Higher Level Wife

Chapter 262: Japanese pirates are attacking


"Rebellion, this cat is going to rebel. He doesn't even ask who is in charge of the house, and dares to make me uncomfortable."

After changing into a pair of clean cloth shoes, Jin Fengju looked at the disgusting dead mice in the shoes he wore yesterday, and his mouth almost became crooked with anger. Even Fu Qiuning couldn't excuse the old cat. There were so many people in the house, but the cat didn't want to mess with anyone but Jin Fengju. Fortunately, it was summer and Jin Fengju only wore cloth shoes. If it were autumn and winter, when he was wearing boots, and he put these things in his boots, if people didn't pay attention, wouldn't he have to put his feet into the boots to find these things? How disgusting is that

Seeing that Jin Feng was angry, Fu Qiuning looked helplessly at the old cat curled up under the chair and snoring. His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking that no, he had to find an excuse to appease the young prince's anger, otherwise he would not be angry at such a young age. Isn't it my fault that I had a cerebral hemorrhage? As I was thinking about it, I suddenly remembered some posts about cats’ habits that I had seen in modern times.

"I'm afraid you don't know, right? People have always said that dogs are loyal and cats are treacherous. In fact, this is really an injustice to them. When I was in Zhuangzi, there were several cats there, but the only one was the cat owned by my mother-in-law. The cat is the best, with smooth and smooth fur. I asked her at that time why she raised the cat so well. She said that the cat was like her daughter. After careful handling, it would naturally be well raised. She also lamented that the cat is actually also well-raised. Loyal, she will always come back with dead mice, birds, and snakes in her mouth. Actually, it is because she is afraid that her master will not be able to find food. What if she starves to death? Then she will bring delicious food to her master. Think about it, For us, dead mice and dead snakes are disgusting, but for cats, isn't this really delicious? So the old cat is not playing tricks on you, but it is just seeing through your identity as the master of the house, so it I got these things specially to please you, but I didn’t know that it was self-defeating.”

Jin Fengju rolled his eyes, looked at Fu Qiuning and said, "Okay, Qiu Ning, your brain is so fast. In order to save this old cat, you can even make up such nonsense."

Fu Qiuning snorted: "What do you mean by making up lies? What I said is true. The old woman also told me a joke. She said that one day she was sick and wanted to lie down in bed to take a rest, because she couldn't sleep. Her cat was afraid that she would starve to death, so he chewed the cockroach in his mouth and tried to feed it to her. Of course she refused to eat it, so the cat felt that she was disobedient and was picky about food because he thought you were going to starve to death. , how can this be done? Just stretched out his paw and slapped her face... "

Before Fu Qiuning could finish speaking, everyone including Jin Fengju softened their smiles. Only Fu Qiuning didn't laugh, not because she had amazing determination, but because she had already laughed like crazy when she saw these two jokes on Weibo in her previous life, so she could still hold back her laughter at this time. Jin Fengju looked at the old cat with a much "friendly" look. She couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the old cat had escaped this disaster.

Many of Fu Qiuning's friends were cat slaves in her previous life, and she passed on many anecdotes about cats. At this time, she was listing them all in her mind, planning to continue using them as a tool to "bewitch" Jin Fengju in the future. Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Jin Ming's voice saying urgently outside the door: "Master, just now a messenger from the All-Sea Anti-Japanese Guard Station came to report that a group of Japanese came ashore at midnight yesterday, looted, burned and killed a small village. He’s clean, he’s probably fled somewhere else now…”

Before Jin Ming could finish his words, Jin Fengju stood up suddenly, punched the table with his fist, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You are so arrogant." Jin Ming, prepare your horses. I will go to the Quanhai Anti-Japanese Guard Station immediately. No Japanese in this group can be let go. "As soon as he finished speaking, he had already strode out of the door.

The warm atmosphere in the room disappeared in the blink of an eye. Jian Feng, Qiu Yu and others were all born in the mansion. How had they ever heard of such a cruel thing? Even the Mobei Tatars, although they are also fierce and fierce, rarely massacre villages. At most, they capture people and bring them back to the desert to be slaves for them.

Yin Qiuyu hesitated and said: "Could it be that the report was wrong? Could it be that all the people in the village were killed? How can there be such a person? Even a jackal may not be able to do such a thing..." Before he could finish speaking, , then he saw Fu Qiuning's face watery, and said in a deep voice: "Japanese pirates are a group of beasts that are more despicable, cunning and vicious than jackals. If you haven't seen them with your own eyes, you can never imagine how cruel they are."

Qiu Yu and Jian Feng looked at their second grandma curiously. Only then did Qiu Ning realize that she had just made a mistake. So she stood up and said lightly: "What are you looking at me for? I haven't seen it with my own eyes. If I have seen it, , now the soul has probably crossed the Naihe Bridge. But my father often comes back on weekdays and talks about the ferocity of these Japanese pirates. In the past, the people in this coastal area have suffered a lot from them, so I say this. .”

