for anything you want to eat or buy. Just buy it yourself. Look at the various situations in life. If you meet the really poor old, weak, women and beggars, you might as well give a few alms, which is also a way to accumulate virtue for yourself. ." After that, he said to the four young men of sixteen or seventeen years old who were following him: "Each of you also has ten taels of silver. Lingji Palace will be crowded with thousands of people tomorrow. You must follow the young masters and stay at all times. Once the money they have is not enough, they will take it from you. I will reward you when they come back, do you hear me clearly?"