Higher Level Wife

Chapter 222: Insider


So I heard from the maid outside that the young Marquis was here. They stood up in a hurry, and when Jin Fengju entered the room, Jin Yanfang smiled and said: "Second brother is coming back early today, so you don't have to show off in the yamen? Forget it, my sister-in-law has a rest today. I am If you are interested, please make room for you two." After saying that, he led the Feng sisters and Aunt Mei to leave together. Here the Luo family and the Yu family also withdrew.

Fu Qiuning saw Jin Fengju's face darkened, and saw Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen. He knew in his heart that he must have gone to Qingwan Pavilion. He didn't know what Jiang Wanying said, and he couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart, thinking that you also know how powerful women are. ? This was still in ancient times, when women were always a little scrupulous about men. If you don’t believe it, in modern times, if you try those little peppers, you’d be surprised if they don’t kill you.

While thinking about it, she ignored Jin Fengju and let Yujie Jianfeng come over to pour tea. She first said to Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen: "Feng'er and Brother Yi are both in the study. Brother Xuan, please come over and read for a while." , and then you can play. As for the second girl, your two sisters should also be doing embroidery in one place at this time, can I have someone send you there? "

Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen naturally had feelings for her, so they looked at Jin Fengju and saw him smiling: "Go and have fun, it's better than being locked up in Qingwan Pavilion." After saying that, Jian Feng and Yu Jie came over. , they were taken away one by one. Here Fu Qiuning and Jin Fengju chatted for a while, and then heard a faint sound of the piano. She smiled and said: "The two girls are good at the piano. They must be playing the piano together now."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "That's good. Let them stay together. It will increase the intimacy and not make Xuan'er and Zhen'er bored. I will let them come over more often in the future." After saying this, Fu Qiuning smiled and said: " I just saw you coming over, and your face seemed to be angry. Could it be that you were gossiped about by Second Grandma Wan in Qingwan Pavilion? According to me, you don’t need to take it to heart. Women are talking about those words every day in this big house. Those who speak with swords and arrows, even if they have a clumsy mouth and gills, can still develop a sword-like mouth."

Jin Fengju smiled bitterly and said: "If she were half as virtuous and generous as you, I would be Amitabha." After saying this, Fu Qiuning laughed and said: "Come on, don't put this high hat on my head. How can I be virtuous?" Generosity? Didn't you see when I was jealous? Let me make it clear to you today. Since you said a word of love to me, these wives and concubines were just that in the past. But in the future, if you still dare to let new people in, , then don’t even think about entering this Fengya Building. Huh, you only said that Grandma Wan Er is powerful, but you haven’t seen how powerful I am."

Jin Fengju laughed and said: "Really so powerful? To be honest, I really can't imagine you persecuting people." After saying that, Fu Qiuning sneered and said: "I am different from Second Grandma Wan in this way, persecuting people? She is a woman, why should I persecute you? Do you think we women are not oppressed enough by you men? I only ask you. Yes, I know I can’t hold you, this is the age of men, but from now on, you can’t even think of entering. I'm a threshold person. If you don't accept it, you will force me to do it. At worst, I will cut my hair and become a sister-in-law... "

Before he finished speaking, Jin Feng held his hand, and he laughed and said, "Come on, I'm afraid of you, so don't say such things. It will make you feel frightened. Qiu Ning, to be honest, If you and Wanying were swapped today, she would be like you. I may not love her. Even if I don't love her, my heart will be full of shame and respect. It will definitely not be annoying. Alas! Now... I can't even think of her. Everyone in the courtyard feels upset. You don’t know, she just had a quarrel with me, but her vicious and mean words... Oh! Did you know? She actually instigated Xuan’er and Zhen’er. Break up with me, your father."

Fu Qiuning sighed: "This is the trouble you men have with three wives and four concubines. It's not fair to anyone to say whether you love them or not. Second Grandma Wan is better than me, so you don't have to hate her. I'm not someone who only knows A woman with three obediences and four virtues, but I also feel that she is pitiful. The so-called pitiable person must have something hateful to say. Well, after saying this, I feel that I am not a human being. Not to mention these, since you are here The fire is over. I just made rock sugar, snow pear and lotus seed porridge in the kitchen today. It is perfect for moistening the lungs and clearing the fire. Let Qiu Shuang serve you a bowl."


The news about the crown prince soon spread all over the world, and the Duke of Jingguo's mansion naturally got wind of it. For a while, although it was not said to be gloomy and gloomy, everyone in the mansion was also in a low mood. Fortunately, the official positions of Jin Fengju and Jin Shi were not affected, and the titles of Duke Jingguo were also there. Jin Pengzhan also did an outstanding job in Jiangnan. The salt tax presented at the end of autumn was almost three times that of previous years, which greatly pleased the emperor and even personally Declare a commendation. Because of these things, the bleak atmosphere was gradually eliminated from the mansion.

