Higher Level Wife

Chapter 250: Boat


After sighing, Fu Qiuning stopped trying to persuade him. If you say something like "give me a chance", you are not only a virgin, but also pretentious. After all, Jin Fengju was right, what he said was what Jiang Wanying and Aunt Huo chose. If he is forced, it is excusable, but in this era, which man can tolerate the betrayal of his wife and concubines? No matter what reasons you have for being so heartbroken, if Jin Fengju can do this, it is already considered generous.

So he stopped the topic and said softly: "Yes, my mother and Aunt Luo must accompany them. I thought that the air in the south is humid, and they really have nowhere to go. It would be embarrassing to stay here, so I wanted to take them with me." They go there together. What do you think?"

Jin Fengju scratched his hair and said hesitantly: "It's not necessarily safe to go to Quanzhou. We are still young, but both aunts are weak, so I'm afraid there will be more inconvenience..." Before he could finish, Fu Qiuning listened. He smiled and said, "My mother and Aunt Luo are in much better health now than before. Don't worry, if I need to run away, I will never hold you back." After saying this, Jin Fengju couldn't help laughing and pressed a soft kiss on Fu Qiuning's forehead. After playing it for a while, he smiled and said: "Let me run away? Just because of a few incompetent Japanese pirates? Qiu Ning, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Jin Fengju was so confident, Fu Qiuning was naturally happy. The couple chatted for a few more words until someone called for lunch, and then they stopped talking.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to set off.

"Second brother, sister-in-law, you should take care..."

After bidding farewell to the old lady, Mrs. Jiang, Mrs. Fang and others in Kangshouyuan, Jin Fengju finally took Fu Qiuning, Jiang Wanying and others out of the west corner gate. Jin Yanfang led the male and female servants to the door, and Fang had to say goodbye reluctantly.

Patting his sister on the shoulder, Jin Fengju comforted him with a smile: "Don't worry, you can help my wife with the housework at home. I will thank you solemnly when my second brother comes back. Okay, go back and comfort the old lady and my wife. What happened just now Although they are holding it back, they are afraid that they will burst into tears at this time. The old lady is old and cannot bear such joy and sorrow."

"Since I know I can't help it, at least you have to keep yourself safe outside." Jin Yanfang wiped her red and swollen eyes and silently watched Jin Fengju and others get into the car. It wasn't until the carriage convoy disappeared that she turned back sadly: This What will be the future of the great Duke of Jingguo without Jin Fengju as its backbone? No one can say for sure. Also, what the hell is going on? Why does the originally clear sky suddenly turn cloudy? She really couldn't understand.

"Let's go to the dock, first go directly to Ningbo via the canal, and then take a sea boat from Ningbo to Quanzhou to disembark."

On the carriage, Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning hugged several children. Jin Fengju explained to Qiu Ning the route he had arranged, and said in a deep voice: "In this way, although the journey will be longer, you can know a lot of things. Let me have an idea. If you don’t like to go on a sea ship, you can take the land route... "

"What's not to like? Children should also experience some storms. But since the situation in Quanzhou is what you said, then the fleet of sea ships must have some guards. I should have asked this in vain, right?"

"This is natural." Jin Fengju said with a smile: "Don't worry, the adults who were sent to preside over the opening of the sea are very good friends with me. You can leave this aspect to them."

Fu Qiuning didn't expect this. When he heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Such a big tone? Are you friends with me? Impossible? Didn't that person fight for such a big thing in the first place?"

Jin Feng said with a smile: "He was thinking that Japanese pirates are rampant in these places. Not to mention wealth, even human life is at stake. What's there to fight for? If my brother-in-law and I are willing to go there, maybe we can let the Japanese pirates deal with it without him having to do anything. . So it’s too late for him to be happy, so he won’t be able to compete with us.”

Fu Qiuning fell silent, thinking that this prince was really short-sighted, if nothing else. The children couldn't understand or be interested in what she said to Jin Fengju at this time. At this time, several little guys were twisting their bodies and looking out. Because they were about to fall into ambush, they were all wearing thin clothes. Jin Fengju took a few glances and smiled: "You are well prepared. The material is breathable and comfortable." It's comfortable. I'm afraid it will be even hotter when we move into the south. With these clothes, we can suffer less."

Before Fu Qiuning could answer, he suddenly heard Jin Zhenyi shouting happily: "Boats, there are so many boats. Mom and dad, look quickly. There are many, many boats over there."

The couple looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they had arrived at the pier. After a while, the carriage stopped as expected, and the coachman respectfully said outside: "Reporting to Grandpa and Grandma, the dock has arrived."

Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning got out of the car and saw that this was a very wide dock. At this time, the coolies and trackers on the dock had been separated by the guards and soldiers, but they still stretched their necks to look here. , I want to know which nobleman is going to take the boat.

Although Jin Fengju was demoted, his title was still there, so he had a lot of guards this time. Moreover, the emperor's previous decree in reply to the prince said that "a small punishment will not lead to death." Worry." So he was given the 100-man guard team that Jin Fengju had used when he was the imperial envoy. There were also an additional 300 imperial guards accompanying him. Yu Jie's husband was also among the imperial guards, so Yu Jie returned to the army openly and honestly. Come back and serve. However, Yu Niang stayed in Beijing because her child was still young.

At this time, seeing Yu Jie coming forward, his eyes were full of excitement. Fu Qiuning shook his head and said with a smile: "I thought I would marry you off earlier so that you would not have to nag me all the time, but I didn't expect that after all this going around, you would actually come back again. Well, I still have to listen to your nagging every day. "

Yujie chuckled and said, "That means grandma doesn't see how easy it is to get rid of me, right?" Now that she is married to a member of the imperial forest, she can no longer bear the status of a slave, so Fu Qiuning has already sold herself to the public. The deed was returned to her. This time when we come out together, she is only Fu Qiuning's friend in name, not his slave. However, in various matters, she still regarded herself as a slave, but her title was slightly changed.

When the fleet to welcome Jin Fengju slowly came over, Fu Qiuning had also been on a sea ship in his previous life, so he couldn't help but secretly cheer for these big ships. Thinking that Jin Fengju had said that the shipyards in Jiangnan and other places had just started to develop, she couldn't help but feel a little strange, and asked doubtfully: "The shipyards have just started to develop and there are such big ships? Isn't this amazing?"

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "That's the one in the south of the Yangtze River. The original shipyard was expanded to build bigger and more majestic ships. That's why it was launched. This is a treasure ship made in the suburbs of Beijing, because the late emperor liked to go to the south of the Yangtze River along the canal, and the emperor also They attach great importance to the passage of the canal and water transportation, so this shipyard is very powerful. The fleet you are seeing now is specially used by the imperial envoys to go to the south of the Yangtze River. How about it? It's very majestic, right?"

The big ship was two stories high. Fu Qiuning couldn't help but think of the big ship in the movie "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" that he had watched in his previous life. Just watching it on the screen that day, he felt very shocked. However, now that I have been there, I know how heart-shaking the scene is when facing such a giant ship.

There was already strong excitement in the eyes of the children. If their father hadn't been by his side, Fu Qiuning could guarantee that these little guys would have jumped up. But at this time, they had to stay beside him. Seeing Jiang Wanying directing groups of carriages and horses to board the ships nearby that were specially designed to carry goods, she walked over, wondering if she could lend a hand in such a busy situation, but unexpectedly she only saw the other party's wary eyes. It seems that whenever he opens his mouth, he wants to steal the limelight.

So he stepped back, thinking that there really are such people in this world, who would rather suffer in order to be in the limelight. Wang Xifeng took over the funeral of Qin Keqing in Ningguo Mansion because he liked to show off his talents. You said that there was no one else except coolies and workers on the dock. Even the coolies were pushed aside at this time and they would not be allowed to see this place. Daughter, she has long harbored resentment towards Jin Fengju. Who is she showing off her talent to? With this thought in her mind, when she saw Jiang Wanying's busy feet not touching the ground, but with a smile on her face, and sometimes a serious look on her face, with an aura of calmness and dignity, she knew that the other party was enjoying it.

In this case, I simply didn't care. I just stood on the pier and looked at the line of water and sky, wondering, why didn't I see any seagulls? After thinking about it, I couldn't help but laugh at myself, secretly thinking that this is a canal, where would there be seagulls? Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Jin Fengju say: "Okay, let's board the ship."

Fu Qiuning nodded, stretched out his hand to hold Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao, and then motioned for Jin Fengju to take the hand of Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan. Because he did not take Aunt Xu to the appointment this time, he had to take care of the emotions of the two little guys.

Aunt Xu begged hard, hoping that she could go to Quanzhou with her children, even if she died without complaining, but Jin Fengju firmly refused, saying that this place was not clean after all, and the more people she brought with her, the more burdensome she would be, so the family Among them, there were only Jiang Wanying, Fu Qiuning and a few concubines and children, and the others were all bodyguards.

When we got on the boat, several children jumped up and down on the deck out of curiosity, laughing loudly. Fu Qiuning couldn't hold back the other one. He couldn't help but stamp his feet anxiously and said: "My little ancestors, where is this place? Just let it go and let the boat sail. After a while, the boat will start. Be careful when you get down."