Higher Level Wife

Chapter 252: Arrival


"Isn't this a bit bad? Where do you want those people to live?" Jin Fengju frowned, but heard the general named Guan Erlang chuckle and said: "There are many houses around the Yamen, where can't people live? What's more, the Marquis is here Live here. Even if you ask others to live here, they won’t let them live. They don’t even look up when they see you, and they kneel down and salute at every turn. How troublesome. Well, if you don’t believe me, go ask the officials. They really want to move. , the general has not done anything beyond his authority in this regard."

This Guan Erlang was Jin Fengju's commander of the guards when he first became an imperial envoy. Later, after he made several meritorious deeds, he was promoted to a third-rank commander and received the title of general. However, because Jin Fengju was his old boss and he also had a title. , claiming to be the last general at this time is also to show respect and obedience.

Jin Fengju glared at him. He was a die-hard pro-honor sect, and the two of them lived together and died together, so he spoke more casually. He snorted coldly: "Of course I'm going to ask. If you let me know, If you use your power to cause trouble, don't blame me for not showing mercy to you."

After saying that, he turned around and said to the old woman: "Just tell grandma these words. I am going to the Yamen with a few of them. You can help the second grandma clean up. Don't be lazy. Naturally, your hard work will not be in vain." .”

The old woman agreed with a smile, and came back to tell Fu Qiuning everything. After Jin Fengji left, she got out of the sedan and began to direct dozens of servants and maids to clean up the house and carry furniture, while talking to a few children. Walking into several main rooms and side rooms, I saw that the furniture was relatively complete. The bedrooms had beds, tables and chairs, and the study rooms had bookshelves, tables and chairs. Although the rooms were not big, they were all neat and tidy.

He was so busy until noon. Fang moved in all kinds of boxes and cages, but only bought half of them. Because he had just arrived, the cooks didn't have time to make any elaborate meals. They just put two big pots on the water and served them with cucumbers. After everyone finished eating the noodle soup with shredded egg and pork, and the fragrant sauce, Xilihulu couldn't help but continue to work until the sun turned west, and they were finally ready. Fu Qiuning was already exhausted and paralyzed, so she just took a short rest. When she heard someone reported that Jiang Wanying lay down on the bed as soon as she entered the door, she thought about it and had no choice but to push herself up and go to the other party's room.

After entering the door, she saw Jiang Wanying lying on her back, covered with a gauze quilt. When she heard the footsteps, she said sadly: "I don't want to eat anything, take out everything."

"I fainted on the ship for a few days, and now that I'm on land, why am I still like this?"

Hearing the voice, Jiang Wanying opened her eyes and saw Fu Qiuning coming over. She subconsciously judged a gentleman with a villain's heart, thinking that he was here to see a joke. So he had to force himself to sit up and said coldly: "I've been dizzy for a few days, how can I get better all at once?"

Fu Qiuning knew what she was thinking, and while sighing secretly in his heart, he finally came forward to sit down, and asked the maid next to him to put a pillow for Jiang Wanying, and said with a smile: "I have heard people say before that many people go to sea by boat but fail. The dizziness is severe. Some people are fine in the sea, but then feel dizzy on land. Who would have thought that you were seasick first, and when you got to the shore, you still look like this after walking for so long. Could it be that you have just adapted? We landed on land after sailing on the sea, so you started to faint again, right?"

Before Jiang Wanying could say anything, Dong'er, the maid next to her, smiled and said: "Zhenzhen Ning, Second Grandma is right. Isn't that what our grandma is like? In the first two days on the boat, she stopped vomiting and could still walk around. , I was also happy to say that I finally didn’t have to suffer anymore. Who would have thought that when we got to the land, the carriage jolted, and I vomited twice again."

Fu Qiuning nodded and said: "As expected, it doesn't matter. Now that I lie in bed and rest for two days, it will naturally be fine. How about brother Xuan and Miss Er? I saw them running to the deck twice to play the day before yesterday. Son, everything should be fine, right?"

"Yes, the young master and the girl adapted quickly." After Dong'er answered, she saw Jiang Wanying glance at her, her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly shut up. Then Jiang Wanying turned around and said calmly: "With my illness, everything is going to take a lot of work on my sister. How about it? It must be sunset now, right? Have all the sexy things been taken care of?"

"My sister is so ill, and I can't help but worry about it. Don't worry, everything has been taken care of, so you can take care of her with peace of mind. These housework are really tedious. I tried my best to take care of them, but now I am very tired. You should get ready quickly. , so I can quickly dump all this mess on you."

