Higher Level Wife

Chapter 25: overnight


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Fu Qiuning choked a mouthful of shepherd's purse in his throat, and finally swallowed it, thinking to himself, I'm sorry I just did a useless job in diverting my attention, and I didn't forget the shepherd's purse zygote, that's all, just give it to him if he wants to eat it. , hum, maybe just like those modern dignitaries, they are used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, but it is still new to them when they eat this. "

Sure enough, Jin Fengju only took one bite and said it was delicious. He ate most of the shepherd's purse zygote in a large porcelain bowl in a blink of an eye. On the contrary, the meat dishes were not touched at all. Fu Qiuning was not polite and took all the meat and tendons. In the bowls of brother and sister Zang Feng and Zang Jiao.

But they heard the brother and sister say in unison: "Mom, this is a rare dish. Give it to daddy. The two of us can just eat the shepherd's purse zygotes."

Fu Qiuning thought to herself, they are really two little traitors. What did your father do to you before, was he more than just a wolf-hearted person? Now that I see you are doing well, I like you again, and I have given you some benefits, my heart has immediately turned to his side. While thinking about it, he said softly: "Dad doesn't eat these things. He likes to eat zygotes. You can eat these."

Who is Jin Fengju? He couldn't tell that the family was living in poverty. He said warmly, "Yes, dad doesn't like eating meat. You two can eat it." After saying that, he picked up another egg and asked, "What did you just say this is?" Food? How come you haven’t eaten it on weekdays?”

Fu Qiuning secretly said, just eat what you want. Why are there so many problems? Am I telling you that they are wild vegetables dug from the ground? Of course she couldn't say that. She didn't want Jin Fengju to know about her current poverty and send him this or that. Once that happened, she would be inseparable from the Marquis Mansion.

Yin thought about it for a while and then said: "It's not an unusual dish, it's shepherd's purse. It's not something that can be tasted on a regular basis, but I like the taste of it, so I got it to eat. I didn't expect the little Marquis to like it too."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "It tastes very special." After eating a few more eggs and two pieces of eggs, he smiled and said: "I have been busy outside these days, and I have been given the imperial meal, but there is nothing. I feel so full like today." After saying that, he looked at Yu Jie and said, "Go and make two cups of tea."

Fu Qiuning rolled his eyes inwardly and said to himself, Little Marquis, you really don't regard yourself as an outsider. You can handle my maid very well. While thinking about it, I saw Yu Jie, the most beautiful man who had never seen the world, called out and entered the house with floating steps as if he had forgotten what night it was.

"Take the newly bought tea from Qian'er." Fu Qiuning was afraid that Yu Jie would bring out the tea from green plums again, so she hurriedly shouted, but Jin Fengju asked doubtfully: "Newly bought? Where did you buy it?" She then realized that she had made a mistake. , hurriedly whispered: "I made a mistake in my impatience, it's the newly received tea."

Jin Fengju smiled slightly and said softly: "Actually, it's not necessary. I still want to drink the tea from last time. Didn't you say that you won't get sick easily after drinking that?"

Fu Qiuning didn't answer, thinking, do you still need to drink green plum tea to strengthen your immunity? Come on, look at how strong you are, and I heard that you still have martial arts skills. Would you like to practice boxing every morning more effectively than drinking ten bowls of green plum tea

This tea was brought back by Zhang San on the day Yujie came because Jin Fengju didn't have any tea. It was considered to be of good quality, but Jin Fengju didn't take it seriously. After rinsing his mouth, he drank half a cup. Let it go.

Fu Qiuning and Jin Zangfeng, brothers and sisters, also finished their meal here. Yujie and Yuniang packed up another meal for Jin Ming to eat. The two of them ate some of the leftovers. After cleaning up, the sky turned completely dark. .

Seeing that Jin Fengju still had no intention of getting up, Fu Qiuning couldn't help but get really anxious, secretly thinking what's going on? Do you really want to spend the night here? Yin said tactfully: "Sir, it's already dark. Why don't I bring a lantern to Manager Jin? It's a bit far across the garden. I heard that there are no girls living in the garden now."

Jin Fengju nodded and said: "Well, it's okay if there are more people, but they don't dare to live in such a big garden with just two people." After saying that, he stood up and stretched and said, "Since it's so late tonight, I'm too lazy to go back. I'll just rest here. Feng'er, Zangjiao, let's go to the study room with daddy, and let daddy watch you write some big characters."

Fu Qiuning almost fainted, but fortunately there was no ambiguous hint from Jin Fengju. Moreover, he was always indifferent to him, and he probably didn't have any needs in any way, so he managed to calm down, but Jin Ming caught up and said: " Master, since I’m staying here, why don’t you go and say something to Second Grandma?”

"No need. If they sleep less at night, they may not have the energy to fight so happily during the day." After Jin Fengju finished speaking, he took the little hands of Jin Zangfeng and his sister and walked out.

Fu Qiuning quickly made arrangements, placing Jin Zangfeng, brother and sister, and Jin Fengju on the same bed, while he slept on the bed in Yujie and Yuniang's room. Now that the weather was getting warmer, they couldn't afford to burn more food at night. With so much coal, only these two kangs still have some warmth. I'm sorry, Jin Ming, go sleep on the cold bed. If he feels bad, he can persuade his master to come less often in the future, so that he can worry less.

After the arrangements were made, the sound of reading could be heard from the study room. Fu Qiuning shook his head, thinking that the young prince was really in a good mood. I hope he was only enthusiastic for three minutes, otherwise if he grows up in the future, he would be really excited. It's a bit troublesome, don't worry about anything else, just talk about food, but how to arrange it? In this meal today, he ate three days' worth of food.

Because she just felt worried while sitting there, and she didn't know how much time had passed, she saw Jin Fengju coming back with the two children, and said to her: "It's getting late, I think we should take a rest. The two little guys also looked a little sleepy." ”

Fu Qiuning nodded and led him to the inner room. The bedding was already laid out. He put his hand in and found it very warm and comfortable. Jin Fengju was very satisfied. Seeing that Fu Qiuning only arranged himself and his children here, he felt even more satisfied. I feel that this Mr. Fu really knows the general situation and knows how to advance and retreat. From the moment she entered this yard, everything she arranged was to make her feel comfortable.

He stayed tonight to test Fu Qiuning's feelings. If the other party wanted to use this opportunity to get involved, then he would never keep this woman. Only when the other party treats her calmly is the Fu she wants. You know, no matter how resentful you are in your heart, as an abandoned wife, your husband will suddenly be here to rest, and you will inevitably be excited and unable to control yourself. You will inevitably make the wrong idea, thinking that you will take advantage of this opportunity to have fun with your husband, and then you will be able to live happily ever after. . (To be continued)