Higher Level Wife

Chapter 257: deal with


Yujie turned around. When Fu Qiuning saw someone following him, he and Jian Feng turned around and left first. The servants at the corner gate here drove away the people watching the excitement. There was a lot of excitement in front of the magistrate's back Yajiao gate just now. Calm was restored.

The woman followed Yu Jie to the back hall and flower hall. Although she was not wet, she was still a little embarrassed. I saw a little maid bringing a set of clothes over and said crisply: "Our grandma was changing clothes in the back room. She said that the lady was wet and caught a cold, so she asked me to bring this set of clothes for the lady to change. Our grandma said It’s brand new. I’m looking at Madam and she’s about the same height, so please don’t be polite, Madam.”

The woman quickly declined, but the little maid insisted. She saw that the coarse cloth clothes she was wearing were indeed in a mess. Since Mrs. Hou Ye was thoughtful, she couldn't resist her good intentions, so she went into the back room to change. When she came out, she saw Fu Qiuning sitting on a chair and slowly blowing tea.

Hearing the footsteps, Fu Qiuning raised his head, put the tea cup on the table, stood up and offered his seat, and asked the maid to serve hot tea and snacks. After the woman sat down, she smiled and asked, "Looking at your age, I should call you sister. But I don't know what your last name is?"

The woman stood up hurriedly and said: "Don't dare to take it seriously, I... the little lady Bai Zhang, I have met Madam."

"It turns out to be Sister Zhang." Fu Qiuning nodded, then waved his hand and said: "Sister Zhang, you're welcome, please sit down quickly. I'm inviting you here today. I also want to ask you something." At this point, he saw the little maid Chuanghua When hot tea and snacks were served, she gave in again. How could Mrs. Bai Zhang actually eat and drink? Fortunately, Fu Qiuning had always been approachable. If Jiang Wanying were sitting here, Mrs. Bai Zhang might not even know what she was doing. Where to put it.

Fu Qiuning knew from what he just said that there was a sick child in Bai Zhang's family, so he stopped beating around the bush and went straight to the point: "Just now, the woman at the west corner gate was making a noise and crying. Although she didn't say a word about our family, but I guess since she chose such a place, this matter has something to do with our family. I don’t say secret words in front of Mingren. I think my sister’s husband is also an official in the prefect’s yamen. I’m afraid the noisy woman is too. I asked One sentence, but because our family moved here, all the people in the yamen moved out?"

Mrs. Bai and Zhang didn't expect Fu Qiuning to be so direct. She didn't know what to say for a moment. Seeing her hesitation, Fu Qiuning said solemnly: "If sister is really a family member of a Yamen official, she should have a clear understanding of our origins." . Our family came all the way from the capital. We just arrived yesterday. When we arrived, the back office was spotless. At that time, our father also wondered if someone had done something unqualified in order to please. I asked around, but they all said no. Although this is not the capital, Quanzhou is not a small place after all, and there should be no people who would force officials just to curry favor with superiors, so that’s why I feel relieved. But now it seems that this is not the case at all. I wonder if my sister can explain it to me."

When Mrs. Bai Zhang heard what Fu Qiuning said, her heart skipped a beat. She was not a fool. After thinking about it, she said softly: "Madam, you are speaking harshly. In theory, Lord Jin is the Marquis, and he has been wronged here." …”

Before he could finish speaking, Fu Qiuning waved his hand and shook his head: "That's not what you said. Although he is a marquis, now that he is an official here, he must pay attention to the rules of being an official. Although I am in the Duke of Jingguo's mansion, He never leaves the front door, but he also knows that this private government office is not the only one. Quanzhou was originally close to the sea and was a prosperous place. However, the Japanese pirates have caused a lot of damage to the vitality of Quanzhou just now. Although the woman made a big fuss, there was some meaning in her words. It seems that the officials here are very responsible. In this case, we can't wrong others. Our Lord Marquis has some wealth after all, but if other adults only rely on that The salary, having to support the family, appease the people, and provide relief to the poor, I think is very stretched. If I move out of this Houya again, where will I find a foothold? My sister told me clearly, and I have my own reasons. . Otherwise, if this move chills the hearts of the government officials, our master is still kept in the dark. Sister, think about it carefully, who is fair to this?"

