Higher Level Wife

Chapter 219: Comfort


Jin Fengju frowned and said softly: "Of course what you said makes sense, but the imperial edict to establish the crown prince has been drafted and will be announced to the world tomorrow. This is not child's play, Qiu Ning, the emperor will not do this. It's just a joke, once he makes a decision, it means he has made up his mind.

Fu Qiuning thought, so what if he established a crown prince? When Kangxi conquered Jiulong, the unlucky prince was appointed twice and deposed twice. But she didn't say this, she just smiled and said: "In short, it's just a matter of establishing a prince. The emperor is in good health. It's not a problem to live for a few more years. Who knows what will happen in the next few years? I just looked like I was mourning my heir." It seems that there is really no need. What is important now is to find a way to overcome this difficulty. Prince Rong should also send someone to remind him that he must be calm and don't be found. Take advantage of the opportunity.”

Jin Fengju nodded and said: "You're right, alas! I'm afraid I'm going to get a letter from my brother-in-law by now. I don't know what he and his sister are like now. No, I'll have to go to court tomorrow morning. Go and have a look at him. Qiu Ning, you are right. The Emperor is at his peak in the Spring and Autumn Period, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. It has not yet been decided who will win. There is no need for anything else. In my hand, I now hold Prince Lie. I have a huge handle on him for his misdeeds, even the incident in Yangzhou last time. Hum, when it comes to the point where I have to mention it, I can only think of a way to expose these things and see how wise the emperor has been all his life. , can we make a fair decision this time?"

"No, you absolutely must not." When Fu Qiuning heard what Jin Fengju said, he hurriedly stopped him, but Jin Fengju shook his head and said solemnly: "I'm just saying it as a precaution. I hope Prince Lie won't get carried away and accuse him too much. If my brother-in-law and I try our best to restrain ourselves, but he still presses us at every turn, then don’t blame me for fighting to the death and fighting him to the death."

Fu Qiuning shook his head and said: "I think it would be better for Prince Lie to be more proud, and never throw away the handles in your hands first." As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Fengju frowned and said in confusion: " Why? At that time, will we still be fish on the chopping board, let others slaughter us, and just wait to die without even fighting the trapped beasts? "

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "I'm only in it right now, so it's just a matter of concern. I'll give you a few days and you'll surely understand it slowly." After finishing his words, Jin Fengju shook his head and said, "What's in my heart right now It's like a big stone is pressing down on me. I feel out of breath every time I think about it. When the emperor gave me a banquet in the palace, I looked extremely calm, but in fact I didn't even know how I ate it. Now that you have an idea, hurry up Speak out, otherwise the fire in my heart will burn me to death before the day I understand it."

Fu Qiuning sighed when he heard what he said. She knew that Jin Fengju was a smart man, and as she said just now, if she gave him a few days, he would slowly be able to understand it. Now I am so angry that all the things I have been planning have suddenly come to nothing. The most important thing is that there was great hope of success before. If the old emperor hadn't shown that kind of intention everywhere, making both Prince Rong and Jin Fengju feel that the position of crown prince was just around the corner, how could they have been so uncomfortable when sudden changes occurred? It was rare for Jin Fengju to be able to suppress himself in front of the emperor.

"Actually, I can't tell you the specifics. I just feel that there are a lot of weird and unreasonable things about this matter. I also said that the Holy Spirit is still healthy and has not established a prince in the early years. Why do you suddenly think of it at this time? The crown prince? It’s not like his health suddenly failed. Who knows that His Majesty didn’t want to take a closer look at the temperament of several princes while his body was still strong? This is one. Second: Prince Rong is obviously good in every aspect. He is much more stable than Prince Lie. Even if he is not as outstanding as Prince Lie in the military, the king does not need to go to the front line to fight in person, and military achievements do not actually mean anything. The emperor knows that Prince Lie is full of favors and is full of arrogance, how can he give up and do nothing? The steady and kind-hearted Prince Rong appoints Prince Lie as heir apparent? Furthermore, as a parent, do you really hope that a hundred years from now, a narrow-minded king will slaughter all your other children?"

Jin Feng raised his brows and sighed after a while: "Qiu Ning, to tell you the truth, I know a lot of unreasonable things about this matter, but the establishment of a crown prince is a national matter, and the emperor will definitely not make fun of it. .”

"So what? What if this is not a joke, but just to test a few princes? It seems that there is nothing wrong. And, with all due respect, no matter how important it is between the crown prince's dethronement and establishment, in fact... it is not all the emperor's. A word?"

This sentence was like a heavy hammer, hitting Jin Fengju's heart hard, making him look shocked. After a long while, he stood up and walked slowly on the ground, muttering: "According to what Qiu Ning said, is the emperor really trying to test? No..."

