Higher Level Wife

Chapter 241: Reduce fever


This thought was just an occasional thought, and she immediately put it behind her. Looking at the hourglass, Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao were about to finish school, so she stood up and thought about visiting Jin Zhenyi. She just got out of the door. I saw Chuanghua running and jumping over, and I was shocked when I saw her. She hurriedly saluted, and then said bluntly: "Grandma, Mrs. Liu came here with an imperial doctor, saying she came to check on Young Master Yi's illness. "

As soon as the little girl finished speaking, she heard hurried footsteps on the corridor, and then Aunt Xu rushed over, grabbed Fu Qiuning's arm, and said anxiously: "Brother Yi is getting hot... He was fine before taking a nap. I saw him just now. Your face is all red, if you reach out and touch it, it will burn you to death, grandma, what should I do?"

Fu Qiuning hurriedly patted her hand, first turned to the window grill and said: "Go and invite Imperial Doctor Liu in." Then he turned to Aunt Xu and said: "Don't panic, when the two imperial doctors came to see you before, they both said Brother Yi After all, my son had been lying in the snow for a while, and there was an injury on the back of his head. The wind and cold invaded the body, so it was bound to happen. Now, wouldn't Dr. Liu be here? He is the best at treating wind and cold in the hospital, Brother Yi My son is my son, if something happens to him, will I deal with it carelessly?"

The two of them entered the house as they spoke. After that, Doctor Liu came in, checked his pulse carefully, and prescribed a prescription. Because Jin Fengju was not at home, he left Jin Ming to take care of him. At this time, Doctor Liu explained to him carefully, and after hearing the screen A calm voice came and said: "Jin Ming sent Dr. Liu to have a rest for Aunt Xu and I. The room has been prepared. Just ask Jian Feng."

Because Jin Ming and Dr. Liu had gone out, a maid suddenly reported that Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Wanying, Aunt Huo, were coming to visit Jin Zhenyi. Before Fu Qiuning could say anything, Aunt Xu sneered and said, "Why are they here to visit? They are obviously here to visit." It depends on whether my brother is dead or not. If he knew he was awake, I might not be able to sleep and eat well."

Fu Qiuning said: "I'm not at home right now, so it's better to delay. Besides, my wife is here too. She cares about her grandson anyway. Don't forget what you said before, and restrain yourself now." After that, he met Xu. The aunt nodded, and she felt relieved. They went out together and met Mrs. Jiang and others on the corridor.

When they saw Aunt Xu, Jiang Wanying and Aunt Huo couldn't help being surprised. They didn't know how they got here all day and night. They only felt frightened in their hearts. When they wanted to inquire about the news, they were afraid of being too eager to arouse suspicion and cause chaos. Under the circumstances, Jiang Wanying even temporarily pushed all the housework to Mrs. Jiang in the name of having a headache, so she had no intention of sending anyone to inquire about the news. Therefore, she and Aunt Huo were completely unaware of Aunt Xu's return.

Mrs. Jiang heard something mentioned by the maids, and she didn't feel it was very strange at the moment. She was just very disdainful of what she had done in the past, so she only glanced at it lightly. Jiang Wanying next to her shouted: "Aunt Xu, you... why are you here?"

When Aunt Xu saw her now, her eyes were filled with hatred. If it had been before, she would have rushed to fight her now even if she had no shame. Now, after all, she had been tortured and was no longer as impulsive as usual, because she just gritted her teeth and looked at the other person.

Seeing that Aunt Xu was silent, Fu Qiuning had no choice but to reply calmly for her: "I thought Brother Yi was feeling uncomfortable at the moment, but Aunt Xu took good care of him when he came back, so he brought him back. What's wrong? Sister Wan doesn't know?"

Jiang Wanying also calmed down at this time. Seeing that there was no abnormality on the faces of Fu Qiuning and Aunt Xu, she felt relieved and said with a sneer: "What are you doing to bring her back? I think Brother Yi and Third Miss should be taken care of by my sister. She is very good, and she is much more sensible than when she was at Hemingxuan. Moreover, there is no one in this house who doesn’t know how my sister treats Brother Feng and Jiao Jiao. The same goes for me, why don’t you still trust me?"

Fu Qiuning didn't care at all about her level of sowing discord, but Mrs. Jiang frowned slightly and secretly wondered when, why did the girl Wan have to take advantage of every opportunity now? Then Fu Qiuning said calmly: "It's nothing. The children are sick and they always want their mother to be around. Besides, I have to take care of things in Fengya Building. Aunt Xu can indeed be more careful than me." As he said, After letting the person go into the room, Mrs. Jiang looked at her, smiled and nodded.

When she came to the back room, she saw Jin Zhenyi's face was red. Mrs. Jiang screamed in surprise and said nervously: "This is a fever. Send someone to call the doctor quickly."

Fu Qiuning said hurriedly: "Mr. Liu just came over to take a look and prescribed a prescription. It is said that injuries caused by snow and wind and cold are inevitable, so there is no need to worry too much, just be more careful."

Mrs. Jiang nodded and said: "Fengju actually invited Dr. Liu here? That's all. He is the best at treating wind and cold diseases. With him taking care of it, everything should be fine. There are so many maids and women in this house, you guys Take turns watching, make sure Brother Yi is safe."

Fu Qiuning, Aunt Xu and the maids all agreed in unison, but Jiang Wanying only had one thing on her mind. Seeing that Mrs. Jiang was silent now, she quickly said: "Brother Yi, it took so long to save him, it's time to Are you awake? Did he tell you who was so evil and cruel? If you tell him, I will never spare him."

