Higher Level Wife

Chapter 251: Set off


"Okay, okay, let's go to the cabin and have a look." Fu Qiuning was afraid that Jin Fengju would scold the children, so he quickly winked at Jin Zhenyi. Seeing that he immediately understood what he meant, he shouted: "Yes, yes, daddy, aunt, we Let’s go and have a look in the cabin. I’ve never been on a boat before.”

Just one sentence made Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning laugh. They thought, how big has this little guy grown? It’s embarrassing to say this, but some people have never been on a boat in their lives. So when they came to the second floor of the ship, Jin Ming pointed out everyone's cabin one by one. When the children went in and took a look, they were puzzled and said flatly: "Why is the room so small? You didn't even turn around." It all seems difficult?”

"This room has a bed, a table and chairs, so it's very nice. Don't look at how many people we brought this time. There are only two ships in total. One can carry carriages and horses and half of the guards. The rest of the people We are all on this ship, you think it yourselves, is this a small room?"

Fu Qiuning said angrily, so Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zhenyi started counting on their fingers, rolling their eyes, as if they were trying hard to imagine whether such a big ship would be spacious or crowded for hundreds of people.

Fu Qiuning had no time to pay attention to them. He asked to stay in the room and arranged for the maids to accompany him. Then he turned back to the deck and saw Jin Fengju standing on the bow of the ship. He only heard a long anchor-weighing signal, and then After a while, the big boat slowly slid away, and the calm waves were immediately separated from the middle, and white waves appeared.

Fu Qiuning was wearing embroidered shoes, and there were some water stains on the deck. At this time, the ship was sailing, and she couldn't help but feel a little unsteady. She screamed, and the next moment, a familiar big hand held her wrist and helped her stand firm. Body, but who else could it be if it wasn’t Jin Fengju

"I just said that the children are wild. Why are you up now? The wind will get strong on the bow of the ship soon. Let's go back." Jin Fengju said with a soft smile. Before he could finish speaking, Fu Qiuning turned his head on him. Take a look, then hold his hand and walk step by step to the bow of the ship, looking around.

This treasure ship was very huge, and because of the favorable wind, its speed slowly increased at this time, and the dock soon became a small black spot. Fu Qiuning looked around and saw that although the canal was wide, she could vaguely see the groves and homes on both sides. She couldn't help but sigh: "It's really good."

"What's good?" Jin Fengju was a little curious, thinking, madam, do you know? Now I have been demoted. Look at you, how do you feel that you are a family member of a demoted official? But seeing his wife so excited, he was actually very happy. After all, this trip had certain risks, and Qiu Ning had to go with him. This was the relationship between husband and wife, but if she was actually worried, he would also be uneasy. Seeing that Fu Qiuning had no such emotions at this time, he unknowingly relaxed.

The children thought it was new at first. They ran out of the cabin and appeared on the deck, leaving only a few maids and boys and Fu Qiuning who were watching them exhausted. Jin Fengju felt that there was nothing wrong with letting the children see more of the world. Seeing that the maids and servants were very dedicated, he didn't take it too seriously. This continued until noon, when these little guys were really tired and finally stopped.

"Someone just cast a net and caught a few big fish. Today we will have fish heads stewed with tofu for lunch. After all, they have experience and bought tofu on the shore and took it to the boat. I just said where did this stuff come from? It's just that it's not For two days, unless we dock at the dock, we won’t be able to eat fresh vegetables and tofu. Please tell the children not to be busy sleeping until after dinner.”

Fu Qiuning thought of this ancient pollution-free fresh fish head tofu, even though she was not an avid foodie, she couldn't help but salivate at this moment. So with the red Jin Xiu Nan, Jin Zangjiao and the quarrelsome Jin Zhenyi, they finally let the few kids wait till dinner time, and then the group came to the restaurant.

But they saw Jiang Wanying walking over holding the hands of Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen. All three of them looked pale. Fu Qiuning was stunned for a moment, thinking, right? Several of our people are fine, are they the only three who are seasick? He quickly stepped forward and asked, and it turned out to be true. All three of them vomited two or three times. At this time, their stomachs were empty, and it was only the maids who carried them to the dining room.

Fu Qiuning hurriedly asked a few people if they had taken the medicine prepared for seasickness, and asked the kitchen to quickly prepare some light side dishes. Jiang Wanying is lying down now, and she, the matron of the house, must take responsibility.

Fortunately, the food on the ship was always light, and Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen's symptoms were less severe than their mother's, so they drank two bowls of fish soup. Seeing that Jiang Wanying was really unable to support herself, Fu Qiuning had no choice but to arrange the two children next to him so that he could take care of them nearby.