He suddenly raised his head and picked up his coat from the hanger. Fu Qiuning hurriedly stepped forward and said, "What's wrong? But I remembered something important again?"

Jin Fengju solemnly said: "Qiu Ning, I really did not misjudge you. I am afraid that you are the only woman in the world who has such insight. No matter what the Sacred Heart is, you finally made me understand that things are not completely uncontrollable yet." At this point, His Majesty is still in good health. But in this case, I have to go to Prince Rong’s Mansion. What if he doesn’t get the letter? When I came back from the palace, I was in a daze, and I didn’t go to Prince Rong’s Mansion. , just thinking about this, even if the emperor ordered it to be kept secret, I am afraid that the information will be leaked. But now it seems that if he doesn’t get any information, wouldn’t he be rude tomorrow morning? "

Fu Qiuning said quickly: "You don't have to worry. It's better not to go to Prince Rong's Mansion at this time. How could you know that there are no spies in the dark? Fortunately, you were clueless when you came back today. In this way, no matter how Prince Rong behaves, you will not be suspected. ”

"He is my brother-in-law, and he often moves around. If I don't inform him of such a big thing, wouldn't it be even more abnormal?" After Jin Fengju finished speaking, he put on the cloak again. However, Fu Qiuning held her arm down and listened to her sternly saying: "Even if it is abnormal, it is better than making the emperor unhappy. What I just said about asking you to remind the prince does not mean that at the cusp of this storm, in the future The days are long, and the most important thing is for the prince to be more stable at that time. Now there are only two princes left in the capital, Prince Lie and Prince Rong, who are capable of competing for the position of heir apparent. If the emperor really wants to test, he Why don't you want to see the real reaction of your two sons? What's more, sir, let me tell you the truth, when the emperor announces the news in the court tomorrow, you should also take a good look at the reaction of Prince Rong. After all, he is a prince. Ah, there may be a future king of a country who can't always rely on you, right? It's time for him to face the trials and hardships alone."

"What kind of training is this?" Jin Fengju smiled bitterly, but slowly put down his hand. After thinking for a while, he sighed and said, "You're right, why isn't it a training? I'm afraid nothing can test one's will more than this news."

With Fu Qiuning's explanation, Jin Fengju was finally not as confused as before. He thought about it over and over again in the room. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that what his wife said made sense and was not entirely comforting. Because I felt even more relieved, I suddenly heard the chiming bell ringing. When I looked up, I couldn't help but be shocked: "How come it's already the end of Youshi? I've been in a daze for so long? You didn't even remind me."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "I came back early today, so I'm not very tired. The children have gone to bed. You finally look better. How about it? I asked Yu Jie and Jian Feng to prepare porridge and vegetables outside to keep them hot at any time. , you should eat some at least. The first one vomited all over the place in the yard, but it scared me."

Jin Fengju smiled and said, "It's a good thing you didn't remind me. This reminder makes me really feel very hungry." So Fu Qiuning shouted outside. In a moment, Xufeng Feng and Yu Jie came in with the food box in person, and sat on the kang again. A small round table was placed, and when I opened it and looked at it, there was a bowl of sweet porridge with red beans and glutinous rice, and four plates of side dishes.

I ate everything in a hurry. After eating, he saw Fu Qiuning smiling at the side, shaking his head and saying: "If you had a little snack earlier, why are you so hungry?" He couldn't help but feel moved, gently shook Fu Qiuning's hand and sighed: "What's the point of getting a wife like this?" Please? Qiu Ning, thank you so much. Finally God has not abandoned me to the end. At this time, you are still by my side."

"If you treat me well, I will reciprocate the favor." Fu Qiuning smiled lightly and took off the clothes for Jin Fengju. Naturally, the two of them had no feelings of love at this time. They were just lying on the kang and talking to each other. The sound of rain outside The patter of raindrops lit up the house, and the lights were like beans. The desolate coldness of late autumn filled every corner of the house.

"It seems like we should prepare some firewood tomorrow. In the blink of an eye, it's late autumn again." Jin Feng raised her hand and shook Fu Qiuning's hand, but heard her say softly: "Yes, the weather is getting colder every day, which is really the time. Prepare some charcoal for use, it’s time for hot pot again.”

Mentioning hot pot, Jin Fengju couldn't help laughing and sighed: "Time flies so fast, and I calculated carefully that I haven't eaten this food for more than half a year. But since I want to eat hot pot, I have to put some thought into this dish. At that time, it was in Behind Wanfengxuan, the greenhouse that used to grow flowers was used as a vegetable garden. It should still be there now. I will send a few servants to take care of it."