Higher Level Wife

Chapter 244: Peace of mind


Fu Qiuning almost laughed out loud, thinking, what does it mean to be over the age? Is the best age for a woman to have children between twenty-three and thirty-two? It's just that this kind of modern knowledge cannot be discussed with Jin Fengju. And she also suspected that women in ancient times matured too early and were different from modern women. So after thinking about it, he said: "I am not in a hurry myself, why are you sighing? Even if I have no biological flesh and blood in this life, isn't Feng'er Jiao'er my child? They are pure in nature, and no matter they are prosperous or poor in the future, they will inevitably You just won’t abandon me as a mother. In that case, what else do I have to fear? Even if the young master is tired of me getting old, the children will never let me go. "

Jin Fengju smiled bitterly and said: "Why bother to spare me a few sarcastic words? All the words I said to you before have fallen on deaf ears? I'm just afraid that you will feel uncomfortable. Since you can be so open-minded, I naturally have nothing to do with it. You can tell. I'm just afraid that you'll blame me for not working hard enough on you... Oops..." It turned out that he lowered his voice at the last sentence, but was pushed off the bed by Fu Qiuning.


"Feng Ju, the army has been reorganized. Father will set off tomorrow. I will leave the affairs in the capital to you, as well as your sister and the people in this mansion. You should take more care of them on weekdays." Prince Rong's Mansion Zhao Lun and Jin Fengju sat opposite each other on the rockery pavilion in the back garden, with only a few plates of fruit desserts and a jug of wine in front of them.

Zhao Lun usually just likes the food in the cup, but at this time, he has no intention of drinking at all. He just stares at the fruit cups and plates on the table in a daze.

Jin Fengju looked at Prince Rong and thought for a long time before he solemnly said: "Brother-in-law, you... take care of yourself. Of course you can't panic and retreat on the battlefield, but you shouldn't rush for credit everywhere. In the past two years, brother-in-law has become more calm than before, so many words are also There is no need for me to tell you. I just want to tell you, be single-minded and don’t be disturbed by anything in the capital. No matter what happens to me, don’t be upset. And there is a sister in the palace and a queen mother in the palace, so you don’t have to worry."

Looking at his serious expression, Zhao Lun couldn't help but frown, and said softly: "Could it be that Fengju, you already have some plans?"

"It's not that I have any plans, but that His Highness the Crown Prince has finally had such a period of relaxation, so he won't have no plans at all." Jin Fengju tapped the table with his fingers, and suddenly said with a cold smile: "However, Ren He planned everything, fearing that in the end it would be nothing more than a handful of yellow sand, after all, the emperor is not an old fool."

The two of them looked at each other and knew some things well. After careful consideration for a while, Zhao Lun also realized that something was a little strange. In addition, occasionally Jin Fengju would give a few hints, so he was no longer as depressed as before.

So he stood up, patted Jin Fengju's shoulder and said: "Anyway, as you said, people decide what to do and what to do depends on God. Okay, it's getting late, you go back now, I'm going to your sister too I comforted her there. Fortunately, I have her in this house, so I feel more at ease."

Jin Fengju nodded, bowed his hands to Zhao Lun and resigned.

The emperor has always been the most calm person, but perhaps because he has never been on the battlefield since he was born, this time the emperor was very excited and anxious for the expedition. As soon as the news spread in the capital, the army set off.

On this day, the atmosphere in the Duke of Jingguo's palace was a bit gloomy. The female relatives gathered in Kangshouyuan. It was not until nearly noon that they saw Jin Fengju coming in from the outside. Old Mrs. Jin asked: "How are you looking at Prince Rong?" Looks like, but isn’t it very depressed?”

"How could it be?" Jin Fengju understood his grandmother's worries and comforted him with a smile: "Don't worry, ancestors, he is a prince, so there is no need for him to go into battle to kill the enemy? He is just accompanying the emperor. Could it be that the three armies What more mistakes can the soldiers make to the emperor? Logically speaking, my brother-in-law has been a royal child since he was born, and now he should go out and practice. "

Old Mrs. Jin nodded and said thoughtfully: "Of course what you said makes sense. I'm just worried about your sister. Alas! There is no man in such a large palace, and the current prince... I'm just afraid that she is not considerate."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "This ancestor, please relax. It's true that my brother-in-law has left, but everyone under the guard is still there. That is the palace of Prince Rong, how can something go wrong? Besides, I don't know what kind of person my sister is." ? She has had ideas since she was a child, and is used to killing and killing decisively. As long as she doesn't bully others, she is good, and others will never bully her. What's more, there is a Queen Mother in the palace, and that old man is not easy to fool. Qiu Ning is now again She often comes to the palace, and the Queen Mother also likes her and takes care of everything."

