Higher Level Wife

Chapter 255: old cat


The woman talked a lot. Fu Qiuning listened patiently and frowned, secretly thinking that there was indeed a story in it. I just don’t know why this happened. There was doubt in his heart, but it didn't show on his face at all. He smiled and said: "This kind of thing is not a hindrance. If you hear it in the future, come and tell me. I will think about whether it is useful. If you don't tell me, Maybe I missed something." As he said that, he stood up and saw Qiu Yu also coming back. He handed the two women a bunch of money and, as if they were happy, knelt down and kowtowed to Fu Qiuning. Head, then he went away with a face full of joy.

Qiu Yu didn't hear these words because she went back to get money. Seeing Fu Qiuning's serious face, she couldn't help but ask: "Grandma, what's wrong? The gossip heard by the two mothers-in-law is not necessarily serious. I'm tired." After such a long time, it is not good to add more worries. Grandma's body is not made of iron, so she should take good care of herself."

Fu Qiuning turned around and walked back slowly without answering Qiu Yu's words. After thinking carefully for a long time, he raised his head and asked Qiu Yu: "Is Master back?"

Qiu Yu said with a smile: "Grandma had a good talk with the young master and girls just now, why did she forget it in the blink of an eye? It's not dinner time yet, how can it be so fast? What's more, grandma also said that she would stay here tonight It's not impossible outside. I hope those officials under me won't be tempted to go to the Goulan Courtyard, otherwise, huh! I'm afraid I won't be able to spare them."

Fu Qiuning glanced at her, shook his head and said with a smile: "You little hooves, there is no need to remind me with these words. Your father is not that kind of person. Otherwise, there are many famous brothels in the capital. If he If you want to go, who wouldn't be willing to climb up? Even my father-in-law and mother-in-law may not stop me. I won't go like this, let alone get here."

Qiu Yu said with a smile: "What grandma said is true, but this slave has little knowledge. I heard Sister Yujie say before that even when the young marquis went to Jiangnan, he never lingered in Huafang brothel, but those guards , sometimes I also want to meet the women from the water town."

Asking Qiu Yu to change the topic, Fu Qiuning thought of the time when the golden phoenix lifted down to the south of the Yangtze River. In fact, it was not easy to be an imperial envoy. Fu Qiuning and Jin Feng had been married for just over a year. Her husband had already gone on two missions, and he almost died when he went to Jiangnan. As I recall these bits and pieces, I feel a faint, indescribable feeling flowing through my heart.

While the master and servant were talking, thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, heavy rain poured down, drenching the two of them like drowned rats.

When they got back to the house, Yu Jie and Jian Feng had already come out to welcome Fu Qiuning. Seeing that Fu Qiuning was soaked to the skin, they hurriedly helped her change her clothes and said with a smile: "I have always heard that the weather in the south is changeable. There are many, and the weather in June is so small." A child's face can change at any time. I didn't expect to see it today. The sun was still shining brightly in the afternoon, but it rained heavily this evening. Even if I wanted to come back this time, I would be blocked by the rain. "

Fu Qiuning knew that Jin Fengju had gone to inspect the anti-Japanese guard posts. As a prefect, he was a civil servant and should not have interfered with the guard posts. However, this was a matter related to his family and life. In order to frame him, the prince mentioned it in the decree. The purpose of asking him to take charge of the anti-Japanese affairs in Quanzhou was to cause conflicts between him and these local officials. Moreover, if Japanese pirates really invaded the country in the future, Jin Feng would be easily labeled as "incompetent in the anti-Japanese war".

The prince's intentions were sinister, but Jin Fengju didn't take them seriously. There are indeed a few key officials of Prince Rong's faction here, and the prince's influence here is not very strong. Therefore, on the second day after he took office, he went to inspect the anti-Japanese guard station along the coast, but he put down the matters in the Yamen first. . It was summer now, and the wind direction at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn was most conducive to the Japanese pirates' actions. Not only for the sake of the people in the city, but also for the sake of his wife and children, he did not dare to treat it with caution. Compared with those vicious Japanese pirates, things in the yamen were a bit lighter.

Because while thinking about it, the rain came and went in a hurry, and now there was only the pattering of rain. Fu Qiuning walked out of the bedroom and heard bursts of laughter coming from the distance. She was surprised and died. Yujie took out the oil-paper umbrella that Jin Fengju had specially bought from Suzhou. The master and servant each held one, and walked out to the yard. Before they could stand still, they saw several children running in happily. Everyone seemed to be holding something in their arms.

As soon as they saw Fu Qiuning, Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zangjiao, who were running at the front, immediately stopped and looked at Fu Qiuning without daring to say anything.

"Huh? This is... a cat?"

