Higher Level Wife

Chapter 233: Accidents came one after another


Qiu Yu shrank for a moment and said: "Because this matter has not stopped since this autumn, although grandma is not happy, she does not seem to be investigating thoroughly. The slave thinks that grandma has a plan in her heart, and there is no shortage of this thing." , I didn’t tell grandma.”

Fu Qiuning waved his hand and said softly: "That's all, now I finally know what it is for. Master, come with me and have a look. I remember that the coral stone earrings were placed in a locked box that day, and they may not be able to find them. Let’s go.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jian Fengqi said, "What do you mean? Why did grandma think of that pair of coral stone earrings? Aren't you allergic to those things?"

Fu Qiuning said: "Anyway, it's useful. You are not allowed to say a word about this matter. If I hear about it, I will be beaten to death. Do you understand me clearly?"

Although Jian Feng and Qiu Yu were bought from outside, they were both stable and reliable people after serving Fu Qiuning for so many days. Therefore, Fu Qiuning had always been kind to them. How had he ever seen his master speak with such murderous intent? Looking at Jin Fengju again, his handsome face was as gloomy as water dripping from his face. They were both smart people. How could they not know the importance of this matter at this moment? He quickly knelt down and swore that he would never reveal a word.

Fu Qiuning nodded, knowing that she had shocked the two maids, so she took the key from her body, opened the locked box, and picked out several layers of clothes and fabrics. When she saw a paper bag, she reached out to take it. He sighed: "How can I really say that? Why did you open this box that day? If it weren't for this, I'm afraid such a pair of things wouldn't be placed here. If they were randomly placed in the jewelry box or the irrelevant ones outside, Isn't it possible for people to take advantage of the urgent box?" As he said this, he handed the paper package to Jin Fengju.

Jin Fengju took a deep breath and stared at the small paper package. After a long time, he gently opened the paper package layer by layer. When he saw what was inside, he couldn't help but close his eyes. One hand also clenched a fist, and the sound of "crack-crack" bones was heard immediately.

Even though she was mentally prepared, when Fu Qiuning really saw that the coral pendant in the paper bag was exactly the same as the one she found under the bookshelf, she couldn't help but her eyes went dark for a while, and the two held each other's hands. , supporting each other's bodies, after a long time, Jin Fengju held the paper bag in his fist, took a deep breath and said: "Okay, very good, this ghost turned out to be my pillow person, and gave birth to a baby for me. Daughter of people, this is really good…”


Fu Qiuning squeezed Jin Fengju's hand and looked at him worriedly, but didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. Since you have worked so hard, if I don't repay you well, how can I be worthy of the people behind the scenes?" After Jin Fengju finished speaking, he shouted loudly outside: "Jin Ming, Jin Ming..."

"Master, you forgot? Jin Ming asked you to stay outside the study and guard you. You are not here at this time." Fu Qiuning reminded Jin Fengju, then helped him sit down on the couch, and whispered: "Master, I know you are saying this now. I can't listen to it. It's just a knife on the head. No matter what mood you are in now, you have to endure it. Only by enduring it can you calm yourself down. Only those who calm down will make the most powerful counterattack and the most powerful response. Correct judgment, you must not show calmness on the face, but your heart is filled with anger."

Fu Qiuning's words spoke to Jin Fengju's heart. Couldn't he just keep calm on the surface at this time? In fact, his heart was full of murderous intent and anger. He wished he could rush into Aunt Huo's yard right now and cut into pieces the woman who married him with a purpose.

After taking a few deep breaths, Jin Fengju suppressed all his murderous intentions and nodded: "I understand, Qiu Ning, I won't be rash. Just tell me to calm down and I will know what to do."

"I feel relieved if you can say this." Fu Qiuning nodded, then sighed and said softly: "Now Aunt Huo's motives have not been found out. Maybe she was forced by someone, maybe she was pregnant from the beginning. Purpose. But no matter what, it’s true that I hate her. Don’t hate her on the child. Although the fourth girl has a louder mouth, she is not the kind with a bad nature... "

Before she could finish speaking, Jin Fengju looked over and said with a slight smile: "Are you afraid that I will hate Wujiwu like I did towards Feng'er Jiao'er? Don't worry, I have learned that lesson and will never do this again. She is just How old is she? What her mother did has nothing to do with her. It's just Xiangmian... this bitch can't be kept."

Fu Qiuning knew in her heart that Aunt Xu had just said something she shouldn't have said in front of the children that day, and had used tricks to frame herself. She was not tolerated by Jin Fengju and was driven to Zhuangzi. Now that Aunt Huo is a naked traitor, Jin Fengju will definitely not be able to tolerate her. This was Jin Fengju. If it were another man, he might have killed him with his sword at this time.