Jian Feng and Qiu Yu suddenly realized this, and became worried again, whispering: "Then the young Marquis will go out this time, will there be any danger?"

Fu Qiuning remained silent. She knew very well that Jin Fengju was not the kind of person who was timid in the face of battle. And the Japanese pirates are indeed a tough group of wolves. How could they not be in danger under such circumstances? But even though she knew the danger involved, what could she say? Jin Fengju worked hard and finally got the position of prefect of Quanzhou. Why? After all the thoughts, there was only a long sigh. Secretly pray for your lover in your heart.

Jin Fengju did not return home on this day. They were the family members of the Hou Yamen officials, so there were no messengers coming to report the news. Fu Qiuning sent two boys to the Front Yamen, only to find out that after the small group of Japanese pirates landed, Yesterday afternoon, thousands more Japanese pirates landed in large numbers. Jin Fengju was busy fighting against the Japanese with all the soldiers in Quanzhou. All the officials in the Quanzhou prefecture's official office were busy.

This was really shocking news. When the two boys came back to report it, there was not even a trace of blood on their faces. Fu Qiuning knew in his heart that they were scared. Indeed, regardless of Jin Fengju's safety, Quanzhou Mansion is not far from the coastline. If the Japanese pirates fail to resist the Japanese invaders and invade the city, it will be as tragic as the sky falling and the earth collapsing.

"No wonder he didn't send someone to tell me that I was safe. I'm afraid he just didn't have the time."

After sending away the two boys, Fu Qiuning sat in a chair and muttered to herself. When she saw several children coming to greet her, she ordered: "Your father is not in the house now, so you are not allowed to go out and walk around at will. Let me know, absolutely." I won't take mercy lightly. When your father comes back, he will also have a family meal, do you all understand?"

Jin Zangfeng and others all agreed. Jin Zhenyi was someone who couldn't hold back his words. When he saw Fu Qiuning's face looking a little pale, he stood up and asked with concern: "My aunt doesn't look good, but is she sick? Have you asked a doctor to see her?"

Fu Qiuning forced a smile and said: "I'm fine, there's no need to call a doctor. You guys just stay at home and stay at home." After saying that, Jin Zhenxuan said: "Auntie said at that time that daddy wanted to call a doctor for us. Why is there no one there yet?"

Fu Qiuning said: "It's only been a few days? It's been less than ten days since I came here. How can I hire a good gentleman so quickly? You just have to study hard first, don't wait for the gentleman to come, you will be looked down upon. At that time Your father's face will be nowhere to be seen." As he said this, he remembered that the Japanese pirates came so quickly this time, and when Jinfeng Li arrived with his front legs, the Japanese pirates came with his back legs. Could it be that there are shadows of some people among them

Just as he was lost in thought, he suddenly saw Jian Feng hurriedly walking in and said softly: "Grandma, the ladies from several courtyards have come over and are waiting outside. Do you see grandma or not?"

Fu Qiuning knew that they must have received the letter. Yin stood up and said to Jin Zangfeng and others: "You should go back to study first. I have to receive guests here."

Several children left together, but Jin Zhenxuan deliberately lagged behind. When Jin Zangfeng and others returned to his room along the back corridor, he quietly turned around, returned to the door, and sat down behind the wooden door.

Fu Qiuning's guess was correct. The female family members all got the news of the Japanese pirates' landing, because they only had the information they got from the front office, and they didn't know the progress of the war, so they were all worried. His husband couldn't bear it any longer. All of them thought that the young marquis valued his first wife very much. Maybe there might be some news about Fu Qiuning here. So they all came over to ask.

But Fu Qiuning smiled bitterly and said, "Sisters, you really think too highly of me. I don't know any more than you do. But some servants came back and said that the people on the street didn't dare to go out, and every house closed its doors. , many shops are also closed. Except for a few errands in the prefecture's Yamen, almost all the other adults and government servants went to the coast to chase the Japanese pirates. Fortunately, there are more than a thousand soldiers guarding the city in Quanzhou City, which is not a bad idea. It doesn’t matter..."

Mrs. Bai Zhang shook her head and sighed: "Madam, you don't know. Five years ago, this Quanzhou city was looted by Japanese pirates. At that time, there were no thousands or eight hundred soldiers on the city gate? But in the end, they still let them go. Those people marched straight in, burned, killed and looted everyone before leaving. My husband was transferred here at that time. Although he did not see the tragic situation after the Japanese pirates looted with his own eyes, the streets were depressed and the people were like frightened birds. Even if I still remember it vividly. But I didn’t expect that five years later, there would be another large-scale invasion by Japanese pirates. How can we not worry about it?”

Before Fu Qiuning could speak, the fat woman who had been causing trouble outside the corner gate and was the first to move back turned pale with fright and shouted, "Now that you say that? We can't stay here in Quanzhou City. We still want to You have to find a way to run away, otherwise you can't wait here to die? I've made a deal first... "