Higher Level Wife

Chapter 263: Peace of mind


Fu Qiuning then raised his eyes, glanced at several female relatives with uncertain expressions, and finally settled on the fat woman. A slight sneer appeared on his cheeks, and he said in a deep voice: "What do you want to say, Sister Li? You are such a person. You are impatient. You want to do something, let alone the consequences. You don't even bother to look at the beginning and the end. Didn't Mr. Han have a good breakup with you when you went back that day? Now you are still like this, and you are panicking. If you don’t say anything, it will still make people’s hearts unstable.”

The fat woman named Sister Li stretched her neck, as if she wanted to retort loudly, but when she met Fu Qiuning's cold gaze, she couldn't help but shrink her neck, and the words were naturally retracted in her stomach.

Fu Qiuning then said in a deep voice: "What are you worried about? Sister Bai just said that the Japanese pirates entered the city five years ago. Now in Quanzhou, where can we still see the miserable depression of that day? It is still prosperous and beautiful. Me and us When I came to this place, he said that Quanzhou is close to the sea, so the economy is very prosperous. Logically speaking, in such a place, the harvest of those Japanese pirates would not be less. How come after that, for five years, Haven't seen them? Isn't it because after that incident, the city defense has been strengthened a lot, and the Holy Emperor also cares about this place, so no one dares to opportunistically passively resist the Japanese, leaving the Japanese at a loss for several years. This Have you only had five years of peace? If you can take a bite of this fat meat, do you think the Japanese pirates will let it go? Just dream. It must be when I think about robbery later, not only will I not eat the meat, but my teeth will be full. It also collapsed. This made them dare not act rashly. Now that the city defense is still there, it is okay for the people to be more cautious. But as officials, if we panic, wouldn't it make the people in this city unstable? ? If this was in the army, he should be cut in pieces."

When it came to cutting off the waist and splitting the carriage, Fu Qiuning looked at the fat woman again, and sure enough she was so frightened that she covered her mouth with her hands. She smiled slightly, reached out and picked up the tea cup again and took a sip, then continued: "What's more, what are you afraid of? Nowadays, there are no less than ten thousand officers and soldiers from various guards chasing Japanese pirates outside the city. Those Japanese pirates don't know yet. How many people on this land are missing their heads, and it’s unclear whether they can touch the gate of Quanzhou City. If we start to be timid and panic, wouldn’t it be a joke?”

After hearing what she said, several female relatives nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. In order to stabilize people's hearts, Fu Qiuning ordered the kitchen to organize the banquet, and smiled at everyone: "A few days ago, I wanted to keep my sisters for a meal, but the imperial edict came down, and our father and I were busy accepting the order, but we neglected my sister. Everyone. Now it happens that you are all here, and there is some game in the kitchen. I have asked people to take care of it. Let’s have a meal at my place. It’s not appropriate to say it. How can we be so casual when we invite people to a banquet? But it’s just me and us. I have come all the way from the capital, and this is an extraordinary time, so I can’t be so particular.”

Everyone stood up quickly and thanked them modestly. Fu Qiuning chatted with them. Suddenly Qiu Yu came out from behind the screen and walked to her and whispered: "This slave just came from the back corridor and saw It seems that Master Xuan was sitting behind the door. When he saw the slave, he stood up and walked away."

Fu Qiuning nodded slightly and said calmly: "I know, don't ignore him." After saying that, a smile appeared on his face again, and he started laughing with everyone.

Let's talk about Jin Zhenxuan. He returned to Jiang Wanying's room depressed and saw that she was embroidering a bellyband. When she looked up and saw her son coming back, she smiled and said, "Hey, Brother Xuan is back. How about it? I've been with your sister in Ningxia these days. How is your stay there, Second Grandma? What are you doing here this morning? I see you two are quite happy and forgetting about home."

Jin Zhenxuan glanced at her, the pain in his eyes flashed away, and then returned to his usual indifferent mood, saying softly: "Why do you have to be so sarcastic, mother? No matter how good your mother is, she is not our biological mother after all. In the hearts of my sister and I, we have always been I recognize my mother. How come my sister and I have been sleeping in someone else's house for several nights now, and you don't say you are worried, but instead talk like this in such a weird way? If my sister heard this, wouldn't she be even more reluctant to come back? "

Jiang Wanying's heart froze, and her eyes were dull when she looked at her son. Then she didn't know what she was thinking of, and tears rolled down her eyes. She pulled Jin Zhenxuan over and touched his young face. After a long while, she sighed. He took a breath and said: "It's hard for you to see things better than my mother at such a young age. You are right. My mother only attacked your brother and sister because she was in a bad mood these days and made the Fu family run hard. Temper. Now that your father doesn’t want us at all, his heart has gone to Mrs. Fu. Qiuxia is gone. You say, how can there be a caring person in this house? Mother is feeling bitter, and she doesn’t care about you siblings. If two people get angry, who are they going to target?"