Fu Qiuning said calmly: "Although I woke up once or twice, my consciousness was still hazy. I said a few words but the preface and the follower were inconsistent. Aunt Xu and I couldn't understand, and then fell asleep again. The imperial doctor said that the injury was in the brain, and he was drowsy. It’s also normal.”

Jiang Wanying frowned slightly, thinking that she was confused. How great would it be if she could stay confused forever? I often hear people say that someone has a brain injury and forgets the past. If he can forget, that would be great. But now I still don’t know what he can do. This is again in Fengya Building. I I couldn't have intervened. If I had known today, I would have taken these two little evil obstacles to Qingwan Pavilion, and now I wouldn't have these worries.

She was thinking about this in her mind, and Mrs. Jiang asked Fu Qiuning a few more words there. Seeing Aunt Xu and the maids coming in and out, busily bringing water and wet white towels to Jin Zhenyi's forehead, she stood up and said to Jiang Wanying: "That's all. , let’s go, don’t delay them here, taking good care of Brother Yi is the most important thing now.”

After that, he said to Fu Qiuning: "You don't have to go to the old lady and I to set rules these days. The old lady also said that brother Yi is very important now. If there are any changes, send someone to tell me."

Fu Qiuning agreed and sent the person out of the house in person. Then he came back and stayed in Jin Zhenyi's room that day. Neither she nor Mrs. Jiang said the most serious words. Doctor Liu clearly told her that these two days were the most important and she must not let the fever get too severe, otherwise her life would be in danger.

It soon became dark. After Jin Zhenyi drank the medicine, the fever not only did not subside, but became even higher, frightening Aunt Xu so much that she lost control of her hands and feet. There were no thermometers in this era. When Fu Qiuning saw Jin Zhenyi's face turned red, he touched his forehead. When he touched it, he was startled and murmured to himself: "The temperature must be over forty degrees, right? No, It seems we still need to think of something."

"There is nothing we can do now. The medicines prescribed by Dr. Liu are all useless." Aunt Xu wiped her tears, looked at Fu Qiuning beggingly, and choked up: "Otherwise, let Jin Ming ask Dr. Liu to come over for a visit. , I have to get rid of this fever no matter what."

Fu Qiuning comforted her, but he knew in his heart that although Chinese medicine was magical, its effect was slow, and its effect on reducing fever was not as good as that of Western medicine. But right now, there are no antipyretics like Lin Ruizhiqing. She was also so anxious that she didn't know what to do, but suddenly an idea flashed in her mind. She remembered that she had been a volunteer for a while and had taken care of a lonely old man in the hospital. At that time, her fever did not go away, and the nurses seemed to He put ice packs on her armpits, neck and groin, saying that these were the directions of the aorta and would reduce the fever the fastest.

Thinking of this, he quickly called Jian Fengbailu over, and told them to go cut some ice in the pool outside, wrap it two or three layers in a white towel, and put it on the armpits and groin of Jin Zhenyi's neck. Aunt Xu was puzzled. Looking at herself, she said that when she was a child, she saw someone in Zhuangzi doing this to relieve fever, and it was very useful.

Jin Fengju also came back at this time. When he heard that his son had started to have a fever and that the medicine given by Dr. Liu had no effect, he hurried over. He didn't care that he didn't want to see Aunt Xu at all. When he saw many ice packs on Jin Zhenyi's body, he rushed over. Asked Fu Qiuning: "What's going on? Is it useful?"

Fu Qiuning said: "The medicine given by Dr. Liu didn't have much effect, so I had to seek medical treatment in a hurry. Fortunately, the fever seems to have gone down a little now." After removing all the ice packs, Aunt Xu said: " This child's body was so hot that he had to change the ice pack several times in a short time, and the white towel was soaked every time."

As he spoke, he couldn't help wiping his tears, and turned around to ask Bai Lu to bring a new ice pack, but he heard Fu Qiuning say: "Have a rest, it's almost a quarter of an hour, the child's skin is tender, it's not worth it to avoid frostbite." Head."

No one slept a wink that night. Even Jin Fengju stayed in the room all night. Fortunately, he used ice cubes and finally controlled the fever. After midnight, the fever gradually subsided and he drank another bowl of medicine from Dr. Liu. , the forehead is no longer as hot as before.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the third day that the fever subsided. Fu Qiuning immediately sent people to Kangshouyuan and Mrs. Jiang's room to announce the good news. In the afternoon, Jin Yu and Mrs. Jiang came to see again. By the fourth day, Jin Zhenyi was completely awake.

Aunt Xu, Mrs. Fu Qiu Ningjiang and Mrs. Jin were overjoyed. However, there were also people in the house who were restless. It was true that some were happy and some were sad.

"I saw Tian Yu and Qiuxia sneaking around, looking here and there all the way into the plum forest, and I felt strange in my heart. At that time, I thought they were going to steal something to sell. I thought if I found out through prying, I would come back and tell my aunt, which would make them a big embarrassment. Face. That’s why I rejected the boys. Unexpectedly, they didn’t switch things together, they were just talking. I couldn’t hear clearly. I wanted to move forward to join in, but unexpectedly bumped into a tree and made a sound. After hearing this, they came up to see me first. I was panicking. I said a few words casually to dismiss them and wanted to go back. Unexpectedly, before I turned around and walked a few steps, I felt a pain in my head, and then I didn’t know anything. …”