Higher Level Wife

Chapter 223: gossip


Fu Qiuning nodded and said: "That's true. But it can't be rushed. Since this happened more than once, but no one came forward to say anything, it can be seen that this person is very careful, and he may not be able to find out at once, and You will be more careful in the future and investigate slowly." As he said that, he came to the room with several locks, opened it and went in to check it carefully, including gold and silver, there was nothing missing. When I came back, I counted the house deeds, land deeds, shop deeds, etc. They were all neatly stacked and seemed not to have been moved at all.

Since there was no shortage of things, Fu Qiuning felt more at ease and had to suppress his anger and curiosity. At this time, Yu Jie Jian Feng Qiu Shuang and others also came back, only saying that there was nothing missing in the jewelry box. The four of them looked at each other, confused as to what the thief was trying to do. If he was so well concealed that he didn't notice every time he moved these things, then it wouldn't be difficult to steal two of them. How come he didn't take anything away? Is it just for practice? This reason seems ridiculous no matter how you think about it.

When Jin Fengju came over, Fu Qiuning didn't plan to tell him about it in order to avoid worrying him, but unexpectedly, Yu Jie, an outspoken person, said it. Jin Fengju was very worried and asked several questions, but Fu Qiuning had to deal with it and tried his best to He was advised to rest assured and just said that he would investigate slowly and carefully, so that he should not be distracted by these things.

Seeing that Fu Qiuning seemed confident, and hearing that Yu Jie Jian Feng said that there was no shortage of things, Jin Fengju breathed a sigh of relief. Because of this, the matter was revealed. After dinner, he talked to Fu Qiuning about entering the children into the family tree.

"I was going to join last year, but I went to Jiangnan and came back injured, causing a huge uproar in the family. How could anyone think of this? It's different now. My father and second uncle are both at home, so they can host This matter. Feng'er will be eleven years old during the Chinese New Year. I see that although his articles are still immature, they are still stable and peaceful. Maybe I can let him take the Tongsheng test later. What do you think?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Of course that's good. Do you want to do it during the New Year sacrifices?"

Jin Fengju nodded and said: "Of course, it's just that I said that after entering the family tree, the name would have to be changed. But now even the old lady and I are used to it, not to mention the servants. Therefore, my former son went to ask the Ministry of Rites Mr. He, he said that for such special cases, it is okay not to change the name, just enter it into the family tree, and it will not be criticized by others. Since you said so, let's not change it. This is the name you gave them that day. I want to come to Feng'er. He Jiaoer is definitely not willing to change it. Since it contains your feelings for them, it is better to continue to use it, and hope that they can be as successful as you expect in the future."

While the couple were talking, they heard a maid in the courtyard say: "Brother Xuan and Miss Second are here?" After saying that, the two children came in and met Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning, and then went out to play with those children. Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "I brought my brother and sister over here last time. They have been here a few times these days. We are not as awkward as before with brother Yi, Feng'er, Jiao'er and the third girl. "

Jin Fengju nodded and said thoughtfully: "They are all my children. Of course I wish them well, but these two children have a bit of a gloomy personality. If they really come to you, even if they are just for fun, it doesn't matter. If they are dismissed by their mother, Come on…”

Before he finished speaking, Fu Qiuning laughed and said: "As the saying goes, those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. The two children have a gloomier personality. I am afraid they were raised in Qingwan Pavilion. Now they are willing to go out and walk more. Being outside can naturally open your mind. I still don’t know what kind of temper Brother Yi was in the past? Now he has gained a lot of stability. He still thinks of Aunt Xu when things happen, which makes me happy. So even if it was sent by Second Grandma Wan , that’s okay, there’s no such thing as not being able to see people in Fengya Building, so why are they afraid?”

Jin Fengju smiled and said, "I feel relieved when you say that. I think you also like children. Unlike my wife, my wife doesn't like children very much, but the old lady really likes having these grandchildren around her. It's just... how? Haven't you made any move yet?"

Fu Qiuning was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what Jin Fengju was referring to. He couldn't help but blush, and spat: "Bah, what are you talking about? Once the children hear it, what does it mean? I have nothing to think about now. , Brother Feng and Sister Jiao are getting older. They are my children. It doesn’t matter if they have their own children. What’s more, aren’t you afraid that if I have my own children, I will treat these children badly? ?”

Jin Fengju shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't think you are that kind of person. Otherwise, even if you could tolerate Feng'er Jiaoer back then, you would never be able to tolerate Zhenyi and Xiunan, especially that boy Zhenyi, who has a explosive temper and Impulsive, he can be obedient to you, which shows that you treat him sincerely, otherwise you will never be like this again."