Jin Zhenxuan sighed, thought for a while and then said: "Mom, let me and my sister bring the two kittens over and raise them. My sister likes her cats very much, and my father is still a little afraid of cats, but isn't it true that my aunt has also raised them?" Really? So mom, don’t be afraid that daddy won’t come over just because of the milk cat, it’s actually nothing.”

Jiang Wanying's eyes flashed with sternness. She was not afraid of cats, but she hated cats as an animal. I dislike them for their wild tempers and not being very docile. They often run out and jump around on the bed and table when they come back, leaving footprints everywhere. For these reasons, she absolutely cannot tolerate two children raising such a thing. But then I thought about it, my son and daughter are my biological children, should I be pushed to Fu Qiuning's side because of two cats? That woman was very scheming and used to win over people's hearts, if nothing else. At that time, there were two brothers and sisters, Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan, but their mother was kicked out of the village. Can she hate Fu Qiuning any less? But for so long, she has been obeying her orders. If her two children passed by, they would be surrendered by the other party.

Thinking of this, he smiled at Jin Zhenxuan and said: "That's it, it's okay. Parents in the world are always soft-hearted, and they can't compete with you. Why? Isn't it because parents put their children at the top of their hearts? , but the children don’t take their father and mother into their hearts? Okay, okay, just go back and tell your sister to take those two kittens back and raise them. It’s such a big deal, just give me such a formation, Don’t you know that I hate Mr. Fu the most?”

After all, Jin Zhenxuan was still a child. When he heard his mother say this, he immediately became happy. He actually said a few words of apology in his mother's arms, and then ran out to call Jin Xiuzhen back. However, a trace of doubt and worry arose in his heart unknowingly, but he Wherever you can notice, this trace of doubts and worries are quickly forgotten.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, but Jin Fengju never came back. Fortunately, there were military reports coming and going every day. Fu Qiuning sent his servant to inquire and found out that her husband was still safe. Although she worries about it every day, she also knows that there is nothing to talk about in this kind of matter. All she has to take into consideration is family, country and world.

At this time, the people in the city already knew that the Japanese pirates had invaded and massacred two villages. Jin Fengju was furious and ordered all the Japanese defense stations to pursue them with all their strength. He also led a large group of people to shuttle around the coast, looking for traces of the Japanese pirates. Once discovered, they would fight to the end and never retreat. Because of this morale, although the Japanese pirates gathered together and landed on a large scale this time, they were not as able to obtain as many benefits as in previous years. After three days on the shore, thousands of corpses were left in vain. The remaining Japanese pirates hid in this mess and after several encounters, nearly half of them were lost. So the last remaining people, even if they didn't grab any supplies, couldn't wait to return to the sea.

But they never expected that because they hated the ferocity of the Japanese pirates, Jin Fengju mobilized more than 30,000 troops along the coast of Fujian in the name of the anti-Japanese commander-in-chief. Some of them were used to pursue the Japanese pirates, and the other part was used to strictly guard the coastline. It was a good calculation. When these guys are desperate, they will definitely try to return to the sea.

In this way, the Japanese pirates will be trapped on this narrow coastline. Even if a few fish slip through the net and plan to escape to the opposite island on a small sampan, a strong wind will often destroy the boat. Death. Therefore, the remaining Japanese pirates also had red eyes. As the saying goes, they were struggling to the death. The several encounters were unprecedentedly tragic. If Jin Fengju had not issued strict orders this time and personally led several battles, taking the lead every time, I am afraid that These anti-Japanese officers and soldiers, who already had a psychological shadow on the Japanese pirates, turned a blind eye and let those drowned dogs into the sea.

These are all things that happened on the battlefield outside. Fu Qiuning knew nothing in the inner house except for the news that the servant came back from. Fortunately, the situation in the battle report was getting better day by day, and Jin Fengju was always safe, which made her feel a little relieved.

Since Jin Fengju was not at home, the teacher he had originally agreed to hire for the children had been put on hold. Fu Qiuning has nothing to do on weekdays, just checking the homework of several children and sometimes discussing a few words with them. It was only then that the little guys realized that this aunt could not only sing Huangmei Opera, but her talent was also very respectable.

It just so happens that this day is the Qiqiao Festival. It is a folk custom that on this day girls worship the moon and make wishes in the hope that they will be clever and skillful in the future and be loved by their husbands and parents-in-law.