Fu Qiuning saw that all the children were soaked to the skin, and they all looked like drowned rats. What they were holding in their arms was actually a small milk cat. I don’t know where they found it. Except for Jin Zangfeng, Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen also held a small milk cat in their arms.


Jin Zangjiao spoke timidly, while Jin Zhenyi would never dare to speak at this time. He has gotten into a lot of troubles on a daily basis, but he still dares to break up cars and collect debts. Therefore, Jin Zangjiao took advantage of Fu Qiuning's usual pampering of herself and boldly spoke, but as soon as she called "Mother", she heard Fu Qiuning say: "Okay, quickly go in the house and change your clothes. If you run out on a day like this, You’re not afraid of catching a cold either. I see that all of you are tight-skinned, so you have to get a monk and give me a good beating before you can straighten yourself out, right?"

As soon as she said this angrily, even Jin Zangjiao didn't dare to speak. Several children entered the house in a flash. Even the maids who followed them were soaked. It took a lot of fuss to get everything in order. Yujie personally went to the kitchen to make brown sugar and ginger soup and gave everyone a bowl.

Fu Qiuning saw several little guys coming out of the house, but they still held the little milk cat in their arms. And just when they were going to change clothes, a skinny but unusually tall black and brown patterned old cat also came in. They understood something in their hearts, and now sat on the chair. Keeping a straight face and saying nothing.

"Auntie, I caused this. If you want to be fat, just beat me. Anyway, I'm thick-skinned, so if you hit me, I'll get better than them."

But Jin Zhenyi suddenly knelt down. This guy just didn't dare to break the car to collect debts, but now seeing Fu Qiuning's expression, although he was worried, he didn't want to hurt others. He was originally quite a bachelor, but he didn't learn well from Aunt Xu. After arriving at Fengya Building, after being given several instructions by Jin Fengju and watching Fu Qiuning's actions, he had some responsibility at a young age. He originally thought that Fu Qiuning would not If you are angry, just let Jinzang coquettish you and it will be over. But seeing that the aunt was clearly very angry at this time, he didn't dare to hold on to this hope.

"Mom, it's not my brother's fault. As the eldest brother, I saw my younger brothers and sisters doing such things and didn't stop them. The fault is on me." Jin Zangfeng also knelt down, followed by Jin Zangjiao, Jin Xiunan, Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen. They all knelt down, leaving Fu Qiuning dumbfounded. He snorted and said, "What on earth is going on? Tell me and I will argue with you."

Jin Zhenyi didn't wait for Jin Zangfeng to answer, and then rushed to say: "Auntie always said that one person is responsible for everything. This happened all because of me, and I don't have to hurt anyone else. It's that old cat..." He said He pointed at the tabby cat that had been standing next to him, and then continued: "When it didn't rain before, we didn't know where it came from. The boys were chasing it in the yard, and we heard it, so we After leaving the study room, the old cat bit my pants and pulled me forward. The children thought it wanted to take us somewhere, so they followed it. However, it turned out that there was a litter of kittens at the end of the back street of the Yamen. They wanted to come. It was its cub. It started to rain at this time, and the kid realized that the old cat wanted us to take the kitten to a sheltered place from the rain, so he took it back. Mom, my brother, sister, and brother are all worried about this. Irrelevant…”

Before he could finish speaking, he heard Jin Zangjiao shouting fiercely: "Fart, who said you have one per person before? Are you regretting it now? I know you have taken a fancy to the little bit in my arms, even if you think about it, Don’t think I can give it to you…”


Fu Qiuning shouted loudly, startling Jin Zangjiao, and then he lowered his head and said: "My daughter made a mistake, and I would rather let my mother punish me. I just need to follow me, and I ask my mother to make it happen."

As soon as she said these words, Jin Zhenyi, Jin Xiunan and others all opened their mouths and said: "I beg my mother to grant me permission."

Fu Qiuning felt a dull pain in his head. Logically speaking, the children all grew up in the compound. Apart from their sisters and brothers, they had no playmates on weekdays. Even raising a puppy and kitten was no big deal. But today they went out privately, which was totally inappropriate. It should be noted that we were in Quanzhou at this time and were unfamiliar with the place. Even if a few children were accompanied by servants and maids, if they met a bad person, the consequences would be disastrous. Yin pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "It's okay for you to adopt these little kittens. It's just that you shouldn't have done it, and you ran out on your own. Your father is busy outside now, and I'm afraid right now Even if the rain stops you halfway, I can't watch you all the time. You need to realize everything on your own. But on the first day here, something like this happened to you. I won't punish you, but I'm afraid you will remember it. Can't stop. Yu Jie, bring the bamboo boards, and each person will hit ten boards on the palm of his hand."