Hearing what Fu Qiuning said, Jiang Wanying couldn't help but reveal a proud smile. Seeing this, Fu Qiuning mentally shrugged and secretly thought to himself, he didn't forget to seize power at this time. Oh, you can take care of it if you like, these things are nothing to me. well! Originally, I thought you were pitiful and wanted to let you have some leisure in the last few days, but now it seems that this has become an act of seizing power. Yes, then go ahead and do it. If Jin Fengju really couldn't tolerate the things you do, I would have really wanted to leave you as the housekeeper.

While thinking about it, I resigned. When they returned to the room, they saw Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zhenyi sitting on chairs arguing about a sentence in the Analects, while Jin Zangjiao and Jin Xiunan were talking quietly while embroidering. Jin Zangjiao, who has always had a lively personality, was sitting calmly now, showing a bit of the tranquility and composure of a big girl.

Jiao'er is also eleven years old. It's so fast. In the blink of an eye, she is about to get married. This is really too much in ancient times. Girls who are thirteen or fourteen years old get married. Isn't that destroying the flowers of the motherland

Looking at that beautiful and dignified face, Fu Qiuning couldn't help but think of the situation when these two children first came to him. Fu Qiuning felt a little startled for a moment. In this era, girls should be married off at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Eighteen-year-old girls like Feng Pearl and Feng Mingzhu are considered old aunts, and most people are not willing to have them. If it were a private farmer, it would be easy to find a village boy to marry him, but it happened that it was difficult for this official family to talk.

"What are you doing standing there?" Jin Zangjiao still has a smart temper. When she heard a sound near the door, she couldn't help but raise her head and saw Fu Qiuning beside the door. She quickly jumped down from the chair and came over to make love. Holding his mother's arm, Jin Zhenyi stood up, muttered, "Well, I'll go outside and take a look," and then ran away without a trace.

"Brother Yi, what's wrong?" Fu Qiuning felt strange, but saw Jin Xiunan raised his head and pursed his lips to smile. Jin Zang snorted and said, "Mom, don't ask, that kid must have caused some trouble somewhere." , now I felt guilty when I saw my mother, so I ran away. Third sister, is what I said true or false?"

Jin Xiunan smiled and said: "My brother just saw an old cat in the garden. I don't know where it came from, so he gave the old cat the fish that was used for cooking at noon in the kitchen. Auntie is always strict in this matter. How can he not be afraid now? That is a big fish weighing more than a pound. If dad finds out, he will definitely scold him. "

"I don't know where this old cat came from?" Fu Qiuning couldn't help but think of the stray Persian cat she had raised in modern times, but later the cat accidentally took rat poison and died. She was sad for a long time. I haven't met any stray cats since I went there, so I haven't bought any other pet cats to keep. I thought it would be nice to keep them, but once they die, the pain will be so deep that it would be better not to keep them. This pain.

"Mother... mother..." Jin Zangjiao saw her mother in a daze and couldn't help but tugged on her sleeves curiously to bring her back to her senses. Seeing her children looking at her, Fu Qiuning shook her head and laughed softly. : "It's nothing, I remembered some past events. It's just a fish. Brother Yi is not taking it out to cause harm, but feeding it to cats. It's no big deal. It's a good thing that he can be pure and kind. Even your father will definitely not do it. I'll blame him."

Jin Zangjiao curled her lips and said: "Will he do such a good thing again? The old cat must have given him some benefit. I don't know about that stupid boy..." Fu Qiuning stopped him before he could finish speaking. He listened to her He scolded: "Nonsense, it's just a cat. What good can it do to Brother Yi? Jiao'er, you are not allowed to arrange your brother like this."

Jin Xiunan couldn't help but laugh beside him and said: "Auntie, this time my sister is really right. My brother said that the old cat was extremely clever. When he saw him, he followed him and even pounced on a flower-tailed magpie for him to play with. Son, he thought the old cat was interesting, so he couldn't help but get a fish as a gift in return."

Fu Qiuning knows that cats like to flutter at birds. The big Persian cat he once raised has become so fat. When he sees swallows and sparrows sitting on the windowsill, he still wants to flutter a few times. What's more, stray cats who are going through a difficult test of survival? It's just that this old cat can catch a magpie, which is very rare. It should be noted that cats are not big in size and can easily catch two sparrows and swallows, but magpies are a bit big.

Several people were talking and laughing when they suddenly saw Jin Zhenyi running in the door panting, his face full of excitement. Fu Qiuning sat down and asked with a calm smile: "What? But what good things did that wise old cat give you?"

Jin Zhenyi said excitedly: "Madam, I just saw someone carrying a lot of wild animals to the kitchen, including deer, deer, pheasants, rabbits, goats, and two pigs..." When he said this, he suddenly realized what Fu Qiuning had just said, and his expression couldn't help but He turned pale all of a sudden, and said: "Auntie... how did auntie know?" After saying that, he turned to look at Jin Zangfeng, pointed at him and shouted: "Brother, I didn't expect you to be such a person, I am I told you because I trusted you, I... I misjudged you."