In this way, the ship sailed downwind and arrived in Ningbo in only three days. Jiang Wanying had been unable to get out of bed for the past three days. Now she has finally adapted a little. She was very happy to hear that she was going to go ashore. But according to what Fu Qiuning said, if he stayed on the shore for two or three days and had to work on a seagoing ship, he would probably be even more dizzy by then. It would be better to take advantage of the fact that he was almost used to it and go to Quanzhou in one go. Although she hated Fu Qiuning very much, in normal times, she would definitely contradict him at this moment. But this time it was related to his own body. He was dissatisfied with his words, but he knew it made sense in his heart, so he acquiesced. So after the two ships were replenished at Ningbo Pier, they immediately set sail and entered the sea.

Although the Grand Canal is wide, it is man-made after all. Even on the widest stretch of water, you can see homes on both sides of the river. However, when the boat entered the sea, it was different. From a distance, the sea and the sky are really the same color, and the seagulls that Fu Qiuning was thinking about also appeared on the bow of the ship.

"It looks like you really like taking a boat. How about it? Did Wanying's condition get better after the boat entered the sea?"

As I was leisurely enjoying the gentle sea breeze on the bow of the boat, I heard a voice behind me. Fu Qiuning turned around and saw Jin Fengju coming forward, and he naturally held her hand.

"Second Grandma Wan has been vomiting for a few days. She is finally feeling better today, but she is still unable to do anything." Fu Qiuning explained, and Jin Fengju didn't ask any more questions, because the couple stood side by side on the bow of the boat, looking at the sea and sky. Looking at the nine huge sails on the ship, Fu Qiuning couldn't help but murmured: "There will be a time to ride the wind and waves, and hang sails directly to the sea. Master, I am here to wish you success in your appointment in Quanzhou. Returning to Beijing in glorious glory."

Jin Fengju was so excited by the two lines of Fu Qiuning's poem. When he heard the last line, he couldn't help but laugh. He looked at his lover up and down and said, "Why do you say such polite words? You are suspected of being flattering."

"Bah!" Fu Qiuning spat lightly, then laughed and said: "I just saw the majestic scenery and felt it. Do you think I am someone who can take pictures of horses?"

The couple looked at each other and smiled, feeling at ease with each other.

Because the wind was in the right direction, they arrived at Quanzhou Pier five days later. Everyone boarded the boat and went ashore. Jiang Wanying almost lost half of her life after walking this way. Naturally, she couldn't show off her talent to the limelight like before, so she had to rely on Fu Qiuning to coordinate everything. Fortunately, local officials from Quanzhou had already arrived at the pier to greet them, and many government servants came up to help. Several carts were quickly moved down, used as light furniture, and the carriages were reloaded and headed to the magistrate's office. And go.

Fu Qiuning sat in the carriage, occasionally opening the curtain to look at the local customs that were completely different from those in the capital. At first, there were no people on the avenue, but once they entered the city, it gradually became lively. She saw Jin Fengju sitting on a horse and talking to a few people dressed as military attachés, and she remembered that the other party had said a few days ago that although Japanese pirates were rampant in this territory, most of the officials were from Prince Rong's lineage.

Originally, Prince Rong and Jin Fengju were cautious at first and did not appear to be cliques. However, Prince Lie later became arrogant and formed a faction in the court, so the two of them had to work hard to prepare. Now that the emperor has left the capital to lead the expedition, the factions in the court are actually clear. Officials from Prince Rong's faction naturally There will be some suppression, but perhaps the emperor also expected this, so although he let the prince supervise the country, the power of appointing and removing officials and mobilizing troops was still firmly in his hands. Even if Jin Fengju was demoted to Quanzhou this time, if the emperor did not agree, the prince would have no choice but to cease his activities.

In the words of Jin Fengju: The strong wind knows the strong grass and the grass will see the people's hearts over time. This time Prince Lie became the crown prince, which happened to be an opportunity for him and Prince Rong to see people's hearts. In addition, Prince Lie was really overwhelmed with pride after becoming the crown prince, so the brother-in-law and brother-in-law had certain calculations in their hearts, and they no longer looked as depressed and discouraged as before.

At this time, this huge group of people walked in the city, and naturally received many people's curiosity and advice. When I arrived at the magistrate's Yamen, I saw that the Yamen was very grand and the back Yamen was clean and spacious. There are dozens of houses in the six courtyards, but no one lives in them. Behind the corridor is a small garden with lush vegetation and bursts of flower fragrance wafting in the wind, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"Little Marquis, grandma asked your servant to come over and ask, is there no one living in this yamen?"

Jin Fengju dismounted in front of the corner gate and saw a woman coming over to ask. It turns out that Fu Qiuning remembered reading in a novel that not only the county magistrates and magistrates could occupy the rear yamen to live in, but often several families of officials lived in the house of this yamen. Why was the Quanzhou magistrate's yamen different? Therefore, she couldn't help but call a woman in the sedan chair and ordered her to come forward and ask Jin Fengju.