Higher Level Wife

Chapter 259: Children's thoughts


Fu Qiuning knew that Jiang Wanying had nothing to say here. So I wasn't too angry. She had her own calculations in her mind. As long as Jin Fengju came back and found out about this, Jiang Wanying would not be able to make the final decision. Therefore, she just wanted to leave this grinding woman to Jin Fengju to deal with it himself. So he just smiled faintly and watched Jiang Wanying getting angry and speaking louder and louder, obviously looking for trouble. She took a few sips of tea, became even calmer, and said with a smile, "Sister, you can do whatever you want."

"I know that my sister is now running rampant in this house relying on my favor. No matter how hard I say now, if you blow a few pillow blows next to me later, you can coax me into losing my temper. It's just that This time, no one has been wronged to this extent, even in front of me, I have something to say."

Seeing Fu Qiuning's unmoved look, Jiang Wanying couldn't help but stood up suddenly and said angrily. Before she finished her words, she saw Fu Qiuning put the tea cup heavily on the table, looked up at her and said in a deep voice : "Sister, please speak more respectfully. After all, she is a rich lady from the Duke's palace. What are you talking about? The maids are all still here. You have been in charge of the housekeeper for so long, why are you still in charge now? Can’t understand the importance of this idea? Yujie, send Second Mistress Wan back, she can do whatever she wants."

Jiang Wanying's original intention when she came here was to have a quarrel with Fu Qiuning, so that the family who had moved in last night should listen to it. It would be best to get out in despair, and it would be best not to move in with other families. Unexpectedly, Fu Qiuning didn't accept her move at all, and actually issued an eviction order. It was like a punch on the cotton, and he was ridiculed instead. This one hated her so much that she was furious, but there was nothing she could do about it. Seeing that Fu Qiuning had already turned into the inner hall, if she really chased him and made a fuss, she would really lose the dignity of a grandma. So I had no choice but to leave the house in anger and hatred.

Here Fu Qiuning came to the inner room and saw several children gathered together. Several kittens were also piled together. The old cat was lying in front of the children, seemingly very satisfied. She sighed, thinking that it would be nice to be a child, so that she could be carefree. So I quietly quit.

Originally I just wanted to walk around, but as soon as I walked out of the back door, I saw Jin Zhenxuan sitting under the eaves of the corridor, holding his chin in his hands, not knowing what he was thinking.

Strictly speaking, among these children, the ones Fu Qiuning least wanted to get close to were Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen. Not only because of their mother, but also because these two children are usually gloomy, scheming, and arrogant.

It's just that children are children. No matter how intentional they are, they are still under ten years old, so they may not be determined. So when he saw Jin Zhenxuan sitting there alone, Fu Qiuning felt a little unbearable, so he stepped forward and patted Jin Zhenxuan's shoulder and said, "Why are you sitting in this windy land? Although it is summer, I am not very angry right now. Don't let the wind blow it. Colds are the most difficult to treat in summer, and won't they make your mother worry?"

Jin Zhenxuan turned around and saw that it was Fu Qiuning. He quickly stood up and saluted, called aunt, and then looked at him blankly. His handsome little face seemed to be full of thoughts. Fu Qiuning looked angry and funny, and gently kissed him. He poked a finger on his forehead and said: "What are you worried about? The second girl just said that. You and Sister Wan have been together for so long, how can you be separated. Just be at ease and let's go I'll leave the kitten with your elder brother and take care of it for you. I'll tell the second girl a few words later and you go back to your mother to keep her company, and this matter will be over."

There was no excitement on Jin Zhenxuan's face. Instead, he lowered his eyes. After a long while, he whispered softly: "I heard all the words my mother just came to see my aunt."

Fu Qiuning was stunned. She didn't expect that the scene just now would fall into the eyes of this little guy, but she immediately smiled and said: "So what? Your mother was born in a wealthy family. She has never been wronged since she was a child, and now she suddenly comes to such a place. , and when we encounter these things, it is inevitable to feel angry. This is just a matter between her and me. There is absolutely no reason to vent our anger on you two brothers and sisters because of this. Children should not mind the affairs of adults. Listen to me, and you and your sister will go with your mother later, and that will be the end of it."

Jin Zhenxuan didn't say yes or no, he just looked at Fu Qiuning blankly. But after a while, he put away these expressions and said calmly: "Mom, don't worry about us. These days when I am with my eldest brother, I also feel that my homework has improved a lot. My mother is angry now, and my sister has a stubborn temper." , but it’s better to separate for a while and calm down. The aunt just said it is right, I will go into the house right now, and don’t stand in the wind. I’m afraid there are still many people moving here today, maybe Someone will come to see you."