Mrs. Jin was relieved by Jin Fengju, and she felt that she felt better. Seeing her daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law sitting there, looking a little worried at herself, she smiled lightly and said: "My old lady has lived for decades. What kind of storms have she not seen? It's not like what you imagined." I'm not responsible. Don't worry about me, just go home. Girl Wan will also go back to deal with things. At this time, our house will be more energetic, and we can't let others see the joke and take advantage of it."

Mrs. Jiang, Jiang Wanying and others hurriedly stood up and agreed, and then everyone stood up and left one by one. After leaving Kangshouyuan, except for that time when she went to Fengya Building to report Qiuxia's suicide, Jiang Wanying, who had never spoken to Jin Fengju since then, smiled and said to Jin Fengju: "The army has already set off. I was thinking about you. No matter what, I had to supervise the supply of food and fodder, but unexpectedly I didn’t have to go. Now I finally let go of it. When I came out this morning, I ordered them to steam a few novel snacks, but the gentlemen at Qiaoer Academy were also busy. After giving the children a holiday, Zhenxuan and Zhen girl are thinking about not seeing you these days and missing their father. If you are free, why don't you go over and see them? "

Jin Fengju glanced at her, and after thinking for a while, he replied calmly: "Okay, I haven't seen Zhenxuan and Zhen girl for a while, so it's time to go and have a look. Jin Ming, take what my ex-father got from Fan Shang." Bring those gems, Zhen girl likes these, so giving this to her will save her from acting coquettishly in front of me."

The smile on Jiang Wanying's face became brighter and brighter, and she said: "As the saying goes, a wise girl is worse than her father, and it's true. I really understand Zhen girl. With these gems, all the resentment and care these days have been forgotten. "After she finished speaking, she looked at Fu Qiuning on the side and said with a smile: "Sister and I have always been inseparable, why don't we go and sit there too?"

Fu Qiuning shook his head and said with a smile: "No. I have been preparing for Yujie's wedding these days, and I have hardly been out of Fengya Building. Since today is a coincidence, I want to go see Aunt Huo. She has been sick since Tian Yu had an accident. This disease has persisted till now."

Jin Fengju said: "You are right. I have been busy with court affairs these days, so I didn't go to visit her. You go over and have a look. If she is still seriously ill, maybe you need to ask the imperial doctor to take a look." After Fu Qiuning agreed, she watched him and Jiang Wanying go to Qingwan Pavilion, and she came to Aunt Huo's courtyard.

After Aunt Huo dealt with Tian Yu, her confidant, she was originally guilty and afraid, and did not dare to see Jin Fengju, so she had to treat her illness. Unexpectedly, she didn't have a good sleep that night. The wind blew in front of the window all night, and she actually contracted the wind and cold. Although she was brave, she had already thought in her heart that one day the scandal would happen, and she might not be able to get good results. . However, over the years, after all, I have been cautious and have not revealed any traces. Even that time in the study, I left the fatal thing in a moment of panic, but I didn't hear anything about it afterwards, so I guess the secret should not have been revealed. It was just an idea that I finally came up with, and I spent a lot of effort to arrange a secret chess move with Fu Qiuning. Who knew that when I was about to use it, I discovered that there was something wrong again, and I couldn't find the thing. Later, Tian Yu and Qiuxia met in the plum forest, and Jin Zhenyi saw them while conspiring, which caused a huge disturbance, and she and Jiang Wanying had to remove two arms with their own hands. Because I was thinking about it in bed, I was constantly worried, so that my body was still strong, but now I was seriously ill due to the cold and fear, and the disease was coming fiercely.

Now that things have happened, she can't help but regret, secretly wondering why Qiuxia and Tian Yu need to meet in the plum forest? So what if I just go to Qingwan Pavilion? It's just a small thing sent from the prince's palace. Wouldn't it be nice to just bring it back secretly without being seen? They only say to be cautious, but being cautious can lead to such a huge disaster. From this point of view, it turns out that the ancients said that cleverness can lead to mistakes. This is all good...

So I was lying in bed, very sick but couldn't sleep, and all these thoughts were in my mind. Suddenly I heard the little maid outside shouting: "Second Grandma Ning is here?" Then she heard Fu Qiuning say lightly: "Well, how about I come and see your aunt? Is she feeling better now?"

Aunt Huo was startled at first, and then she was happy. She secretly thought that she couldn't go out these days, and she didn't know what the situation was like in the house. Now that Fu Qiuning came, she could inquire about it. She sat up because she was busy, and the maid next to her took a pillow and put it behind her. When she heard the door curtain rustle, Fu Qiuning had already walked in.

"elder sister… "

Aunt Huo forced herself to get out of bed and salute. Fu Qiuning hurriedly took a few steps to hold her down. After looking at it carefully, she sighed: "What do you mean? Why are you so sick all of a sudden? Look at how thin she is. , the chin is so pointed."