Yin nodded and said: "Yes, these things are naturally done by me, and I will not plead for Aunt Huo. Just listening to what I just said, I must have a plan in my heart. Speaking of which, you The power of concentration is really beyond the reach of many people. Well, I’m afraid you want to be quiet now, so I won’t disturb you. Do you want to rest here for a while, or go back to the study? Jin Ming is still outside the study. "

Although Jin Fengju was already so angry that his heart ached, he couldn't help but smile after hearing this, stood up and said, "You are obviously chasing me to the study."

Seeing him smiling, Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Don't be ignorant of good people's hearts. I just reminded him because Jin Ming is my confidant. I naturally have to go to him to deal with such a matter slowly. That's why I reminded you."

Jin Fengju had no intention of joking with Fu Qiuning at this time, so he nodded and said, "Yes, you reminded me well." After that, he walked out of the room and went straight to the study.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Yu Jie happened to come over and asked doubtfully: "What do you mean? Why are you leaving? The sun is going down now, and it's time for dinner. Nothing can happen." In such a hurry? Grandma won't let him go."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "He is a busy man, so he naturally has to do things. Hasn't he eaten at our place few times this year? This is the only one and a half meals."

Yujie smiled and said: "That's true. I think that in the five years that I have been in Wanfengxuan, I haven't even seen him, so why don't we come here anyway? By the way, grandma, I just saw Jian Feng and Qiu Yu. Little Hoozi looks ugly, but he was scolded by grandma or little Marquis? They have always been calm, so they shouldn't have made any big mistakes."

Fu Qiuning's face stiffened, and he coughed to cover it up: "It's nothing, someone messed around with things again, so I just said a few words to them. I think they were aggrieved, and it will be fine after a while." After saying that, he saw Yu Jie. She didn't speak, just stared at herself, and sighed, knowing in her heart that she couldn't hide it from this smart maid. She didn't intend to hide it from Yu Jie. If Yu Jie and Yu Niang had shared weal and woe with her over the years, they were truly first-class caring people. Yin Bian said: "Now is not the time to talk about this matter. Tomorrow morning you go to the stable in the backyard and ask for a carriage, and I will go with you to visit Yuniang. Years ago, I originally said that I was going to visit her, but what happened later She has forgotten all these things, and she is seven months old now, right?"

Yu Jie said with a smile: "I'm afraid it will be longer, and I'm afraid I might have to give birth. Since grandma is so excited, I'll tell them to get ready today. We can pack up and leave early tomorrow morning."

Fu Qiuning nodded, and Yu Jie left happily. He came back after a while and said, "Everything is ready. We can leave anytime tomorrow. Grandma, let's see if there is anything else that needs to be prepared."

At that moment, Fu Qiuning packed some gifts and needlework for Yu Niang. Then it got dark. She ordered someone to prepare the meal. Jin Zangfeng, Jin Zangjiao and Jin Xiunan quickly came over and sat down. Only Jin Zhenyi was still missing. Fu Qiuning couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Where did Brother Yi go? The little boy who followed him Are you back?"

Jian Feng hurriedly went out and saw Bai Lu coming. Seeing Fu Qiuning getting angry, Bai Lu explained: "The boys who were following me have come back. They said that they didn't know what they saw. They didn't force them to come back first. They just thought Brother will be back soon, but unexpectedly he has waited until now, grandma, what should I do?"

"What should I do? Why don't you send someone to look for him quickly?" Fu Qiuning was also anxious, thinking that today was such a bad day. First, such a big thing happened in the study, and Jin Fengju was still in the house at the moment. Then Brother Yi disappeared again. If he was ignorant and wandering around, I wouldn't give him a few words to talk about. Although I thought so, I also had an ominous premonition in my heart, knowing that this matter would definitely not be that simple.

So the people in Fengya Building didn't have anything to eat. No matter men, women, old or young, they were all sent out to look for someone. It was freezing cold, let alone other places, just this garden. How easy was it to search all over? Besides, it was getting dark. Fortunately, Fu Qiuning was not confused yet and quickly asked where the two young men, Jin Zhenyi, separated from them. When she heard that it was in the plum forest at the back, she couldn't help but "thump" in her heart. The plots in the TV series she had watched in her previous life suddenly appeared in her mind. I don't know how many people were arrested because they accidentally discovered some secret. People were silenced.

"Brother Yi is so bold. What kind of place is this? He dares to go there without taking the boy with him." Fu Qiuning gritted his teeth with hatred, and his heart was full of worry. If a child who has just turned eight years old really sees something secret, will it be discovered? , then there really is no room for struggle.