Because the couple talked for a while, Fu Qiuning asked: "Yes, I feel that I have been a lot more leisurely recently, but what did the prince finally do?"

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "At this time, he can't control me. I'm still a member of the imperial family. The reason why I'm taking some time off is because I haven't had much to do recently. People everywhere are reporting peace memorials. I'm afraid that after the new year and the beginning of spring, I still have to go. After an inspection, especially the Yellow River, a few corrupt officials were arrested a few days ago, and they said that the embankment of the Yellow River last year was not reliable, and there was no guarantee what would happen next spring. Although people were sent to inspect, it was still in the middle of winter. There is nothing we can do to remedy the situation, we can only take precautions in advance. If there is a flood, we won’t be caught off guard. But I’m not good at river engineering, so you may not be able to send me there.”

Fu Qiuning nodded and sighed: "The Yellow River has raised the children of China, but it has brought many disasters to the people on both sides of the bank. Alas! It is said that Dayu controlled the water back then, why didn't he manage the Yellow River properly? If it can be stopped forever. How nice would it be to avoid future troubles?”

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "How can such a cheap thing be possible? The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. Since humans are already the masters of this world, if there are no natural disasters or man-made disasters, wouldn't it violate the cycle of heaven?"

Fu Qiuning hurriedly waved his hands and said: "Come on, let's continue talking, it's time to practice Zen. I just asked you about Prince Lie's movements, but you haven't said anything yet."

Jin Fengju sneered and said: "What is there to say? He pretended to be good for a while before, and the emperor also showed a sense of relief in his words. But now that the emperor is sick, I feel a little impatient when I look at him. Also, becoming a prince means that he is more constrained than before, so how can he be willing to do so?"

"What? The emperor is sick?" Fu Qiuning was surprised, but Jin Feng raised his hand and said: "It's okay, it's just a cold infection. The imperial doctor said it will be fine in three to five days. We don't have to go to court during these days. If anything happens I have ordered all matters to be reported to the prince. You see, he will definitely not be lonely, but this has nothing to do with us. Yes, in a few days, there will be a big market in the capital, selling all kinds of new year's goods. I will take Would you like to go out for a walk?"

Fu Qiuning's eyes brightened, and he nodded: "Okay, what's wrong with this? Who wants to be locked up at home all day long? You have to keep your word." After Jin Fengju repeated his assurances, and saw Fu Qiuning showing a happy smile, he I couldn't help but feel very pleased.

The tenth day of the twelfth lunar month was the day of the capital gathering. Fu Qiuning got up early that morning. He first sent Jin Fengju to court and the children to school. Then he washed himself and said to Yu Jie, "I won't take him with you today." Others will only take you with them. After the new year and the beginning of spring are the wedding days, whatever you like, you can buy what you need. If the money is not enough, I will give you more."

Yujie blushed and said, "What are you prepared for? I'm just a slave, and it's not like their family doesn't know." After finishing his words, Fu Qiuning said seriously: "What are you talking about? Even if you are a slave, you are different from ordinary slaves. You don’t need to say much, just follow me. Even if I don’t have any money, it’s okay to blackmail me for a few dollars. Yes, has anything happened recently? Isn’t there anyone rummaging through this jewelry box or something?”

Yu Jie smiled and said: "Perhaps the ghost was frightened before, but there has been no movement these days. Grandma, this is really strange. What do you think they came for? I thought about it, They all feel puzzled.”

Fu Qiuning sneered and said: "No matter what they are here for, the water will come and the earth will cover the soldiers and they will stop them." After saying that, he looked at the face in the mirror, nodded with satisfaction, and stood up. Jian Feng had already taken a pair of velvet piping. A long crimson coat embroidered with hibiscus branches, thin cotton trousers and a crimson pleated skirt embroidered with albizia flowers came over and helped Fu Qiuning change into it. Then he put a fox fur cloak with a hood on her body and covered her tightly. After looking at it carefully, he smiled and said, "It's better now. Grandma won't have to suffer from the cold."

"Everywhere is frozen, it's all because of the stings of you scorpions." Fu Qiuning said with a smile. He turned around in the mirror and felt very satisfied. He couldn't help but smile and said: "If a few children know that I I went out for a walk with you, and I’m not sure why I’m upset, but there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s a cold day, and there are no guards. With so many children, it might be a big disaster if they can’t take care of them. It’s okay to bring only one or two. So, who should be taken but not whom? Rather than letting people say that I am partial, it would be better not to take anyone with me."