When Mrs. Bai Zhang heard what Fu Qiuning said so eloquently, her heart could not help but beat faster. She looked at her intently and saw that her face was full of solemnity, without any look of disdain. After all, this woman was worried about her sick child. At this time, encouraged by these words, she didn't know where she came from. She left her seat and knelt down in front of Fu Qiuning and said: "Madam Mingjian, this is the back office." Originally, there were indeed five families living there. Just because the Marquis was about to take office, everyone said that the young Marquis was the most proud person in front of the emperor. Now even if he is sent to this place by the prince, it will not last long. After the emperor returns to the capital, he will still be here. It's important, so... So our family gathered together and thought about how the Marquis, his wife, brothers and sisters, all of whom are rich, could live under the same roof with us, so we moved out... "

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a "dong" sound on the table. It turned out to be Fu Qiuning knocking on the table. Bai Zhang was so frightened that his face turned pale and he didn't dare to speak anymore. But she saw Fu Qiuning stood up, took a few breaths, put away her anger, reached out to help her up, and said seriously: "This matter is extremely inappropriate, there is absolutely no reason for it. I will send someone to follow my sister. Those adults said that I and I personally invited them to come back. I and you adults are colleagues, and we need to support each other in external affairs. We family members should naturally live in harmony."

"Husband... Madam..."

Bai Zhang was stunned. She never expected Fu Qiuning to say such words. For a moment, she felt her heart was burning and she didn't know what to say. Suddenly, Fu Qiuning spoke again: "Yu Jie, go get ten taels of silver for Sister Zhang. Since her child is sick, it costs money to seek medical treatment and medicine. It's a pity that the officials here can't pay enough to take care of the family." After she finished speaking, she heard Fu Qiuning speak again. Seeing Mrs. Bai Zhang opening her mouth to speak, she said sincerely: "This is my sincerity. If you don't want to, you will really blame me. Sister, there is no need to be embarrassed. I just think about my brother's illness, which can be delayed." Is that so? I am also a person who has children. Even though they are not my biological children, I still treat them as treasures. How can I not understand my sister’s embarrassment and anxiety as a mother? What’s more, as I just said, our master and Mr. Bai are colleagues. , they are supporting each other outside, so we should naturally help each other. You have already done me a big favor today. Ten taels of silver is not much, but it is just to help my sister solve an urgent need. If you push it away again, my sister will really look down on you. I."

It's not that Fu Qiuning was stingy and only gave the Bai family ten taels of silver, but she knew very well that the Bai Zhang family should also be a well-educated and sensible lady. Although her family was in a difficult situation at the time, her demeanor in her words and deeds was unusual. daughter. If my child hadn't been sick, I'm afraid it would have been much more appropriate to advance and retreat. Such people are usually a little arrogant. If they are given too much money, it will seem like they are a nouveau riche, using money to hit people. Ten taels of silver is enough for a middle-class family to live for half a year. It is more than enough to seek medical treatment and take medicine. This is also the bottom line that Bai Zhang accepts. If there is more, he will refuse to take it.

Sure enough, Mrs. Bai and Zhang refused again and again, but when they saw that Fu Qiuning could not be defeated, Fang accepted the money with great gratitude. Here Fu Qiuning ordered Yu Jie to join her in notifying the officials' families to move back. When people left here, she asked Jian Feng: "How many rooms do we occupy in this back office house? If it doesn't work, let Feng'er Jiaoer live in the cozy pavilion in my house."

Jian Feng did the math and smiled: "It doesn't take up much in total. We just moved here yesterday. Now there are just a lot of boxes occupying two empty rooms. They are all packed into the two small buildings in grandma's yard." That's it. Second Mistress Wan occupied a courtyard before, but if those people move back now, I'm afraid Second Mistress will move into our courtyard."

Regarding this, Fu Qiuning also felt a slight headache. Now that Jiang Wanying's identity has been confirmed, it is impossible for her family to make a comeback. But now Jin Fengju still keeps her, thinking that she may be a chess piece in the future, so she really can't reveal any clues, but she has a delicate body. If she knew that she was being wronged like this, she might not be able to make a fuss. Fu Qiuning is really Too lazy to tell her.

Yin thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Well, those families won't move back tonight. We'll just wait until tomorrow to see if I can come back, and then we can make the theory."

Jian Feng agreed, then smiled and said: "With this delay, it's almost getting dark. I've been asked two or three times in the kitchen, is it time to set the food now?" After saying that, seeing Fu Qiuning nodding, she went out to make arrangements. .

After dinner, Fu Qiuning saw that Jin Zhenyi, Jin Zangjiao, and Jin Xiunan were all holding her little kitten in their arms, while only Jin Zangfeng had empty hands. She couldn't help but feel relieved, secretly thinking that Feng'er was still stable after all. After briefly talking about today's events, he said to Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao: "Since those people are moving back, we must feel aggrieved. Feng'er Jiaoer, you can move back to your mother's house and live in Nuange. Let your brothers and sisters live in the house. The study room is still shared. But the rooms where brother Yi and the third girl live, together with the remaining two rooms, will be shared with your second mother. She is a person who has always been noble. If you suddenly live in a crowded place, I’m afraid you won’t get used to it.”