Seeing that the twelfth lunar month is approaching, Fu Qiuning has hurriedly arranged another Huangmei opera these days, but it is a female consort. Although it has gone through ups and downs, it is the ending of lovers finally getting married, which is suitable for singing at the end of the year. It was prepared to be presented to the palace during the Chinese New Year to the Queen Mother and the Emperor. After finishing her busy work, she finally had some free time in the future.

After sending Jin Fengju and the children to court that day, Fu Qiuning had nothing to do, so he went to Zhenyue Pavilion to sit down. Then we went to Kangshou Yuan together, and we happened to meet Jiang Wanying when we were out. She saw that the second grandmother who had been ignored by Jin Fengju was not only not haggard and thin, but also radiant, and she was even more energetic than before. Huo, who was originally in tit-for-tat with her, probably knew that although Qiu Ning was favored, she didn't care about the family, so she moved closer to Jiang Wanying. Even the usual words, swords, and arrows were much less intense. No need to mention it.

Jiang Wanying saw Fu Qiuning and stopped. It seemed that she was very interested in saying a few words in front of her. However, Fu Qiuning thought that she must not have anything good to say and was unwilling to talk about it. She responded with a few words and left on the pretext that she had something to do in Fengya Building. , before leaving, Mrs. Huo tried her best to help Jiang Wanying and talk to her, but she didn't pay much attention and went to the garden.

After walking far away and looking back at the group of people entering Kangshouyuan, Yu Jiefang said angrily: "Don't be too snobbish about this person. Feng Shui is changing. Who knows what the future will be like?" Fu Qiuning laughed and said: "It's not the first time you know what they are like. Why do you say such things for no reason? What will happen in the future? Anyway, we have so much money now, I will never come to this housekeeper's muddy water. of."

Yu Jie said angrily: "Grandma is very generous and won't argue with them. But the servants don't have such a big heart as grandma. I just can't stand that Aunt Huo. She used to go to Fengya Building several times a day to buy snacks and jewelry. As soon as I heard grandma say she didn't know how to take care of the house, she stopped coming. She is really a snobbish person."

Fu Qiuning shook his head and smiled: "You, you, you are about to get married, but you are still so unforgiving, so please keep your words. What they do is their business. If she doesn't come to the door, I will be quiet. , do you love serving her tea and water?"

Yujie's face suddenly turned red, and he stamped his feet and said, "Is this just a matter of injustice for grandma? What does it have to do with marrying someone or not? How can they be related to each other? Besides, I wish she wouldn't come. Who would care about her?" Pour the tea and listen to her hypocritical words.”

Fu Qiuning spread his hands and said, "Isn't that the end? You don't like her coming. If she doesn't come, won't she just please us?" One sentence only made Yujie speechless. He wanted to refute, but I couldn't find anything to say.

As he was talking, he entered Fengya Building and saw Jian Feng sitting on the corridor. There were two full rows of maids, daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law standing in the yard. Fu Qiuning wondered: "What is this doing? Could it be that all the clothes sent to the tailor a few days ago were made? It can't be so fast, right?"

As she spoke, she hurriedly quickened her pace. Seeing them coming back, Jian Feng's face softened a little with annoyance. She waved her hands to let those people disperse. She accompanied Fu Qiuning into the house, and before her master could speak, she Gritting her teeth, she said, "Grandma must be feeling strange, wondering what I am doing by gathering them together at this time, right? It's really irritating. Grandma asked me to open the box and take out the fabrics in the morning, and how many things should I make for the girls and the two young masters?" A small jacket. I just opened the box and found that there were a lot of messy fabrics on it. This must have been turned over by someone, otherwise it wouldn't be in such a mess. Fortunately, I counted it and found that there were not many things missing, otherwise There is actually a thief in our Fengya Building. If word spreads, it will make people laugh, and I don’t know how many people will make a fuss about this, and how many people will take pleasure in others’ misfortune.”

Fu Qiuning frowned and said, "Is there such a thing?" Before he finished speaking, Yu Jie said: "Eh? There is such a thing? I said that grandma's jewelry box was very messy these days. A while ago, I was all confused. I tidied it up and put it away, but it became messy again within a few days. I was still thinking that Qiu Shuang sometimes dressed up grandma and didn't put it away after messing around. Could it be that there was something fishy about it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Shuang brought tea over. When he heard this, he quickly said: "Sister, please don't mess with me. How many times have I combed Grandma's hair and changed her clothes? Those things have been packed every time. But then I saw some messes a few times, and I thought it was because my sisters were anxious, so I just left it alone, and I even sorted it out twice."

When several people said this, even Fu Qiuning was surprised. He said with a stern face: "So, there is indeed a thief in our Fengya Building? But there seems to be a lot of things. Could it be that someone is looking for something? Jian Feng Yujie Qiu Shuang, come with me quickly and order some of the things that the young marquis has put here, aren’t you just here for those things?”