After Jin Zhenxuan finished speaking, he left, leaving Fu Qiuning standing there and staring at Jian Feng for a long time before Jian Feng breathed out softly and said, "Oh my God, is this what Brother Xuan said? How old is he? No wonder grandma always says that among these brothers, Brother Xuan is the most astute and profound, regardless of his talent or learning."

Fu Qiuning watched the little figure disappear at the back door, frowning slightly, secretly thinking that Brother Xuan had the deepest scheming. Why are you saying these words now? Looking at him, he seemed to have something on his mind that he couldn't get rid of. Could it be that... Jiang Wanying's activities were actually noticed by him? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel horrified. I couldn't help but look at the back door again. Naturally, there was no one there.

"Grandma..." Hearing Jian Feng calling him, Fu Qiuning came back to his senses and said softly: "It's nothing. Let's walk around and see who the family who moved here last night took advantage of the darkness." After speaking, he took the lead. Go forward. But he was still thinking about Jin Zhenxuan's performance just now. He secretly thought that if it was as he suspected, Brother Xuan had noticed some of his mother's behaviors and decided to take this opportunity to draw a clear line. Then...then this child's scheming and coldness are too terrifying.

It was still early in the morning, and the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, lazily emitting not a strong light. Fu Qiuning walked for a while and saw clothes already hanging up to dry in an empty courtyard. Just as she was about to go up and take a closer look, she heard a loud voice: "Quickly, pick up these snacks." Take two plates and send them to Mrs. Hou Ye, saying that these are seasonal snacks here, they may not be available in the capital, and you can give them a taste."

But Fu Qiuning has always behaved like a lady after time travel, so as not to make any substandard behavior that would arouse suspicion. But at this time, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes to the sky and muttered: "It's her." Since he was not in the mood at the moment, he said to Jian Feng: "Go back, I'm tired of walking too."

Jian Feng couldn't help but lowered his head and smiled: "The slave said, how can there be such an ignorant person? Grandma just said something, so she moved in at night, and it turned out to be this one. But no, in She can do all kinds of things like messing around in front of our door, what else can’t she do? But now she just remembers to give us snacks, and doesn’t think about the things she did. Two plates of snacks can be wiped clean. ?”

Fu Qiuning shook his head and said: "This is a vulgar woman. Maybe she was really forced to do nothing, so she ran to make trouble. Don't be the same as her. As the saying goes, if you don't look at the monk's face, you are just looking at the Buddha's face. It’s just the face of that adult in her family.”

The master and servant returned to the house, and after a while, a little maid came over with a food box, saying that she was the mistress of the house and asked Qiu Ning to try the fresh snacks. Fu Qiuning paid it off, but even Shen Fengyujie was disgusted by the woman's vulgarity and shrewdness, so she despised her very much. It was Fu Qiuning who saw that the little girl was so thin and pitiful that he gave her five hundred dollars. He seemed to be overjoyed and knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times without any explanation.

The little maid went out with her front legs, and Jin Feng raised her back legs and came back. The usually suave young Marquis was now a little embarrassed, with his hair all covered in mud. As soon as he entered the room, he said to Fu Qiuning: "Although the rain yesterday was short, it was very heavy. We were originally We were all on the way back when we happened to be poured down. We had no choice but to rest at a house. Unexpectedly, there was another heavy rain in the middle of the night, and water and mud actually flowed down the mountain, flooding two households. Fortunately, the house was not too bad. Finally, the whole village tried their best to rescue the two families. Alas! I have traveled thousands of miles and read thousands of books, but I didn’t know that there was such a thing in this world. thing."

Jin Fengju didn't know, but Fu Qiuning knew it very well. This must have been a mudslide that happened in the middle of the night. However, deforestation was not very severe in this era, so the scale of mudslides was also small. If there is such indiscriminate deforestation and mudslides in future generations, the whole village will probably be flooded. Let alone save people, even if Jinfengju is able to save people, he will be buried alive. When he thinks about this, he can't help but be afraid. Incessantly. He quickly went forward to check his whole body, and saw that although he was as dirty as a mud monkey, there were only a few scratches, which were obviously caused when rescuing people, and they were not serious.

Jin Fengju was also very hungry because he ordered the boys to bring hot water. I washed my hands first, and when I saw two plates of snacks on the table, I picked up one and ate one. Then I smiled and said, "I've never seen you do this before. I guess it was a gift, right? How about it? I'm afraid that the reception in these two days will be a gift." It’s also a pain for you.”

Fu Qiuning said, "I'm going to take a bath first. I have something important to say to you when I get back." After saying that, Jin Fengju raised his head and said in surprise: "If you have something important to say, say it now, otherwise it will be uncomfortable."